2004-11-02 04:33:08 +00:00

598 lines
20 KiB

%define with_python_subpackage 1%{nil}
%define with_python_version 2.3%{nil}
%define with_bzip2 1%{nil}
%define with_apidocs 1%{nil}
# XXX legacy requires './' payload prefix to be omitted from rpm packages.
%define _noPayloadPrefix 1
%define __prefix /usr
%{?!_lib: %define _lib lib}
%{expand: %%define __share %(if [ -d %{__prefix}/share/man ]; then echo /share ; else echo %%{nil} ; fi)}
%define __bindir %{__prefix}/bin
%define __includedir %{__prefix}/include
%define __libdir %{__prefix}/%{_lib}
%define __mandir %{__prefix}%{__share}/man
Summary: The RPM package management system.
Name: rpm
%define version 4.3.2
Version: %{version}
%{expand: %%define rpm_version %{version}}
Release: 21
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist/rpm-4.0.x/rpm-%{rpm_version}.tar.gz
Patch: rpm-4.3.2-noverbosity.patch
License: GPL
Conflicts: patch < 2.5
%ifos linux
Prereq: fileutils shadow-utils
Requires: popt = 1.9.1
Obsoletes: rpm-perl < %{version}
# XXX necessary only to drag in /usr/lib/libelf.a, otherwise internal elfutils.
BuildRequires: elfutils-libelf
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: beecrypt-devel >= 3.0.1
Requires: beecrypt >= 3.0.1
# XXX Red Hat 5.2 has not bzip2 or python
%if %{with_bzip2}
BuildRequires: bzip2 >= 0.9.0c-2
%if %{with_python_subpackage}
BuildRequires: python-devel >= %{with_python_version}
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven
package management system capable of installing, uninstalling,
verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software
package consists of an archive of files along with information about
the package like its version, a description, etc.
%package libs
Summary: Libraries for manipulating RPM packages.
Group: Development/Libraries
%description libs
This package contains the RPM shared libraries.
%package devel
Summary: Development files for manipulating RPM packages.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}
%description devel
This package contains the RPM C library and header files. These
development files will simplify the process of writing programs that
manipulate RPM packages and databases. These files are intended to
simplify the process of creating graphical package managers or any
other tools that need an intimate knowledge of RPM packages in order
to function.
This package should be installed if you want to develop programs that
will manipulate RPM packages and databases.
%package build
Summary: Scripts and executable programs used to build packages.
Group: Development/Tools
Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}, patch >= 2.5, file
Provides: rpmbuild(VendorConfig) = 4.1-1
%description build
The rpm-build package contains the scripts and executable programs
that are used to build packages using the RPM Package Manager.
%if %{with_python_subpackage}
%package python
Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}
Requires: python >= %{with_python_version}
Requires: elfutils >= 0.55
%description python
The rpm-python package contains a module that permits applications
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
supplied by RPM Package Manager libraries.
This package should be installed if you want to develop Python
programs that will manipulate RPM packages and databases.
%package -n popt
Summary: A C library for parsing command line parameters.
Group: Development/Libraries
Version: 1.9.1
%description -n popt
Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters. Popt was
heavily influenced by the getopt() and getopt_long() functions, but it
improves on them by allowing more powerful argument expansion. Popt
can parse arbitrary argv[] style arrays and automatically set
variables based on command line arguments. Popt allows command line
arguments to be aliased via configuration files and includes utility
functions for parsing arbitrary strings into argv[] arrays using
shell-like rules.
%setup -q
%patch -p1
# XXX rpm needs functioning nptl for configure tests
%if %{with_python_subpackage}
%ifos linux
./configure --prefix=%{__prefix} --sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var --infodir='${prefix}%{__share}/info' \
--mandir='${prefix}%{__share}/man' \
$WITH_PYTHON --enable-posixmutexes --without-javaglue
CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{__prefix} $WITH_PYTHON \
make %{_smp_mflags}
# XXX rpm needs functioning nptl for configure tests
make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install
%ifos linux
# Save list of packages through cron
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily
install -m 755 scripts/rpm.daily ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily/rpm
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d
install -m 644 scripts/rpm.log ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/rpm
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rpm
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/spool/repackage
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm
for dbi in \
Basenames Conflictname Dirnames Group Installtid Name Packages \
Providename Provideversion Requirename Requireversion Triggername \
Filemd5s Pubkeys Sha1header Sigmd5 \
__db.001 __db.002 __db.003 __db.004 __db.005 __db.006 __db.007 \
__db.008 __db.009
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm/$dbi
# - serialize rpmtsRun() using fcntl on /var/lock/rpm/transaction.
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/var/lock/rpm
%if %{with_apidocs}
gzip -9n apidocs/man/man*/* || :
# Get rid of unpackaged files
rm -rf .%{__includedir}/beecrypt
rm -f .%{__libdir}/libbeecrypt.{a,la,so.2.2.0}
rm -f .%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/{Specfile.pm,cpanflute,cpanflute2,rpmdiff,rpmdiff.cgi,sql.prov,sql.req,tcl.req}
rm -rf .%{__mandir}/{fr,ko}
%ifos linux
if [ -f /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm ]; then
echo "
You have (unsupported)
/var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm db1 format installed package headers
Please install rpm-4.0.4 first, and do
rpm --rebuilddb
to convert your database from db1 to db3 format.
exit 1
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 37 rpm > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/sbin/useradd -r -d /var/lib/rpm -u 37 -g 37 rpm -s /sbin/nologin > /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
%ifos linux
# Establish correct rpmdb ownership.
/bin/chown rpm.rpm /var/lib/rpm/[A-Z]*
# XXX Detect (and remove) incompatible dbenv files during db-4.2.52 upgrade.
# XXX Removing dbenv files in %%post opens a lock race window, a tolerable
# XXX risk compared to the support issues involved with upgrading Berkeley DB.
[ -w /var/lib/rpm/__db.001 ] &&
/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_stat -CA -h /var/lib/rpm 2>&1 |
grep "db_stat: Program version 4.2 doesn't match environment version" 2>&1 > /dev/null &&
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
exit 0
%ifos linux
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
/usr/sbin/userdel rpm
/usr/sbin/groupdel rpm
exit 0
%post devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
%post -n popt -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n popt -p /sbin/ldconfig
%if %{with_python_subpackage}
%post python -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun python -p /sbin/ldconfig
%define rpmattr %attr(0755, rpm, rpm)
# XXX comment these lines out if building with rpm that knows not %pubkey attr
%pubkey RPM-PGP-KEY
%pubkey RPM-GPG-KEY
%pubkey BETA-GPG-KEY
%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) /bin/rpm
%ifos linux
%config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/cron.daily/rpm
%config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/logrotate.d/rpm
%dir /etc/rpm
#%config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/rpm/macros.*
%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir /var/lib/rpm
%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir /var/spool/repackage
%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir /var/lock/rpm
%define rpmdbattr %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace)
%rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/*
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpm2cpio
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/gendiff
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmdb
#%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpm[eiu]
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmsign
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmquery
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmverify
%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir %{__prefix}/lib/rpm
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/config.guess
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/config.sub
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/convertrpmrc.sh
%attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/macros
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/mkinstalldirs
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpm.*
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpm2cpio.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpm[deiukqv]
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/tgpg
%attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmpopt*
%attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmrc
%ifarch i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/i[3456]86*
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/athlon*
%ifarch alpha alphaev5 alphaev56 alphapca56 alphaev6 alphaev67
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/alpha*
%ifarch sparc sparcv8 sparcv9 sparc64
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/sparc*
%ifarch ia64
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/ia64*
%ifarch powerpc ppc ppciseries ppcpseries ppcmac ppc64
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/ppc*
%ifarch s390 s390x
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/s390*
%ifarch armv3l armv4l
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/armv[34][lb]*
%ifarch mips mipsel
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/mips*
%ifarch x86_64
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/x86_64*
%attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/noarch*
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_deadlock
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_dump
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_load
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_loadcvt
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_svc
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_stat
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdb_verify
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmfile
%lang(cs) %{__prefix}/*/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(da) %{__prefix}/*/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(de) %{__prefix}/*/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(fi) %{__prefix}/*/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(fr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(gl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(is) %{__prefix}/*/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(ja) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(ko) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(no) %{__prefix}/*/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(pl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(pt) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(pt_BR) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(ro) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(ru) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(sk) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(sl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(sr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(sv) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(tr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/rpm.mo
%lang(ja) %{__mandir}/ja/man[18]/*.[18]*
%lang(pl) %{__mandir}/pl/man[18]/*.[18]*
%lang(ru) %{__mandir}/ru/man[18]/*.[18]*
%lang(sk) %{__mandir}/sk/man[18]/*.[18]*
%files libs
%files build
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat/BUILD
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat/SPECS
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat/SOURCES
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat/SRPMS
%dir %{__prefix}/src/redhat/RPMS
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmbuild
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/brp-*
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/check-files
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/check-prereqs
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/config.site
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/cross-build
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/debugedit
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-lang.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-prov.pl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-provides
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-provides.perl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-req.pl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-requires
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/find-requires.perl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/get_magic.pl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/getpo.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/http.req
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/javadeps
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic.mgc
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic.mime
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic.mime.mgc
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic.prov
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/magic.req
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/perldeps.pl
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/perl.prov
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/perl.req
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpm[bt]
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdeps
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/trpm
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/u_pkg.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/vpkg-provides.sh
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/vpkg-provides2.sh
%if %{with_python_subpackage}
%files python
%files devel
%if %{with_apidocs}
%doc apidocs
%rpmattr %{__prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmcache
%rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmgraph
%files -n popt
%lang(cs) %{__prefix}/*/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(da) %{__prefix}/*/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(de) %{__prefix}/*/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(es) %{__prefix}/*/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(eu_ES) %{__prefix}/*/locale/eu_ES/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(fi) %{__prefix}/*/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(fr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(gl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(hu) %{__prefix}/*/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(id) %{__prefix}/*/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(is) %{__prefix}/*/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(it) %{__prefix}/*/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(ja) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(ko) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(no) %{__prefix}/*/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(pl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(pt) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(pt_BR) %{__prefix}/*/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(ro) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(ru) %{__prefix}/*/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(sk) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(sl) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(sr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(sv) %{__prefix}/*/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(tr) %{__prefix}/*/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(uk) %{__prefix}/*/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(wa) %{__prefix}/*/locale/wa/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(zh) %{__prefix}/*/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
%lang(zh_CN) %{__prefix}/*/locale/zh_CN.GB2312/LC_MESSAGES/popt.mo
# XXX These may end up in popt-devel but it hardly seems worth the effort.
* Mon Nov 1 2004 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> 4.3.2-21
- remove excess rpmIncreaseVerbosity() calls (fixes #137834)
* Sun Oct 31 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-20
- fix: buffer overrun displaying ko_KR (#135389).
* Sat Oct 30 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-18
- reprise file conflicts yet again, flip/flop/flip/flop ...
* Fri Oct 29 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.2.3-16
- python: fix RPMPROB_BADRELOCATE segfault return in ts.check (#137116).
- revert selinux patch until fc3 release.
* Fri Oct 22 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-15
- selinux: set "ldconfig_t" for /sbin/ldconfig, else "rpm_script_t".
* Sun Oct 17 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-14
- don't add time stamp to compressed man pages (#132526).
* Fri Oct 15 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-13
- fix: don't set handler if SIG_IGN is already set (#134474).
* Mon Oct 11 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-12
- python: remove ".A" from creaky ts.check() tuple return (#135008).
* Fri Oct 8 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-11
- honor inherited SIG_IGN when establishing rpmdb signal exit (#134474).
* Wed Oct 6 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-10
- display caught signals to diagnose #134474 (gonna be SIGPIPE).
- display N-V-R.A in dependency failure messages.
- selinux: set "rpm_script_t" always, not just for /bin/sh.
* Tue Oct 5 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-9
- fix: revert Obsoletes: "fix" (#134497).
- fix: work around for dangling symlinks not globbed (#134362).
* Fri Oct 1 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-8
- disable static linking until libc*.a provides symbols.
* Thu Sep 30 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-7
- ia64: add autorelocate_dcolor to macros.in.
* Wed Sep 29 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-6
- fix: mark uninstalled elf32 files in rpmdb to disable -Va checks.
* Wed Sep 15 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-4
- print dependency loops as warning iff --anaconda is specified.
* Sat Sep 4 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-2
- ia64: make sure that autorelocated file dependencies are satisfied.
- ia64: relocate all scriptlet interpreters.
- ia64: don't bother trying to preload autorelocated modules.
- fix: filesystem package needs mail/lock w/o getgrnam.
- fix: do getpwnam/getgrnam to load correct modules before chroot.
- restore file conflict detection traditional behavior.
* Fri Aug 20 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.3.2-0.9
- fix: static glibc/libgcc helpers always installed (#127522).
- fix: defattr for rpm-libs (#130461).
* Thu Aug 19 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.7
- shared libraries in separate rpm-libs package.
- avoid "can't happen" recursion while retrieving pubkeys.
- add ppc32dy4 arch.
- make peace with automake 1.9.1.
* Fri Jul 9 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.6
- fix: evaluate rather than default file_contexts path. (#127501).
* Mon Jul 5 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.5
- change default behavior to resolve file conflicts as LIFO.
- add --fileconflicts to recover rpm traditional behavior.
- prefer elf64 over elf32 files, everywhere and always (#126853).
- ia64: auto-relocate entire, not partial, directory contents (#126905).
- ia64: auto-relocate glibc.ix86 interpreter path (#100563).
* Wed Jun 16 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.4
- add ppc8[25]60 arches.
* Mon Jun 14 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.3
- add 'requires' and 'conflicts' tag aliases.
- python: return ds, not tuple, for ds iteration.
- python: permit integer keys to ts.dbMatch().
- xml: use <foo/> markup for empty tags.
- xml: <integer/> instead of <integer>0</integer> markup.
- fix: disable fingerprint generation on kernel paths.
* Tue Jun 8 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.2
- lua embedded in rpmio.
- use lua to identify desired selinux file context regexes.
* Tue Jun 1 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.1
- use /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts for now.
- disable file contexts into package metadata during build.
- fix: dev package build on s390x hack around.
- fix: "/path/foo.../bar" was losing a dot (#123844).
- fix: PIE executables have basename-as-soname provides (#123697).
- add aurora/sparc patches (#124469).
- use poll(2) if available, avoid borked aurora/sparc select (#124574).