(python3dist(azure-common) < 2~~ with python3dist(azure-common) >= 1.1.28) |
(python3dist(azure-core) < 2~~ with python3dist(azure-core) >= 1.28) |
(python3dist(azure-monitor-query) < 2~~ with python3dist(azure-monitor-query) >= 1.2) |
antlr4 |
pyproject-rpm-macros |
pyproject-rpm-macros |
python3-antlr4-runtime |
python3-devel |
python3-devel |
python3-pip |
python3-setuptools |
python3-wheel |
python3dist(applicationinsights) >= 0.11.9 |
python3dist(argcomplete) >= 2 |
python3dist(asn1crypto) >= 0.24 |
python3dist(azure-appconfiguration) = 1.1.1 |
python3dist(azure-batch) = 14.2 |
python3dist(azure-cosmos) = 3.2 |
python3dist(azure-data-tables) = 12.4 |
python3dist(azure-datalake-store) = 0.0.53 |
python3dist(azure-graphrbac) = 0.60 |
python3dist(azure-keyvault-administration) = 4.4~b2 |
python3dist(azure-keyvault-certificates) = 4.7 |
python3dist(azure-keyvault-keys) = 4.9~b3 |
python3dist(azure-keyvault-secrets) = 4.7 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-advisor) = 9 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-apimanagement) = 4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-appconfiguration) = 3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-appcontainers) = 2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-applicationinsights) = 1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-authorization) = 4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-batch) = 17.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-batchai) = 7~b1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-billing) = 6 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-botservice) = 2~b3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-cdn) = 12 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices) = 13.5 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-compute) = 31 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-containerinstance) = 10.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-containerregistry) = 10.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-containerservice) = 31 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-core) = 1.3.2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-cosmosdb) = 9.5.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-databoxedge) = 1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-datamigration) = 10 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-devtestlabs) = 4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-dns) = 8 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-eventgrid) = 10.2~b2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-eventhub) = 10.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-extendedlocation) = 1~b2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-hdinsight) = 9 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-imagebuilder) = 1.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-iotcentral) = 10~b1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-iothub) = 3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices) = 1.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-keyvault) = 10.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-kusto) = 0.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-loganalytics) = 13~b4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-managementgroups) = 1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-maps) = 2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering) = 1.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-media) = 9 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-monitor) = 5 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-msi) = 7 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-netapp) = 10.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-policyinsights) = 1.1~b4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-privatedns) = 1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-rdbms) = 10.2~b17 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-recoveryservices) = 3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup) = 9.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-redhatopenshift) = 1.4 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-redis) = 14.3 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-resource) = 23.1.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-search) = 9 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-security) = 6 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-servicebus) = 8.2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-servicefabric) = 2.1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters) = 2~b6 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-servicelinker) = 1.2~b2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-signalr) = 2~b1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-sql) = 4~b17 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine) = 1~b5 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-storage) = 21.2 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-synapse) = 2.1~b5 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-trafficmanager) = 1 |
python3dist(azure-mgmt-web) = 7.2 |
python3dist(azure-multiapi-storage) = 1.2 |
python3dist(azure-storage-common) = 1.4.2 |
python3dist(azure-synapse-accesscontrol) = 0.5 |
python3dist(azure-synapse-artifacts) = 0.19 |
python3dist(azure-synapse-managedprivateendpoints) = 0.4 |
python3dist(azure-synapse-spark) = 0.2 |
python3dist(bcrypt) >= 3.2 |
python3dist(certifi) |
python3dist(cffi) >= 1.16 |
python3dist(chardet) >= 5.2 |
python3dist(colorama) >= 0.4.6 |
python3dist(distro) >= 1.6 |
python3dist(fabric) >= 3.2.2 |
python3dist(humanfriendly) >= 10 |
python3dist(idna) >= 3.7 |
python3dist(invoke) >= 2.2 |
python3dist(isodate) >= 0.6.1 |
python3dist(javaproperties) >= 0.5.1 |
python3dist(jmespath) >= 0.9.5 |
python3dist(jsondiff) >= 2 |
python3dist(knack) >= 0.11 |
python3dist(msal) >= 1.30 |
python3dist(msal-extensions) >= 1.2 |
python3dist(msal[broker]) >= 1.30 |
python3dist(msrest) >= 0.7.1 |
python3dist(msrestazure) = 0.6.4 |
python3dist(oauthlib) >= 3.2.1 |
python3dist(packaging) |
python3dist(packaging) >= 21.3 |
python3dist(paramiko) >= 2.12 |
python3dist(pbr) >= 5.3.1 |
python3dist(pip) >= 19 |
python3dist(pkginfo) >= 1.8.2 |
python3dist(portalocker) >= 2.3.2 |
python3dist(psutil) >= 5.9.5 |
python3dist(pycomposefile) >= 0.0.30 |
python3dist(pygithub) >= 1.55 |
python3dist(pyjwt) >= 2.4 |
python3dist(pynacl) >= 1.4 |
python3dist(pyopenssl) >= 21 |
python3dist(python-dateutil) >= 2.8 |
python3dist(requests) >= 2.28.2 |
python3dist(requests-oauthlib) >= 1.2 |
python3dist(requests[socks]) >= 2.28.2 |
python3dist(scp) >= 0.13.2 |
python3dist(semver) >= 2.13 |
python3dist(six) >= 1.16 |
python3dist(sshtunnel) >= 0.1.5 |
python3dist(tabulate) >= 0.8.9 |
python3dist(urllib3) >= 1.26.19 |
python3dist(wcwidth) >= 0.1.7 |
python3dist(websocket-client) >= 1.3.1 |
python3dist(xmltodict) >= 0.12 |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(DynamicBuildRequires) <= 4.15.0-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1 |
rpmlib(TildeInVersions) <= 4.10.0-1 |