- Fix bug in bootstrap building of tycho-bundles-external.
- Add BR to packages used by Eclipse bundles in bootstrap build.
- Fix ecf bundles in bootstrap repo and add emf bundles.
Tycho's self-packaged Eclipse equinox launcher should be used to to
publish bundles and features as a p2 repository, rather than depending
on Eclipse itself. This will avoid the cyclic dependencies.
When a jar under %%{_javadir} is symlinked, it may clash with other jars
of the same name (eg. multiple core.jar that are osgi bundles).
This is also a non-bootstrap build.
When the path to the plugins/features folder for a set of bundles is
"%%{_datadir}/eclipse/dropins/${name}" (missing the additional eclipse
folder), the linking of its jars will fail.
Automatically create a local p2 repository of all bundles on the system
so that they may be used for local dependency resolution. This is done
using a modified version of Eclipse's copy-platform script.