An open-source library for mathematical programming
An open-source library for mathematical programming.
* Reusable high-performance .nl reader
* Efficient type-safe C++ API for connecting solvers to AMPL and
other systems: source
* Interfaces to solvers supporting AMPL extensions for logic and
constraint programming:
* IBM ILOG CPLEX and CPLEX CP Optimizer (ilogcp)
* Gecode
* JaCoP
* Interfaces to the following solvers:
* LocalSolver
* Sulum
* Interfaces to other solvers via AMPL Solver Library
* Cross-platform build support with CMake and continuous
integration systems. This includes third-party solvers and
libraries (COIN-OR solvers with CMake support are available
in the ampl/coin repository).
* AMPLGSL, an AMPL function library providing access to the GNU
Scientific Library (GSL) functions. See the AMPLGSL
* Database support on Linux and MacOS X. See Database and
spreadsheet connection guide.
* SMPSWriter, a converter from deterministic equivalent of a
two-stage stochastic programming (SP) problem written in AMPL
to an SP problem in SMPS format.