#!/bin/sh -eu # If using normal root, avoid changing anything. if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then exit 0 fi cd "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" trim() { printf '%s' "$*" } fail=0 for f in $(find -executable -type f | xargs --no-run-if-empty file -N --mime-type | grep -Po "^\K.+(?=: text/)"); do ts=$(stat -c %y "$f") read orig_shebang < "$f" || : shebang=$(trim $(echo "$orig_shebang" | grep -Po "#!\K.*" || echo)) if [ -z "$shebang" ]; then echo >&2 "*** WARNING: $f is executable but has empty or no shebang, removing executable bit" chmod -x "$f" touch -d "$ts" "$f" continue elif [ "${shebang%${shebang#?}}" != "/" ]; then echo >&2 "*** ERROR: $f has shebang which doesn't start with '/' ($shebang)" fail=1 continue fi if ! { echo "$shebang" | grep -q -P "^/(?:usr/)?(?:bin|sbin)/"; }; then continue fi # Replace "special" env shebang: # /whatsoever/env /whatever/foo → /whatever/foo shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@^(.+)/env /(.+)$@/\2@') # /whatsoever/env foo → /whatsoever/foo shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@^(.+/)env (.+)$@\1\2@') # Replace ambiguous python with python2 py_shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@/usr/bin/python(\s|$)@/usr/bin/python2\1@') if [ "$shebang" != "$py_shebang" ]; then sed -i -e "1c #!$py_shebang" "$f" echo >&2 "*** WARNING: mangling shebang in $f from $orig_shebang to #!$py_shebang. This will become an ERROR, fix it manually!" elif [ "#!$shebang" != "$orig_shebang" ]; then sed -i -e "1c #!$shebang" "$f" echo "mangling shebang in $f from $orig_shebang to #!$shebang" fi touch -d "$ts" "$f" done exit $fail