Fri, 26 Apr 2024 21:44:18 UTC | login

Information for build did-0.18-1.fc33

Package Namedid
SummaryWhat did you do last week, month, year?
DescriptionComfortably gather status report data (e.g. list of committed changes) for given week, month, quarter, year or selected date range. By default all available stats for this week are reported.
Built bydavidlt
State complete
StartedTue, 27 Apr 2021 06:32:55 UTC
CompletedTue, 27 Apr 2021 06:32:55 UTC
did-0.18-1.fc33.src.rpm (info) (download)
did-0.18-1.fc33.noarch.rpm (info) (download)
Changelog * Mon Apr 19 2021 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.18-1 - Support custom xmlrpc endpoint for MoinMoin wiki - Adjust the approved merge requests for gitlab - Add search for approved merge requests in gitlab - Enable copr builds from master, simplify tests - Add "no prefix" rule to commit message suggestions - Simplify packit config, enable epel-8 for testing - Do not use interpolation for ConfigParser - Expand tilde in config path values - Fix a typo in the README format section - Update test data for the gerrit plugin - Adjust password file support for jira & confluence - Add password file options for jira and confluence * Mon Jul 13 2020 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.17-1 - Prevent exploring tests under the tmt directory - Run unit tests always under the English locale - Enable basic smoke test against github in packit - Disable test for the redmine plugin - Update test data for the redmine plugin - Update test data for the sentry plugin - Update test data for the gerrit plugin - Use calendar year quarters by default [fix #223] - Merge the improved Jira search [#198] - Adjust improved Jira search using scriptrunner - Use scriptrunner issueFunction to speed up things - Simplify Packit config (copr_build no more needed) - Update test data for the sentry plugin - Implement Jira issue comparison to prevent dupes - Do not break sorting on merge - Add default command into the info log [fix #217] - Enable Python 3.8 in Travis, update metadata * Tue Dec 10 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.16-1 - Convert smoke test into docs test, fix config file - Include a short summary in the help usage message - Enable simple smoke test in the testing farm - Add nitrate back into the package requires - Enable custom tarball in Packit to fix man page - Mention custom plugins config on the plugins page - Enable copr builds and add packit config - Custom eprint() is no more necessary [fix #211] - Convert custom section order to int [fix #212] * Thu Nov 14 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.15-1 - Create a single StatsGroup for 'items' [fix #208] - Google plugin __unicode__ leftover * Tue Oct 29 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.14-2 - Include python3-setuptools in the BuildRequires - Use info level to log problems with plugin import * Tue Oct 22 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.14-1 - Include, use auto build/install, enable tests - Fix 'did --test' when no config is present - Update spec file for Python 3 - Update shebang to explicitly use python3 - Fix mixed tabs and spaces in docs/ - Goodbye Python 2! Thanks and have a good night ;-) - Cleanup built docs directly - Do not remove python's egg when doing the cleanup - Document the custom plugin configuration - A couple of custom plugins feature adjustments - Support for custom plugin location [#160] - Fix typo in the license classifier * Tue Oct 01 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.13-1 - Support for the full file path config [#140] - Add the 'last friday' command [#197] - New plugin with basic confluence support [#199] - Improve redmine documentation [#195] - Add a new 'wip' option for gerrit [#194] - Include project name in gerrit stats [#192] - Fix the configuration examples for gerrit - Simplify Pagure search for created issues - Extended query for verified bugs [fix #189] - Fix for reviewed gerrit changes [#188] - Add gerrit work-in-progress changes [#187] - Fix for gerrit log strings [#186] - Improve gerrit search limit [#185] - Document API key auth for bugzilla [fix #180] - Mock bugzilla module to fix generating docs - Update feedparser requires - Fix for gerrit plugin typo [#179]