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# The RubyGems root folder.
%gem_dir %{_datadir}/gems
2013-04-30 14:39:52 +02:00
%gem_archdir %{_libdir}/gems
# Common gem locations and files.
%gem_instdir %{gem_dir}/gems/%{gem_name}-%{version}
2013-04-30 14:39:52 +02:00
%gem_extdir_mri %{gem_archdir}/%{name}/%{gem_name}-%{version}
%gem_libdir %{gem_instdir}/lib
%gem_cache %{gem_dir}/cache/%{gem_name}-%{version}.gem
%gem_spec %{gem_dir}/specifications/%{gem_name}-%{version}.gemspec
%gem_docdir %{gem_dir}/doc/%{gem_name}-%{version}
2016-10-21 12:36:39 +02:00
# %gem_install - Install gem into appropriate directory.
# Usage: %gem_install [options]
# -n <gem_file> Overrides gem file name for installation.
# -d <install_dir> Set installation directory.
%gem_install(d:n:) \
mkdir -p %{-d*}%{!?-d:.%{gem_dir}} \
CONFIGURE_ARGS="--with-cflags='%{optflags}' $CONFIGURE_ARGS" \\\
gem install \\\
-V \\\
--local \\\
2016-01-05 10:58:10 +01:00
--build-root %{-d*}%{!?-d:.} \\\
--force \\\
--document=ri,rdoc \\\
%{-n*}%{!?-n:%{gem_name}-%{version}.gem} \
2016-10-21 12:36:39 +02:00
# For rubygems packages we want to filter out any provides caused by private
# libs in %%{gem_archdir}.
# Note that this must be invoked in the spec file, preferably as
# "%{?rubygems_default_filter}", before any %description block.
%rubygems_default_filter %{expand: \
%global __provides_exclude_from %{?__provides_exclude_from:%{__provides_exclude_from}|}^%{gem_extdir_mri}/.*\\\\.so$ \
2016-10-21 12:36:39 +02:00
# The 'read' command in gemspec_add _depand gemspec_remove_dep macros is not
# essential, but it is usefull to make the sript appear in build log.
2016-10-21 12:36:39 +02:00
# %gemspec_add_dep - Add dependency into .gemspec.
# Usage: %gemspec_add_dep -g <gem> [options] [requirements]
# Add dependency named <gem> to .gemspec file. The macro adds runtime
# dependency by default. The [requirements] argument can be used to specify
# the dependency constraints more precisely. It is expected to be valid Ruby
# code.
# -s <gemspec_file> Overrides the default .gemspec location.
# -d Add development dependecy.
%gemspec_add_dep(g:s:d) \
read -d '' gemspec_add_dep_script << 'EOR' || : \
gemspec_file = '%{-s*}%{!?-s:./%{gem_name}.gemspec}' \
name = '%{-g*}' \
requirements = %{*}%{!?1:nil} \
type = :%{!?-d:runtime}%{?-d:development} \
spec = Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file) \
abort("#{gemspec_file} is not accessible.") unless spec \
dep = spec.dependencies.detect { |d| d.type == type && == name } \
if dep \
dep.requirement.concat requirements \
else \
spec.public_send "add_#{type}_dependency", name, requirements \
end \
File.write gemspec_file, spec.to_ruby \
echo "$gemspec_add_dep_script" | ruby \
unset -v gemspec_add_dep_script \
2016-10-21 12:36:39 +02:00
# %gemspec_remove_dep - Remove dependency from .gemspec.
# Usage: %gemspec_remove_dep -g <gem> [options] [requirements]
# Remove dependency named <gem> from .gemspec file. The macro removes runtime
# dependency by default. The [requirements] argument can be used to specify
# the dependency constraints more precisely. It is expected to be valid Ruby
# code. The macro fails if these specific requirements can't be removed.
# -s <gemspec_file> Overrides the default .gemspec location.
# -d Remove development dependecy.
%gemspec_remove_dep(g:s:d) \
read -d '' gemspec_remove_dep_script << 'EOR' || : \
gemspec_file = '%{-s*}%{!?-s:./%{gem_name}.gemspec}' \
name = '%{-g*}' \
requirements = %{*}%{!?1:nil} \
type = :%{!?-d:runtime}%{?-d:development} \
spec = Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file) \
abort("#{gemspec_file} is not accessible.") unless spec \
dep = spec.dependencies.detect { |d| d.type == type && == name } \
if dep \
if requirements \
requirements = Gem::Requirement.create(requirements).requirements \
requirements.each do |r| \
unless dep.requirement.requirements.reject! { |dependency_requirements| dependency_requirements == r } \
abort("Requirement '#{r.first} #{r.last}' was not possible to remove for dependency '#{dep}'!") \
end \
end \
spec.dependencies.delete dep if dep.requirement.requirements.empty? \
else \
spec.dependencies.delete dep \
end \
else \
abort("Dependency '#{name}' was not found!") \
end \
File.write gemspec_file, spec.to_ruby \
echo "$gemspec_remove_dep_script" | ruby \
unset -v gemspec_remove_dep_script \