#!/bin/sh # # syslog-ng starts/stops syslog-ng service # # chkconfig: - 12 88 # description: Syslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log \ # messages to various system log files. # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: $syslog # Required-Start: $local_fs # Required-Stop: $local_fs # Short-Description: Next-generation syslog server # Description: syslog-ng, as the name shows, is a syslogd replacement, but # with new functionality for the new generation. The original syslogd # allows messages only to be sorted based on priority/facility pairs; # syslog-ng adds the possibility to filter based on message contents # using regular expressions. The new configuration scheme is intuitive # and powerful. Forwarding logs over TCP and remembering all forwarding # hops makes it ideal for firewalled environments. ### END INIT INFO # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions [ -e /etc/sysconfig/syslog-ng ] && . /etc/sysconfig/syslog-ng RETVAL=0 check_syntax() { [ -x /sbin/syslog-ng ] || exit 5 syslog-ng -s $SYSLOGNG_OPTIONS RETVAL=$? return $RETVAL } verify_config() { check_syntax RETVAL=$? [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] || exit $retval } checkconfig() { action $"Checking Configuration: " check_syntax } start() { verify_config echo -n $"Starting syslog-ng: " if [ -e $SYSLOGNG_COMPAT_PID ]; then failure "PID file for existing syslog daemon exists" fi daemon syslog-ng $SYSLOGNG_OPTIONS ln -sf $SYSLOGNG_PID $SYSLOGNG_COMPAT_PID RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/syslog-ng return $RETVAL } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping syslog-ng: " REMOVE_COMPAT_PID=0 if [ -e $SYSLOGNG_COMPAT_PID -a $(<$SYSLOGNG_PID) == $(<$SYSLOGNG_COMPAT_PID) ]; then REMOVE_COMPAT_PID=1 fi killproc syslog-ng RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/syslog-ng [ $RETVAL -eq 0 -a $REMOVE_COMPAT_PID -eq 1 ] && rm -f $SYSLOGNG_COMPAT_PID return $RETVAL } reload() { verify_config echo -n $"Reloading syslog-ng: " killproc syslog-ng -HUP RETVAL=$? echo return $RETVAL } restart() { stop start } case "$1" in start|stop|reload) $1 ;; restart|force_reload) restart ;; status) status syslog-ng ;; checkconfig|configtest|check|test) checkconfig ;; condrestart|try-restart) [ -f /var/lock/subsys/syslog-ng ] && restart || : ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|condrestart|checkconfig}" exit 1 esac exit $? # vim: ft=sh:ts=4:ai:si: