Guenther Deschner 93d8f4633c Change release number.
2008-03-05 20:41:59 +00:00

1874 lines
65 KiB

%define samba_version 3.2.0pre2
%define tdb_version 1.1.1
%define talloc_version 1.2.0
Summary: The Samba Suite of programs
Name: samba
Epoch: 0
Version: 3.2.0
Release: 2.pre2.0%{?dist}
License: GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+
Group: System Environment/Daemons
#TAG: change for non-pre
# Red Hat specific replacement-files
Source1: samba.log
Source2: samba.xinetd
Source3: swat.desktop
Source4: samba.sysconfig
Source5: smb.init
Source6: samba.pamd
Source7: smbprint
Source8: winbind.init
Source9: smb.conf.default
Source10: nmb.init
Source11: pam_winbind.conf
# Don't depend on Net::LDAP
# upstream patches. Applied first so that they'll break our patches rather
# than the other way around
# (none right now)
# generic patches
Patch102: samba-3.2.0pre1-pipedir.patch
#Patch103: samba-3.0.23-logfiles.patch
Patch104: samba-3.0.0rc3-nmbd-netbiosname.patch
# The passwd part has been applied, but not the group part
Patch107: samba-3.2.0pre1-grouppwd.patch
#Patch108: samba-3.0.8-non-ascii-domain.patch
Patch110: samba-3.0.21pre1-smbspool.patch
Patch111: samba-3.0.13-smbclient.patch
Patch200: samba-3.0.25rc1-inotifiy.patch
patch202: samba-3.2.0pre1-buildfix.patch
Patch203: samba-3.2.0pre2-build_fixes.patch
Patch204: samba-3.2.0pre2-libnetapi_fix.diff
Requires(pre): samba-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: pam >= 0:0.64
Requires: logrotate >= 0:3.4
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/service
Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/service
BuildRequires: pam-devel, readline-devel, ncurses-devel, libacl-devel, krb5-devel, openldap-devel, openssl-devel, cups-devel
BuildRequires: autoconf, gawk, popt-devel, gtk2-devel
# Working around perl dependency problem from docs
%define __perl_requires %{SOURCE999}
Samba is the suite of programs by which a lot of PC-related machines
share files, printers, and other information (such as lists of
available files and printers). The Windows NT, OS/2, and Linux
operating systems support this natively, and add-on packages can
enable the same thing for DOS, Windows, VMS, UNIX of all kinds, MVS,
and more. This package provides an SMB/CIFS server that can be used to
provide network services to SMB/CIFS clients.
Samba uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) protocols and does NOT
need the NetBEUI (Microsoft Raw NetBIOS frame) protocol.
%package client
Summary: Samba client programs
Group: Applications/System
Requires: samba-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: smbfs
%description client
The samba-client package provides some SMB/CIFS clients to complement
the built-in SMB/CIFS filesystem in Linux. These clients allow access
of SMB/CIFS shares and printing to SMB/CIFS printers.
%package common
Summary: Files used by both Samba servers and clients
Requires: libtdb >= 0:%{tdb_version}
Requires: libtalloc >= 0:%{talloc_version}
Group: Applications/System
Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/groupadd
Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/service, coreutils
Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/service
%description common
Samba-common provides files necessary for both the server and client
packages of Samba.
%package swat
Summary: The Samba SMB server Web configuration program
Group: Applications/System
Requires: samba = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}, xinetd
%description swat
The samba-swat package includes the new SWAT (Samba Web Administration
Tool), for remotely managing Samba's smb.conf file using your favorite
Web browser.
%package doc
Summary: Documentation for the Samba suite
Group: Documentation
Requires: samba-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description doc
The samba-doc package includes all the non-manpage documentation for the
Samba suite.
%package domainjoin-gui
Summary: Domainjoin GUI
Group: Applications/System
Requires: samba-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}, gtk2
%description domainjoin-gui
The samba-domainjoin-gui package includes a domainjoin gtk application.
%package -n libsmbclient
Summary: The SMB client library
Group: Applications/System
%description -n libsmbclient
The libsmbclient contains the SMB client library from the Samba suite.
%package -n libsmbclient-devel
Summary: Developer tools for the SMB client library
Group: Development
Requires: libsmbclient = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description -n libsmbclient-devel
The libsmbclient-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed to
develop programs that link against the SMB client library in the Samba suite.
%package -n libtdb
Summary: The TDB library and tools
Group: Applications/System
Version: %{tdb_version}
%description -n libtdb
The TDB library from the Samba suite.
%package -n tdb-tools
Summary: The TDB tools
Group: Applications/System
Version: %{tdb_version}
Requires: libtdb = %{epoch}:%{tdb_version}-%{release}
%description -n tdb-tools
Some TDB tools from the Samba suite.
%package -n libtdb-devel
Summary: Developer tools for the TDB library
Group: Development
Version: %{tdb_version}
Requires: libtdb = %{epoch}:%{tdb_version}-%{release}
%description -n libtdb-devel
The libtdb-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed to
develop programs that link against the TDB library in the Samba suite.
%package -n libtalloc
Summary: The talloc library
Group: Applications/System
Version: %{talloc_version}
%description -n libtalloc
The talloc library from the Samba suite.
%package -n libtalloc-devel
Summary: Developer tools for the talloc library
Group: Development
Version: %{talloc_version}
Requires: libtalloc = %{epoch}:%{talloc_version}-%{release}
%description -n libtalloc-devel
The libtalloc-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed to
develop programs that link against the talloc library in the Samba suite.
# TAG: change for non-pre
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{samba_version}
#%setup -q
# copy Red Hat specific scripts
mkdir packaging/Fedora
cp packaging/RHEL/setup/smbusers packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE5} packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE6} packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE7} packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE8} packaging/Fedora/winbind.init
cp %{SOURCE9} packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE10} packaging/Fedora/
cp %{SOURCE11} packaging/Fedora/
# Upstream patches
# generic patches
%patch102 -p1 -b .pipedir
#%patch103 -p1 -b .logfiles
#%patch104 -p1 -b .nmbd-netbiosname # FIXME: does not apply
%patch107 -p1 -b .grouppwd
#%patch108 -p1 -b .non-ascii-domain
%patch110 -p1 -b .smbspool
#%patch111 -p1 -b .smbclient # FIXME: does not apply
#%patch200 -p0 -b .inotify # FIXME: does not compile
%patch203 -p1 -b .build_fixes
%patch204 -p1 -b .libnetapi
mv source/VERSION source/VERSION.orig
sed -e 's/SAMBA_VERSION_VENDOR_SUFFIX=$/&\"%{release}\"/' < source/VERSION.orig > source/VERSION
cd source
cd ..
#Remove smbldap-tools, they are already packaged separately in Fedora
rm -fr examples/LDAP/smbldap-tools-*/
cd source
%ifarch i386 sparc
%ifarch ia64
#libtoolize --copy --force # get it to recognize IA-64
--with-dnsupdate \
--with-ads \
--with-acl-support \
--with-automount \
--with-dnsupdate \
--with-libsmbclient \
--with-libsmbsharemodes \
--with-mmap \
--with-pam \
--with-pam_smbpass \
--with-quotas \
--with-sendfile-support \
--with-syslog \
--with-utmp \
--with-vfs \
--with-winbind \
--without-smbwrapper \
--with-lockdir=/var/lib/samba \
--with-piddir=/var/run \
--with-mandir=%{_mandir} \
--with-privatedir=/var/lib/samba/private \
--with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba \
--with-libdir=%{_libdir}/samba \
--with-configdir=%{_sysconfdir}/samba \
--with-pammodulesdir=%{_lib}/security \
--with-swatdir=%{_datadir}/swat \
# --with-cluster-support \
# --with-aio-support \
make LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{samba_version}/source/bin \
all nsswitch/ modules test_pam_modules test_nss_modules test_shlibs
make LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{samba_version}/source/bin \
-C lib/netapi/examples
debug2html smbfilter
( cd client ; gcc -o mount.cifs $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -Wall -O -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE mount.cifs.c )
( cd client ; gcc -o umount.cifs $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -Wall -O -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE umount.cifs.c )
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/{sbin,bin}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_initrddir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/{pam.d,logrotate.d,security}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/security
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba/private
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba/scripts
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/samba/old
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/spool/samba
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/swat/using_samba
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/run/winbindd
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
cd source
%makeinstall \
LOCKDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba \
PRIVATEDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba \
LIBDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba \
CONFIGDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba \
VARDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/samba \
SWATDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/swat \
SAMBABOOK=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/swat/using_samba \
cd ..
# Install other stuff
install -m644 packaging/Fedora/smb.conf.default $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/smb.conf
install -m755 source/script/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install -m644 packaging/Fedora/smbusers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbusers
install -m755 packaging/Fedora/smbprint $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install -m755 packaging/Fedora/smb.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/smb
install -m755 packaging/Fedora/nmb.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/nmb
install -m755 packaging/Fedora/winbind.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/winbind
install -m644 packaging/Fedora/pam_winbind.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/security
#ln -s ../..%{_initrddir}/smb $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/samba
install -m644 packaging/Fedora/samba.pamd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/samba
install -m644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/samba
echo localhost > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/lmhosts
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openldap/schema
install -m644 examples/LDAP/samba.schema $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openldap/schema/samba.schema
# winbind
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/
ln -sf /%{_lib}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/
ln -sf /%{_lib}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
# libraries {
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
# talloc
cd source/lib/talloc
# just to get the correct .pc file generated
./ && ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir}
cd ../../..
# tdb
cd source/lib/tdb
# just to get the correct .pc file generated
./ && ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir}
cd ../../..
# make install puts libraries in the wrong place
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libsmbclient.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/pkgconfig/smbclient.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/smbclient.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
#install -m 644 source/bin/libsmbclient.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbclient.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/pkgconfig/smbsharemodes.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/smbsharemodes.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libnetapi.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/pkgconfig/netapi.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/netapi.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libtalloc.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/lib/talloc/talloc.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/talloc.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libtdb.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/lib/tdb/tdb.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/tdb.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libwbclient.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
install -m 644 source/pkgconfig/wbclient.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/wbclient.pc
ln -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
/sbin/ldconfig -n $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
# }
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d
install -m644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/swat
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -m644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/samba
install -m755 source/client/mount.cifs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mount.cifs
install -m755 source/client/umount.cifs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/umount.cifs
install -m 755 source/lib/netapi/examples/bin/netdomjoin-gui $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/netdomjoin-gui
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}
install -m 644 source/lib/netapi/examples/netdomjoin-gui/samba.ico $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}/samba.ico
install -m 644 source/lib/netapi/examples/netdomjoin-gui/logo.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}/logo.png
install -m 644 source/lib/netapi/examples/netdomjoin-gui/logo-small.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}/logo-small.png
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/editreg.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/log2pcap.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/smbsh.1*
#rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/smbget.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/smbgetrc.5*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/vfstest.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/testprns.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/smbmount.8*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/smbmnt.8*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/smbumount.8*
# why are these getting installed in the wrong place?
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/{u,}mount.cifs
/sbin/chkconfig --add smb
/sbin/chkconfig --add nmb
if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
/sbin/service smb condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/sbin/service nmb condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
exit 0
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
/sbin/service smb stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/sbin/service nmb stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/sbin/chkconfig --del smb
/sbin/chkconfig --del nmb
exit 0
%pre common
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 88 wbpriv >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%post common
/sbin/chkconfig --add winbind
# This script must be run always on installs or upgrades
# it checks if a previous installation have created files
# under /var/cache/samba and move them in that case as the
# new package wants them to be under /var/lib/samba for
# FHS compliance
# - we must stop the dameon if running and restart it
# after the script if it was
# - we do not overwrite newer files
# - even if /etc/init.d/smb is in samba and not
# samba-common we need to stop smbd/nmbd, if they
# are running, here as well, or we will mess up
# shared (between winbindd and smbd/nmbd) tdbs
eval ls $OLDPATH/*.tdb >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
eval testparm -s 2>/dev/null |grep "lock dir" >/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: lock dir explicitly set. Not moving tdb files to new default location"
#Stop daemons before we move the files around
#this is what condrestart checks as well
if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/winbindd ]; then
/sbin/service winbind stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# Use a dirty trick to fool condrestart later
touch /var/lock/subsys/winbindd
if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/smb ]; then
/sbin/service smb stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# We need to stop smbd here as we are moving also smbd owned files
# but we can't restart it until the new server is installed.
# Use a dirty trick to fool condrestart later
touch /var/lock/subsys/smb
if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/nmb ]; then
/sbin/service nmb stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# We need to stop smbd here as we are moving also smbd owned files
# but we can't restart it until the new server is installed.
# Use a dirty trick to fool condrestart later
touch /var/lock/subsys/nmb
eval ls $NEWPATH/*.tdb >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
#something strange here, lets backup this stuff and avoid just wiping it
mkdir $NEWPATH.pkgbkp
mv -f $NEWPATH/*.tdb $NEWPATH.pkgbkp/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $NEWPATH/*.dat $NEWPATH.pkgbkp/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $NEWPATH/perfmon $NEWPATH.pkgbkp/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $NEWPATH/printing $NEWPATH.pkgbkp/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $OLDPATH/*.tdb $NEWPATH/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $OLDPATH/*.dat $NEWPATH/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $OLDPATH/perfmon $NEWPATH/ >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f $OLDPATH/printing $NEWPATH/ >/dev/null 2>&1
# We also moved private files from /etc/samba to
# /var/lib/samba/private so we need to migrate these as well
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/secrets.tdb ]; then
eval testparm -s 2>/dev/null |grep "private dir" >/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: private dir explicitly set. Not moving secrets.tdb to new default location"
if [ -f /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb ]; then
mv -f /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb.old
mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/secrets.tdb /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbpasswd ]; then
eval testparm -s 2>/dev/null |grep "smb passwd file" >/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: smbpasswd file location explicitly set. Not moving smbpasswd to new default location"
if [ -f /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd ]; then
mv -f /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd.old
mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbpasswd /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/passdb.tdb ]; then
eval testparm -s 2>/dev/null |grep "private dir" >/dev/null || testparm -s 2>/dev/null |grep -P "^\s*passdb\s*backend\s*=.*tdbsam:/etc/samba/passdb.tdb.*"
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: passdb.tdb location explicitly set. Not moving passdb.tdb to new default location"
if [ -f /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb ]; then
mv -f /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb.old
mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/passdb.tdb /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb
#remove schannel_store if existing, it is not info we need to keep across restarts
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/schannel_store.tdb ]; then
rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/samba/schannel_store.tdb
if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
/sbin/service winbind condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%preun common
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
/sbin/service winbind stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/sbin/chkconfig --del winbind
exit 0
%postun common
%post -n libsmbclient
%postun -n libsmbclient
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbusers
%attr(755,root,root) %{_initrddir}/smb
%attr(755,root,root) %{_initrddir}/nmb
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/samba
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/samba
%attr(1777,root,root) %dir /var/spool/samba
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/openldap/schema
%doc examples/autofs examples/LDAP examples/libsmbclient examples/misc examples/printer-accounting
%doc examples/printing
%doc docs/registry
%files swat
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/swat
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/samba/*.msg
%files client
%files common
%attr(755,root,root) /%{_lib}/security/
%dir %{_libdir}/samba
%dir /var/lib/samba
%attr(700,root,root) %dir /var/lib/samba/private
%dir /var/run/winbindd
%attr(750,root,wbpriv) %dir /var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged
%dir /var/lib/samba/scripts
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smb.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/lmhosts
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/samba
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/pam_winbind.conf
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/samba
%attr(0700,root,root) %dir /var/log/samba
%attr(0700,root,root) %dir /var/log/samba/old
%doc README COPYING Manifest
%doc WHATSNEW.txt Roadmap
%files doc
%doc docs/REVISION docs/Samba3-Developers-Guide.pdf docs/Samba3-ByExample.pdf
%doc docs/Samba3-HOWTO.pdf docs/THANKS docs/history
%doc docs/htmldocs
%files -n libsmbclient
%files -n libsmbclient-devel
%files -n libtalloc
%files -n libtalloc-devel
%files -n libtdb
%files -n libtdb-devel
%files -n tdb-tools
%files domainjoin-gui
%dir %{_datadir}/pixmaps/samba
* Wed Mar 05 2008 Guenther Deschner <> - 3.2.0-1pre2.3
- Update to 3.2.0pre2
- Add talloc and tdb lib and devel packages
- Add domainjoin-gui package
* Fri Feb 22 2008 Simo Sorce <> - 3.2.0-0.pre1.3
- Try to fix GCC 4.3 build
- Add --with-dnsupdate flag and also make sure other flags are required just to
be sure the features are included without relying on autodetection to be
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0:3.2.0-1.pre1.2
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Tue Dec 04 2007 Release Engineering <rel-eng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.2.0-0.pre1.2
- Rebuild for openldap bump
* Thu Oct 18 2007 Guenther Deschner <> 3.2.0-0.pre1.1.fc9
- 32/64bit padding fix (affects multilib installations)
* Wed Oct 8 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.2.0-0.pre1.fc9
- New major relase, minor switched from 0 to 2
- License change, the code is now GPLv3+
- Numerous improvements and bugfixes included
- package libsmbsharemodes too
- remove smbldap-tools as they are already packaged separately in Fedora
- Fix bug 245506
* Tue Oct 2 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.26a-1.fc8
- rebuild with AD DNS Update support
* Tue Sep 11 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.26a-0.fc8
- upgrade to the latest upstream realease
- includes security fixes released today in 3.0.26
* Tue Aug 24 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.25c-4.fc8
- add fix reported upstream for heavy idmap_ldap memleak
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.25c-3.fc8
- fix a few places were "open" is used an interfere with the new glibc
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.25c-2.fc8
- remove old source
- add patch to fix samba bugzilla 4772
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Guenther Deschner <> 3.0.25c-0.fc8
- update to 3.0.25c
* Tue Jun 29 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.25b-3.fc8
- handle cases defined in #243766
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.25b-2.fc8
- update to 3.0.25b
- better error codes for init scripts: #244823
* Tue May 29 2007 Günther Deschner <>
- fix pam_smbpass patch.
* Fri May 25 2007 Simo Sorce <>
- update to 3.0.25a as it contains many fixes
- add a fix for pam_smbpass made by Günther but committed upstream after 3.0.25a was cut.
* Mon May 14 2007 Simo Sorce <>
- final 3.0.25
- includes security fixes for CVE-2007-2444,CVE-2007-2446,CVE-2007-2447
* Mon Apr 30 2007 Günther Deschner <>
- move to 3.0.25rc3
* Thu Apr 19 2007 Simo Sorce <>
- fixes in the spec file
- moved to 3.0.25rc1
- addedd patches (merged upstream so they will be removed in 3.0.25rc2)
* Wed Apr 4 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-12.fc7
- fixes in smb.conf
- advice in smb.conf to put scripts in /var/lib/samba/scripts
- create /var/lib/samba/scripts so that selinux can be happy
- fix Vista problems with msdfs errors
* Tue Apr 03 2007 Guenther Deschner <> 3.0.24-11.fc7
- enable PAM and NSS dlopen checks during build
- fix unresolved symbols in (bug #198230)
* Fri Mar 30 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-10.fc7
- set passdb backend = tdbsam as default in smb.conf
- remove samba-docs dependency from swat, that was a mistake
- put back COPYING and other files in samba-common
- put examples in samba not in samba-docs
- leave only stuff under docs/ in samba-doc
* Thu Mar 29 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-9.fc7
- integrate most of merge review proposed changes (bug #226387)
- remove libsmbclient-devel-static and simply stop shipping the
static version of smbclient as it seem this is deprecated and
actively discouraged
* Wed Mar 28 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-8.fc7
- fix for bug #176649
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Simo Sorce <>
- remove patch for bug 106483 as it introduces a new bug that prevents
the use of a credentials file with the smbclient tar command
- move the samba private dir from being the same as the config dir
(/etc/samba) to /var/lib/samba/private
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-7.fc7
- make winbindd start earlier in the init process, at the same time
ypbind is usually started as well
- add a sepoarate init script for nmbd called nmb, we need to be able
to restart nmbd without dropping al smbd connections unnecessarily
* Fri Mar 23 2007 Simo Sorce <>
- add samba.schema to /etc/openldap/schema
* Thu Mar 22 2007 Florian La Roche <>
- adjust the Requires: for the scripts, add "chkconfig --add smb"
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-6.fc7
- do not put comments inline on smb.conf options, they may be read
as part of the value (for example log files names)
* Mon Mar 19 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-5.fc7
- actually use the correct samba.pamd file not the old samba.pamd.stack file
- fix logifles and use upstream convention of log.* instead of our old *.log
Winbindd creates its own log.* files anyway so we will be more consistent
- install our own (enhanced) default smb.conf file
- Fix pam_winbind acct_mgmt PAM result code (prevented local users from
logging in). Fixed by Guenther.
- move some files from samba to samba-common as they are used with winbindd
as well
* Fri Mar 16 2007 Guenther Deschner <> 3.0.24-4.fc7
- fix arch macro which reported Vista to Samba clients.
* Thu Mar 15 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-3.fc7
- Directories reorg, tdb files must go to /var/lib, not
to /var/cache, add migration script in %%post common
- Split out libsmbclient, devel and doc packages
- Remove libmsrpc.[h|so] for now as they are not really usable
- Remove kill -HUP from rotate, samba use -HUP for other things
noit to reopen logs
* Tue Feb 20 2007 Simo Sorce <> 3.0.24-2.fc7
- New upstream release
- Fix packaging issue wrt idmap modules used only by smbd
- Addedd Vista Patchset for compatibility with Windows Vista
- Change default of "msdfs root", it seem to cause problems with
some applications and it has been proposed to change it for
3.0.25 upstream
* Fri Sep 1 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23c-2
- New upstream release.
* Tue Aug 8 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23b-2
- New upstream release.
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23a-3
- Fix the -logfiles patch to close
bz#199607 Samba compiled with wrong log path.
bz#199206 smb.conf has incorrect log file path
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23a-2
- Upgrade to new upstream 3.0.23a
- include upstream samr_alias patch
* Tue Jul 11 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23-2
- New upstream release.
- Use modified from packaging/RHEL/setup/
to get rid of bogus dependency on perl(Unicode::MapUTF8)
- Update the -logfiles and -smb.conf patches to work with 3.0.23
* Thu Jul 6 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.23-0.RC3
- New upstream RC release.
- Update the -logfiles, and -passwd patches for
- Include the change to smb.init from Bastien Nocera <>)
to close
bz#182560 Wrong retval for initscript when smbd is dead
- Update this spec file to build with 3.0.23rc3
- Remove the -install.mount.smbfs patch, since we don't install
mount.smbfs any more.
* Wed Jun 14 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 2.0.21c-3
- rebuilt with new gnutls
* Fri Mar 17 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 2.0.21c-2
- New upstream version.
* Mon Feb 13 2006 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.21b-2
- New upstream version.
- Since the rawhide kernel has dropped support for smbfs, remove smbmount
and smbumount. Users should use mount.cifs instead.
- Upgrade to 3.0.21b
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0:3.0.20b-2.1.1
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <>
- rebuilt
* Mon Nov 13 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.20b-2
- turn on -DLDAP_DEPRECATED to allow access to ldap functions that have
been depricated in 2.3.11, but which don't have well-documented
replacements (ldap_simple_bind_s(), for example).
- Upgrade to 3.0.20b, which includes all the previous upstream patches.
- Updated the -warnings patch for 3.0.20a.
- Include --with-shared-modules=idmap_ad,idmap_rid to close
bz#156810 --with-shared-modules=idmap_ad,idmap_rid
- Include the new samba.pamd from Tomas Mraz ( to close
bz#170259 pam_stack is deprecated
* Sun Nov 13 2005 Warren Togami <> 3.0.20-3
- epochs from deps, req exact release
- rebuild against new openssl
* Mon Aug 22 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.20-2
- New upstream release
Includes five upstream patches -bug3010_v1, -groupname_enumeration_v3,
-regcreatekey_winxp_v1, -usrmgr_groups_v1, and -winbindd_v1
This obsoletes the -pie and -delim patches
the -warning and -gcc4 patches are obsolete too
The -man, -passwd, and -smbspool patches were updated to match 3.0.20pre1
Also, the -quoting patch was implemented differently upstream
There is now a umount.cifs executable and manpage
We run as part of the build phase
The testprns command is now gone
libsmbclient now has a man page
- Include -bug106483 patch to close
bz#106483 smbclient: -N negates the provided password, despite documentation
- Added the -warnings patch to quiet some compiler warnings.
- Removed many obsolete patches from CVS.
* Mon May 2 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.14a-2
- New upstream release.
- the -64bit-timestamps, -clitar, -establish_trust, user_rights_v1,
winbind_find_dc_v2 patches are now obsolete.
* Thu Apr 7 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.13-2
- New upstream release
- add my -quoting patch, to fix swat with strings that contain
html meta-characters, and to use correct quote characters in
lists, closing bz#134310
- include the upstream winbindd_2k3sp1 patch
- include the -smbclient patch.
- include the -hang patch from upstream.
* Thu Mar 24 2005 Florian La Roche <>
- add a "exit 0" to the postun of the main samba package
* Wed Mar 2 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 3.0.11-5
- rebuild with openssl-0.9.7e
* Thu Feb 24 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.11-4
- Use the updated file, so we don't accidentally
pick up a dependency on perl(Crypt::SmbHash)
* Fri Feb 18 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.11-3
- add -gcc4 patch to compile with gcc 4.
- remove the now obsolete -smbclient-kerberos.patch
- Include four upstream patches from
(Slightly modified the winbind_find_dc_v2 patch to apply easily with
* Fri Feb 4 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.11-2
- include -smbspool patch to close bz#104136
* Wed Jan 12 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.10-4
- Update the -man patch to fix ntlm_auth.1 too.
- Move to the -common package, so both the 32
and 64-bit versions will be installed on multiarch platforms.
This closes bz#143617
- Added new -delim patch to fix mount.cifs so it can accept
passwords with commas in them (via environment or credentials
file) to close bz#144198
* Wed Jan 12 2005 Tim Waugh <> 3.0.10-3
- Rebuilt for new readline.
* Fri Dec 17 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.10-2
- New upstream release that closes CAN-2004-1154 bz#142544
- Include the -64bit patch from Nalin. This closes bz#142873
- Update the -logfiles patch to work with 3.0.10
- Create /var/run/winbindd and make it part of the -common rpm to close
* Mon Nov 22 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.9-2
- New upstream release. This obsoletes the -secret patch.
Include my changetrustpw patch to make "net ads changetrustpw" stop
aborting. This closes #134694
- Remove obsolete triggers for ancient samba versions.
- Move /var/log/samba to the -common rpm. This closes #76628
- Remove the hack needed to get around the bad docs files in the
3.0.8 tarball.
- Change the comment in winbind.init to point at the correct pidfile.
This closes #76641
* Mon Nov 22 2004 Than Ngo <> 3.0.8-4
- fix unresolved symbols in libsmbclient which caused applications
such as KDE's konqueror to fail when accessing smb:// URLs. #139894
* Thu Nov 11 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-3.1
- Rescue the install.mount.smbfs patch from Juanjo Villaplana
( to prevent building the srpm from trashing your
installed /usr/bin/smbmount
* Tue Nov 9 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-3
- Include the corrected docs tarball, and use it instead of the
obsolete docs from the upstream 3.0.8 tarball.
- Update the logfiles patch to work with the updated docs.
* Mon Nov 8 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-2
- New upstream version fixes CAN-2004-0930. This obsoletes the
disable-sendfile, salt, signing-shortkey and fqdn patches.
- Add my <> ugly non-ascii-domain patch.
- Updated the pie patch for 3.0.8.
- Updated the logfiles patch for 3.0.8.
* Tue Oct 26 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-0.pre2
- New upstream version
- Add Nalin's signing-shortkey patch.
* Tue Oct 19 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-0.pre1.3
- disable the -salt patch, because it causes undefined references in
libsmbclient that prevent gnome-vfs from building.
* Fri Oct 15 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-0.pre1.2
- Re-enable the x_fclose patch that was accidentally disabled
in 3.0.8-0.pre1.1. This closes #135832
- include Nalin's -fqdn and -salt patches.
* Wed Oct 13 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-0.pre1.1
- Include disable-sendfile patch to default "use sendfile" to "no".
This closes #132779
* Wed Oct 6 2004 Jay Fenlason <>
- Include patch from Steven Lawrance ( that modifies
smbmnt to work with 32-bit uids.
* Mon Sep 27 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.8-0.pre1
- new upstream release. This obsoletes the ldapsam_compat patches.
* Wed Sep 15 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.7-4
- Update docs section to not carryover the docs/manpages directory
This moved many files from /usr/share/doc/samba-3.0.7/docs/* to
- Modify spec file as suggested by Rex Dieter (
to correctly create and to use %%_initrddir instead
of rolling our own. This closes #132642
- Add patch to default "use sendfile" to no, since sendfile appears to
be broken
- Add patch from Volker Lendecke <> to help make
ldapsam_compat work again.
- Add patch from "Vince Brimhall" <> for ldapsam_compat
These two patches close bugzilla #132169
* Mon Sep 13 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.7-3
- Upgrade to 3.0.7, which fixes CAN-2004-0807 CAN-2004-0808
This obsoletes the 3.0.6-schema patch.
- Update BuildRequires line to include openldap-devel openssl-devel
and cups-devel
* Mon Aug 16 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.6-3
- New upstream version.
- Include post 3.0.6 patch from "Gerald (Jerry) Carter" <>
to fix a duplicate in the LDAP schema.
- Include 64-bit timestamp patch from Ravikumar (
to allow correct timestamp handling on 64-bit platforms and fix #126109.
- reenable the -pie patch. Samba is too widely used, and too vulnerable
to potential security holes to disable an important security feature
like -pie. The correct fix is to have the toolchain not create broken
executables when programs compiled -pie are stripped.
- Remove obsolete patches.
- Modify this spec file to put libsmbclient.{a,so} in the right place on
x86_64 machines.
* Wed Aug 5 2004 Jason Vas Dias <> 3.0.5-3
- Removed '-pie' patch - 3.0.5 uses -fPIC/-PIC, and the combination
- resulted in executables getting corrupt stacks, causing smbmnt to
- get a SIGBUS in the mount() call (bug 127420).
* Fri Jul 30 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.5-2
- Upgrade to 3.0.5, which is a regression from 3.0.5pre1 for a
security fix.
- Include the 3.0.4-backport patch from the 3E branch. This restores
some of the 3.0.5pre1 and 3.0.5rc1 functionality.
* Tue Jul 20 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.5-0.pre1.1
- Backport base64_decode patche to close CAN-2004-0500
- Backport hash patch to close CAN-2004-0686
- use_authtok patch from Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- smbclient-kerberos patch from Alexander Larsson <>
- passwd patch uses "*" instead of "x" for "hashed" passwords for
accounts created by winbind. "x" means "password is in /etc/shadow" to
brain-damaged pam_unix module.
* Fri Jul 2 2004 Jay Fenlason <>
- New upstream version
- use %% { SOURCE1 } instead of a hardcoded path
- include -winbind patch from Gerald (Jerry) Carter (
to make winbindd work against Windows versions that do not have
128 bit encryption enabled.
- Moved %%{_bindir}/net to the -common package, so that folks who just
want to use winbind, etc don't have to install -client in order to
"net join" their domain.
- New upstream version obsoletes the patches added in 3.0.3-5
- Remove smbgetrc.5 man page, since we don't ship smbget.
* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Tue May 4 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.3-5
- Patch to allow password changes from machines patched with
Microsoft hotfix MS04-011.
- Include patches for
* Thu Apr 29 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.3-4
- Samba 3.0.3 released.
* Wed Apr 21 2004 jay Fenlason <> 3.0.3-3.rc1
- New upstream version
- updated spec file to make executable. This closes
bugzilla #121356
* Mon Apr 5 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.3-2.pre2
- New upstream version
- Updated configure line to remove --with-fhs and to explicitly set all
the directories that --with-fhs was setting. We were overriding most of
them anyway. This closes #118598
* Mon Mar 15 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.3-1.pre1
- New upstream version.
- Updated -pie and -logfiles patches for 3.0.3pre1
- add krb5-devel to buildrequires, fixes #116560
- Add patch from Miloslav Trmac ( to allow non-root to run
"service smb status". This fixes #116559
* Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Mon Feb 16 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.2a-1
- Upgrade to 3.0.2a
* Mon Feb 16 2004 Karsten Hopp <> 3.0.2-7
- fix ownership in -common package
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Jay Fenlason <>
- Change all requires lines to list an explicit epoch. Closes #102715
- Add an explicit Epoch so that %%{epoch} is defined.
* Mon Feb 9 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.2-5
- New upstream version: 3.0.2 final includes security fix for #114995
- Edit postun script for the -common package to restart winbind when
appropriate. Fixes bugzilla #114051.
* Mon Feb 2 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.2-3rc2
- add %%dir entries for %%{_libdir}/samba and %%{_libdir}/samba/charset
- Upgrade to new upstream version
- build mount.cifs for the new cifs filesystem in the 2.6 kernel.
* Mon Jan 19 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.2-1rc1
- Upgrade to new upstream version
* Wed Dec 17 2003 Felipe Alfaro Solana <> 3.0.1-1
- Update to 3.0.1
- Removed testparm patch as it's already merged
- Removed Samba.7* man pages
- Fixed .buildroot patch
- Fixed .pie patch
- Added new /usr/bin/tdbdump file
* Thu Sep 25 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.0-15
- New 3.0.0 final release
- merge nmbd-netbiosname and testparm patches from 3E branch
- updated the -logfiles patch to work against 3.0.0
- updated the pie patch
- update the VERSION file during build
- use make -j if avaliable
- merge the winbindd_privileged change from 3E
- merge the "rm /usr/lib" patch that allows Samba to build on 64-bit
platforms despite the broken Makefile
* Mon Aug 18 2003 Jay Fenlason <>
- Merge from samba-3E-branch after samba-3.0.0rc1 was released
* Wed Jul 23 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 3.0.0-3beta3
- Merge from 3.0.0-2beta3.3E
- (Correct log file names (#100981).)
- (Fix pidfile directory in samab.log)
- (Remove obsolete samba-3.0.0beta2.tar.bz2.md5 file)
- (Move libsmbclient to the -common package (#99449))
* Tue Jun 22 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 2.2.8a-4
- rebuild
* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Wed May 28 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 2.2.8a-2
- add for gnome-vfs-extras
- Edit specfile to specify /var/run for pid files
- Move /tmp/.winbindd/socket to /var/run/winbindd/socket
* Wed May 14 2003 Florian La Roche <>
- add proper ldconfig calls
* Thu Apr 24 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 2.2.8a-1
- upgrade to 2.2.8a
- remove old .md5 files
- add "pid directory = /var/run" to the smb.conf file. Fixes #88495
- Patch from to fix a delete-on-close regression
* Mon Mar 24 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 2.2.8-0
- Upgrade to 2.2.8
- removed commented out patches.
- removed old patches and .md5 files from the repository.
- remove duplicate /sbin/chkconfig --del winbind which causes
warnings when removing samba.
- Fixed minor bug in smbprint that causes it to fail when called with
more than 10 parameters: the accounting file (and spool directory
derived from it) were being set wrong due to missing {}. This closes
bug #86473.
- updated smb.conf patch, includes new defaults to close bug #84822.
* Mon Feb 24 2003 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Thu Feb 20 2003 Jonathan Blandford <> 2.2.7a-5
- remove swat.desktop file
* Thu Feb 20 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 2.2.7a-4
- relink with SHLD="%%{__cc} -lnsl" to force to
link with libnsl, avoiding unresolved symbol errors on functions in libnsl
* Mon Feb 10 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 2.2.7a-3
- edited spec file to put .so files in the correct directories
on 64-bit platforms that have 32-bit compatability issues
(sparc64, x86_64, etc). This fixes bugzilla #83782.
- Added samba-2.2.7a-error.patch from twaugh. This fixes
bugzilla #82454.
* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <>
- rebuilt
* Thu Jan 9 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 2.2.7a-1
- Update to 2.2.7a
- Change default printing system to CUPS
- Turn on pam_smbpass
- Turn on msdfs
* Sat Jan 4 2003 Jeff Johnson <> 2.2.7-5
- use internal dep generator.
* Sat Dec 14 2002 Tim Powers <> 2.2.7-4
- don't use rpms internal dep generator
* Mon Dec 02 2002 Elliot Lee <> 2.2.7-3
- Fix missing doc files.
- Fix multilib issues
* Wed Nov 20 2002 Bill Nottingham <> 2.2.7-2
- update to 2.2.7
- add patch for LFS in smbclient (<>)
* Wed Aug 28 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsød <> 2.2.5-10
- logrotate fixes (#65007)
* Mon Aug 26 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-9
- /usr/lib was used in place of %%{_libdir} in three locations (#72554)
* Mon Aug 5 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-8
- Initscript fix (#70720)
* Fri Jul 26 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-7
- Enable VFS support and compile the "recycling" module (#69796)
- more selective includes of the examples dir
* Tue Jul 23 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-6
- Fix the lpq parser for better handling of LPRng systems (#69352)
* Tue Jul 23 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-5
- desktop file fixes (#69505)
* Wed Jun 26 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-4
- Enable ACLs
* Tue Jun 25 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-3
- Make it not depend on Net::LDAP - those are doc files and examples
* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild
* Thu Jun 20 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.5-1
- 2.2.5
* Fri Jun 14 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.4-5
- Move the post/preun of winbind into the -common subpackage,
where the script is (#66128)
* Tue Jun 4 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.4-4
- Fix pidfile locations so it runs properly again (2.2.4
added a new directtive - #65007)
* Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild
* Tue May 14 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.4-2
- Fix #64804
* Thu May 9 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.4-1
- 2.2.4
- Removed some zero-length and CVS internal files
- Make it build
* Wed Apr 10 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3a-6
- Don't use /etc/samba.d in smbadduser, it should be /etc/samba
* Thu Apr 4 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3a-5
- Add libsmbclient.a w/headerfile for KDE (#62202)
* Tue Mar 26 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3a-4
- Make the logrotate script look the correct place for the pid files
* Thu Mar 14 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 2.2.3a-3
- include interfaces.o in, which needs symbols from interfaces.o
(patch posted to samba-list by Ilia Chipitsine)
* Thu Feb 21 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3a-2
- Rebuild
* Thu Feb 7 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3a-1
- 2.2.3a
* Mon Feb 4 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.3-1
- 2.2.3
* Thu Nov 29 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-8
- New pam configuration file for samba
* Tue Nov 27 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-7
- Enable PAM session controll and password sync
* Tue Nov 13 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-6
- Move winbind files to samba-common. Add separate initscript for
- Fixes for winbind - protect global variables with mutex, use
more secure getenv
* Thu Nov 8 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-5
- Teach smbadduser about "getent passwd"
- Fix more pid-file references
- Add (conditional) winbindd startup to the initscript, configured in
* Wed Nov 7 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-4
- Fix pid-file reference in logrotate script
- include pam and nss modules for winbind
* Mon Nov 5 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-3
- Add "--with-utmp" to configure options (#55372)
- Include winbind,, rpcclient and smbcacls
- start using /var/cache/samba, we need to keep state and there is
more than just locks involved
* Sat Nov 03 2001 Florian La Roche <> 2.2.2-2
- add "reload" to the usage string in the startup script
* Mon Oct 15 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.2-1
- 2.2.2
* Tue Sep 18 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <> 2.2.1a-5
- Add patch from Jeremy Allison to fix IA64 alignment problems (#51497)
* Mon Aug 13 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Don't include smbpasswd in samba, it's in samba-common (#51598)
- Add a disabled "obey pam restrictions" statement - it's not
active, as we use encrypted passwords, but if the admin turns
encrypted passwords off the choice is available. (#31351)
* Wed Aug 8 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Use /var/cache/samba instead of /var/lock/samba
- Remove "domain controller" keyword from smb.conf, it's
deprecated (from #13704)
- Sync some examples with smb.conf.default
- Fix password synchronization (#16987)
* Fri Jul 20 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Tweaks of BuildRequires (#49581)
* Wed Jul 11 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- 2.2.1a bugfix release
* Tue Jul 10 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- 2.2.1, which should work better for XP
* Sat Jun 23 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- 2.2.0a security fix
- Mark lograte and pam configuration files as noreplace
* Fri Jun 22 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Add the /etc/samba directory to samba-common
* Thu Jun 21 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Add improvements to the smb.conf as suggested in #16931
* Tue Jun 19 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
(these changes are from the non-head version)
- Don't include /usr/sbin/samba, it's the same as the initscript
- unset TMPDIR, as samba can't write into a TMPDIR owned
by root (#41193)
- Add pidfile: lines for smbd and nmbd and a config: line
in the initscript (#15343)
- don't use make -j
- explicitly include /usr/share/samba, not just the files in it
* Tue Jun 19 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- mount.smb/mount.smbfs go in /sbin, *not* %%{_sbindir}
* Fri Jun 8 2001 Preston Brown <>
- enable encypted passwords by default
* Thu Jun 7 2001 Helge Deller <>
- build as 2.2.0-1 release
- skip the documentation-directories docbook, manpages and yodldocs
- don't include *.sgml documentation in package
- moved codepage-directory to /usr/share/samba/codepages
- make it compile with glibc-2.2.3-10 and kernel-headers-2.4.2-2
* Mon May 21 2001 Helge Deller <>
- updated to samba 2.2.0
- moved codepages to %%{_datadir}/samba/codepages
- use all available CPUs for building rpm packages
- use %%{_xxx} defines at most places in spec-file
- "License:" replaces "Copyright:"
- dropped excludearch sparc
- de-activated japanese patches 100 and 200 for now
(they need to be fixed and tested wth 2.2.0)
- separated swat.desktop file from spec-file and added
german translations
- moved /etc/sysconfig/samba to a separate source-file
- use htmlview instead of direct call to netscape in
* Mon May 7 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- device-remove security fix again (<>)
* Fri Apr 20 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix tempfile security problems, officially (<>)
- update to 2.0.8
* Sun Apr 8 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- turn of SSL, kerberos
* Thu Apr 5 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix tempfile security problems (patch from <>)
* Thu Mar 29 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix quota support, and quotas with the 2.4 kernel (#31362, #33915)
* Mon Mar 26 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- tweak the PAM code some more to try to do a setcred() after initgroups()
- pull in all of the optflags on i386 and sparc
- don't explicitly enable Kerberos support -- it's only used for password
checking, and if PAM is enabled it's a no-op anyway
* Mon Mar 5 2001 Tim Waugh <>
- exit successfully from preun script (bug #30644).
* Fri Mar 2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- rebuild in new environment
* Wed Feb 14 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- updated japanese stuff (#27683)
* Fri Feb 9 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix trigger (#26859)
* Wed Feb 7 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- add i18n support, japanese patch (#26253)
* Wed Feb 7 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- i18n improvements in initscript (#26537)
* Wed Jan 31 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- put smbpasswd in samba-common (#25429)
* Wed Jan 24 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- new i18n stuff
* Sun Jan 21 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- rebuild
* Thu Jan 18 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- i18n-ize initscript
- add a sysconfig file for daemon options (#23550)
- clarify smbpasswd man page (#23370)
- build with LFS support (#22388)
- avoid extraneous pam error messages (#10666)
- add Urban Widmark's bug fixes for smbmount (#19623)
- fix setgid directory modes (#11911)
- split swat into subpackage (#19706)
* Wed Oct 25 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- set a default CA certificate path in smb.conf (#19010)
- require openssl >= 0.9.5a-20 to make sure we have a ca-bundle.crt file
* Mon Oct 16 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix swat only_from line (#18726, others)
- fix attempt to write outside buildroot on install (#17943)
* Mon Aug 14 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- add smbspool back in (#15827)
- fix absolute symlinks (#16125)
* Sun Aug 6 2000 Philipp Knirsch <>
- bugfix for smbadduser script (#15148)
* Mon Jul 31 2000 Matt Wilson <>
- patch (patch11) to disable cups test
- turn off swat by default
* Fri Jul 28 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix condrestart stuff
* Fri Jul 21 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- add copytruncate to logrotate file (#14360)
- fix init script (#13708)
* Sat Jul 15 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- move initscript back
- remove 'Using Samba' book from %%doc
- move stuff to /etc/samba (#13708)
- default configuration tweaks (#13704)
- some logrotate tweaks
* Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <>
- automatic rebuild
* Tue Jul 11 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix logrotate script (#13698)
* Thu Jul 6 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix initscripts req (prereq /etc/init.d)
* Wed Jul 5 2000 Than Ngo <>
- add initdir macro to handle the initscript directory
- add a new macro to handle /etc/pam.d/system-auth
* Thu Jun 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- enable Kerberos 5 and SSL support
- patch for duplicate profile.h headers
* Thu Jun 29 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix init script
* Tue Jun 27 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- rename samba logs (#11606)
* Mon Jun 26 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscript munging
* Fri Jun 16 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- configure the swat stuff usefully
- re-integrate some specfile tweaks that got lost somewhere
* Thu Jun 15 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- rebuild to get rid of cups dependency
* Wed Jun 14 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- tweak logrotate configurations to use the PID file in /var/lock/samba
* Sun Jun 11 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- rebuild in new environment
* Thu Jun 1 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- change PAM setup to use system-auth
* Mon May 8 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fixes for ia64
* Sat May 6 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- switch to %%configure
* Wed Apr 26 2000 Nils Philippsen <>
- version 2.0.7
* Sun Mar 26 2000 Florian La Roche <>
- simplify preun
* Thu Mar 16 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix yp_get_default_domain in autoconf
- only link against readline for smbclient
- fix log rotation (#9909)
* Fri Feb 25 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix trigger, again.
* Mon Feb 7 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix trigger.
* Fri Feb 4 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- turn on quota support
* Mon Jan 31 2000 Cristian Gafton <>
- rebuild to fox dependencies
- man pages are compressed
* Fri Jan 21 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- munge post scripts slightly
* Wed Jan 19 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- turn on mmap again. Wheee.
- ship smbmount on alpha
* Mon Dec 6 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- turn off mmap. ;)
* Wed Dec 1 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- change /var/log/samba to 0700
- turn on mmap support
* Thu Nov 11 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.6
* Fri Oct 29 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a %%defattr for -common
* Tue Oct 5 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- shift some files into -client
- remove /home/samba from package.
* Tue Sep 28 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscript oopsie. killproc <name> -HUP, not other way around.
* Sat Sep 26 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- script cleanups. Again.
* Wed Sep 22 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a patch to fix dropped reconnection attempts
* Mon Sep 6 1999 Jeff Johnson <>
- use cp rather than mv to preserve /etc/services perms (#4938 et al).
- use mktemp to generate /etc/tmp.XXXXXX file name.
- add prereqs on sed/mktemp/killall (need to move killall to /bin).
- fix trigger syntax (i.e. "samba < 1.9.18p7" not "samba < samba-1.9.18p7")
* Mon Aug 30 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- sed "s|nawk|gawk|" /usr/bin/convert_smbpasswd
* Sat Aug 21 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix typo in mount.smb
* Fri Aug 20 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a %%trigger to work around (sort of) broken scripts in
previous releases
* Mon Aug 16 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscript munging
* Mon Aug 9 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add domain parsing to mount.smb
* Fri Aug 6 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a -common package, shuffle files around.
* Fri Jul 23 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a chmod in %%postun so /etc/services & inetd.conf don't become unreadable
* Wed Jul 21 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.5
- fix mount.smb - smbmount options changed again.........
- fix postun. oops.
- update some stuff from the samba team's spec file.
* Fri Jun 18 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- split off clients into separate package
- don't run samba by default
* Mon Jun 14 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix one problem with mount.smb script
- fix smbpasswd on sparc with a really ugly kludge
* Thu Jun 10 1999 Dale Lovelace <>
- fixed logrotate script
* Tue May 25 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- turn of 64-bit locking on 32-bit platforms
* Thu May 20 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- so many releases, so little time
- explicitly uncomment 'printing = bsd' in sample config
* Tue May 18 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.4a
- fix mount.smb arg ordering
* Fri Apr 16 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- go back to stop/start for restart (-HUP didn't work in testing)
* Fri Mar 26 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a mount.smb to make smb mounting a little easier.
- smb filesystems apparently don't work on alpha. Oops.
* Thu Mar 25 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- always create codepages
* Tue Mar 23 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- logrotate changes
* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 3)
* Fri Mar 19 1999 Preston Brown <>
- updated init script to use graceful restart (not stop/start)
* Tue Mar 9 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.3
* Thu Feb 18 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.2
* Mon Feb 15 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- swat swat
* Tue Feb 9 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix bash2 breakage in post script
* Fri Feb 5 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.0.0
* Mon Oct 12 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- make sure all binaries are stripped
* Thu Sep 17 1998 Jeff Johnson <>
- update to 1.9.18p10.
- fix %%triggerpostun.
* Tue Jul 07 1998 Erik Troan <>
- updated postun triggerscript to check $0
- clear /etc/codepages from %%preun instead of %%postun
* Mon Jun 08 1998 Erik Troan <>
- made the %%postun script a tad less agressive; no reason to remove
the logs or lock file (after all, if the lock file is still there,
samba is still running)
- the %%postun and %%preun should only exectute if this is the final
- migrated %%triggerpostun from Red Hat's samba package to work around
packaging problems in some Red Hat samba releases
* Sun Apr 26 1998 John H Terpstra <>
- minor tidy up in preparation for release of 1.9.18p5
- added findsmb utility from SGI package
* Wed Mar 18 1998 John H Terpstra <>
- Updated version and codepage info.
- Release to test name resolve order
* Sat Jan 24 1998 John H Terpstra <>
- Many optimisations (some suggested by Manoj Kasichainula <>
- Use of chkconfig in place of individual symlinks to /etc/rc.d/init/smb
- Compounded make line
- Updated smb.init restart mechanism
- Use compound mkdir -p line instead of individual calls to mkdir
- Fixed smb.conf file path for log files
- Fixed smb.conf file path for incoming smb print spool directory
- Added a number of options to smb.conf file
- Added smbadduser command (missed from all previous RPMs) - Doooh!
- Added smbuser file and smb.conf file updates for username map