(python3dist(bcrypt) >= 3 with python3dist(bcrypt) < 4) |
(python3dist(eventlet) >= 0.33 with python3dist(eventlet) < 0.34) |
(python3dist(flask-babel) >= 2 with python3dist(flask-babel) < 3) |
(python3dist(flask-compress) >= 1 with python3dist(flask-compress) < 2) |
(python3dist(flask-gravatar) >= 0 with python3dist(flask-gravatar) < 1) |
(python3dist(flask-login) >= 0 with python3dist(flask-login) < 1) |
(python3dist(flask-mail) >= 0 with python3dist(flask-mail) < 1) |
(python3dist(flask-migrate) >= 3 with python3dist(flask-migrate) < 4) |
(python3dist(flask-paranoid) >= 0 with python3dist(flask-paranoid) < 1) |
(python3dist(flask-security-too) >= 4.1 with python3dist(flask-security-too) < 4.2) |
(python3dist(flask-sqlalchemy) >= 2.5 with python3dist(flask-sqlalchemy) < 2.6) |
(python3dist(flask-wtf) >= 1 with python3dist(flask-wtf) < 2) |
(python3dist(gssapi) >= 1.7 with python3dist(gssapi) < 1.8) |
(python3dist(httpagentparser) >= 1.9 with python3dist(httpagentparser) < 1.10) |
(python3dist(ldap3) >= 2 with python3dist(ldap3) < 3) |
(python3dist(passlib) >= 1 with python3dist(passlib) < 2) |
(python3dist(pillow) >= 9 with python3dist(pillow) < 10) |
(python3dist(psutil) >= 5 with python3dist(psutil) < 6) |
(python3dist(psycopg2) >= 2.9 with python3dist(psycopg2) < 2.10) |
(python3dist(pyotp) >= 2 with python3dist(pyotp) < 3) |
(python3dist(python-dateutil) >= 2 with python3dist(python-dateutil) < 3) |
(python3dist(qrcode) >= 7 with python3dist(qrcode) < 8) |
(python3dist(simplejson) >= 3 with python3dist(simplejson) < 4) |
(python3dist(six) >= 1 with python3dist(six) < 2) |
(python3dist(sqlalchemy) >= 1.4 with python3dist(sqlalchemy) < 1.5) |
(python3dist(sqlparse) >= 0 with python3dist(sqlparse) < 1) |
(python3dist(sshtunnel) >= 0 with python3dist(sshtunnel) < 1) |
(python3dist(urllib3) >= 1.26 with python3dist(urllib3) < 1.27) |
(python3dist(wtforms) >= 3 with python3dist(wtforms) < 4) |
autoconf |
automake |
libpng-devel |
libtool |
optipng |
pyproject-rpm-macros |
python3-devel |
python3-devel |
python3-sphinx |
python3dist(authlib) >= 0.15 |
python3dist(azure-identity) >= 1.9 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-rdbms) >= 10.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-resource) >= 21 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-subscription) >= 3 |
python3dist(boto3) >= 1.20 |
python3dist(botocore) >= 1.23 |
python3dist(cryptography) >= 3 |
python3dist(flask) >= 2.1 |
python3dist(flask-socketio) |
python3dist(packaging) |
python3dist(pip) >= 19 |
python3dist(pytz) >= 2021 |
python3dist(requests) >= 2.25 |
python3dist(ua-parser) >= 0.15 |
python3dist(user-agents) = 2.2 |
python3dist(werkzeug) >= 2.1.2 |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(DynamicBuildRequires) <= 4.15.0-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1 |
yarnpkg |
yasm |