Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "F-13-split" have entirely different histories.

50 changed files with 123 additions and 7104 deletions

.cvsignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Makefile for source rpm: redhat-rpm-config
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2007/10/15 19:20:28 notting Exp $
NAME := redhat-rpm-config
SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
define find-makefile-common
for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
# attempt a checkout
define checkout-makefile-common
test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
#requires libtool
cd $SRC/redhat-rpm-config-*
# makefile has been removed :/
# make install
mkdir -p /usr/lib/rpm/redhat
install -p -m 644 -t $RCCDIR macros rpmrc
install -p -m 444 -t $RCCDIR redhat-hardened-*
install -p -m 755 -t $RCCDIR config.*
install -p -m 755 -t $RCCDIR rpmsort symset-table kmodtool
install -p -m 755 -t $RCCDIR brp-*
install -p -m 755 -t $RCCDIR find-*
mkdir -p $RCCDIR/find-provides.d
install -p -m 644 -t $RCCDIR/find-provides.d firmware.prov modalias.prov
mkdir -p $RPMCFGDIR/macros.d
install -p -m 644 -t $RPMCFGDIR/macros.d macros.*
mkdir -p $RPMFATTR
install -p -m 644 -t $RPMFATTR *.attr
install -p -m 755 -t $RPMCFGDIR kmod.prov
cp -p /usr/share/libtool/config/config.{guess,sub} $RCCDIR/

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
tempdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/implant-ident-XXXXXX`
if test -z "$tempdir" ; then
exit 1
cleanup() {
rm -f $tempdir/*
rmdir $tempdir
trap cleanup 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 15
for library in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -exec file \{\} \; | grep 'current ar archive' | sed 's,:.*,,g' ` ; do
pushd $tempdir > /dev/null
if test -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ; then
cleanedlibrary=`echo "$library" | sed s,"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT",,g`
ar x "$library"
for object in *.o ; do
echo '$RPM: '${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME:-UNKNOWN_NAME}-${RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION:-UNKNOWN_VERSION}-${RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE:-UNKNOWN_RELEASE}:"$cleanedlibrary":"$object"' $' > __x_rpm_ident_string.txt
objcopy --add-section .rodata=__x_rpm_ident_string.txt "$object"
ar r "$library" "$object"
rm -f *.o
popd > /dev/null

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
# If zip is not installed, we can't repack the jars.
if [ ! -x /usr/bin/zip ]; then
exit 0
if [ ! -x /usr/bin/unzip ]; then
exit 0
JARS=`find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name \*.jar -not -size 0`
if [ ! -z "$JARS" ]; then
# make $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -x "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp" ]; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp
# unpack every jar, set the date of the files and directories and
# repack the jar
IFS=$(printf '\n\t')
for j in $JARS ; do
JARNAME=`basename "$j"`
JTMPDIR=`mktemp -d -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp "$JARNAME.tmpdir.XXXXXXXXXX"` || exit 1
JARDIR=`mktemp -d -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp "$JARNAME.jardir.XXXXXXXXXX"` || exit 1
TIMEREF=`mktemp -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp "$JARNAME.timeref.XXXXXXXXXX"` || exit 1
pushd "$JTMPDIR" > /dev/null
/usr/bin/unzip -qq -o "$j"
find -type d -exec chmod a+rx,u+w {} \;
find -type f -exec chmod a+r,u+w {} \;
rm -f "$j"
# Create the directories first.
find -type d | LC_ALL=C sort | while read d; do
mkdir -p "$JARDIR/$d"
# Get the modtime from the newest ChangeLog. If the project
# doesn't have a ChangeLog, Jan 1, 1970 will be used.
DATE="1970-01-01 UTC"
if [ -z $_PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR ]; then
if [ -d $_PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR ]; then
CHANGELOGS=`find $_PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR -type f -name ChangeLog`
if [ ! -z "$CHANGELOGS" ]; then
for c in $CHANGELOGS; do
TMPDATE=`stat -c %y $c | cut -d " " -f 1-2`
if [ `date --date="$TMPDATE" +%s` -gt `date --date="$DATE" +%s` ]; then
# move the contents over to the a new directory in order and set
# the times.
find -type f | LC_ALL=C sort | while read f; do
cp "$f" "$JARDIR/$f"
touch --date="$DATE" "$JARDIR/$f"
popd > /dev/null
# Set the times of the directories.
find "$JARDIR" -type d | while read d; do
touch --date="$DATE" "$d"
# make the jar
pushd "$JARDIR" > /dev/null
if [ -n "`find -not -name '.'`" ]; then
if [ -e META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ]; then
/usr/bin/zip -q -X -9 "$j" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
find * -not -name '.' | LC_ALL=C sort | /usr/bin/zip -u -q -X -9 "$j" -@
# Put the empty jar back
touch "$j"
popd > /dev/null
# Cleanup.
rm -rf "$JTMPDIR"
rm -rf "$JARDIR"
rm -f "$TIMEREF"
# remove $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp if we created it
if [ $rmtmp -eq 1 ]; then
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh -efu
# Force creating of DSO symlinks.
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
# Create an empty config file for ldconfig to shut up a warning
config=$(mktemp -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT")
/sbin/ldconfig -f $(basename "$config") -N -r "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
rm -f "$config"
# TODO: warn if it created new symlinks and guide people.

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/bash -eu
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
usage() {
local verbose=$1 && shift
local outfile=$1 && shift
local status=$1 && shift
echo 'usage: brp-mangle-shebangs [--files <regexp>] [--files-from <file>] [--shebangs <regexp>] [--shebangs-from <file>]'
if [ "${verbose}" == "yes" ]; then
echo ' --files: extended regexp of files to ignore'
echo ' --files-from: file containing a list of extended regexps of files to ignore'
echo ' --shebangs: extended regexp of shebangs to ignore'
echo ' --shebangs-from: file containing a list of extended regexps of shebangs to ignore'
) >>${outfile}
exit ${status}
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
case "$1" in
usage yes /dev/stdout 0
echo "Unknown option \"${1}\"" 1>&2
usage no /dev/stderr 1
# Large packages such as kernel can have thousands of executable files.
# We take care to not fork/exec thousands of "file"s and "grep"s,
# but run just two of them.
# (Take care to exclude filenames which would mangle "file" output).
find -executable -type f ! -path '*:*' ! -path $'*\n*' \
| file -N --mime-type -f - \
| grep -P ".+(?=: text/)" \
| {
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Remove the dot
if [ -n "$exclude_files" ]; then
echo "$path" | grep -q -E "$exclude_files" && continue
if [ -n "$exclude_files_from" ]; then
echo "$path" | grep -q -E -f "$exclude_files_from" && continue
read shebang_line < "$f"
if [ "$orig_shebang" = "$shebang_line" ]; then
echo >&2 "*** WARNING: $f is executable but has no shebang, removing executable bit"
ts=$(stat -c %y "$f")
chmod -x "$f"
touch -d "$ts" "$f"
# Trim spaces
while shebang="${orig_shebang// / }"; [ "$shebang" != "$orig_shebang" ]; do
# Treat "#! /path/to " as "#!/path/to"
orig_shebang="${orig_shebang# }"
if [ -z "$shebang" ]; then
echo >&2 "*** WARNING: $f is executable but has empty shebang, removing executable bit"
ts=$(stat -c %y "$f")
chmod -x "$f"
touch -d "$ts" "$f"
if [ -n "${shebang##/*}" ]; then
echo >&2 "*** ERROR: $f has shebang which doesn't start with '/' ($shebang)"
if ! { echo "$shebang" | grep -q -P "^/(?:usr/)?(?:bin|sbin)/"; }; then
# Replace "special" env shebang:
# /whatsoever/env /whatever/foo → /whatever/foo
shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@^(.+)/env /(.+)$@/\2@')
# /whatsoever/env foo → /whatsoever/foo
shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@^(.+/)env (.+)$@\1\2@')
# If the shebang now starts with /bin, change it to /usr/bin
shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@^/bin/@/usr/bin/@')
# Replace ambiguous python with python2
py_shebang=$(echo "$shebang" | sed -r -e 's@/usr/bin/python(\s|$)@/usr/bin/python2\1@')
if [ "$shebang" != "$py_shebang" ]; then
echo >&2 "*** ERROR: ambiguous python shebang in $path: #!$orig_shebang. Change it to python3 (or python2) explicitly."
elif [ "#!$shebang" != "#!$orig_shebang" ]; then
echo "mangling shebang in $path from $orig_shebang to #!$shebang"
ts=$(stat -c %y "$f")
sed -i -e "1c #!$shebang" "$f"
touch -d "$ts" "$f"
exit $fail

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
# Figure out how deep we need to descend. We could pick an insanely high
# number and hope it's enough, but somewhere, somebody's sure to run into it.
depth=`(find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -type f -name "*.py" -print0 ; echo /) | \
xargs -0 -n 1 dirname | sed 's,[^/],,g' | sort -u | tail -n 1 | wc -c`
if [ -z "$depth" -o "$depth" -le "1" ]; then
exit 0
# This function now implements Python byte-compilation in two different ways:
# Python >= 3.4 uses a new module compileall2 -
# Python < 3.4 (inc. Python 2) uses compileall module from stdlib with some hacks
# When we drop support for Python 2, we'd be able to use all compileall2 features like:
# - -s and -p options to manipulate with a path baked into pyc files instead of $real_libdir
# - -o 0 -o 1 to produce multiple files in one run - each with a different optimization level - instead of $options
# - removed useless $depth - both compileall and compileall2 are limited by sys.getrecursionlimit()
# These changes will make this script much simpler
function python_bytecompile()
local options=$1
local python_binary=$2
local exclude=$3
local python_libdir=$4
local depth=$5 # Not used for Python >= 3.4
local real_libdir=$6 # Not used for Python >= 3.4
python_version=$($python_binary -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('{0.major}{0.minor}'.format(sys.version_info))")
# Python 3.4 and higher
if [ "$python_version" -ge 34 ]; then
[ ! -z $exclude ] && exclude="-x '$exclude'"
# /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/ contains compileall2 Python module
# -q disables verbose output
# -f forces the process to overwrite existing compiled files
# -x excludes paths defined by regex
# -e excludes symbolic links pointing outside the build root
# -x and -e together implements the same functionality as the Filter class below
# -s strips $RPM_BUILD_ROOT from the path
# -p prepends the leading slash to the path to make it absolute
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/ $python_binary -B $options -m compileall2 -q -f $exclude -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -p / -e $RPM_BUILD_ROOT $python_libdir
# Python 3.3 and lower (incl. Python 2)
cat << EOF | $python_binary $options
import compileall, sys, os, re
python_libdir = "$python_libdir"
depth = $depth
real_libdir = "$real_libdir"
build_root = "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
exclude = r"$exclude"
class Filter:
def search(self, path):
ret = not os.path.realpath(path).startswith(build_root)
if exclude:
ret = ret or, path)
return ret
sys.exit(not compileall.compile_dir(python_libdir, depth, real_libdir, force=1, rx=Filter(), quiet=1))
# .pyc/.pyo files embed a "magic" value, identifying the ABI version of Python
# bytecode that they are for.
# The files below RPM_BUILD_ROOT could be targeting multiple versions of
# python (e.g. a single build that emits several subpackages e.g. a
# python26-foo subpackage, a python31-foo subpackage etc)
# Support this by assuming that below each /usr/lib/python$VERSION/, all
# .pyc/.pyo files are to be compiled for /usr/bin/python$VERSION.
# For example, below /usr/lib/python2.6/, we're targeting /usr/bin/python2.6
# and below /usr/lib/python3.1/, we're targeting /usr/bin/python3.1
shopt -s nullglob
for python_libdir in `find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -type d|grep -E "/usr/lib(64)?/python[0-9]\.[0-9]+$"`;
python_binary=/usr/bin/$(basename $python_libdir)
echo "Bytecompiling .py files below $python_libdir using $python_binary"
# Generate normal (.pyc) byte-compiled files.
python_bytecompile "" "$python_binary" "" "$python_libdir" "$depth" "$real_libdir"
if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
# One or more of the files had a syntax error
exit 1
# Generate optimized (.pyo) byte-compiled files.
python_bytecompile "-O" "$python_binary" "" "$python_libdir" "$depth" "$real_libdir"
if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
# One or more of the files had a syntax error
exit 1
# Handle other locations in the filesystem using the default python implementation
# if extra is set to 0, don't do this
if [ 0$extra -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
# If we don't have a default python interpreter, we cannot proceed
if [ ! -x "$default_python" ]; then
exit 0
# Figure out if there are files to be bytecompiled with the default_python at all
# this prevents unnecessary default_python invocation
find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -type f -name "*.py" | grep -Ev "/bin/|/sbin/|/usr/lib(64)?/python[0-9]\.[0-9]|/usr/share/doc" || exit 0
# Generate normal (.pyc) byte-compiled files.
python_bytecompile "" $default_python "/bin/|/sbin/|/usr/lib(64)?/python[0-9]\.[0-9]|/usr/share/doc" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" "$depth" "/"
if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
# One or more of the files had a syntax error
exit 1
# Generate optimized (.pyo) byte-compiled files.
python_bytecompile "-O" $default_python "/bin/|/sbin/|/usr/lib(64)?/python[0-9]\.[0-9]|/usr/share/doc" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" "$depth" "/"
if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
# One or more of the files had a syntax error
exit 1
exit 0

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ] || [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
exit 0
case `uname -a` in
Darwin*) exit 0 ;;
*) ;;
# Strip ELF binaries
find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -type f -name '*.[ao]' \! -regex "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/*usr/lib/debug.*" -print0 | \
eu-elfclassify --not-program --not-library --not-linux-kernel-module --stdin0 --print0 | xargs -0 -r -P$NCPUS -n32 sh -c "$STRIP -p -R .gnu.lto_* -R .gnu.debuglto_* -N __gnu_lto_v1 \"\$@\"" ARG0

View File

@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
This document contains documentation of the individual compiler flags
and how to use them.
# Using RPM build flags
For packages which use autoconf to set up the build environment, use
the `%configure` macro to obtain the full complement of flags, like
This will invoke the `./configure` with arguments (such as
`--prefix=/usr`) to adjust the paths to the packaging defaults.
As a side effect, this will set the environment variables `CFLAGS`,
so they can be used by makefiles and other build tools. (However,
existing values for these variables are not overwritten.)
If your package does not use autoconf, you can still set the same
environment variables using
early in the `%build` section. (Again, existing environment variables
are not overwritten.)
Individual build flags are also available through RPM macros:
* `%{build_cflags}` for the C compiler flags (also known as the
`CFLAGS` variable). Also historically available as `%{optflags}`.
Furthermore, at the start of the `%build` section, the environment
variable `RPM_OPT_FLAGS` is set to this value.
* `%{build_cxxflags}` for the C++ compiler flags (usually assigned to
the `CXXFLAGS` shell variable).
* `%{build_fflags} for `FFLAGS` (the Fortran compiler flags, also
known as the `FCFLAGS` variable).
* `%{build_ldflags}` for the link editor (ld) flags, usually known as
`LDFLAGS`. Note that the contents quotes linker arguments using
`-Wl`, so this variable is intended for use with the `gcc` compiler
driver. At the start of the `%build` section, the environment
variable `RPM_LD_FLAGS` is set to this value.
The variable `LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH` is defined here to prevent the `libtool`
script (v2.4.6+) from hardcoding %_libdir into the binaries' RPATH.
These RPM macros do not alter shell environment variables.
For some other build tools separate mechanisms exist:
* CMake builds use the the `%cmake` macro from the `cmake-rpm-macros`
Care must be taking not to compile the current selection of compiler
flags into any RPM package besides `redhat-rpm-config`, so that flag
changes are picked up automatically once `redhat-rpm-config` is
# Flag selection for the build type
The default flags are suitable for building applications.
For building shared objects, you must compile with `-fPIC` in
(`CFLAGS` or `CXXFLAGS`) and link with `-shared` (in `LDFLAGS`).
For other considerations involving shared objects, see:
* [Fedora Packaging Guidelines: Shared Libraries](
# Customizing compiler flags
It is possible to set RPM macros to change some aspects of the
compiler flags. Changing these flags should be used as a last
recourse if other workarounds are not available.
### Lazy binding
If your package depends on the semantics of lazy binding (e.g., it has
plugins which load additional plugins to complete their dependencies,
before which some referenced functions are undefined), you should put
`-Wl,-z,lazy` at the end of the `LDFLAGS` setting when linking objects
which have such requirements. Under these circumstances, it is
unnecessary to disable hardened builds (and thus lose full ASLR for
executables), or link everything without `-Wl,z,now` (non-lazy
### Hardened builds
By default, the build flags enable fully hardened builds. To change
this, include this in the RPM spec file:
%undefine _hardened_build
This turns off certain hardening features, as described in detail
below. The main difference is that executables will be
position-dependent (no full ASLR) and use lazy binding.
### Annotated builds/watermarking
By default, the build flags cause a special output section to be
included in ELF files which describes certain aspects of the build.
To change this for all compiler invocations, include this in the RPM
spec file:
%undefine _annotated_build
Be warned that this turns off watermarking, making it impossible to do
full hardening coverage analysis for any binaries produced.
It is possible to disable annotations for individual compiler
invocations, using the `-fplugin-arg-annobin-disable` flag. However,
the annobin plugin must still be loaded for this flag to be
recognized, so it has to come after the hardening flags on the command
line (it has to be added at the end of `CFLAGS`, or specified after
the `CFLAGS` variable contents).
### Strict symbol checks in the link editor (ld)
Optionally, the link editor will refuse to link shared objects which
contain undefined symbols. Such symbols lack symbol versioning
information and can be bound to the wrong (compatibility) symbol
version at run time, and not the actual (default) symbol version which
would have been used if the symbol definition had been available at
static link time. Furthermore, at run time, the dynamic linker will
not have complete dependency information (in the form of DT_NEEDED
entries), which can lead to errors (crashes) if IFUNC resolvers are
executed before the shared object containing them is fully relocated.
To switch on these checks, define this macro in the RPM spec file:
%define _strict_symbol_defs_build 1
If this RPM spec option is active, link failures will occur if the
linker command line does not list all shared objects which are needed.
In this case, you need to add the missing DSOs (with linker arguments
such as `-lm`). As a result, the link editor will also generated the
necessary DT_NEEDED entries.
In some cases (such as when a DSO is loaded as a plugin and is
expected to bind to symbols in the main executable), undefined symbols
are expected. In this case, you can add
%undefine _strict_symbol_defs_build
to the RPM spec file to disable these strict checks. Alternatively,
you can pass `-z undefs` to ld (written as `-Wl,-z,undefs` on the gcc
command line). The latter needs binutils 2.29.1-12.fc28 or later.
### Legacy -fcommon
Since version 10, [gcc defaults to `-fno-common`](
Builds may fail with `multiple definition of ...` errors.
As a short term workaround for such failure,
it is possible to add `-fcommon` to the flags by defining `%_legacy_common_support`.
%define _legacy_common_support 1
Properly fixing the failure is always preferred!
# Individual compiler flags
Compiler flags end up in the environment variables `CFLAGS`,
The general (architecture-independent) build flags are:
* `-O2`: Turn on various GCC optimizations. See the [GCC manual](
Optimization improves performance, the accuracy of warnings, and the
reach of toolchain-based hardening, but it makes debugging harder.
* `-g`: Generate debugging information (DWARF). In Fedora, this data
is separated into `-debuginfo` RPM packages whose installation is
optional, so debuging information does not increase the size of
installed binaries by default.
* `-pipe`: Run compiler and assembler in parallel and do not use a
temporary file for the assembler input. This can improve
compilation performance. (This does not affect code generation.)
* `-Wall`: Turn on various GCC warnings.
See the [GCC manual](
* `-Werror=format-security`: Turn on format string warnings and treat
them as errors.
See the [GCC manual](
This can occasionally result in compilation errors. In this case,
the best option is to rewrite the source code so that only constant
format strings (string literals) are used.
* `-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2`: Source fortification activates various
hardening features in glibc:
* String functions such as `memcpy` attempt to detect buffer lengths
and terminate the process if a buffer overflow is detected.
* `printf` format strings may only contain the `%n` format specifier
if the format string resides in read-only memory.
* `open` and `openat` flags are checked for consistency with the
presence of a *mode* argument.
* Plus other minor hardening changes.
(These changes can occasionally break valid programs.)
* `-fexceptions`: Provide exception unwinding support for C programs.
See the [`-fexceptions` option in the GCC
and the [`cleanup` variable
This also hardens cancellation handling in C programs because
it is not required to use an on-stack jump buffer to install
a cancellation handler with `pthread_cleanup_push`. It also makes
it possible to unwind the stack (using C++ `throw` or Rust panics)
from C callback functions if a C library supports non-local exits
from them (e.g., via `longjmp`).
* `-Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS`: Enable lightweight assertions in the
C++ standard library, such as bounds checking for the subscription
operator on vectors. (This flag is added to both `CFLAGS` and
`CXXFLAGS`; C compilations will simply ignore it.)
* `-fstack-protector-strong`: Instrument functions to detect
stack-based buffer overflows before jumping to the return address on
the stack. The *strong* variant only performs the instrumentation
for functions whose stack frame contains addressable local
variables. (If the address of a variable is never taken, it is not
possible that a buffer overflow is caused by incorrect pointer
arithmetic involving a pointer to that variable.)
* `-grecord-gcc-switches`: Include select GCC command line switches in
the DWARF debugging information. This is useful for detecting the
presence of certain build flags and general hardening coverage.
For hardened builds (which are enabled by default, see above for how
to disable them), the flag
`-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1` is added to the
command line. It adds the following flag to the command line:
* `-fPIE`: Compile for a position-independent executable (PIE),
enabling full address space layout randomization (ASLR). This is
similar to `-fPIC`, but avoids run-time indirections on certain
architectures, resulting in improved performance and slightly
smaller executables. However, compared to position-dependent code
(the default generated by GCC), there is still a measurable
performance impact.
If the command line also contains `-r` (producing a relocatable
object file), `-fpic` or `-fPIC`, this flag is automatically
dropped. (`-fPIE` can only be used for code which is linked into
the main program.) Code which goes into static libraries should be
compiled with `-fPIE`, except when this code is expected to be
linked into DSOs, when `-fPIC` must be used.
To be effective, `-fPIE` must be used with the `-pie` linker flag
when producing an executable, see below.
To support [binary watermarks for ELF
objects]( using
annobin, the `-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1` flag is
added by default. This can be switched off by undefining the
`%_annotated_build` RPM macro (see above).
### Architecture-specific compiler flags
These compiler flags are enabled for all builds (hardened/annotated or
not), but their selection depends on the architecture:
* `-fstack-clash-protection`: Turn on instrumentation to avoid
skipping the guard page in large stack frames. (Without this flag,
vulnerabilities can result where the stack overlaps with the heap,
or thread stacks spill into other regions of memory.) This flag is
fully ABI-compatible and has adds very little run-time overhead, but
is only available on certain architectures (currently aarch64, i386,
ppc64, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64).
* `-fcf-protection`: Instrument binaries to guard against
ROP/JOP attacks. Used on i686 and x86_64.
* `-m64` and `-m32`: Some GCC builds support both 32-bit and 64-bit in
the same compilation. For such architectures, the RPM build process
explicitly selects the architecture variant by passing this compiler
* `-fasynchronous-unwind-tables`: Generate full unwind information
covering all program points. This is required for support of
asynchronous cancellation and proper unwinding from signal
handlers. It also makes performance and debugging tools more
useful because unwind information is available without having to
install (and load) debugging ienformation.
Asynchronous unwind tables are enabled for aarch64, i686, ppc64,
ppc64le, s390x, and x86_64. They are not needed on armhfp due to
architectural differences in stack management. On these
architectures, `-fexceptions` (see above) still enables regular
unwind tables (or they are enabled by default even without this
In addition, `redhat-rpm-config` re-selects the built-in default
tuning in the `gcc` package. These settings are:
* **armhfp**: `-march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard`
selects an Arm subarchitecture based on the ARMv7-A architecture
with 16 64-bit floating point registers. `-mtune=cortex-8a` selects
tuning for the Cortex-A8 implementation (while preserving compatibility
with other ARMv7-A implementations). `-mabi=aapcs-linux` switches to
the AAPCS ABI for GNU/Linux.
* **i686**: `-march=i686` is used to select a minmum support CPU level
of i686 (corresponding to the Pentium Pro). SSE2 support is
enabled with `-msse2` (so only CPUs with SSE2 support can run the
compiled code; SSE2 was introduced first with the Pentium 4).
`-mtune=generic` activates tuning for a current blend of CPUs
(under the assumption that most users of i686 packages obtain them
through an x86_64 installation on current hardware).
`-mfpmath=sse` instructs GCC to use the SSE2 unit for floating
point math to avoid excess precision issues. `-mstackrealign`
avoids relying on the stack alignment guaranteed by the current
version of the i386 ABI.
* **ppc64le**: `-mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8` selects a minimum supported
CPU level of POWER8 (the first CPU with ppc64le support) and tunes
for POWER8.
* **s390x**: `-march=zEC12 -mtune=z13` specifies a minimum supported CPU
level of zEC12, while optimizing for a subsequent CPU generation
* **x86_64**: `-mtune=generic` selects tuning which is expected to
beneficial for a broad range of current CPUs.
* **ppc64** and **aarch64** do not have any architecture-specific tuning.
# Individual linker flags
Linker flags end up in the environment variable `LDFLAGS`.
The linker flags listed below are injected. Note that they are
prefixed with `-Wl` because it is expected that these flags are passed
to the compiler driver `gcc`, and not directly to the link editor
* `-z relro`: Activate the *read-only after relocation* feature.
Constant data and relocations are placed on separate pages, and the
dynamic linker is instructed to revoke write permissions after
dynamic linking. Full protection of relocation data requires the
`-z now` flag (see below).
* `-z defs`: Refuse to link shared objects (DSOs) with undefined symbols
(optional, see above).
For hardened builds, the
`-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld` flag is added to the
compiler driver command line. (This can be disabled by undefining the
`%_hardened_build` macro; see above) This activates the following
linker flags:
* `-pie`: Produce a PIE binary. This is only activated for the main
executable, and only if it is dynamically linked. This requires
that all objects which are linked in the main executable have been
compiled with `-fPIE` or `-fPIC` (or `-fpie` or `-fpic`; see above).
By itself, `-pie` has only a slight performance impact because it
disables some link editor optimization, however the `-fPIE` compiler
flag has some overhead.
* `-z now`: Disable lazy binding and turn on the `BIND_NOW` dynamic
linker feature. Lazy binding involves an array of function pointers
which is writable at run time (which could be overwritten as part of
security exploits, redirecting execution). Therefore, it is
preferable to turn of lazy binding, although it increases startup
# Support for extension builders
Some packages include extension builders that allow users to build
extension modules (which are usually written in C and C++) under the
control of a special-purpose build system. This is a common
functionality provided by scripting languages such as Python and Perl.
Traditionally, such extension builders captured the Fedora build flags
when these extension were built. However, these compiler flags are
adjusted for a specific Fedora release and toolchain version and
therefore do not work with a custom toolchain (e.g., different C/C++
compilers), and users might want to build their own extension modules
with such toolchains.
The macros `%{extension_cflags}`, `%{extension_cxxflags}`,
`%{extension_fflags}`, `%{extension_ldflags}` contain a subset of
flags that have been adjusted for compatibility with alternative
toolchains, while still preserving some of the compile-time security
hardening that the standard Fedora build flags provide.
The current set of differences are:
* No GCC plugins (such as annobin) are activated.
* No GCC spec files (`-specs=` arguments) are used.
Additional flags may be removed in the future if they prove to be
incompatible with alternative toolchains.
Extension builders should detect whether they are performing a regular
RPM build (e.g., by looking for an `RPM_OPT_FLAGS` variable). In this
case, they should use the *current* set of Fedora build flags (that
is, the output from `rpm --eval '%{build_cflags}'` and related
commands). Otherwise, when not performing an RPM build, they can
either use hard-coded extension builder flags (thus avoiding a
run-time dependency on `redhat-rpm-config`), or use the current
extension builder flags (with a run-time dependency on
As a result, extension modules built for Fedora will use the official
Fedora build flags, while users will still be able to build their own
extension modules with custom toolchains.

View File

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-- Convenience Lua functions that can be used within rpm macros
-- Set a spec variable
-- Echo the result if verbose
local function explicitset(rpmvar, value, verbose)
local value = value
if (value == nil) or (value == "") then
value = "%{nil}"
rpm.define(rpmvar .. " " .. value)
if verbose then
rpm.expand("%{echo:Setting %%{" .. rpmvar .. "} = " .. value .. "}")
-- Unset a spec variable if it is defined
-- Echo the result if verbose
local function explicitunset(rpmvar, verbose)
if (rpm.expand("%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") ~= "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") then
rpm.define(rpmvar .. " %{nil}")
if verbose then
rpm.expand("%{echo:Unsetting %%{" .. rpmvar .. "}}")
-- Set a spec variable, if not already set
-- Echo the result if verbose
local function safeset(rpmvar, value, verbose)
if (rpm.expand("%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") == "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") then
-- Alias a list of rpm variables to the same variables suffixed with 0 (and vice versa)
-- Echo the result if verbose
local function zalias(rpmvars, verbose)
for _, sfx in ipairs({{"","0"},{"0",""}}) do
for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
local toalias = "%{?" .. rpmvar .. sfx[1] .. "}"
if (rpm.expand(toalias) ~= "") then
safeset(rpmvar .. sfx[2], toalias, verbose)
-- Takes a list of rpm variable roots and a suffix and alias current<root> to
-- <root><suffix> if it resolves to something not empty
local function setcurrent(rpmvars, suffix, verbose)
for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
if (rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}") ~= "") then
explicitset( "current" .. rpmvar, "%{" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}", verbose)
explicitunset("current" .. rpmvar, verbose)
-- Echo the list of rpm variables, with suffix, if set
local function echovars(rpmvars, suffix)
for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
rpmvar = rpmvar .. suffix
local header = string.sub(" " .. rpmvar .. ": ",1,21)
rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. ":%{echo:" .. header .. "%{?" .. rpmvar .. "}}}")
-- Returns an array, indexed by suffix, containing the non-empy values of
-- <rpmvar><suffix>, with suffix an integer string or the empty string
local function getsuffixed(rpmvar)
local suffixes = {}
for suffix=0,9999 do
local value = rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}")
if (value ~= "") then
suffixes[tostring(suffix)] = value
-- rpm convention is to alias no suffix to zero suffix
-- only add no suffix if zero suffix is different
local value = rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. "}")
if (value ~= "") and (value ~= suffixes["0"]) then
suffixes[""] = value
return suffixes
-- Returns the list of suffixes, including the empty string, for which
-- <rpmvar><suffix> is set to a non empty value
local function getsuffixes(rpmvar)
suffixes = {}
for suffix in pairs(getsuffixed(rpmvar)) do
function(a,b) return (tonumber(a) or 0) < (tonumber(b) or 0) end)
return suffixes
-- Returns the suffix for which <rpmvar><suffix> has a non-empty value that
-- matches best the beginning of the value string
local function getbestsuffix(rpmvar, value)
local best = nil
local currentmatch = ""
for suffix, setvalue in pairs(getsuffixed(rpmvar)) do
if (string.len(setvalue) > string.len(currentmatch)) and
(string.find(value, "^" .. setvalue)) then
currentmatch = setvalue
best = suffix
return best
-- Writes the content of a list of rpm variables to a macro spec file.
-- The target file must contain the corresponding anchors.
-- For example writevars("myfile", {"foo","bar"}) will replace:
-- @@FOO@@ with the rpm evaluation of %{foo} and
-- @@BAR@@ with the rpm evaluation of %{bar}
-- in myfile
local function writevars(macrofile, rpmvars)
for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
print("sed -i 's\029" .. string.upper("@@" .. rpmvar .. "@@") ..
"\029" .. rpm.expand( "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}" ) ..
"\029g' " .. macrofile .. "\n")
-- Reformat a text intended to be used used in a package description, removing
-- rpm macro generation artefacts.
-- remove leading and ending empty lines
-- trim intermediary empty lines to a single line
-- fold on spaces
-- Should really be a %%{wordwrap:…} verb
local function wordwrap(text)
text = rpm.expand(text .. "\n")
text = string.gsub(text, "\t", " ")
text = string.gsub(text, "\r", "\n")
text = string.gsub(text, " +\n", "\n")
text = string.gsub(text, "\n+\n", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub(text, "^\n", "")
text = string.gsub(text, "\n( *)[-*—][  ]+", "\n%1 ")
output = ""
for line in string.gmatch(text, "[^\n]*\n") do
local pos = 0
local advance = ""
for word in string.gmatch(line, "%s*[^%s]*\n?") do
local wl, bad = utf8.len(word)
if not wl then
print("%{warn: Invalid UTF-8 sequence detected in:\n" ..
word .. "\nIt may produce unexpected results.\n}")
wl = bad
if (pos == 0) then
advance, n = string.gsub(word, "^(%s* ).*", "%1")
if (n == 0) then
advance = string.gsub(word, "^(%s*).*", "%1")
advance = string.gsub(advance, " ", " ")
pos = pos + wl
elseif (pos + wl < 81) or
((pos + wl == 81) and string.match(word, "\n$")) then
pos = pos + wl
word = advance .. string.gsub(word, "^%s*", "")
output = output .. "\n"
pos = utf8.len(word)
output = output .. word
if pos > 80 then
pos = 0
if not string.match(word, "\n$") then
output = output .. "\n"
output = string.gsub(output, "\n*$", "\n")
return output
return {
explicitset = explicitset,
explicitunset = explicitunset,
safeset = safeset,
zalias = zalias,
setcurrent = setcurrent,
echovars = echovars,
getsuffixed = getsuffixed,
getsuffixes = getsuffixes,
getbestsuffix = getbestsuffix,
writevars = writevars,
wordwrap = wordwrap,

config.guess vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

config.sub vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# Author: Tom "spot" Callaway <>
# License: GPL
# This is a script to output the value for the %{dist}
# tag. The dist tag takes the following format: .$type$num
# Where $type is one of: el, fc, rh
# (for RHEL, Fedora Core, and RHL, respectively)
# And $num is the version number of the distribution.
# NOTE: We can't detect Rawhide or Fedora Test builds properly.
# If we successfully detect the version number, we output the
# dist tag. Otherwise, we exit with no output.
function check_num {
MAINVER=`cut -d "(" -f 1 < $RELEASEFILE | \
sed -e "s/[^0-9.]//g" -e "s/$//g" | cut -d "." -f 1`
echo $MAINVER | grep -q '[0-9]' && echo $MAINVER
function check_rhl {
grep -q "Red Hat Linux" $RELEASEFILE && ! grep -q "Advanced" $RELEASEFILE && echo $DISTNUM
function check_rhel {
egrep -q "(Enterprise|Advanced)" $RELEASEFILE && echo $DISTNUM
function check_fedora {
grep -q Fedora $RELEASEFILE && echo $DISTNUM
if [ -n "$DISTNUM" ]; then
if [ -n "$DISTFC" ]; then
elif [ -n "$DISTRHEL" ]; then
elif [ -n "$DISTRHL" ]; then
case "$1" in
--el) echo -n "$DISTRHEL" ;;
--fc) echo -n "$DISTFC" ;;
--rhl) echo -n "$DISTRHL" ;;
--distnum) echo -n "$DISTNUM" ;;
--disttype) echo -n "$DISTTYPE" ;;
printf "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]\n"
printf " Default mode is --dist. Possible options:\n"
printf " --el\t\tfor RHEL version (if RHEL)\n"
printf " --fc\t\tfor Fedora version (if Fedora)\n"
printf " --rhl\t\tfor RHL version (if RHL)\n"
printf " --dist\t\tfor distribution tag\n"
printf " --distnum\tfor distribution number (major)\n"
printf " --disttype\tfor distribution type\n" ;;
*) echo -n "$DISTTAG" ;;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# This script reads filenames from STDIN and outputs any relevant provides
# information that needs to be included in the package.
if [ "$1" ]
filelist=`sed "s/['\"]/\\\&/g"`
[ -x /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps -a -n "$filelist" ] &&
echo $filelist | tr '[:blank:]' \\n | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps --provides
# --- any other extra find-provides scripts
for i in /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-provides.d/*.prov
[ -x $i ] &&
(echo $filelist | tr '[:blank:]' \\n | $i | sort -u)
# --- Kernel module imported symbols
# Since we don't (yet) get passed the name of the package being built, we
# cheat a little here by looking first for a kernel, then for a kmod.
for f in $filelist; do
if [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/lib/modules/(.*)/(.*).ko$:\2:p') ]
if [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/boot/(.*):\1:p') ]
unset is_kmod;
if [ ! "$is_kernel" ] || [ "$package_name" == "kernel" ]
unset is_kmod
[ -x /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-provides.ksyms ] && [ "$is_kmod" ] &&
printf "%s\n" "${filelist[@]}" | /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-provides.ksyms
exit 0

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/bash
for module in $(grep -E '/lib/modules/.+\.ko$'); do
if [[ -n $(nm $module | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p') ]]; then
nm $module \
| sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p' \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("ksym(%s) = 0x%08x\n", $2, $1)}' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u
ELFRODATA=$(readelf -R .rodata $module | awk '/0x/{printf $2$3$4$5}')
if [[ -n $(readelf -h $module | grep "little endian") ]]; then
RODATA=$(echo $ELFRODATA | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\4\3\2\1/g')
for sym in $(nm $module | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) R __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p'); do
echo $sym $RODATA
done \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("ksym(%s) = 0x%08s\n", $2, substr($3,($1*2)+1,8))}' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# Auto-generate requirements for executables (both ELF and a.out) and library
# sonames, script interpreters, and perl modules.
ulimit -c 0
filelist=`sed "s/[]['\"*?{}]/\\\\\&/g"`
[ -x /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps -a -n "$filelist" ] && \
echo $filelist | tr '[:blank:]' \\n | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps --requires
# --- Kernel module imported symbols
# Since we don't (yet) get passed the name of the package being built, we
# cheat a little here by looking first for a kernel, then for a kmod.
unset is_kmod
for f in $filelist; do
if [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/lib/modules/(.*)/(.*).ko$:\2:p') ]
elif [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/boot/(.*):\1:p') ]
unset is_kmod;
# Disabling for now while the Fedora kernel doesn't produce kABI deps.
#[ -x /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires.ksyms ] && [ "$is_kmod" ] &&
# printf "%s\n" "${filelist[@]}" | /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires.ksyms
exit 0

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/bash
# Extract all of the symbols provided by this module.
all_provides() {
if [[ -n $(nm "$@" | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p') ]]; then
nm "$@" \
| sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p' \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("0x%08x\t%s\n", $1, $2)}' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u
ELFRODATA=$(readelf -R .rodata "$@" | awk '/0x/{printf $2$3$4$5}')
if [[ -n $(readelf -h "$@" | grep "little endian") ]]; then
RODATA=$(echo $ELFRODATA | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\4\3\2\1/g')
for sym in $(nm "$@" | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) R __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p'); do
echo $sym $RODATA
done \
| awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("0x%08s\t%s\n", substr($3,($1*2)+1,8), $2)}' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u
# Extract all of the requirements of this module.
all_requires() {
for module in "$@"; do
set -- $(/sbin/modinfo -F vermagic "$module" | sed -e 's: .*::' -e q)
/sbin/modprobe --dump-modversions "$module" \
| awk --non-decimal-data '
BEGIN { FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" }
{printf("0x%08x\t%s\n", $1, $2)}' \
| sed -r -e 's:$:\t'"$1"':'
done \
| LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u
# Filter out requirements fulfilled by the module itself.
mod_requires() {
LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 2 -v 1 \
<(all_requires "$@") \
<(all_provides "$@") \
| LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1 -u
if ! [ -e /sbin/modinfo -a -e /sbin/modprobe ]; then
cat > /dev/null
exit 0
modules=($(grep -E '/lib/modules/.+\.ko$'))
if [ ${#modules[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
kernel=$(/sbin/modinfo -F vermagic "${modules[0]}" | sed -e 's: .*::' -e q)
# get all that kernel provides
symvers=$(mktemp -t ${0##*/}.XXXXX)
cat /usr/src/kernels/$kernel/Module.symvers | awk '
BEGIN { FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" }
{ print $2 "\t" $1 }
' \
| sed -r -e 's:$:\t'"$kernel"':' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1 -u > $symvers
# Symbols matching with the kernel get a "kernel" dependency
LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 1 $symvers <(mod_requires "${modules[@]}") | LC_ALL=C sort -u \
| awk '{ FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print "kernel(" $1 ") = " $2 }'
# Symbols from elsewhere get a "ksym" dependency
LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 1 -v 2 $symvers <(mod_requires "${modules[@]}") | LC_ALL=C sort -u \
| awk '{ FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print "ksym(" $1 ") = " $2 }'

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# firmware.prov - Automatically extract any and all firmware dependencies from
# kernel object (.ko) files and add to RPM deps.
for module in $(grep -E '/lib/modules/.+\.ko$') $*;
for firmware in `/sbin/modinfo -F firmware $module`;
echo "firmware($firmware)"

View File

@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-- Lua code used by macros.forge and derivatives
-- Computes the suffix of a version string, removing vprefix if it matches
-- For example with vprefix 1.2.3: 1.2.3.rc2 → .rc2 but 1.2.30 → 1.2.30 not 0
local function getversionsuffix(vstring,vprefix)
if (string.sub(vstring, 1, #vprefix) == vprefix) and
(not string.match(string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1), "^%.?%d")) then
return string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1)
return vstring
-- Check if an identified url is sane
local function checkforgeurl(url, id, silent)
local checkedurl = nil
local checkedid = nil
local urlpatterns = {
gitlab = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = 'https://(…[-.])gitlab[-.]…/owner/repo'},
pagure = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = ''},
pagure_ns = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = ''},
pagure_fork = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = ''},
pagure_ns_fork = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = ''},
github = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = 'https://(…[-.])github[-.]…/owner/repo'},
[""] = {
pattern = '[^#?]*[^/#?]+',
description = '…/repo'},
[""] = {
pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+',
description = ''}}
if (urlpatterns[id] ~= nil) then
checkedurl = string.match(url,urlpatterns[id]["pattern"])
if (checkedurl == nil) then
if not silent then
rpm.expand("%{error:" .. id .. " URLs must match " .. urlpatterns[id]["description"] .. " !}")
checkedid = id
return checkedurl, checkedid
-- Check if an url matches a known forge
local function idforge(url, silent)
local forgeurl = nil
local forge = nil
if (url ~= "") then
forge = string.match(url, "^[^:]+://([^/]+)/")
if (forge == nil) then
if not silent then
rpm.expand("%{error:URLs must include a protocol such as https:// and a path starting with / !}")
if (forge == "") then
if string.match(url, "[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+") then
forge = "pagure_ns_fork"
elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+") then
forge = "pagure_fork"
elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+") then
forge = "pagure_ns"
elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://[^/]+") then
forge = "pagure"
elseif (string.match(forge, "^gitlab[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]gitlab[%.]")) then
forge = "gitlab"
elseif (string.match(forge, "^github[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]github[%.]")) then
forge = "github"
forgeurl, forge = checkforgeurl(url, forge, silent)
return forgeurl, forge
-- The forgemeta macro main processing function
-- See the documentation in the macros.forge file for argument description
-- Also called directly by gometa
local function meta(suffix, verbose, informative, silent)
local fedora = require "fedora.common"
local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0")
if ismain then
fedora.zalias({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs",
"archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl",
"topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace",
"scm", "tag", "commit", "shortcommit", "branch", "version",
"date", "distprefix"}, verbose)
local variables = {
default = {
scm = "git",
archiveext = "tar.bz2",
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archivename = "%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}",
topdir = "%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}" },
gitlab = {
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/-/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
pagure = {
archiveext = "tar.gz",
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
pagure_ns = {
archiveext = "tar.gz",
namespace = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+"))}',
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archivename = "%{namespace" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}",
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
pagure_fork = {
archiveext = "tar.gz",
owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+"))}',
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}",
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
pagure_ns_fork = {
owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/([^/]+)/[^/]+/[^/?#]+"))}',
namespace = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+")}',
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)")}',
archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{namespace" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}",
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
github = {
archiveext = "tar.gz",
archivename = "%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{fileref" .. suffix .. "}",
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" },
[""] = {
archiveext = "tar.gz",
repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://.+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/+archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}",
topdir = "" },
[""] = {
shortcommit = '%{lua:print(string.sub(rpm.expand("%{commit' .. suffix .. '}"), 1, 12))}',
owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}',
archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{shortcommit" .. suffix .. "}",
archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/get/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" } }
-- Packaging a moving branch is quite a bad idea, but since at least Gitlab
-- will treat branches and tags the same way better support branches explicitly
-- than have packagers hijack %{tag} to download branch states
local spec = {}
for _, v in ipairs({'forgeurl','tag','commit','branch','version'}) do
spec[v] = rpm.expand("%{?" .. v .. suffix .. "}")
-- Compute the reference of the object to fetch
local isrelease = false
if (spec["tag"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?tag" .. suffix .. "}"
elseif (spec["commit"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}"
elseif (spec["branch"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?branch" .. suffix .. "}"
else ref = "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}"
isrelease = true
if (rpm.expand(ref) == "") then
if (suffix == "") then
rpm.expand("%{error:You need to define Version:, %{commit} or %{tag} before the macro invocation !}")
rpm.expand("%{error:You need to define %{version" .. suffix .. "}, %{commit" .. suffix .. "} or %{tag" .. suffix .. "} before the macro invocation !}")
local forgeurl = spec["forgeurl"]
-- For backwards compatibility only
local expliciturl = rpm.expand("%{?-u*}")
if (expliciturl ~= "") then
rpm.expand("%{warn:-u use in %%forgemeta is deprecated, use -z instead to select a separate set of rpm variables!}")
forgeurl = expliciturl
local forge
forgeurl, forge = idforge(forgeurl, silent)
if (forge ~= nil) then
fedora.explicitset("forgeurl" .. suffix, forgeurl, verbose)
-- Custom processing of quirky forges that can not be handled with simple variables
if (forge == "github") then
-- Workaround the way GitHub injects "v"s before some version strings (but not all!)
-- To package one of the minority of sane GitHub projects that do not munge their version
-- strings set tag to %{version} in your spec
local fileref = ref
if (ref == "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}") then
ref = "v" .. ref
elseif (fileref ~= "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}") and
string.match(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v[%d]") then
fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v", "")
elseif (string.match(rpm.expand(fileref), "/")) then
fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "/", "-")
fedora.safeset("fileref" .. suffix, fileref, verbose)
elseif (forge == "") then
if (ref == "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}") then
ref = "v" .. ref
elseif (forge == "") then
if (spec["commit"] == "") then
rpm.expand("%{error:All BitBucket URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!}")
fedora.safeset("ref" .. suffix, ref, verbose)
-- Mass setting of the remaining variables
for k,v in pairs(variables[forge]) do
fedora.safeset(k .. suffix, variables[forge][k], verbose)
for k,v in pairs(variables["default"]) do
if (variables[forge][k] == nil) then
fedora.safeset(k .. suffix, variables["default"][k], verbose)
-- Generic rules
for _, v in ipairs({'archiveurl','archivename','archiveext','topdir'}) do
spec[v] = rpm.expand("%{?" .. v .. suffix .. "}")
-- Source URL processing (computing the forgesource spec variable)
local forgesource = "%{archiveurl" .. suffix .. "}"
if (string.match(spec["archiveurl"], "/([^/]+)$") ~= spec["archivename"] .. "." .. spec["archiveext"]) then
forgesource = "%{?archiveurl" .. suffix .. "}#/%{?archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}"
fedora.safeset("forgesource" .. suffix, forgesource, verbose)
-- Setup processing (computing the forgesetup and extractdir variables)
local forgesetupargs = "-n %{extractdir" .. suffix .. "}"
local extractdir = "%{topdir" .. suffix .. "}"
if (spec["topdir"] == "") then
forgesetupargs = "-c " .. forgesetupargs
extractdir = "%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}"
if not ismain then
if (spec["topdir"] ~= "") then
forgesetupargs = "-T -D -b " .. suffix .. " " .. forgesetupargs
forgesetupargs = "-T -D -a " .. suffix .. " " .. forgesetupargs
fedora.safeset("forgesetupargs" .. suffix, forgesetupargs, verbose)
fedora.safeset("extractdir" .. suffix, extractdir, verbose)
-- dist processing (computing the correct prefix for snapshots)
local distprefix = ""
if not isrelease then
distprefix = string.lower(rpm.expand(ref))
if (ref == "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}") then
distprefix = string.sub(distprefix, 1, 7)
elseif (ref ~= "%{?branch" .. suffix .. "}") then
distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "[%p%s]+", ".")
distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^" .. string.lower(rpm.expand("%{?repo}")) .. "%.?", "")
local v = string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{version}"), "[%p%s]+", ".")
for _, p in ipairs({'','v','v.','version','version.','tags.v', 'tags.v.'}) do
distprefix = getversionsuffix(distprefix, p .. v)
distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^%.", "")
if (distprefix ~= "") then
distprefix = "%{scm" .. suffix .. "}" .. distprefix
date = rpm.expand("%{?date" .. suffix .. "}")
if (date ~= "") then
distprefix = date .. distprefix
distprefix = "%([ -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "} ] && date +%Y%m%d -u -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "})" .. distprefix
distprefix = "." .. distprefix
if (spec["version"] ~= "") and
(spec["version"] ~= "0") and
(spec["version"] ~= rpm.expand("%{?version}")) then
distprefix = ".%{version" .. suffix .. "}" .. distprefix
if (rpm.expand(distprefix) ~= "") then
if not ismain then
distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^%.", ".s")
fedora.safeset ("distprefix" .. suffix, distprefix, verbose)
if ismain then
fedora.zalias({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs",
"archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl",
"topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace",
"scm", "shortcommit", "distprefix"}, verbose)
-- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i
if informative then
rpm.expand("%{echo:Packaging variables read or set by %%forgemeta}")
fedora.echovars({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs",
"archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl",
"topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace",
"scm", "tag", "commit", "shortcommit", "branch", "version",
"date", "distprefix"}, suffix)
rpm.expand("%{echo: (snapshot date is either manually supplied or computed once %%{_sourcedir}/%%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "} is available)}")
return {
meta = meta,

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2018 B. Persson,
# This material is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty expressed
# or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
# Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this shellscript
# for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
# Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
# provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
# modified is included with the above copyright notice.
function print_help {
cat <<'EOF'
Usage: gpgverify --keyring=<pathname> --signature=<pathname> --data=<pathname>
gpgverify is a wrapper around gpgv designed for easy and safe scripting. It
verifies a file against a detached OpenPGP signature and a keyring. The keyring
shall contain all the keys that are trusted to certify the authenticity of the
file, and must not contain any untrusted keys.
The differences, compared to invoking gpgv directly, are that gpgverify accepts
the keyring in either ASCII-armored or unarmored form, and that it will not
accidentally use a default keyring in addition to the specified one.
--keyring=<pathname> keyring with all the trusted keys and no others
--signature=<pathname> detached signature to verify
--data=<pathname> file to verify against the signature
fatal_error() {
message="$1" # an error message
status=$2 # a number to use as the exit code
echo "gpgverify: $message" >&2
exit $status
require_parameter() {
term="$1" # a term for a required parameter
value="$2" # Complain and terminate if this value is empty.
if test -z "${value}" ; then
fatal_error "No ${term} was provided." 2
check_status() {
action="$1" # a string that describes the action that was attempted
status=$2 # the exit code of the command
if test $status -ne 0 ; then
fatal_error "$action failed." $status
# Parse the command line.
for parameter in "$@" ; do
case "${parameter}" in
fatal_error "Unknown parameter: \"${parameter}\"" 2
require_parameter 'keyring' "${keyring}"
require_parameter 'signature' "${signature}"
require_parameter 'data file' "${data}"
# Make a temporary working directory.
workdir="$(mktemp --directory)"
check_status 'Making a temporary directory' $?
# Decode any ASCII armor on the keyring. This is harmless if the keyring isn't
# ASCII-armored.
gpg2 --homedir="${workdir}" --yes --output="${workring}" --dearmor "${keyring}"
check_status 'Decoding the keyring' $?
# Verify the signature using the decoded keyring.
gpgv2 --homedir="${workdir}" --keyring="${workring}" "${signature}" "${data}"
check_status 'Signature verification' $?
# (--homedir isn't actually necessary. --dearmor processes only the input file,
# and if --keyring is used and contains a slash, then gpgv2 uses only that
# keyring. Thus neither command will look for a default keyring, but --homedir
# makes extra double sure that no default keyring will be touched in case
# another version of GPG works differently.)
# Clean up. (This is not done in case of an error that may need inspection.)
rm --recursive --force ${workdir}

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
%__kmod_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/kmod.prov
%__kmod_path ^/lib/modules/.*$

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh +x
# Kernel build can have many thousands of modules.
# kmod.prov is run for every one of them.
# Try to make this script run as fast as we can.
# For example, use shell string ops instead of external programs
# where possible.
read -r fname || exit
# Only process files from .../lib/modules/... subtree
[ "${fname#*/lib/modules/*}" != "$fname" ] || exit 0
kmod=${fname##*/} # like basename, but faster
if [ "$kmod" = "modules.builtin" ]; then
for j in $(cat -- "$fname"); do
echo "kmod(${j##*/})"
exit 0
if [ "${kmod%.ko}" != "$kmod" ]; then
echo "kmod($kmod)"

View File

@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
# kmodtool - Helper script for building kernel module RPMs
# Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Ville Skyttä <>,
# Thorsten Leemhuis <>
# Jon Masters <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
shopt -s extglob
get_verrel ()
verrel=${1:-$(uname -r)}
print_verrel ()
get_verrel $@
echo "${verrel}"
get_variant ()
get_verrel $@
variant=${1:-$(uname -r)}
print_variant ()
get_variant $@
echo "${variant}"
get_rpmtemplate ()
local variant="${1}"
local dashvariant="${variant:+-${variant}}"
case "$verrel" in
*.el*) kdep="kernel${dashvariant}-%{_target_cpu} = ${verrel}" ;;
*.EL*) kdep="kernel${dashvariant}-%{_target_cpu} = ${verrel}" ;;
*) kdep="kernel-%{_target_cpu} = ${verrel}${variant}" ;;
echo "%package -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}"
if [ -z "$kmp_provides_summary" ]; then
echo "Summary: ${kmod_name} kernel module(s)"
if [ -z "$kmp_provides_group" ]; then
echo "Group: System Environment/Kernel"
if [ ! -z "$kmp_version" ]; then
echo "Version: %{kmp_version}"
if [ ! -z "$kmp_release" ]; then
echo "Release: %{kmp_release}"
if [ ! -z "$kmp" ]; then
echo "%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0"
cat <<EOF
Provides: kernel-modules = ${verrel}${variant}
Provides: ${kmod_name}-kmod = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
if [ -z "$kmp" ]; then
echo "Requires: ${kdep}"
# RHEL5 - Remove common package requirement on general kmod packages.
# Requires: ${kmod_name}-kmod-common >= %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}
cat <<EOF
Requires(post): /sbin/depmod
Requires(postun): /sbin/depmod
if [ "no" != "$kmp_nobuildreqs" ]
echo "BuildRequires: kernel${dashvariant}-devel-%{_target_cpu} = ${verrel}"
if [ "" != "$kmp_override_preamble" ]
cat "$kmp_override_preamble"
cat <<EOF
%description -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}
This package provides the ${kmod_name} kernel modules built for the Linux
kernel ${verrel}${variant} for the %{_target_cpu} family of processors.
%post -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}
if [ -e "/boot/${verrel}${variant}" ]; then
/sbin/depmod -aeF "/boot/${verrel}${variant}" "${verrel}${variant}" > /dev/null || :
if [ ! -z "$kmp" ]; then
cat <<EOF
modules=( \$(find /lib/modules/${verrel}${variant}/extra/${kmod_name}) )
if [ -x "/sbin/weak-modules" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "\${modules[@]}" \
| /sbin/weak-modules --add-modules
%preun -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}
rpm -ql kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant} | grep '\.ko$' \
> /var/run/rpm-kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}-modules
cat <<EOF
%postun -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}
/sbin/depmod -aF /boot/${verrel}${variant} ${verrel}${variant} &> /dev/null || :
if [ ! -z "$kmp" ]; then
cat <<EOF
modules=( \$(cat /var/run/rpm-kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}-modules) )
#rm /var/run/rpm-kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}-modules
if [ -x "/sbin/weak-modules" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "\${modules[@]}" \
| /sbin/weak-modules --remove-modules
echo "%files -n kmod-${kmod_name}${dashvariant}"
if [ "" == "$kmp_override_filelist" ];
echo "%defattr(644,root,root,755)"
echo "/lib/modules/${verrel}${variant}/"
echo "/lib/firmware/"
cat "$kmp_override_filelist"
print_rpmtemplate ()
get_verrel "${1}"
if [ -z "${kmod_name}" ] ; then
echo "Please provide the kmodule-name as first parameter." >&2
exit 2
elif [ -z "${kver}" ] ; then
echo "Please provide the kver as second parameter." >&2
exit 2
elif [ -z "${verrel}" ] ; then
echo "Couldn't find out the verrel." >&2
exit 2
for variant in "$@" ; do
if [ "default" == "$variant" ];
get_rpmtemplate ""
get_rpmtemplate "${variant}"
usage ()
cat <<EOF
You called: ${invocation}
Usage: ${myprog} <command> <option>+
verrel <uname>
- Get "base" version-release.
variant <uname>
- Get variant from uname.
rpmtemplate <mainpgkname> <uname> <variants>
- Return a template for use in a source RPM
rpmtemplate_kmp <mainpgkname> <uname> <variants>
- Return a template for use in a source RPM with KMP dependencies
- Output version number and exit.
invocation="$(basename ${0}) $@"
while [ "${1}" ] ; do
case "${1}" in
print_verrel $@
exit $?
print_variant $@
exit $?
print_rpmtemplate "$@"
exit $?
print_rpmtemplate "$@"
exit $?
echo "${myprog} ${myver}"
exit 0
echo "Error: Unknown option '${1}'." >&2
usage >&2
exit 2
# Local variables:
# mode: sh
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
# ex: ts=2 sw=2 et

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Make symlinks require the soname-provide of the target library
%__libsymlink_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/elfdeps --provides --soname-only
%__libsymlink_magic ^symbolic link to .*lib.*\.so\..*$
%__libsymlink_path ^.*\.so$
%__libsymlink_flags magic_and_path

View File

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
# Per-platform rpm configuration file.
# ---- per-platform macros.
%_vendor redhat
%_os linux
%_target_platform %{_target_cpu}-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}%{?_gnu}
# ---- configure macros. note that most of these are inherited
# from the defaults.
%_localstatedir /var
%_pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}
%_docdir_fmt %%{NAME}
%_fmoddir %{_libdir}/gfortran/modules
%source_date_epoch_from_changelog 1
%_enable_debug_packages 1
%_include_minidebuginfo 1
%_include_gdb_index 1
%_debugsource_packages 1
%_debuginfo_subpackages 1
# ---- compiler flags.
# C compiler flags. This is traditionally called CFLAGS in makefiles.
# Historically also available as %%{optflags}, and %%build sets the
# environment variable RPM_OPT_FLAGS to this value.
%build_cflags %{optflags}
# C++ compiler flags. This is traditionally called CXXFLAGS in makefiles.
%build_cxxflags %{optflags}
# Fortran compiler flags. Makefiles use both FFLAGS and FCFLAGS as
# the corresponding variable names.
%build_fflags %{optflags} -I%{_fmoddir}
# Link editor flags. This is usually called LDFLAGS in makefiles.
# (Some makefiles use LFLAGS instead.) The default value assumes that
# the flags, while intended for ld, are still passed through the gcc
# compiler driver. At the beginning of %%build, the environment
# variable RPM_LD_FLAGS to this value.
%build_ldflags -Wl,-z,relro %{_ld_as_needed_flags} %{_ld_symbols_flags} %{_hardened_ldflags}
# Expands to shell code to seot the compiler/linker environment
# not been set already. RPM_OPT_FLAGS and RPM_LD_FLAGS have already
# been set implicitly at the start of the %%build section.
# LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH is used by libtool script.
%set_build_flags \
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%{build_cflags}}" ; export CFLAGS ; \
CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%{build_cxxflags}}" ; export CXXFLAGS ; \
FFLAGS="${FFLAGS:-%{build_fflags}}" ; export FFLAGS ; \
FCFLAGS="${FCFLAGS:-%{build_fflags}}" ; export FCFLAGS ; \
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:-%{build_ldflags}}" ; export LDFLAGS ; \
# Internal-only. Do not use. Expand a variable and strip the flags
# not suitable to extension builders.
%__extension_strip_flags() %{lua:
local name = rpm.expand("%{1}")
local value = " " .. rpm.expand("%{build_" .. name .. "}")
local result = string.gsub(value, "%s+-specs=[^%s]+", " ")
# Variants of CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS, LDFLAGS for use within
# extension builders.
%extension_cflags %{__extension_strip_flags cflags}
%extension_cxxflags %{__extension_strip_flags cxxflags}
%extension_fflags %{__extension_strip_flags fflags}
%extension_ldflags %{__extension_strip_flags ldflags}
# Deprecated names. For backwards compatibility only.
%__global_cflags %{build_cflags}
%__global_cxxflags %{build_cxxflags}
%__global_fflags %{build_fflags}
%__global_fcflags %{build_fflags}
%__global_ldflags %{build_ldflags}
# ---- configure and makeinstall.
%_configure_gnuconfig_hack 1
%_configure_libtool_hardening_hack 1
# If defined, _configure_disable_silent_rules will cause --disable-silent-rules
# to be added to the list of options passed to the configure script.
# Eventually we'll want to turn this on by default, but this gives packagers a
# way to turn it back off.
# %_configure_disable_silent_rules 1
%configure \
%{set_build_flags}; \
[ "%_configure_gnuconfig_hack" = 1 ] && for i in $(find $(dirname %{_configure}) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub) ; do \
[ -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/$(basename $i) ] && %{__rm} -f $i && %{__cp} -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/$(basename $i) $i ; \
done ; \
[ "%_configure_libtool_hardening_hack" = 1 ] && [ x != "x%{_hardened_ldflags}" ] && \
for i in $(find . -name ; do \
%{__sed} -i.backup -e 's~compiler_flags=$~compiler_flags="%{_hardened_ldflags}"~' $i \
done ; \
%{_configure} --build=%{_build} --host=%{_host} \\\
--program-prefix=%{?_program_prefix} \\\
--disable-dependency-tracking \\\
%{?_configure_disable_silent_rules:--disable-silent-rules} \\\
--prefix=%{_prefix} \\\
--exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \\\
--bindir=%{_bindir} \\\
--sbindir=%{_sbindir} \\\
--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \\\
--datadir=%{_datadir} \\\
--includedir=%{_includedir} \\\
--libdir=%{_libdir} \\\
--libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \\\
--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \\\
--sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \\\
--mandir=%{_mandir} \\\
# ---- Build policy macros.
# Expanded at beginning of %install scriptlet.
%__spec_install_pre %{___build_pre}\
[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"\
mkdir -p `dirname "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"`\
mkdir "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"\
# Expanded at end of %install scriptlet.
%__arch_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
# Build root policy macros. Standard naming:
# convert all '-' in basename to '_', add two leading underscores.
%__brp_ldconfig /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-ldconfig
%__brp_compress /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress
%__brp_strip /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip %{__strip}
%__brp_strip_lto /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-lto %{__strip}
%__brp_strip_comment_note /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump}
%__brp_strip_static_archive /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip}
%__brp_python_bytecompile /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-python-bytecompile "%{__python}" "%{?_python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build}" "%{?_python_bytecompile_extra}"
%__brp_python_hardlink /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink
# __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude - shebangs to exclude
# __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_file - file from which to get shebangs to exclude
# __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from - files to ignore
# __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from_file - file from which to get files to ignore
%__brp_mangle_shebangs /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-mangle-shebangs %{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude:--shebangs "%{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude}"} %{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_file:--shebangs-from "%{__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_file}"} %{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from:--files "%{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from}"} %{?__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from_file:--files-from "%{__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from_file}"}
%__os_install_post \
%{?__brp_ldconfig} \
%{?__brp_compress} \
%{?__brp_strip} \
%{?__brp_strip_comment_note} \
} \
%{?__brp_strip_lto} \
%{?__brp_strip_static_archive} \
%{?py_auto_byte_compile:%{?__brp_python_bytecompile}} \
%{?__brp_python_hardlink} \
%{?__brp_mangle_shebangs} \
%install %{?_enable_debug_packages:%{?buildsubdir:%{debug_package}}}\
# Should missing buildids terminate a build?
%_missing_build_ids_terminate_build 1
## Automatically compile python files
%py_auto_byte_compile 1
## Should python bytecompilation errors terminate a build?
%_python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 1
## Should python bytecompilation compile outisde python specific directories?
%_python_bytecompile_extra 0
# Use SHA-256 for FILEDIGESTS instead of default MD5
%_source_filedigest_algorithm 8
%_binary_filedigest_algorithm 8
# Use Zstandard compression for binary payloads
%_binary_payload w19.zstdio
%_hardening_cflags -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1
# we don't escape symbols '~', '"', etc. so be careful when changing this
%_hardening_ldflags -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld
# Harden packages by default for Fedora 23:
# (accepted on 2014-02-11)
# Use "%undefine _hardened_build" to disable.
%_hardened_build 1
%_hardened_cflags %{?_hardened_build:%{_hardening_cflags}}
%_hardened_ldflags %{?_hardened_build:%{_hardening_ldflags}}
%_annobin_cflags -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1
# Add extra information to binary objects created by gcc for Fedora 28:
# (accepted on 2017-10-30)
# Use "%undefine _annotated_build" to disable.
%_annotated_build 1
%_annotated_cflags %{?_annotated_build:%{_annobin_cflags}}
# Fail linking if there are undefined symbols. Required for proper
# ELF symbol versioning support. Disabled by default.
# Use "%define _ld_strict_symbol_defs 1" to enable.
#%_ld_strict_symbol_defs 1
%_ld_symbols_flags %{?_ld_strict_symbol_defs:-Wl,-z,defs}
# use "%undefine _ld_as_needed" to disable.
%_ld_as_needed 1
%_ld_as_needed_flags %{?_ld_as_needed:-Wl,--as-needed}
%__global_compiler_flags -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches %{_hardened_cflags} %{_annotated_cflags}%{?_legacy_common_support: -fcommon}
# Automatically trim changelog entries after 2 years
%_changelog_trimtime %{lua:print(os.time() - 2 * 365 * 86400)}
# ---- Generic auto req/prov filtering macros
# prevent anything matching from being scanned for provides
%filter_provides_in(P) %{expand: \
%global __filter_prov_cmd %{?__filter_prov_cmd} %{__grep} -v %{-P} '%*' | \
# prevent anything matching from being scanned for requires
%filter_requires_in(P) %{expand: \
%global __filter_req_cmd %{?__filter_req_cmd} %{__grep} -v %{-P} '%*' | \
# filter anything matching out of the provides stream
%filter_from_provides() %{expand: \
%global __filter_from_prov %{?__filter_from_prov} | %{__sed} -e '%*' \
# filter anything matching out of the requires stream
%filter_from_requires() %{expand: \
%global __filter_from_req %{?__filter_from_req} | %{__sed} -e '%*' \
# actually set up the filtering bits
%filter_setup %{expand: \
%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0 \
%global __deploop() while read FILE; do echo "${FILE}" | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps -%{1}; done | /bin/sort -u \
%global __find_provides /bin/sh -c "%{?__filter_prov_cmd} %{__deploop P} %{?__filter_from_prov}" \
%global __find_requires /bin/sh -c "%{?__filter_req_cmd} %{__deploop R} %{?__filter_from_req}" \
# Temporary shelter for rpm 4.15 refugees
%requires_eq() %(LC_ALL="C" echo '%*' | xargs -r rpm -q --qf 'Requires: %%{name} = %%{epoch}:%%{version}\\n' | sed -e 's/ (none):/ /' -e 's/ 0:/ /' | grep -v "is not")

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# Macros for reducing debug info size using dwz(1) utility.
# The two default values below should result in dwz taking at most
# 3GB of RAM or so on 64-bit hosts and 2.5GB on 32-bit hosts
# on the largest *.debug files (in mid 2012 those are
# libreoffice-debuginfo, debuginfos containing
# and libwebkitgtk-*.so.*.debug).
# This needs to be tuned based on the amount of available RAM
# on build boxes for each architecture as well as virtual address
# space limitations if dwz is 32-bit program. While it needs less
# memory than 64-bit program because pointers are smaller, it can
# never have more than 4GB-epsilon of RAM and on some architecture
# even less than that (e.g. 2GB).
# Number of debugging information entries (DIEs) above which
# dwz will stop considering file for multifile optimizations
# and enter a low memory mode, in which it will optimize
# in about half the memory needed otherwise.
%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit 10000000
# Number of DIEs above which dwz will stop processing
# a file altogether.
%_dwz_max_die_limit 50000000
# On x86_64 increase the higher limit to make libwebkit* optimizable.
# libwebkit* in mid 2012 contains roughly 87mil DIEs, and 64-bit
# dwz is able to optimize it from ~1.1GB to ~410MB using 5.2GB of RAM.
%_dwz_max_die_limit_x86_64 110000000
# On ARM, build boxes often have only 512MB of RAM and are very slow.
# Lower both the limits.
%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit_armv5tel 4000000
%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit_armv7hl 4000000
%_dwz_max_die_limit_armv5tel 10000000
%_dwz_max_die_limit_armv7hl 10000000
%_dwz_limit() %{expand:%%{?%{1}_%{_arch}}%%{!?%{1}_%{_arch}:%%%{1}}}
%_find_debuginfo_dwz_opts --run-dwz\\\
--dwz-low-mem-die-limit %{_dwz_limit _dwz_low_mem_die_limit}\\\
--dwz-max-die-limit %{_dwz_limit _dwz_max_die_limit}

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# Some miscellaneous Fedora-related macros
# List files matching inclusion globs, excluding files matching exclusion blogs
# Optional parameters:
# -i "<globs>" inclusion globs
# -x "<globs>" exclusion globs
# Globs are space-separated lists of shell globs. Such lists require %{quote:}
# use for safe rpm argument passing.
# Alternatively, set the following rpm variables before calling the macro:
# “listfiles_include” inclusion globs
# — “listfiles_exclude” exclusion globs
# Arguments passed to the macro without flags will be interpreted as inclusion
# globs.
%listfiles(i:x:) %{expand:
%if %{lua: print(string.len(rpm.expand("%{?-i*}%{?listfiles_include}%*")))}
listfiles_include=$(realpath -e --relative-base=. %{?-i*} %{?listfiles_include} %* | sort -u)
%if %{lua: print(string.len(rpm.expand("%{?-x*}%{?listfiles_exclude}")))}
while IFS= read -r finc ; do
realpath -qe --relative-base=. %{?-x*} %{?listfiles_exclude} \\
| sort -u | grep -q "${finc}" || echo "${finc}"
done <<< "${listfiles_include}"
echo "${listfiles_include}"
# Write the contents of a list of rpm variables to a macro file.
# The target file must contain the corresponding anchors.
# For example %writevars -f myfile foo bar will replace:
# @@FOO@@ with the rpm evaluation of %{foo} and
# @@BAR@@ with the rpm evaluation of %{bar}
# in myfile
%writevars(f:) %{lua:
local fedora = require "fedora.common"
local macrofile = rpm.expand("%{-f*}")
local rpmvars = {}
for i = 1, rpm.expand("%#") do
table.insert(rpmvars, rpm.expand("%" .. i))
# gpgverify verifies signed sources. There is documentation in the script.
%gpgverify(k:s:d:) %{lua:
local script = rpm.expand("%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/gpgverify ")
local keyring = rpm.expand("%{-k*}")
local signature = rpm.expand("%{-s*}")
local data = rpm.expand("%{-d*}")
if keyring ~= "" then
print(rpm.expand("--keyring='%{SOURCE" .. keyring .. "}' "))
if signature ~= "" then
print(rpm.expand("--signature='%{SOURCE" .. signature .. "}' "))
if data ~= "" then
print(rpm.expand("--data='%{SOURCE" .. data .. "}' "))

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# Some miscellaneous Fedora-related macros
# A directory for rpm macros
%rpmmacrodir /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d
# A directory for appdata metainfo. This has changed between releases so a
# macro is useful.
%_metainfodir %{_datadir}/metainfo
# A directory for SWID tag files describing the installation
%_swidtagdir %{_prefix}/lib/swidtag/
# A helper to apply the fedora.wordwrap filter to the content of an rpm
# variable, and print the result. Optional parameter:
# -v <variable_name> (default value: _description)
# Putting multiple lines of UTF-8 text inside a variable is usually
# accomplished with a %%{expand: some_text}.
%wordwrap(v:) %{lua:
local fedora = require "fedora.common"
local variable = "%{" .. rpm.expand("%{-v*}%{!-v:_description}") .. "}"

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# Map forge information to rpm metadata. This macro will compute default spec
# variable values.
# The following spec variables SHOULD be set before calling the macro:
# forgeurl the project url on the forge, strongly recommended;
# Version if applicable, set it with Version: <version>
# tag if applicable
# commit if applicable
# date if applicable (to override the mtime of the Source archive)
# Use -z for multiple calls to the macro
# The macro will attempt to compute and set the following variables if they are
# not already set by the packager:
# forgesource an URL that can be used as SourceX: value
# forgesetupargs the correct arguments to pass to %setup for this source
# used by %forgesetup and %forgeautosetup
# archivename the source archive filename, without extentions
# archiveext the source archive filename extensions, without leading dot
# archiveurl the url that can be used to download the source archive,
# without renaming
# topdir the source archive top directory (can be empty)
# extractdir the source directory created inside %{_builddir} after using
# %%forgesetup, %forgeautosetup or %{forgesetupargs}
# repo the repository name
# owner the repository owner (if used by another computed variable)
# shortcommit the commit hash clamping used by the forge, if any
# scm the scm type, when packaging code snapshots: commits or tags
# distprefix the prefix that needs adding to dist to trace non-release packaging
# Most of the computed variables are both overridable and optional.
# Optional parameters:
# -a process all sources in one go, instead of using separate -z calls
# -z <number> suffix all the read and written variable names with <number>
# for example read forgeurl<number>, version<number>…
# and generate forgesetupargs<number>, archiveurl<number>…
# The macro assumes that null or nil suffix is used for the primary
# package source.
# -s Silently ignore problems in forgeurl, use it if it can be parsed,
# ignore it otherwise.
# -v Be verbose and print every spec variable the macro sets.
# -i Print some info about the state of spec variables the macro may use or
# set at the end of the processing.
%forgemeta(az:sviu:) %{lua:
local fedora = require "fedora.common"
local forge = require "fedora.srpm.forge"
local verbose = rpm.expand("%{-v}") ~= ""
local informative = rpm.expand("%{-i}") ~= ""
local silent = rpm.expand("%{-s}") ~= ""
local processall = (rpm.expand("%{-a}") ~= "") and (rpm.expand("%{-z}") == "")
if processall then
for _,s in pairs(fedora.getsuffixes("forgeurl")) do
# Convenience macro to relay computed arguments to %setup
# Optional parameters:
# -a process all sources in one go, instead of using separate -z calls
# -z <number> read %{?forgesetupargs<number>}
# -v be verbose
%forgesetup(az:v) %{lua:
local fedora = require "fedora.common"
if (rpm.expand("%{-z}") == "") and (rpm.expand("%{-a}") ~= "") then
for _,s in pairs(fedora.getsuffixes("forgesetupargs")) do
print(rpm.expand("%setup %{!-v:-q} %{?forgesetupargs" .. s .. "}\\n"))
print( rpm.expand("%setup %{!-v:-q} %{?forgesetupargs" .. rpm.expand("%{-z*}") .. "}\\n"))
# Convenience macro to relay computed arguments to %autosetup
# Parameters relayed to %autosetup: -v -N -S -p
# Optional parameters:
# -z <number> read %{?forgesetupargs<number>}
%forgeautosetup(z:vNS:p:q) %{lua:
print(rpm.expand("%autosetup %{-v} %{-N} %{?-S} %{?-p} %{?forgesetupargs" .. rpm.expand("%{-z*}") .. "}\\n"))

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# Use these macros to differentiate between RH and other KMP implementation(s).
redhat_kernel_module_package 1
kernel_module_package_release 1
%__find_provides /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-provides
%__find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires
#kernel_module_package [ -n name ] [ -v version ] [ -r release ] [ -s script ]
# [ -f filelist] [ -x ] [ -p preamble ] flavor flavor ...
%kernel_module_package_buildreqs %global kmodtool_generate_buildreqs 1 \
%kernel_module_package(n:v:r:s:f:xp:) %{expand:%( \
%define kmodtool %{-s*}%{!-s:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/kmodtool} \
%define kmp_version %{-v*}%{!-v:%{version}} \
%define kmp_release %{-r*}%{!-r:%{release}} \
%define latest_kernel %(rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\\\\n' `rpm -q kernel-devel | /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/rpmsort -r | head -n 1` | head -n 1) \
%{!?kernel_version:%{expand:%%global kernel_version %{latest_kernel}}} \
%global kverrel %(%{kmodtool} verrel %{?kernel_version} 2>/dev/null) \
flavors="default" \
if [ "i686" == "%{_target_cpu}" ] || [ "x86_64" == "%{_target_cpu}" ] \
then \
xenver=$(rpm -q kernel-xen-devel-%{kverrel}|head -n 1)\
kdver=$(rpm -q kernel-kdump-devel-%{kverrel}|head -n 1)\
if [ "kernel-xen-devel-%{kverrel}" == "$xenver" ] \
then \
flavors="$flavors xen" \
fi \
if [ "kernel-kdump-devel-%{kverrel}" == "$kdver" ] \
then \
flavors="$flavors kdump" \
fi \
fi \
if [ -z "%*" ]; then \
flavors_to_build=$flavors \
elif [ -z "%{-x}" ]; then \
flavors_to_build="%*" \
else \
flavors_to_build=" $flavors "\
echo "[$flavors_to_build]" >/tmp/tmp.txt
for i in %* \
do \
flavors_to_build=${flavors_to_build//$i /}
done \
fi \
echo "%%global flavors_to_build ${flavors_to_build:-%%nil}" \
echo "%%global kernel_source() /usr/src/kernels/%kverrel.\\\$([ %%%%{1} = default ] || echo "%%%%{1}.")%_target_cpu" \
if [ ! -z "%{-f*}" ] \
then \
filelist="%{-f*}" \
fi \
if [ ! -z "%{-p*}" ] \
then \
preamble="%{-p*}" \
fi \
nobuildreqs="yes" \
if [ "x%{kmodtool_generate_buildreqs}" != "x1" ] \
then \
nobuildreqs="no" \
fi \
kmp_override_filelist="$filelist" kmp_override_preamble="$preamble" kmp_nobuildreqs="$nobuildreqs" %{kmodtool} rpmtemplate_kmp %{-n*}%{!-n:%name} %{kverrel} $flavors_to_build 2>/dev/null \

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# arches that ldc builds on
%ldc_arches %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#%ldconfig /sbin/ldconfig
%ldconfig_post(n:) %{?ldconfig:%post -p %ldconfig %{?*} %{-n:-n %{-n*}}\
%ldconfig_postun(n:) %{?ldconfig:%postun -p %ldconfig %{?*} %{-n:-n %{-n*}}\
%ldconfig_scriptlets(n:) %{?ldconfig:\
%ldconfig_post %{?*} %{-n:-n %{-n*}}\
%ldconfig_postun %{?*} %{-n:-n %{-n*}}\

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# arches that mono builds on
%mono_arches %{ix86} x86_64 sparc sparcv9 ia64 %{arm} aarch64 alpha s390x ppc ppc64 ppc64le
%_monodir %{_prefix}/lib/mono
%_monogacdir %{_monodir}/gac

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# nodejs_arches lists what arches Node.js and dependent packages run on.
# Enabling Node.js on other arches requires porting the V8 JavaScript JIT to
# those arches. Support for POWER and aarch64 arrived in nodejs v4. Support
# for s390x arrived in nodejs v6
%nodejs_arches %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 %{power64} s390x

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# valgrind_arches lists what arches Valgrind works on
%valgrind_arches %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390x armv7hl aarch64

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# ---- VPATH default settings
# directory where CMakeLists.txt/ are placed
%_vpath_srcdir .
# directory (doesn't need to exist) where all generated build files will be placed
%_vpath_builddir %_target_platform

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
# heavily based upon find-suggests.ksyms by Andreas Gruenbacher <>.
# with modifications by Michael Brown <>
# -- added module versioning info to modalias() symbols
# -- removed code which inspects spec files.
# Initially, dont generate modalias() lines for kernel package. This needs
# additional discussion. Would like to eventually add them for
# completeness, so that we can determine when drivers are folded into
# mainline kernel.
case "$1" in
kernel-module-*) ;; # Fedora kernel module package names start with
# kernel-module.
kernel*) is_kernel_package=1 ;;
if ! [ -z "$is_kernel_package" ]; then
cat > /dev/null
exit 0
print_modaliases() {
declare class=$1 variants=$2 pos=$3
if [ -n "$variants" ]; then
echo "${class:0:pos}[$variants]${class:pos+1}"
[ -z "$class" ] || echo "$class"
combine_modaliases() {
declare tag class variants pos n
read class
while read tag; do
for ((n=0; n<${#class}; n++)); do
if [ "*" != "${class:n:1}" -a \
"${class:0:n}" = "${tag:0:n}" -a \
"${class:n+1}" = "${tag:n+1}" ] &&
( [ -z "$pos" ] || [ $n = $pos ] ); then
if [ $n -eq ${#class} ]; then
print_modaliases "$class" "$variants" "$pos"
print_modaliases "$class" "$variants" "$pos"
for module in $(grep -E '/lib/modules/.+\.ko$') $*; do
# | head -n1 because some modules have *two* version tags. *cough*b44*cough*
modver=$(/sbin/modinfo -F version "$module"| head -n1)
modver=${modver// /_}
# only add version tag if it has a version
if [ -n "$modver" ]; then
/sbin/modinfo -F alias "$module" \
| sed -nre "s,(.+),modalias(\\1) = $modver,p"
/sbin/modinfo -F alias "$module" \
| sed -nre "s,(.+),modalias(\\1),p"
done \
| sort -u \
| combine_modaliases

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
+ %{!-fno-use-annobin:%{!iplugindir*:%:find-plugindir()} -fplugin=annobin}

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
+ %{!r:%{!fpie:%{!fPIE:%{!fpic:%{!fPIC:%{!fno-pic:-fPIE}}}}}}

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
+ %{!static:%{!shared:%{!r:-pie}}}

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
commit 635437c7bfe6053dcfe112705b809bb78aba1a73
Author: Panu Matilainen <>
Date: Mon Feb 15 13:42:36 2010 +0200
Unbreak find-requires (#443015, #564527)
- regression originating from commit 9ed9b4e3459e3125befd324f579f751a239c26ca
which was supposed to fix something for on ARM but broke pretty much
all else
- this should've been in 9.1.0 but somehow gone missing, ugh...
- fix originally from Bill Nottingham
diff --git a/find-requires b/find-requires
index fa5ab95..eb3ee54 100755
--- a/find-requires
+++ b/find-requires
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ for f in $liblist $exelist ; do
print $2 ;
+ (START==2) && /^[A-Za-z]/ { START=3; }
/^Version References:$/ { START=2; }
(START==2) && /required from/ {
sub(/:/, "", $3);
@@ -114,7 +115,6 @@ for f in $liblist $exelist ; do
(START==2) && (LIBNAME!="") && ($4!="") {
print LIBNAME "(" $4 ")'$lib64'";
- /^[A-Za-z]/ { START=3; }
done | sort -u

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
commit 7cf1ad2dbb5af9b9012ba67b9687ad28c02578d6
Author: Panu Matilainen <>
Date: Wed Feb 3 12:52:30 2010 +0200
Enable strict python bytecompile mode (if rpm supports it)
- with %_python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build set to non-zero,
byte-compilation errors will abort the build, this helps catch out
silly "improt foo" syntax errors early on
- not all .py files are valid python (they can be templates, inteded for
jython consumption etc), and what's valid can depend on the python
version (notably 2.x vs 3.x) so allow overriding from spec
diff --git a/macros b/macros
index 77844f0..7721fe0 100644
--- a/macros
+++ b/macros
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
%{!?__debug_package:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip %{__strip}} \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip} \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump} \
- /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile %{__python} \
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile %{__python} %{?_python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build} \
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-python-hardlink \
%{!?__jar_repack:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars} \
@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ unset DISPLAY\
# Should unpackaged files in a build root terminate a build?
%_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
+## Should python bytecompilation errors terminate a build?
+%_python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 1
# Use SHA-256 for FILEDIGESTS instead of default MD5
%_source_filedigest_algorithm 8
%_binary_filedigest_algorithm 8

View File

@ -1,888 +1,46 @@
# 1) Don't add patches, dist-git is the upstream repository for this package.
# 2) When making changes, update version by +1, leave release alone.
Summary: Red Hat specific rpm configuration files
Name: redhat-rpm-config
Version: 153
Release: 1%{?dist}
Version: 9.1.0
Release: 3%{?dist}
# No version specified.
License: GPL+
# Core rpm settings
Source0: macros
Source1: rpmrc
# gcc specs files for hardened builds
Source50: redhat-hardened-cc1
Source51: redhat-hardened-ld
# gcc specs files for annobin builds
Source52: redhat-annobin-cc1
# The macros defined by these files are for things that need to be defined
# at srpm creation time when it is not feasible to require the base packages
# that would otherwise be providing the macros. other language/arch specific
# macros should not be defined here but instead in the base packages that can
# be pulled in at rpm build time, this is specific for srpm creation.
Source100: macros.fedora-misc-srpm
Source102: macros.mono-srpm
Source103: macros.nodejs-srpm
Source104: macros.ldc-srpm
Source105: macros.valgrind-srpm
# Other misc macros
Source150: macros.dwz
Source151: macros.kmp
Source152: macros.vpath
Source153: macros.forge
Source154: macros.ldconfig
Source155: macros.fedora-misc
# Build policy scripts
# this comes from
# added a python -> python2 conversion for fedora with warning
# and an echo when the mangling happens
Source201: brp-mangle-shebangs
# this comes from rpm itself
# however, now we can do Fedora changes within
Source202: brp-python-bytecompile
# Dependency generator scripts (deprecated)
Source300: find-provides
Source301: find-provides.ksyms
Source304: find-requires
Source305: find-requires.ksyms
Source308: firmware.prov
Source309: modalias.prov
# Misc helper scripts
Source401: rpmsort
Source402: symset-table
Source403: kmodtool
Source404: gpgverify
# 2016-10-02 snapshots from
Source500: config.guess
Source501: config.sub
# Dependency generators & their rules
Source600: kmod.attr
Source601: kmod.prov
Source602: libsymlink.attr
# BRPs
Source700: brp-ldconfig
Source701: brp-strip-lto
# Convenience lua functions
Source800: common.lua
Source801: forge.lua
# Documentation
Group: Development/System
Source: redhat-rpm-config-%{version}.tar.bz2
Patch0: redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-strict-python-bytecompile.patch
Patch1: redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-fix-requires.patch
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: perl-generators
Requires: coreutils
Requires: efi-srpm-macros
Requires: fonts-srpm-macros
Requires: fpc-srpm-macros
Requires: ghc-srpm-macros
Requires: gnat-srpm-macros
Requires: go-srpm-macros
Requires: nim-srpm-macros
Requires: ocaml-srpm-macros
Requires: openblas-srpm-macros
Requires: perl-srpm-macros
# ↓ Provides compileall2 Python module
Requires: python-srpm-macros >= 3-46
Requires: rust-srpm-macros
Requires: qt5-srpm-macros
Requires: rpm >= 4.11.0
Requires: dwz >= 0.4
Requires: zip
Requires: (annobin if gcc)
# for brp-mangle-shebangs
Requires: %{_bindir}/find
Requires: %{_bindir}/file
Requires: %{_bindir}/grep
Requires: %{_bindir}/sed
Requires: %{_bindir}/xargs
# -fstack-clash-protection and -fcf-protection require GCC 8.
Conflicts: gcc < 8.0.1-0.22
Provides: system-rpm-config = %{version}-%{release}
%global rrcdir /usr/lib/rpm/redhat
Requires: mktemp
Requires: rpm >= 4.6.0
BuildRequires: libtool
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
Red Hat specific rpm configuration files.
%package -n kernel-rpm-macros
Summary: Macros and scripts for building kernel module packages
Requires: redhat-rpm-config >= 13
%description -n kernel-rpm-macros
Macros and scripts for building kernel module packages.
# Not strictly necessary but allows working on file names instead
# of source numbers in install section
%setup -c -T
cp -p %{sources} .
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rrcdir}
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} macros rpmrc
install -p -m 444 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} redhat-hardened-*
install -p -m 444 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} redhat-annobin-*
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} config.*
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} rpmsort symset-table kmodtool
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} gpgverify
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} brp-*
make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install
cp -p %{_datadir}/libtool/config/config.{guess,sub} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/
find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -name \*.orig -delete
# buggy makefile in 9.1.0 leaves changelog in wrong place
find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -name ChangeLog -delete
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} find-*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rrcdir}/find-provides.d
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir}/find-provides.d firmware.prov modalias.prov
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{rrcdir} brp-*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d macros.*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir}
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir} *.attr
install -p -m 755 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir} kmod.prov
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/{rpm,srpm}
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora common.lua
install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm forge.lua
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%dir %{rrcdir}
%dir %{_rpmluadir}/fedora
%dir %{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm
%dir %{_rpmluadir}/fedora/rpm
%files -n kernel-rpm-macros
%dir %{rrcdir}/find-provides.d
%doc ChangeLog
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 153-1
- Add dependency on fonts-srpm-macros, as those have now been approved by FPC.
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Jeff Law <> - 152-1
- Use eu-elfclassify to only run strip on ELF relocatables
and archive libraries.
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Igor Raits <> - 151-1
- Fixup parallel algorithm for brp-strip-lto
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Jeff Law <> - 150-1
- Strip LTO sections/symbols from installed .o/.a files
* Thu Jan 23 2020 Jeff Law <> - 149-1
- Allow conditionally adding -fcommon to CFLAGS by defining %%_legacy_common_support
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Florian Weimer <> - 148-1
- Reenable annobin after GCC 10 integration (#1792892)
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Florian Weimer <> - 147-1
- Temporarily disable annobin for GCC 10 (#1792892)
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Denys Vlasenko <> - 146-1
- kmod.prov: fix and speed it up
* Tue Dec 03 15:48:18 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 145-1
- %%set_build_flags: define LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH
* Thu Nov 21 2019 Denys Vlasenko <> - 144-1
- Speed up brp-mangle-shebangs.
* Tue Nov 05 2019 Lumír Balhar <> - 143-1
- Fix brp-python-bytecompile with the new features from compileall2
- Resolves: rhbz#1595265
* Fri Nov 01 2019 Miro Hrončok <> - 142-1
- Fix the simple API of %%gpgverify.
* Thu Aug 22 2019 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 141-2
- Simplify the API of %%gpgverify.
* Thu Jul 25 2019 Richard W.M. Jones <> - 140-2
- Bump version and rebuild.
* Sat Jul 20 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 140-1
- Fixup python-srpm-macros version
* Wed Jul 17 2019 Lumír Balhar <> - 139-1
- Use compileall2 Python module for byte-compilation in brp-python-bytecompile
* Tue Jul 09 2019 Miro Hrončok <> - 138-1
- Move brp-python-bytecompile from rpm, so we can easily adapt it
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Nicolas Mailhot <> - 137-1
- listfiles: make it robust against all kinds of “interesting” inputs
- wordwrap: make list indenting smarter, to produce something with enough
structure that it can be converted into AppStream metadata
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Robert-André Mauchin <> - 136-1
- Revert "Fix expansion in listfiles_exclude/listfiles_include"
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Nicolas Mailhot <> - 135-1
- Fix expansion in listfiles_exclude/listfiles_include
* Mon Jul 01 2019 Florian Festi <> - 134-1
- Switch binary payload compression to Zstandard level 19
* Thu Jun 27 2019 Vít Ondruch <> - 133-2
- Enable RPM to set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable.
* Tue Jun 25 08:13:50 CEST 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 133-1
- Expand listfiles_exclude/listfiles_include
* Tue Jun 11 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <> - 132-1
- Remove perl macro refugees
* Mon Jun 10 2019 Panu Matilainen <> - 131-1
- Provide temporary shelter for rpm 4.15 perl macro refugees
* Tue Jun 04 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 130-1
- New macro for wrapping text %%wordwrap
- Smal fix for %%listfiles with no arguments
* Thu May 30 2019 Björn Persson <Bjorn@Rombobjö> - 129-1
- Added gpgverify.
* Tue Jan 15 2019 Panu Matilainen <> - 128-1
- Drop redundant _smp_mflag re-definition, use the one from rpm instead
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 127-1
- Build flags: Add support for extension builders (#1543394)
* Mon Dec 17 2018 Panu Matilainen <> - 126-1
- Silence the annoying warning from ldconfig brp-script (#1540971)
* Thu Nov 15 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 125-1
- Make automagic Python bytecompilation optional
* Thu Nov 08 2018 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 124-1
- forge: add more distprefix cleaning (bz1646724)
* Mon Oct 22 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 123-1
- Add -q option to %%forgesetup
* Sat Oct 20 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 122-1
- Allow multiple calls to forge macros
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Jan Pazdziora <> - 121-1
- Add %_swidtagdir for directory for SWID tag files describing the
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 120-1
- Make ambiguous python shebangs error
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Kalev Lember <> - 119-1
- Add aarch64 to ldc arches
* Wed Aug 15 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 118-1
- Enable --as-needed by default
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 117-1
- Mangle /bin shebnags to /usr/bin ones (#1581757)
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 116-1
- Add option to add -Wl,--as-needed into LDFLAGS
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Kalev Lember <> - 115-1
- Disable non-functional ppc64 support for ldc packages
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Panu Matilainen <> - 114-1
- Fix kernel ABI related strings (Peter Oros, #26)
- Automatically trim changelog to two years (Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, #22)
- Cosmetics cleanups (Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, #22)
* Mon Jun 18 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 113-1
- Build flags: Require SSE2 on i686 (#1592212)
* Mon May 28 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 112-1
- Add a possibility to opt-out form automagic Python bytecompilation
* Wed May 02 2018 Peter Jones <> - 111-1
- brp-mangle-shebangs: add %%{__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_file} and
%%{__brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude_from_file} to allow you to specify files
containing the shebangs to be ignore and files to be ignored regexps,
respectively, so that they can be generated during the package build.
* Wed May 2 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 110-1
- Reflect -fasynchronous-unwind-tables GCC default on POWER (#1550914)
* Wed May 2 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 109-1
- Use plain -fcf-protection compiler flag, without -mcet (#1570823)
* Tue May 01 2018 Peter Jones <> - 108-1
- Add Requires: efi-srpm-macros for %%{efi}
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 107-1
- Add %%_metainfodir macro.
- %%forgeautosetup tweak to fix patch application.
* Mon Mar 05 2018 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 106-1
- Update forge macros.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 105-1
- Make -fasynchronous-unwind-tables explicit on aarch64 (#1536431)
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 104-1
- Use -funwind-tables on POWER (#1536431, #1548847)
* Sun Feb 25 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 103-1
- Make %%ldconfig_post/%%ldconfig_postun parameterized
* Sat Feb 24 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 102-1
- Second step of -z now move: removal from GCC specs file (#1548397)
* Sat Feb 24 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 101-1
- First step of moving -z now to the gcc command line (#1548397)
* Thu Feb 22 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 100-1
- Don't mangle shebangs with whitespace only changes (#1546993)
* Thu Feb 22 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 99-1
- Move %%end to %%ldconfig_scriptlets
* Sat Feb 17 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 98-1
- Explicitly close scriptlets with %%end (ldconfig)
* Wed Feb 14 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 97-1
- Allow to opt-out from shebang mangling for specific paths/shebangs
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 96-1
- Simplify/Fix check for shebang starting with "/"
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 95-1
- Fix mangling env shebangs with absolute paths
* Sun Feb 4 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 94-1
- Add RPM macros for compiler/linker flags
* Sat Feb 03 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 93-1
- Use newly available /usr/bin/grep
* Wed Jan 31 2018 Peter Robinson <> 92-1
- Use generic tuning for ARMv7
* Tue Jan 30 2018 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 91-1
- The grep package only provides /bin/grep, not /usr/bin/grep.
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 90-1
- Add brp-mangle-shebangs
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 89-1
- Add macros.ldconfig
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 88-1
- Create DSO symlinks automatically
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 87-1
- Build flags: Disable -z defs again (#1535422)
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 86-1
- Build flags: Enable CET on i686, x86_64 (#1538725)
* Thu Jan 25 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 85-1
- Build flags: Switch to generic tuning on i686 (#1538693)
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 84-1
- Link with -z defs by default (#1535422)
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 83-1
- Make armhfp flags consistent with GCC defaults
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 82-1
- Make use of -fasynchronous-unwind-tables more explicit (#1536431)
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 81-1
- Remove --param=ssp-buffer-size=4
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 80-1
- Document build flags
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Panu Matilainen <> - 79-1
- Document how to disable hardened and annotated build (#1211296)
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Panu Matilainen <> - 78-1
- Fix the inevitable embarrassing typo in 77, doh
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Panu Matilainen <> - 77-1
- Macroize build root policies for consistent disable/override ability
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 76-1
- Add -fstack-clash-protection for supported architectures (#1515865)
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Florian Weimer <> - 75-1
* Mon Jan 15 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 74-1
- Remove Requires: cmake-rpm-macros
* Thu Jan 11 2018 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 73-1
- Add macros.forge for simplifying packaging of forge-hosted packages. See and
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Sergey Avseyev <> - 72-1
- Add Requires: nim-srpm-macros for %%nim_arches
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 71-1
- Require annobin only if gcc is installed
* Thu Dec 21 2017 Björn Esser <> - 70-2
- Add Requires: cmake-rpm-macros for CMake auto-{provides,requires} (#1498894)
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Panu Matilainen <> - 70-1
- Update URL to current location at
* Wed Nov 22 2017 Nick Clifton <> - 69-1
- Enable binary annotations in compiler flags
* Thu Oct 26 2017 Troy Dawson <> - 68-1
- Remove Requires: fedora-rpm-macros
* Mon Jul 31 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 67-1
- Define _include_gdb_index (RHBZ #1476722)
- Move _debuginfo_subpackages and _debugsource_packages from rpm (RHBZ #1476735)
* Tue Jul 18 2017 Florian Festi <> - 66-1
- Honor %%kmodtool_generate_buildreqs (#1472201)
* Thu Jul 13 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 65-1
- Add Requires: rust-srpm-macros for %%rust_arches
* Wed Mar 15 2017 Orion Poplawski <> - 64-1
- Add Requires: openblas-srpm-macros for %%openblas_arches
* Thu Feb 02 2017 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 63-1
- set zEC12 as minimum architecture level for s390(x) (#1404991)
* Thu Dec 15 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 62-1
- Add macros.vpath (
* Tue Dec 06 2016 Adam Williamson <> - 61-1
- revert changes from 60, they break far too much stuff (#1401231)
* Wed Nov 30 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 60-1
- Error on implicit function declaration and -return type for C (#1393492)
* Wed Nov 30 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 59-1
- Move global compiler flags to __global_compiler_flags macro
- Introduce separate __global_fooflags for C, C++ and Fortran
* Tue Nov 29 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 58-1
- Drop atom optimization on i686 (#1393492)
* Tue Nov 15 2016 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 57-1
- set z10 as minimum architecture level for s390(x)
* Fri Nov 11 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 56-1
- Fix directory name mismatch in kernel_source macro (#648996)
* Tue Nov 08 2016 Michal Toman <> - 55-1
- Add default compiler flags for various MIPS architectures (#1366735)
* Tue Nov 08 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 54-1
- -pie is incompatible with static linkage (#1343892, #1287743)
* Mon Nov 07 2016 Panu Matilainen <> - 53-1
- Drop brp-java-repack-jars by request (#1235770)
- Drop brp-implant-ident-static, unused for 13 years and counting
* Mon Nov 07 2016 Lubomir Rintel <> - 52-1
- Add valgrind_arches macro for BuildRequires of valgrind
* Fri Nov 04 2016 Stephen Gallagher <> - 51-1
- Add s390x build target for Node.js packages
* Mon Oct 31 2016 Kalev Lember <> - 50-1
- Add ldc_arches macro
* Mon Oct 17 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 49-1
- Remove hardcoded limit of 16 CPUs for makefile parallelism.
- See
* Thu Oct 13 2016 Richard W.M. Jones <> 48-1
- Add support for riscv64.
This also updates config.sub/config.guess to the latest upstream versions.
* Wed Oct 12 2016 Peter Robinson <> 47-1
- Enable aarch64 for mono arches
* Mon Oct 03 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 46-1
- Allow %%configure to optionally pass --disable-silent-rules. Define
%%_configure_disable_silent_rules (defaulting to 0) to control this.
* Wed Sep 14 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 45-1
- Add dependency on qt5-srpm-macros.
* Fri Aug 12 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 44-1
- And somehow I managed to make a typo in that dependency.
* Fri Aug 12 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 43-1
- Add dependency on fedora-rpm-macros.
* Tue Apr 12 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 42-1
- Add dependency on fpc-srpm-macros.
* Mon Apr 11 2016 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 41-1
- Add a file for miscellaneous macros, currently containing just %%rpmmacrodir.
* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 40-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Feb 02 2016 Dan Horák <dan[at]> 40-1
- switch to -mcpu=power8 for ppc64le default compiler flags
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Orion Poplawski <> 39-1
- Add Requires: python-srpm-macros
* Fri Jan 8 2016 Peter Robinson <> 38-1
- Add missing ARMv6 optflags
* Wed Dec 2 2015 Peter Robinson <> 37-1
- nodejs 4+ now supports aarch64 and power64
* Fri Jul 17 2015 Florian Festi <> 36-1
- Add Requires: go-srpm-macros (#1243922)
* Thu Jul 09 2015 Sandro Mani <> 35-1
- Use %%__libsymlink_path instead of %%__libsymlink_exclude_path in libsymlink.attr
* Wed Jul 08 2015 Adam Jackson <> 34-1
- Fix cc1 specs mishandling of incremental linking
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 33-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 05 2015 Dan Horák <dan[at]> 33-1
- Mono 4 adds support for ppc64le
* Fri May 29 2015 Florian Festi <> 32-1
- Support out of source builds for %%_configure_gnuconfig_hack (#1191788)
- Fix typo in %%kernel_module_package (#1159361)
* Tue May 19 2015 Florian Festi <> 31-1
- Add %%py_auto_byte_compile macro controlling Python bytecompilation
* Wed Apr 29 2015 Florian Festi <> 30-1
- Fix libsymlink.attr for new magic pattern for symlinks (#1207945)
* Wed Apr 08 2015 Adam Jackson <> 29-1
- Fix ld specs mishandling of incremental linking
* Thu Feb 19 2015 Till Maas <> - 28-1
- Enable harden flags by default (#1192183)
* Wed Dec 10 2014 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 27-1
- Explicitly set -mcpu/-mtune for ppc64p7 and ppc64le to override rpm defaults
* Mon Sep 22 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 26-1
- Gnat macros are now in a package of their own (#1133632)
* Fri Sep 19 2014 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 25-1
- there is still no properly packaged Mono for ppc64le
* Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 24-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 5 2014 Peter Robinson <> 24-1
- ARMv7 has Ada so add it to GNAT_arches
* Sat May 24 2014 Brent Baude <> - 23-2
- Changed ppc64 to power64 macro for mono_archs
* Tue May 13 2014 Peter Robinson <>
- aarch64 has Ada so add it to GNAT_arches
* Mon May 12 2014 Josh Boyer <> - 22-1
- Fix kmod.prov to deal with compressed modules (#1096349)
* Wed Apr 30 2014 Jens Petersen <> - 21-1
- macros.ghc-srpm moved to ghc-rpm-macros package (#1089102)
- add requires ghc-srpm-macros
* Tue Apr 29 2014 Peter Robinson <> 20-1
- With gcc 4.9 aarch64 now supports stack-protector
* Sun Apr 27 2014 Ville Skyttä <> - 19-1
- Drop bunch of duplicated-with-rpm macro definitions and brp-* scripts
* Tue Apr 15 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 18-1
- Temporarily bring back find-requires and -provides scripts to rrc-side
* Tue Apr 15 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 17-1
- Let OCaml handle its own arch macros (#1087794)
* Tue Apr 15 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 16-1
- Move kmod and libsymlink dependency generators here from rpm
* Thu Apr 10 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 15-1
- Drop most of the script-based dependency generation bits
* Tue Apr 08 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 14-1
- Add Mono path macros (#1070936)
- Allow opting out of config.{guess,sub} replacement hack (#991613)
* Tue Apr 08 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 13-1
- Move the remaining dependency generator stuff to the kmp macro package
- Stop overriding rpm external dependency generator settings by default
* Mon Apr 07 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 12-1
- Be more explicit about the package contents
- Split kernel module macros to a separate file
- Split kernel module scripts and macros to a separate package
* Wed Apr 02 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 11-1
- Stop pretending this package is relocatable, its not
- Require rpm >= 4.11 for /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d support etc
- Move our macros out of from /etc, they're not configuration
* Wed Apr 02 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 10-1
- Make fedora dist-git the upstream of this package and its sources
- Add maintainer comments to spec wrt versioning and changes
* Mon Mar 24 2014 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 9.1.0-58
- enable ppc64le otherwise default rpm cflags will be used
* Fri Feb 07 2014 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-57
- config.guess/sub don't need to be group-writable (#1061762)
* Sun Jan 12 2014 Kevin Fenzi <> 9.1.0-56
- Update libtool hardening hack and re-enable (#978949)
* Wed Dec 18 2013 Dhiru Kholia <> - 9.1.0-55
- Enable "-Werror=format-security" by default (#1043495)
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Karsten Hopp <> 9.1.0-54
- update config.sub with ppc64p7 support (from Fedora automake)
* Fri Aug 16 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-53
- updated config.guess/sub from upstream for little-endian ppc archs
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 9.1.0-52
- Perl 5.18 rebuild
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 9.1.0-51
- Disable the libtool hack as it is breaking builds
* Wed Jul 24 2013 Kevin Fenzi <> 9.1.0-50
- Make docdirs unversioned on Fedora 20+ (#986871)
- Hack around libtool issue for hardened build for now (#978949)
* Wed Jul 17 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 9.1.0-49
- Perl 5.18 rebuild
* Fri Jul 05 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-48
- fix brp-java-repack-jars failing on strange permissions (#905573)
* Thu Jul 04 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-47
- switch from -fstack-protector to -fstack-protector-strong (#978763)
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - - 9.1.0-46
- make cpu limit for building configurable through _smp_ncpus_max macro
* Tue May 21 2013 T.C. Hollingsworth <> - 9.1.0-45
- add nodejs_arches macro for ExclusiveArch for Node.js packages
* Mon May 13 2013 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-44
- redhat-config-*: Use + to append rather than %%rename, to protect against
multiple -specs= ending up in the command line. (#892837)
* Tue Apr 23 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-43
- Add optflags stack protector override for AArch64 (#909788)
- Also set FCFLAGS from %%configure (#914831)
* Mon Apr 22 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-42
- Switch back to manual config.guess/sub copies for reproducability
- Replace config.guess/sub from %%configure again (#951442)
* Mon Apr 22 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-41
- Add -grecord-gcc-switches to global CFLAGS (#951669)
* Mon Mar 25 2013 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-40
- Add virtual system-rpm-config provide
* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 9.1.0-39
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Nov 17 2012 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-38
- add ARM to ghc_arches_with_ghci for ghc-7.4.2 ghci support
(NB this change should not be backported before ghc-7.4.2)
* Fri Nov 9 2012 Toshio Kuratomi <> - 9.1.0-37
- Patch to fix spaces in java jar files
* Fri Nov 9 2012 Toshio Kuratomi <> - 9.1.0-36
- Patch to fix spaces in files used in filtering macros
* Wed Oct 3 2012 Ville Skyttä <> - 9.1.0-35
- Drop (un)setting LANG and DISPLAY in build stages, require rpm >= 4.8.0.
* Wed Oct 3 2012 Toshio Kuratomi <> - 9.1.0-34
- Add patch from
to fix spaces in files and directories that are fed to the
brp-python-hardlink script
- Require zip since java repack jars requires it
- Java jars need the MANIFEST.MF file to be first in the archive
- Fix kernel_source macro to match the directory that kernel sources are installed in
- Patch _mandir, _infodir, and _defaultocdir to use _prefix
* Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 9.1.0-33
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jun 27 2012 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-32
- enable minidebuginfo generation (#834073)
* Mon Jun 25 2012 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-31
- revert back to plain -g, -g3 seems to cancel dwz size improvements
* Mon Jun 25 2012 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-30
- require dwz, enable dwarf compression for debuginfo packages (#833311)
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Petr Pisar <> - 9.1.0-29
- Pull in dependency with macros specific for building Perl source packages
* Sat Mar 3 2012 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-28
- add s390 and s390x to ghc_arches
* Wed Feb 22 2012 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-27
- add GNAT arch definitions
* Sun Jan 15 2012 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-26
- per ppc team request drop -mminimal-toc on ppc64
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 9.1.0-25
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Dec 27 2011 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-24
- add ghc_arches_with_ghci
* Wed Nov 09 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-23
- remove patch that forces --disable-silent-rules to configure
- it breaks anything set to not ignore unknown configure options
* Tue Oct 18 2011 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-22
- add armv5tel to ghc_arches
* Wed Sep 28 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-21
- build armv5tel on armv7l since they are the same abi armv7hl is
an incompatible ABI
* Wed Sep 28 2011 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-20
- add armv7hl to ghc_arches
* Sun Sep 25 2011 Ville Skyttä <> - 9.1.0-19
- Fix URL.
* Thu Sep 22 2011 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-18
- redhat-hardened-cc1: Inject -fPIE, not -fPIC.
* Fri Sep 16 2011 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-17
- Expose %%_hardening_{c,ld}flags independently to make it easier for
packages to apply them to selected components
* Wed Aug 10 2011 Colin Walters <> - 9.1.0-16
- Globally disable silent rules
* Wed Aug 03 2011 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-15
- redhat-hardened-{cc1,ld}: Move some of the rewrite magic to gcc specs so
we don't end up with both -fPIC and -fPIE on the command line
* Mon Aug 01 2011 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-14
- redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-hardened.patch: Add macro magic for %%_hardened_build
* Thu Jul 07 2011 Adam Jackson <> 9.1.0-13
- redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-relro.patch: LDFLAGS, not CFLAGS.
* Sat Jul 02 2011 Jon Masters <> - 9.1.0-12
- redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-arm.patch: Make armv7hl default on all v7 ARM
* Mon Jun 27 2011 Adam Jackson <> - 9.1.0-11
- redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0-relro.patch: Add -Wl,-z,relro to __global_cflags
* Tue Jun 21 2011 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-10
- revert last build since releng prefers exclusivearch here
* Sat Jun 18 2011 Jens Petersen <> - 9.1.0-9
- replace ghc_archs with ghc_excluded_archs
* Mon Jun 13 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-8
- add arm hardware float macros, fix up armv7l
* Mon May 30 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-7
- add -srpm to the arches files so that the base language macros can
be parallel installable with these
* Fri May 27 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.1.0-6
- add some specific macros needed at srpm creation time
* Thu May 27 2010 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-5
- adjust to new pkg-config behavior wrt private dependencies (#596433)
* Mon Mar 01 2010 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-4
- avoid unnecessarily running brp-strip-comment-note (#568924)
* Mon Feb 15 2010 Panu Matilainen <> - 9.1.0-3
- unbreak find-requires again, doh (#564527)
@ -943,13 +101,13 @@ install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm forge.lua
- Resolves: #485826.
* Tue Feb 17 2009 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.0.3-6
- add missing armv7l arch
- add missing armv7l arch
- set the default build arch to match fedora arm build target
* Mon Feb 16 2009 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.0.3-5
- apply fedora 11 default buildflags
- set 32 bit intel build arch to i586 on compatible hardware
- set 32 bit sparc build arch to sparcv9 on compatible hardware
- set 32 bit intel build arch to i586 on compatiable hardware
- set 32 bit sparc build arch to sparcv9 on compatiable hardware
* Mon Feb 16 2009 Dennis Gilmore <> - 9.0.3-4
- limit _smp_flags to -j16
@ -1002,7 +160,7 @@ install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm forge.lua
Further debate may see these move elsewhere in the ordering.
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Ben Konrath <> 8.0.45-13
- Update brp-java-repack-jars to fix issue with tomcat.
- Update brp-java-repack-jars to fix issue with tomcat.
* Wed Oct 18 2006 Jon Masters <> 8.0.45-12
- Synced kernel_module_package semantics with SuSE.
@ -1024,13 +182,13 @@ install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm forge.lua
- Fix order of tokens in find command (thanks
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Ben Konrath <> - 8.0.45-4
- Fix bug in repack jars script.
- Fix bug in repack jars script.
* Wed Sep 6 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 8.0.45-3
- path fix
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 8.0.45-2
- Add script from Ben Konrath <> to repack jars to
- Add script from Ben Konrath <> to repack jars to
avoid multilib conflicts
* Sun Jul 30 2006 Jon Masters <> - 8.0.45-1
@ -1180,7 +338,7 @@ install -p -m 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm forge.lua
- Update macrofiles
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Elliot Lee <> 7.3.93-1
- Add _unpackaged_files_terminate_build and
- Add _unpackaged_files_terminate_build and
_missing_doc_files_terminate_build to macros
* Thu Jul 11 2002 Elliot Lee <> 7.3.92-6

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
include: /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc
optflags: i386 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: i486 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -march=i486 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: i586 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -march=i586 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: i686 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection
optflags: athlon %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -march=athlon -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: ia64 %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: x86_64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection
optflags: alpha %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee
optflags: alphaev5 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee -mcpu=ev5
optflags: alphaev56 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee -mcpu=ev56
optflags: alphapca56 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee -mcpu=pca56
optflags: alphaev6 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee -mcpu=ev6
optflags: alphaev67 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mieee -mcpu=ev67
optflags: sparc %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -mcpu=v7 -mtune=ultrasparc
optflags: sparcv8 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -mcpu=v8
optflags: sparcv9 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -mcpu=ultrasparc
optflags: sparcv9v %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -mcpu=niagara
optflags: sparc64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -mcpu=ultrasparc
optflags: sparc64v %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -mcpu=niagara
optflags: m68k %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: ppc %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
optflags: ppciseries %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32
optflags: ppcpseries %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32
optflags: ppc64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: ppc64p7 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -O3 -mcpu=power7 -mtune=power7 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: ppc64le %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: ppc64iseries %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64
optflags: ppc64pseries %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64
optflags: ppc8260 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32
optflags: ppc8560 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m32
optflags: parisc %{__global_compiler_flags} -mpa-risc-1-0
optflags: hppa1.0 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mpa-risc-1-0
optflags: hppa1.1 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mpa-risc-1-0
optflags: hppa1.2 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mpa-risc-1-0
optflags: hppa2.0 %{__global_compiler_flags} -mpa-risc-1-0
optflags: mips %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips32r2 -mfpxx
optflags: mipsel %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips32r2 -mfpxx
optflags: mips64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips64r2 -mabi=64
optflags: mips64el %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips64r2 -mabi=64
optflags: mipsr6 %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips32r6
optflags: mipsr6el %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips32r6
optflags: mips64r6 %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips64r6
optflags: mips64r6el %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=mips64r6
optflags: armv3l %{__global_compiler_flags} -fsigned-char -march=armv3
optflags: armv4b %{__global_compiler_flags} -fsigned-char -march=armv4
optflags: armv4l %{__global_compiler_flags} -fsigned-char -march=armv4
optflags: armv4tl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv4t
optflags: armv5tel %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv5te -mfloat-abi=soft
optflags: armv5tejl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv5te -mfloat-abi=soft
optflags: armv6l %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv6 -mfloat-abi=soft
optflags: armv6hl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard
optflags: armv6hnl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv6 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard
optflags: armv7l %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=soft
optflags: armv7hl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mtune=generic-armv7-a -mabi=aapcs-linux -mfloat-abi=hard
optflags: armv7hnl %{__global_compiler_flags} -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard
optflags: atarist %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: atariste %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: ataritt %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: falcon %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: atariclone %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: milan %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: hades %{__global_compiler_flags}
optflags: s390 %{__global_compiler_flags} -m31 -march=zEC12 -mtune=z13 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
optflags: s390x %{__global_compiler_flags} -m64 -march=zEC12 -mtune=z13 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: aarch64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
optflags: riscv64 %{__global_compiler_flags} -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection
# set build arch to fedora buildarches on hardware capable of running it
# saves having to do rpmbuild --target=
buildarchtranslate: athlon: i686
buildarchtranslate: geode: i686
buildarchtranslate: pentium4: i686
buildarchtranslate: pentium3: i686
buildarchtranslate: i686: i686
buildarchtranslate: i586: i586
buildarchtranslate: sparcv9: sparcv9
buildarchtranslate: sparcv9v: sparcv9
buildarchtranslate: armv5tejl: armv5tel
buildarchtranslate: armv6l: armv5tel
buildarchtranslate: armv7l: armv5tel
buildarchtranslate: armv7hl: armv7hl
buildarchtranslate: armv7hnl: armv7hl

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
# USA.
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
sub rpm_cmp_versions {
my ($evr1, $evr2) = @_;
sub _rpm_cmp {
my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
return defined $s1 <=> defined $s2
unless defined $s1 && defined $s2;
my ($r, $x1, $x2);
do {
$s1 =~ s/^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+//;
$s2 =~ s/^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+//;
if ($s1 =~ /^\d/ || $s2 =~ /^\d/) {
$s1 =~ s/^0*(\d*)//; $x1 = $1;
$s2 =~ s/^0*(\d*)//; $x2 = $1;
$r = length $x1 <=> length $x2 || $x1 cmp $x2;
} else {
$s1 =~ s/^([a-zA-Z]*)//; $x1 = $1;
$s2 =~ s/^([a-zA-Z]*)//; $x2 = $1;
return 0
if $x1 eq '' && $x2 eq '';
$r = $x1 cmp $x2;
} until $r;
return $r;
my ($e1, $v1, $r1) = $evr1 =~ /^(?:(\d*):)?(.*?)(?:-([^-]*))?$/;
my ($e2, $v2, $r2) = $evr2 =~ /^(?:(\d*):)?(.*?)(?:-([^-]*))?$/;
my $r = _rpm_cmp($e1 || 0, $e2 || 0);
$r = _rpm_cmp($v1, $v2)
unless $r;
$r = _rpm_cmp($r1, $r2)
unless $r;
return $r;
my $reorder = sub { return @_ };
my $key = 0;
GetOptions ("r|reverse" => sub { $reorder = sub { return reverse @_ } },
"k|key=i" => \$key)
or do {
print STDERR "Usage\n";
exit 1;
if ($key == 0) {
# Sort by entire lines
map { print } &$reorder(sort { rpm_cmp_versions($a, $b) } <>);
} else {
# Sort by field $key
my @data = map { [(split)[$key-1], $_] } <>;
map { print } &$reorder(map { $_->[1] }
sort { rpm_cmp_versions($a->[0], $b->[0]) } @data);

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
3b71c9d0ccc938989778e3c3892e6b94 redhat-rpm-config-9.1.0.tar.bz2

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Create a table of all symbol sets defined in all /boot/symsets*.tar.gz
# files.
# Format:
# kernelrelease/modver/symbol <tab> symset <tab> symset_hash
# This table is needed for computing the appropriate Requires: tags for
# kernel module packages.
tmpdir=$(mktemp -t -d ${0##*/}.XXXXXX)
trap "cd / ; rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
cd $tmpdir
shopt -s nullglob
for symsets in /boot/symsets-*.tar.gz; do
zcat $symsets \
| tar xf -
for symsets in /usr/src/kernels/*/symsets-*.tar.gz; do
zcat $symsets \
| tar xf -
for symsets in *; do
for symset in $symsets/*; do
class=${symset##*/} ; class=${class%.*}
awk '
BEGIN { FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" }
{ sub(/0x0*/, "", $1)
print krel "/" $1 "/" $2, class, hash }
' krel="$krel" class="$class" hash="$hash" $symset
# vim:shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4