Name: slashem Version: 0.0.8 Release: 0.10.E0F1%{?dist} Summary: Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic Group: Amusements/Games License: NGPL URL: Source0: Source1: %{name}.desktop Patch0: slashem-config.patch # fix building with libpng 1.5 Patch1: slashem-libpng-1.5.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: ncurses-devel BuildRequires: bison, flex, desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: bdftopcf, libX11-devel, libXaw-devel, libXext-devel BuildRequires: libXmu-devel, libXpm-devel, libXt-devel BuildRequires: SDL-devel libGL-devel libpng-devel zlib-devel # to compress save files Requires: bzip2 # for X11 core fonts Requires: nethack-bitmap-fonts-core %global fa_var /var/games/%{name} %global fa_save /var/games/%{name}/save %global fa_share %{_datadir}/games/%{name} %global fa_unshare %{_libdir}/games/%{name} %global fa_doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-%{version} %description From the land before 3DFX, before VGA graphics and DOOM, before the IBM PC, way back in the dark ages of Unixland, there was a game. They called it Rogue. People played it, and found it good. From this basis, Hack was born. Soon Hack became Nethack, because it was developed by many people (and has nothing to do with hacking the internet). And people played this on many machines, from Unices to Macs to PCs, due to the amazing power of Open Source Code. But the DevTeam, the reclusive masterminds of Nethack, are a rather quiet bunch, gracing the world with new versions as they see fit, and when they see fit. Which is usually a new version every good number of years. And there was much gnashing of teeth. But because of the Freely Available Source Code Phenomenon, people began making their own versions of Nethack to tide themselves between magical releases. SLASH'EM is the (continuing) saga of one such variant... %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}E0F1 %patch0 -p 1 -b .config %patch1 -p 1 -b .libpng sed -i \ -e 's:^\(#define FILE_AREA_VAR\).*:\1 "%{fa_var}/":' \ -e 's:^\(#define FILE_AREA_SAVE\).*:\1 "%{fa_save}/":' \ -e 's:^\(#define FILE_AREA_SHARE\).*:\1 "%{fa_share}/":' \ -e 's:^\(#define FILE_AREA_UNSHARE\).*:\1 "%{fa_unshare}/":' \ -e 's:^\(#define FILE_AREA_DOC\).*:\1 "%{fa_doc}/":' \ include/unixconf.h for f in *.txt ; do iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 $f >$f.conv touch -r $f $f.conv mv $f.conv $f done %build export LIBXAW_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include" export LIBXAW_LIBS="$(pkg-config --libs xaw7)" %configure \ --enable-tty-graphics \ --enable-x11-graphics \ --enable-sdl-graphics \ --enable-gl-graphics \ --enable-data-librarian \ --enable-sinks \ --enable-reincarnation \ --enable-zouthern \ --enable-score-on-botl \ --enable-wizmode=games # smp_mflags fails make \ FILE_AREA_VAR=%{fa_var} \ FILE_AREA_SAVE=%{fa_save} \ FILE_AREA_SHARE=%{fa_share} \ FILE_AREA_UNSHARE=%{fa_unshare} \ FILE_AREA_DOC=%{fa_doc} \ SHELLDIR=%{_bindir} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \ FILE_AREA_VAR=%{buildroot}%{fa_var} \ FILE_AREA_SAVE=%{buildroot}%{fa_save} \ FILE_AREA_SHARE=%{buildroot}%{fa_share} \ FILE_AREA_UNSHARE=%{buildroot}%{fa_unshare} \ FILE_AREA_DOC=%{buildroot}%{fa_doc} \ SHELLDIR=%{buildroot}%{_bindir} \ CHOWN=/bin/true \ CHGRP=/bin/true install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6 make -C doc MANDIR=%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6 manpages sed -i \ -e 's!%{buildroot}!!g' \ -e '/XUSERFILE/s!\$HACKDIR!%{fa_share}!' \ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/slashem mv %{buildroot}%{fa_unshare}/recover %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/slashem-recover mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6/recover.6 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6/slashem-recover.6 rm %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6/[^s]* sed -i -e 's:^!\(SlashEM.tile_file.*\):\1:' %{buildroot}%{fa_share}/ install -D -p -m 0644 win/X11/nh_icon.xpm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/slashem.xpm desktop-file-install \ --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \ --add-category X-Fedora \ --add-category Application \ --add-category Game \ %{SOURCE1} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc history.txt doc/*.txt README.34 readme.* slamfaq.txt dat/license dat/history %{_bindir}/slashem %{_bindir}/slashem-recover %{fa_share} %dir %{fa_unshare} %{fa_unshare}/nhushare %{_mandir}/man6/* %{_datadir}/applications/slashem.desktop %{_datadir}/pixmaps/slashem.xpm %defattr(0664,root,games) %config(noreplace) %{fa_var}/logfile %config(noreplace) %{fa_var}/perm %config(noreplace) %{fa_var}/record %attr(0775,root,games) %dir %{fa_var} %attr(0775,root,games) %dir %{fa_var}/save %attr(2755,root,games) %{fa_unshare}/slashem %changelog * Fri Feb 15 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.8-0.10.E0F1 - Rebuilt for * Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.8-0.9.E0F1 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jan 15 2012 Iain Arnell 0.0.8-0.8.E0F1 - fix build against libpng 1.5 * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.8-0.7.E0F1 - Rebuilt for * Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.8-0.6.E0F1 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.8-0.5.E0F1 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jul 19 2009 Iain Arnell 0.0.8-0.4.E0F1 - require nethack-bitmap-fonts-core, not nethack anymore * Mon Jul 06 2009 Iain Arnell 0.0.8-0.3.E0F1 - don't install fonts - require nethack instead * Wed Jun 10 2009 Iain Arnell 0.0.8-0.2.E0F1 - additional requires for scriptlets - only run preun for final uninstall * Thu May 21 2009 Iain Arnell 0.0.8-0.1.E0F1 - initial packaging