Thu, 25 Apr 2024 20:25:45 UTC | login

Information for build fmf-0.11-3.fc33

Package Namefmf
SummaryFlexible Metadata Format
DescriptionThe fmf Python module and command line tool implement a flexible format for defining metadata in plain text files which can be stored close to the source code. Thanks to hierarchical structure with support for inheritance and elasticity it provides an efficient way to organize data into well-sized text documents. This package contains the command line tool.
Built bydavidlt
State complete
StartedThu, 04 Jun 2020 03:47:57 UTC
CompletedThu, 04 Jun 2020 03:47:57 UTC
fmf-0.11-3.fc33.src.rpm (info) (download)
fmf-0.11-3.fc33.noarch.rpm (info) (download)
python3-fmf-0.11-3.fc33.noarch.rpm (info) (download)
Changelog * Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.11-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.9 * Tue Mar 17 2020 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.11-2 - Enable back python2-fmf subpackage for RHEL7 * Fri Feb 14 2020 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.11-1 - Add git to BuildRequires (now required by tests) - Use coveralls to report coverage results - Adjust Tree.node() implementation, extend tests - Get metadata for unique id [fix #67] - Use the fedora-all target in packit config (#72) - Define the full fmf identifier [fix #52] - A minor cleanup of the concept documentation - Always ignore special system directories - Filesystem root and inaccessible dirs [fix #70] - Rename the 'testsets' directory to 'plans' * Wed Oct 30 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.10-1 - Mock is not needed for docs, fix missing new line - Provide a public static method Tree.init() * Wed Oct 09 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.9-1 - Support custom conjunction like 'or' in listed() - Update smoke testset to the latest L2 spec - Fix build conditional default for englocale - Use raw strings for regular expression patterns * Mon Sep 30 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.8-1 - Update spec to build Python 3 packages only - Move unit tests into a separate directory - Move testsets, include a super simple smoke test - Initial set of stories and tests - Enable beakerlib smoke test in the testing farm - Add a simple beakerlib test for command line help - Clean up the docs build folder directly - Enable packit * Fri Jul 26 2019 Petr Šplíchal <> - 0.7-1 - Support both old and new yaml loader - Add advanced python filtering [fix #55] - Drop explicit locale setting during build and install - Drop Python 2 subpackage on Fedora 30+ (#1647798) - Better handle yaml errors [fix #50] - Support reducing attributes using the "-" suffix - Prevent extra new lines in the show() output - Adjust FullLoader to load all strings as unicode - Suppress yaml warnings by specifying the loader - Support Tree.find() for non-leaf nodes as well * Mon Oct 08 2018 Petr Šplíchal <> 0.6-1 - Ignore directories with no metadata defined - Give a nice error when .fmf file exists [fix #37] - Ignore metadata subtrees [fix #43] - Support for direct deep dictionary value retrieval - Separate exception for missing tree root [fix #42] - Move data merging into a separate method [fix #41] - Ensure that data or parent are provided for Tree - Test coverage for yaml syntax and finding root - Do not walk through the whole directory hierarchy - Example typo, handle yaml parse errors [fix #38] - Require the same version of the rpm package * Tue Jun 12 2018 Petr Šplíchal <> 0.5-1 - Add support for subcommands [fix #32] - Define metadata tree root [fix #26] - Enable regular expressions in --filter [fix #35] - Support merging dictionary values as well - Build Python 3 package for pip as well - Add more detailed logging for easier debugging - Correctly handle deep inheritance [fix #31] - Load all strings from YAML files as Unicode - Prevent data modification in filter [fix #30] - Fix inheritance of scattered files [fix #25]