Update to 3.0.0; Several updates related to BZ#1063589
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ swig-2.0.0.tar.gz
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
swig - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swig [ options ] " file"
The swig command is used to create wrapper code to connect C and C++ code to
scripting languages like Perl, Python, Tcl etc. from the definition of the
interface. For detailed information on writing those interface definitions
please refer to /usr/share/doc/swig-doc/Doc/Manual/index.html from the swig-doc
This manpage concentrates on explaining the invocation of the swig command.
SWIG was originally created by David Beazley. For up-to-date information
about authors and contributors please check http://www.swig.org/guilty.html.
This manual page was written by Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org> and
updated by Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> (but may be used by
@ -1 +1 @@
c3fb0b2d710cc82ed0154b91e43085a4 swig-2.0.12.tar.gz
9c8278fad527dda4bf38edffe5acc394 swig-3.0.0.tar.gz
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff -up swig-2.0.12/Examples/test-suite/guile/li_std_string_runme.scm.guile swig-2.0.12/Examples/test-suite/guile/li_std_string_runme.scm
--- swig-2.0.12/Examples/test-suite/guile/li_std_string_runme.scm.guile 2014-02-09 15:09:05.000000000 -0700
+++ swig-2.0.12/Examples/test-suite/guile/li_std_string_runme.scm 2014-03-01 08:33:41.343216202 -0700
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
; Note: when working with non-ascii strings in guile 2
; locale must be set explicitly
; The setlocale call below takes care of that
-(setlocale LC_ALL "")
+(setlocale LC_ALL "en_US.utf-8")
(load "../schemerunme/li_std_string.scm")
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
.\" Manpage for swig.
.TH SWIG 1 "2013-05-24"
swig \- Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
.B swig
.RI [ options ] " file"
The swig command is used to create wrapper code to connect C and C++ code
to scripting languages like Perl, Python, Tcl etc. from the definition of
the interface.
For detailed information on writing those interface definitions please
refer to /usr/share/doc/swig-doc-2.0.9/Doc/Manual/index.html from the
swig-doc package.
This manpage concentrates on explaining the invocation of the swig command.
.SS Target Language Options:
.B \-allegrocl
Generate ALLEGROCL wrappers
.B \-chicken
Generate CHICKEN wrappers
.B \-clisp
Generate CLISP wrappers
.B \-cffi
Generate CFFI wrappers
.B \-csharp
Generate C# wrappers
.B \-d
Generate D wrappers
.B \-go
Generate Go wrappers
.B \-guile
Generate Guile wrappers
.B \-java
Generate Java wrappers
.B \-lua
Generate Lua wrappers
.B \-modula3
Generate Modula 3 wrappers
.B \-mzscheme
Generate Mzscheme wrappers
.B \-ocaml
Generate Ocaml wrappers
.B \-octave
Generate Octave wrappers
.B \-perl
Generate Perl wrappers
.B \-php
Generate PHP wrappers
.B \-pike
Generate Pike wrappers
.B \-python
Generate Python wrappers
.B \-r
Generate R (aka GNU S) wrappers
.B \-ruby
Generate Ruby wrappers
.B \-sexp
Generate Lisp S-Expressions wrappers
.B \-tcl
Generate Tcl wrappers
.B \-uffi
Generate Common Lisp / UFFI wrappers
.B \-xml
Generate XML wrappers
.SS General Options:
.B \-addextern
Add extra extern declarations
.B \-c++
Enable C++ processing
.BI "\-co " file
Check \fIfile\fR out of the SWIG library
.B \-copyctor
Automatically generate copy constructors wherever possible
.B \-cpperraswarn
Treat the preprocessor #error statement as #warning (default)
.B \-copyright
Display copyright notices
.B \-debug-classes
Display information about the classes found in the interface
.BI "\-debug-module " n
Display module parse tree at stages 1-4, \fIn\fR is a csv list of stages
.B \-debug-symtabs
Display symbol tables information
.B \-debug-symbols
Display target language symbols in the symbol tables
.B \-debug-csymbols
Display C symbols in the symbol tables
.B \-debug-lsymbols
Display target language layer symbols
.B \-debug-tags
Display information about the tags found in the interface
.B \-debug-template
Display information for debugging templates
.BI "\-debug-top " n
Display entire parse tree at stages 1-4, \fIn\fR is a csv list of stages
.B \-debug-typedef
Display information about the types and typedefs in the interface
.B \-debug-typemap
Display typemap debugging information
.B \-debug-tmsearch
Display typemap search debugging information
.B \-debug-tmused
Display typemaps used debugging information
.B \-directors
Turn on director mode for all the classes, mainly for testing
.B \-dirprot
Turn on wrapping of protected members for director classes (default)
.BI \-D symbol
Define a symbol \fIsymbol\fR (for conditional compilation)
.B \-E
Preprocess only, does not generate wrapper code
.B \-external-runtime [file]
Export the SWIG runtime stack
.BI "\-fakeversion " v
Make SWIG fake the program version number to \fIv\fR
.B \-fcompact
Compile in compact mode
.BI "\-features " list
Set global features, where \fIlist\fR is a comma separated list of
features, eg -features directors,autodoc=1
If no explicit value is given to the feature, a default of 1 is used
.B \-fastdispatch
Enable fast dispatch mode to produce faster overload dispatcher code
.B \-Fmicrosoft
Display error/warning messages in Microsoft format
.B \-Fstandard
Display error/warning messages in commonly used format
.B \-fvirtual
Compile in virtual elimination mode
.B \-help
This output
.B \-I-
Don't search the current directory
.BI \-I dir
Look for SWIG files in directory \fIdir\fR
.B \-ignoremissing
Ignore missing include files
.B \-importall
Follow all #include statements as imports
.B \-includeall
Follow all #include statements
.BI \-l ifile
Include SWIG library file \fIifile\fR
.B \-macroerrors
Report errors inside macros
.B \-makedefault
Create default constructors/destructors (the default)
.B \-M
List all dependencies
.B \-MD
Is equivalent to \(cq\&-M -MF \fIfile\fR\(cq\&, except \(cq\&-E\(cq\& is not implied
.BI "\-MF " file
Generate dependencies into \fIfile\fR and continue generating wrappers
.B \-MM
List dependencies, but omit files in SWIG library
.B \-MMD
Like \(cq\&-MD\(cq\&, but omit files in SWIG library
.BI "\-module " name
Set module name to \fIname\fR
.B \-MP
Generate phony targets for all dependencies
.BI "\-MT " target
Set the target of the rule emitted by dependency generation
.B \-nocontract
Turn off contract checking
.B \-nocpperraswarn
Do not treat the preprocessor #error statement as #warning
.B \-nodefault
Do not generate default constructors nor default destructors
.B \-nodefaultctor
Do not generate implicit default constructors
.B \-nodefaultdtor
Do not generate implicit default destructors
.B \-nodirprot
Do not wrap director protected members
.B \-noexcept
Do not wrap exception specifiers
.B \-nofastdispatch
Disable fast dispatch mode (default)
.B \-nopreprocess
Skip the preprocessor step
.B \-notemplatereduce
Disable reduction of the typedefs in templates
.B \-O
Enable the optimization options:
-fastdispatch -fvirtual
.BI "\-o " outfile
Set name of the output file to \fIoutfile\fR
.B "\-oh " headfile
Set name of the output header file to \fIheadfile\fR
.B \-outcurrentdir
Set default output dir to current dir instead of input file's path
.BI "\-outdir " dir
Set language specific files output directory to \fIdir\fR
.B \-pcreversion
Display PCRE version information
.B \-small
Compile in virtual elimination & compact mode
.B \-swiglib
Report location of SWIG library and exit
.B \-templatereduce
Reduce all the typedefs in templates
.B \-v
Run in verbose mode
.B \-version
Display SWIG version number
.B \-Wall
Remove all warning suppression, also implies -Wextra
.B \-Wallkw
Enable keyword warnings for all the supported languages
.B \-Werror
Treat warnings as errors
.B \-Wextra
Adds the following additional warnings: 202,309,403,512,321,322
.BI \-w list
Suppress/add warning messages, eg -w401,+321
see Warnings.html
.B "\-xmlout " file
Write XML version of the parse tree to \fIfile\fR after normal processing
.SS Tcl 8 Options (available with -tcl)
.B \-itcl
Enable ITcl support
.B \-nosafe
Leave out SafeInit module function.
.BI "\-prefix " name
Set a prefix \fIname\fR to be prepended to all names
.B \-namespace
Build module into a Tcl 8 namespace
.B \-pkgversion
Set package version
Note: 'swig -\fIlang\fR -help' displays options for a specific target language.
SWIG was originally created by David Beazley. For up-to-date information
about authors and contributors please check http://www.swig.org/guilty.html.
This manual page was written by Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org> and
updated by Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> (but may be used by others).
@ -1,46 +1,69 @@
# We can skip tests
%bcond_without testsuite
%{!?tcl:%define tcl 1}
%{!?guile:%define guile 1}
%{!?tcl:%global tcl 1}
%{!?guile:%global guile 1}
%{!?lualang:%global lualang 1}
%{!?rubylang:%global rubylang 1}
%{!?javalang:%global javalang 1}
%ifarch %{arm}
%{!?golang:%global golang 0}
%{!?golang:%global golang 1}
%if 0%{?rhel}
%{!?octave:%define octave 0}
%{!?octave:%global octave 0}
%{!?Rlang:%global Rlang 0}
%{!?octave:%define octave 1}
%{!?octave:%global octave 1}
%{!?Rlang:%global Rlang 1}
Summary: Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
Name: swig
Version: 2.0.12
Version: 3.0.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv3+ and BSD
Group: Development/Tools
URL: http://swig.sourceforge.net/
Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/swig/swig/swig-%{version}/swig-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: swig.1
# Upstream patch to fix guile locale
# https://github.com/swig/swig/pull/139/files
Patch0: swig-guile.patch
# Define the part of man page sections
Source1: description.h2m
Patch1: swig207-setools.patch
# Fix the failure on arch x390 during testing
Patch2: swig-2.0.10-Fix-x390-build.patch
BuildRequires: perl, python-devel, pcre-devel
BuildRequires: perl, python2-devel, pcre-devel
BuildRequires: autoconf, automake, gawk, dos2unix
BuildRequires: help2man
BuildRequires: perl-devel
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More)
BuildRequires: boost-devel
%if %{tcl}
BuildRequires: tcl-devel
%if %{guile}
BuildRequires: guile-devel
BuildRequires: autoconf, automake, gawk, dos2unix
%if %{octave}
BuildRequires: octave-devel
# Tests
BuildRequires: perl-devel
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More)
BuildRequires: boost-devel
%if %{golang}
BuildRequires: golang
%if %{lualang}
BuildRequires: lua-devel
%if %{rubylang}
BuildRequires: ruby-devel
%if %{Rlang}
BuildRequires: R-devel
%if %{javalang}
BuildRequires: java, java-devel
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) is a software
@ -63,7 +86,6 @@ This package contains documentation for SWIG and useful examples
%setup -q -n swig-%{version}
%patch0 -p1 -b .guile
%patch1 -p1 -b .setools
%patch2 -p1 -b .x390
@ -77,7 +99,7 @@ done
# Disable maximum compile warnings when octave is supported, because Octave
# code produces lots of the warnings demanded by strict ISO C and ISO C++.
# code produces lots of the warnings demanded by strict ISO C and ISO C++.
# It causes that log had more then 600M.
%configure \
%if %{octave}
@ -98,12 +120,12 @@ make clean-examples
pushd Examples/
# Remove all arch dependent files in Examples/
find -type f -name 'Makefile.in' | xargs rm -f --
find -type f -name 'Makefile.in' -delete -print
# We don't want to ship files below.
rm -rf test-suite
find -type f -name '*.dsp' | xargs rm -f --
find -type f -name '*.dsw' | xargs rm -f --
find -type f -name '*.dsp' -delete -print
find -type f -name '*.dsw' -delete -print
# Convert files to UNIX format
for all in `find -type f`; do
@ -114,23 +136,47 @@ popd
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
# Add man page for swig
# Use help output for generating of man page
echo "Options:" >help_output
%{buildroot}%{_bindir}/swig --help >>help_output
# Update the output to be correctly formatted be help2man
sed -i -e 's/^\(\s\+-[^-]\+\)- \(.*\)$/\1 \2/' help_output
sed -i -e 's/^\(\s\+-\w\+-[^-]*\)- \(.*\)$/\1 \2/' help_output
# Generate a helper script that will be used by help2man
cat >h2m_helper <<'EOF'
[ "$1" == "--version" ] && echo "" || cat help_output
chmod a+x h2m_helper
# Generate man page
help2man -N --section 1 ./h2m_helper --include %{SOURCE1} -o %{name}.1
# Add man page for swig to repository
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/
install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/
gzip %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/$(basename %{SOURCE1})
install -p -m 0644 %{name}.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/
%files doc
* Thu Mar 20 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.0.0-1
- Update to 3.0.0
- Update BRs to run tests for Java, Ruby, Lua, R, Go
- Replace %%define by %%global (BZ#1063589)
- Remove Group tag (BZ#1063589)
- Generate man page from help to have the correct list of options
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.0.12-1
- Update to 2.0.12
- A patch to fix guile locale
Reference in New Issue
Block a user