When %%bootstrap flag is set, Tycho will build without a BR on Eclipse or
Tycho. This can be used to build when these packages are not yet on the
buildroot. This requires a zipped reactor cache containing the
dependencies that would have been provided by Tycho, and Eclipse.
Fedora Eclipse now compiles all JSR14 upstream bundles with a target of
1.5, allowing us to leave in place parts of Tycho code that use those
particular libraries with generics.
When running an Eclipse bundle's tests, Tycho Surefire resolves its
runtime dependencies using a class loader, which is in fact just looking
through Bundle-ClassPath. As a result, it must copy over and include
system jars in its Bundle-ClassPath. We use Fedora system jars to
satisfy these dependencies but even these jars differ slightly in terms
of provided classes.