Thu, 05 Dec 2024 02:17:37 UTC | login

Information for build obserware-0.2.9-9.fc40

Package Nameobserware
SummaryAn advanced system monitor utility written in Python and Qt
DescriptionAn advanced system monitor utility written in Python and Qt
Built bydavidlt
State complete
StartedMon, 18 Mar 2024 17:43:19 UTC
CompletedMon, 18 Mar 2024 17:43:19 UTC
obserware-0.2.9-9.fc40.src.rpm (info) (download)
obserware-0.2.9-9.fc40.noarch.rpm (info) (download)
Changelog * Thu Jan 25 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.9-9 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jan 21 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.9-8 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.9-7 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jun 16 2023 Python Maint <> - 0.2.9-6 - Rebuilt for Python 3.12 * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.9-5 - Rebuilt for * Fri Nov 18 2022 Onuralp SEZER <> - 0.2.9-4 - Rebuild for python and updated py deps (fixes RHBZ#2137855) * Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.9-3 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jun 14 2022 Python Maint <> - 0.2.9-2 - Rebuilt for Python 3.11 * Sat Feb 19 2022 Akashdeep Dhar <> - 0.2.9-1 - v0.2.9 - Released on February 19th, 2022 - Find the release here - - Updated Flatpak manifest files according to the updated version tag - Removed the CPU cycles dialog box and the CPU cycles widget list items - Removed the CPU times dialog box and the CPU times widget list items - Removed the dedicated information provider for the CPU cycles and CPU times - Redesigned the performance widget list item to include both CPU cycles and CPU times - Added a performance tabscreen with widget listing for CPU cycles and CPU times - Moved the static CPU information from the information tabscreen to the new tabscreen - Transferred the information provider under the tabscreen hierarchy - Redesigned the information tabscreen to accommodate the limited set of static info - Cleaned up the source code and UI assets for needless UI elements - Reorganized the mainwind operations' methods for better code readability - Fixed the bug where the widget list would scroll back to the top on refresh - Added a manual refresh button in the network tabscreen and partitions tabscreen - Addressed exceptions by logging events of network devices or partitions changes - Changed cursor into a pointing hand when hovering over buttons in the per-process dialog - Optimized imports involving PyQt5 for consistency and better code readability - Added a new status bar at the bottom to express more information about operations - Offloaded logging information interactively to the status bar about manual refreshes - Offloaded logging information interactively to the status bar about device changes - Offloaded logging information interactively to the status bar about process interactions - Reworked methods involving logging to print log texts and return logging strings - Handled exception when obtaining info of a visibly listed but non-existent process - Updated the lock file to keep up with the recent versions of the dependencies - Updated the documentation and the metainfo files with the most recent screenshots - Fixed the newly added screenshot references in the documentation - Fixed the selectability of the elements in the CPU list of the performance tabscreen * Sun Jan 30 2022 Akashdeep Dhar <> - 0.2.8-1 - v0.2.8 - Released on January 30th, 2022 - Find the release here - - Fixed crashes when certain CPU specifications parameters were requested for but were not available - Fixed crashes when certain CPU features parameters were requested for but were not available - Added `Flake8`, `Pytest`, `Pytest-Black`, `Pytest-Isort` and `Pytest-Flake8` as development dependencies - Enhanced contributor experience with `Black`, `Isort` and `Flake8` formatted source code - Reworked project specification to allow for `Black`, `Isort` and `Flake8` code checks, locally and on CI - Added `xmllint` checks for application metainfo file as a CI directive - Replaced multistep code quality check with `Pytest` mediated `Black`, `Isort` and `Flake8` code checks - Updated copyright year in source code files, application metainfo files, CI directive file and interface - Added a new tabscreen for showing storage counters, physical partitions and logical partitions - Added combined statistics reader for the storage counters, physical partitions and logical partitions - Removed dedicated dialog box for storage counters and moved the metrics to the newly added tabscreen - Removed dedicated dialog box for physical partitions and moved the metrics to the newly added tabscreen - Removed dedicated dialog box for logical partitions and moved the metrics to the newly added tabscreen - Removed segregated statistics readers for the storage counters, physical partitions and logical partitions - Deprecated reading of busy time on storage counter statistics - Deprecated reading of maximum filename length and maximum pathname length on physical partitions statistics - Deprecated reading of maximum filename length and maximum pathname length on logical partitions statistics - Reworked widgets for listing of physical partitions and logical partitions on the newly added tabscreen - Removed extra width from the right side of the widgets for the network devices listing - Reworked placeholder/dynamic units for use in displaying file sizes and network speeds correctly - Resize application icon to meet Flatpak requirements - Added manifests and helper files to provision distribution as a Flatpak package