# Define this to link to which library version eg. /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3 %define lsbsover 3 %ifarch %{ix86} %define ldso ld-linux.so.2 %define lsbldso ld-lsb.so %endif %ifarch ia64 %define ldso ld-linux-ia64.so.2 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-ia64.so %endif %ifarch ppc %define ldso ld.so.1 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-ppc32.so %endif %ifarch ppc64 %define ldso ld64.so.1 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-ppc64.so %endif %ifarch s390 %define ldso ld.so.1 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-s390.so %endif %ifarch s390x %define ldso ld64.so.1 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-s390x.so %endif %ifarch x86_64 %define ldso ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 %define lsbldso ld-lsb-x86-64.so %endif %define upstreamlsbrelver 2.0 %define lsbrelver 4.1 %define srcrelease 1 Summary: Implementation of Linux Standard Base specification Name: redhat-lsb Version: 4.1 Release: 14%{?dist} URL: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb Source0: https://fedorahosted.org/releases/r/e/redhat-lsb/%{name}-%{version}-%{srcrelease}.tar.bz2 Patch0: lsb-release-3.1-update-init-functions.patch Patch1: redhat-lsb-lsb_start_daemon-fix.patch Patch2: redhat-lsb-trigger.patch Patch3: redhat-lsb-arm.patch License: GPLv2 Group: System Environment/Base BuildRequires: glibc-static %ifarch %{ix86} %define archname ia32 %endif %ifarch ia64 %define archname ia64 %endif %ifarch ppc %define archname ppc32 %endif %ifarch ppc64 %define archname ppc64 %endif %ifarch s390 %define archname s390 %endif %ifarch s390x %define archname s390x %endif %ifarch x86_64 %define archname amd64 %endif ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} ia64 x86_64 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x %{arm} Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-cxx%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-desktop%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-languages = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-printing = %{version} #Requires: redhat-lsb-trialuse = %{version} Provides: lsb = %{version} Provides: lsb-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-noarch = %{version} %description The Linux Standard Base (LSB) is an attempt to develop a set of standards that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions. It is designed to be binary-compatible and produce a stable application binary interface (ABI) for independent software vendors. The lsb package provides utilities, libraries etc. needed for LSB Compliant Applications. It also contains requirements that will ensure that all components required by the LSB are installed on the system. %package submod-security Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Security submodule support Requires: nspr%{?_isa} # Requires: nspr-devel Requires: nss%{?_isa} Provides: lsb-submod-security-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-submod-security-noarch = %{version} %description submod-security The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Security submodule specifications define components that are required to be present on an LSB conforming system. %package submod-multimedia Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Multimedia submodule support Requires: alsa-lib%{?_isa} Provides: lsb-submod-multimedia-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-submod-multimedia-noarch = %{version} %description submod-multimedia The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Multimedia submodule specifications define components that are required to be present on an LSB conforming system. %package core Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Core module support # gLSB Library Requires: glibc%{?_isa} Requires: glibc-common Requires: libgcc%{?_isa} Requires: ncurses-libs%{?_isa} Requires: pam%{?_isa} Requires: zlib%{?_isa} # gLSB Command and Utilities Requires: /bin/basename Requires: /bin/cat Requires: /bin/chgrp Requires: /bin/chmod Requires: /bin/chown Requires: /bin/cp Requires: /bin/date Requires: /bin/dd Requires: /bin/df Requires: /bin/dmesg Requires: /bin/echo Requires: /bin/ed Requires: /bin/egrep Requires: /bin/false Requires: /bin/fgrep Requires: /bin/find Requires: /bin/grep Requires: /bin/gunzip Requires: /bin/gzip Requires: /bin/hostname Requires: /bin/kill Requires: /bin/ln Requires: /bin/ls Requires: /bin/mailx Requires: /bin/mkdir Requires: /bin/mknod Requires: /bin/mktemp Requires: /bin/more Requires: /bin/mount Requires: /bin/mv Requires: /bin/nice Requires: /bin/ps Requires: /bin/pwd Requires: /bin/rm Requires: /bin/rmdir Requires: /bin/sed Requires: /bin/sh Requires: /bin/sleep Requires: /bin/sort Requires: /bin/stty Requires: /bin/sync Requires: /bin/tar Requires: /bin/touch Requires: /bin/true Requires: /bin/umount Requires: /bin/uname Requires: /bin/zcat Requires: /sbin/fuser Requires: /sbin/pidof Requires: /sbin/shutdown Requires: /usr/bin/[ Requires: /usr/bin/ar Requires: /usr/bin/at Requires: /usr/bin/awk Requires: /usr/bin/batch Requires: /usr/bin/bc Requires: /usr/bin/chfn Requires: /usr/bin/chsh Requires: /usr/bin/cksum Requires: /usr/bin/cmp Requires: /usr/bin/col Requires: /usr/bin/comm Requires: /usr/bin/cpio Requires: /usr/bin/crontab Requires: /usr/bin/csplit Requires: /usr/bin/cut Requires: /usr/bin/diff Requires: /usr/bin/dirname Requires: /usr/bin/du Requires: /usr/bin/env Requires: /usr/bin/expand Requires: /usr/bin/expr Requires: /usr/bin/file Requires: /usr/bin/find Requires: /usr/bin/fold Requires: /usr/bin/gencat Requires: /usr/bin/getconf Requires: /usr/bin/gettext Requires: /usr/bin/groups Requires: /usr/bin/head Requires: /usr/bin/iconv Requires: /usr/bin/id Requires: /usr/bin/install Requires: /usr/bin/ipcrm Requires: /usr/bin/ipcs Requires: /usr/bin/join Requires: /usr/bin/killall Requires: /usr/bin/locale Requires: /usr/bin/localedef Requires: /usr/bin/logger Requires: /usr/bin/logname Requires: /usr/bin/lp Requires: /usr/bin/lpr Requires: /usr/bin/m4 Requires: /usr/bin/make Requires: /usr/bin/man Requires: /usr/bin/md5sum Requires: /usr/bin/mkfifo Requires: /usr/bin/msgfmt Requires: /usr/bin/newgrp Requires: /usr/bin/nl Requires: /usr/bin/nohup Requires: /usr/bin/od Requires: /usr/bin/passwd Requires: /usr/bin/paste Requires: /usr/bin/patch Requires: /usr/bin/pathchk #better POSIX conformance of /usr/bin/pax Requires: spax Requires: /usr/bin/pr Requires: /usr/bin/printf Requires: /usr/bin/renice Requires: /usr/bin/seq Requires: /usr/bin/split Requires: /usr/bin/strings Requires: /usr/bin/strip Requires: /usr/bin/su Requires: /usr/bin/tail Requires: /usr/bin/tee Requires: /usr/bin/test Requires: /usr/bin/time Requires: /usr/bin/tr Requires: /usr/bin/tsort Requires: /usr/bin/tty Requires: /usr/bin/unexpand Requires: /usr/bin/uniq Requires: /usr/bin/wc Requires: /usr/bin/xargs Requires: /usr/sbin/groupadd Requires: /usr/sbin/groupdel Requires: /usr/sbin/groupmod Requires: /usr/sbin/useradd Requires: /usr/sbin/userdel Requires: /usr/sbin/usermod Requires: redhat-lsb-submod-security%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-core-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-core-noarch = %{version} #Obsoletes: redhat-lsb < %{version} %description core The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Core module support provides the fundamental system interfaces, libraries, and runtime environment upon which all conforming applications and libraries depend. %package cxx Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB CXX module support Requires: libstdc++%{?_isa} Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-cxx-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-cxx-noarch = %{version} %description cxx The Linux Standard Base (LSB) CXX module supports the core interfaces by providing system interfaces, libraries, and a runtime environment for applications built using the C++ programming language. These interfaces provide low-level support for the core constructs of the language, and implement the standard base C++ libraries. %package desktop Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Desktop module support Requires: xdg-utils # LSB_Graphics library Requires: libICE%{?_isa} Requires: libSM%{?_isa} Requires: libX11%{?_isa} Requires: libXext%{?_isa} Requires: libXi%{?_isa} Requires: libXt%{?_isa} Requires: libXtst%{?_isa} Requires: mesa-libGL%{?_isa} Requires: mesa-libGLU%{?_isa} # gLSB Graphics and gLSB Graphics Ext Command and Utilities Requires: /usr/bin/fc-cache Requires: /usr/bin/fc-list Requires: /usr/bin/fc-match # gLSB Graphics Ext library Requires: cairo%{?_isa} Requires: freetype%{?_isa} Requires: libjpeg-turbo%{?_isa} %ifarch %{ix86} ppc s390 Requires: libpng12.so.0 %endif %ifarch x86_64 ppc64 s390x Requires: libpng12.so.0()(64bit) %endif Requires: libpng%{?_isa} Requires: libXft%{?_isa} Requires: libXrender%{?_isa} # toolkit-gtk Requires: atk%{?_isa} Requires: gdk-pixbuf2%{?_isa} Requires: glib2%{?_isa} Requires: gtk2%{?_isa} Requires: pango%{?_isa} # toolkit-qt Requires: qt%{?_isa} Requires: qt-x11%{?_isa} # toolkit-qt3 Requires: qt3%{?_isa} # xml Requires: libxml2%{?_isa} Requires: redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-desktop-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-desktop-noarch = %{version} Provides: lsb-graphics-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-graphics-noarch = %{version} Obsoletes: redhat-lsb-graphics < %{version} %description desktop The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Desktop Specifications define components that are required to be present on an LSB conforming system. %package languages Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Languages module support # Perl and Perl non-builtin modules Requires: /usr/bin/perl Requires: perl(CGI) Requires: perl(Class::ISA) Requires: perl(CPAN) # Locale::Constants has been Locale::Codes::Costants, so we need # create a /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Constants.pm manually. # Requires: perl(Locale::Constants) # perl(Locale::Constants) requires perl(Locale::Codes) # DB module is a builtin module, but perl package doesn't contain this provide. # Requires: perl(DB) # we also need perl(Pod::Plainer), we need to rpm this package ourself Requires: perl(Locale::Codes) Requires: perl(File::Spec) Requires: perl(Scalar::Util) Requires: perl(Test::Harness) Requires: perl(Test::Simple) Requires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) Requires: perl(Pod::Plainer) Requires: perl(XML::LibXML) Requires: perl(Pod::LaTeX) Requires: perl(Pod::Checker) Requires: perl(B::Lint) Requires: perl(Text::Soundex) Requires: perl(Env) Requires: perl(Time::HiRes) Requires: perl(Locale::Maketext) Requires: perl(Fatal) Requires: perl(File::CheckTree) Requires: perl(Sys::Syslog) # python Requires: /usr/bin/python # java Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-languages-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-languages-noarch = %{version} %description languages The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Languages module supports components for runtime languages which are found on an LSB conforming system. %package printing Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Printing module support # gLSB Printing Libraries Requires: cups-libs # gLSB Printing Command and Utilities Requires: /usr/bin/foomatic-rip Requires: /usr/bin/gs Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-printing-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-printing-noarch = %{version} Obsoletes: redhat-lsb-printing < %{version} %description printing The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Printing specifications define components that are required to be present on an LSB conforming system. %package trialuse Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB Trialuse module support Requires: redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-submod-security%{?_isa} = %{version} Requires: redhat-lsb-core%{?_isa} = %{version} Provides: lsb-trialuse-%{archname} = %{version} Provides: lsb-trialuse-noarch = %{version} %description trialuse The Linux Standard Base (LSB) Trialuse module support defines components which are not required parts of the LSB Specification. %package supplemental Group: System Environment/Base Summary: LSB supplemental dependencies required by LSB certification tests Requires: net-tools Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi Requires: abattis-cantarell-fonts Requires: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb %description supplemental This subpackage brings in supplemental dependencies for components required for passing LSB (Linux Standard Base) certification testsuite, but not directly required to be on LSB conforming system. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p0 -b .triggerfix %patch3 -p1 -b .arm %build cd lsb-release-%{upstreamlsbrelver} make %pre # remove the extra symlink /bin/mailx -> /bin/mail if [ -e /bin/mailx ]; then if [ -L /bin/mailx ]; then rm -f /bin/mailx fi fi %install # LSB uses /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib64 even for 64bit OS mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/lsb \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver} # manually add Locale::Constants. This module is just an alias of Locale::Codes::Constants mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorlib}/Locale cp -p Constants.pm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorlib}/Locale cp -p Constants.pod $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorlib}/Locale make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALL="install -p" cd lsb-release-%{upstreamlsbrelver} make mandir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir} prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix} install cd .. # we keep more lsb information in /usr/share/lsb mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules #prepare installation of doc cp -p lsb-release-2.0/COPYING . cp -p lsb-release-2.0/README README.lsb_release # relations between modules and submodules modules="core cxx desktop languages printing trialuse" submodules="core perl python cpp toolkit-gtk toolkit-qt toolkit-qt3" submodules="${submodules} xml multimedia security desktop-misc graphics graphics-ext" submodules="${submodules} printing" core="core security" cxx="cpp" desktop="desktop-misc graphics graphics-ext multimedia toolkit-gtk toolkit-qt toolkit-qt3" desktop="${desktop} xml" languages="perl python" printing="printing" trialuse="security multimedia" for mod in ${modules};do touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/${mod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/${mod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${submodules};do touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for moddir in ${modules};do mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/${moddir} done for submod in ${core};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/core/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/core/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${cxx};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/cxx/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/cxx/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${desktop};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/desktop/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/desktop/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${languages};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/languages/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/languages/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${printing};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/printing/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/printing/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for submod in ${trialuse};do ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/trialuse/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} ln -snf ../../submodules/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/trialuse/${submod}-%{lsbrelver}-noarch done for LSBVER in %{lsbsover}; do ln -snf %{ldso} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/%{lsbldso}.$LSBVER done mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin # LSB uses /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib64 even for 64bit OS # According to the lsb-core documentation provided by # http://refspecs.linux-foundation.org/LSB_3.2.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic.pdf # it's OK to put non binary in /usr/lib. ln -snf ../../../sbin/chkconfig $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/lsb/install_initd ln -snf ../../../sbin/chkconfig $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/lsb/remove_initd #ln -snf mail $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/mailx #mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver #ln -snf /usr/%{_lib}/xserver/SecurityPolicy $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy #ln -snf /usr/share/X11/fonts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts #ln -snf /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt # According to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=232918 , the '-static' option # is imported against segfault error while running redhat_lsb_trigger gcc $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -Os -static -fno-stack-protector -o redhat_lsb_trigger{.%{_target_cpu},.c} -DLSBSOVER='"%{lsbsover}"' \ -DLDSO='"%{ldso}"' -DLSBLDSO='"/%{_lib}/%{lsbldso}"' -D_GNU_SOURCE install -p -m 700 redhat_lsb_trigger.%{_target_cpu} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/redhat_lsb_trigger.%{_target_cpu} cp -p redhat_lsb_init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/redhat_lsb_init %triggerpostun -- glibc if [ -x /usr/sbin/redhat_lsb_trigger.%{_target_cpu} ]; then /usr/sbin/redhat_lsb_trigger.%{_target_cpu} fi %ifnarch %{ix86} /sbin/sln %{ldso} /%{_lib}/%{lsbldso} || : %else if [ -f /emul/ia32-linux/lib/%{ldso} ]; then for LSBVER in %{lsbsover}; do /sbin/sln /emul/ia32-linux/lib/%{ldso} /%{_lib}/%{lsbldso}.$LSBVER || : done else for LSBVER in %{lsbsover}; do /sbin/sln %{ldso} /%{_lib}/%{lsbldso}.$LSBVER || : done fi %endif if ! grep -s -q '^hosts: \+files \+dns *$' /etc/nsswitch.conf;then cat /etc/nsswitch.conf >%{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf.orig ed -s /etc/nsswitch.conf < %{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf fi %post %ifarch %{ix86} # make this softlink again for /emul if [ -f /emul/ia32-linux/lib/%{ldso} ]; then for LSBVER in %{lsbsover}; do /sbin/sln /emul/ia32-linux/lib/%{ldso} /%{_lib}/%{lsbldso}.$LSBVER || : done fi %endif if ! grep -s -q '^hosts: \+files \+dns *$' /etc/nsswitch.conf;then cat /etc/nsswitch.conf >%{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf.orig ed -s /etc/nsswitch.conf <%{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf fi %preun if [ $1 -eq 0 ];then if [ -e %{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf -a -e %{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf.orig ];then if cmp -s %{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf;then cp /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmsave echo "warning: /etc/nsswitch.conf saved as /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmsave" >&2 cat %{_datadir}/lsb/nsswitch.conf.orig >/etc/nsswitch.conf fi rm -f %{_datadir}/lsb/{nsswitch.conf,nsswitch.conf.orig} fi fi %postun submod-security -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun submod-multimedia -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun core -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun cxx -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun desktop -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun languages -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun printing -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %postun trialuse -p os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}") os.remove("%{_datadir}/lsb") %files %{_datadir}/lsb/ %files submod-security %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/security-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/security-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files submod-multimedia %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/multimedia-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/multimedia-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files core %doc README README.lsb_release COPYING %{_sysconfdir}/redhat-lsb %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d %{_mandir}/*/* %{_bindir}/* #/bin/mailx /bin/redhat_lsb_init /usr/lib/lsb /%{_lib}/*so* /lib/lsb* %{_sbindir}/redhat_lsb_trigger.%{_target_cpu} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/core %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/core* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/core-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/core-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files cxx %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/cxx* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/cxx %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/cpp-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/cpp-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files desktop %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/desktop* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/desktop %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-gtk-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-gtk-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-qt-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-qt-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-qt3-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/toolkit-qt3-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/xml-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/xml-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/desktop-misc-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/desktop-misc-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/graphics-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/graphics-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/graphics-ext-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/graphics-ext-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files languages %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/languages* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/languages %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/perl-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/perl-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %{perl_vendorlib}/Locale/Constants.pm %{perl_vendorlib}/Locale/Constants.pod %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/python-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/python-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files printing %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/printing* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/printing %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/printing-%{lsbrelver}-%{archname} %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/submodules/printing-%{lsbrelver}-noarch %files trialuse %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d/trialuse* %{_datadir}/lsb/%{lsbrelver}/modules/trialuse %files supplemental #no files, just dependencies %changelog * Thu May 23 2013 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-14 - require spax instead of pax (more POSIX compatible) (#965658) - require another set of perl modules in -languages (#959129) - polish a bit the nsswitch.conf hack - include mdns4_minimal (#915147) * Tue Mar 12 2013 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-13 - require /usr/bin/cpio (binary moved as part of UsrMove) * Fri Mar 01 2013 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-12 - require perl(Pod::Checker), perl(B::Lint) and perl(Text::Soundex) in languages (#916898) * Fri Feb 08 2013 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-11 - require perl(Pod::LaTeX) in languages (#908705) - require xorg-x11-server-Xvfb in supplemental (#896058) * Thu Jan 10 2013 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-10 - require abattis-cantarell-fonts in supplemental (#892998) * Fri Dec 14 2012 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-9 - ship README and COPYING file in -core subpackage (#887195) * Wed Dec 12 2012 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-8 - require libpng12.so.0 in other architectures (#881596) * Wed Dec 05 2012 Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-7 - add new subpackage -supplemental for LSB testuite-only dependencies - require net-tools in -supplemental (#882122) - require xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-{75,100}dpi in -supplemental (#883385) - require perl(XML::LibXML) (#880954) - keep usermodified /etc/nsswitch.conf as /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmsave, warn about modification (#867124) * Mon Nov 05 2012 Parag - 4.1-6 - Resolves:rh#873066 - missing dependency /bin/su moved to /usr/bin/su * Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Tue May 29 2012 xning - 4.1-4 - Resolves:rh:#825261: redhat-lsb scripts blow away my /etc/nsswitch.conf * Wed May 23 2012 Parag - 4.1-3 - Resolves:rh#824305: Dependency glibc-common%%{?_isa} should be changed to glibc-common only * Mon May 14 2012 xning - 4.1-2 - Resolves:rh:#806190: gethostbyaddr sets h_errno to 3, not HOST_NOT_FOUND - Resolves:rh:#799284: perl(Pod::Plainer) is required by LSB 4.1 - Resolves:rh:#821308: redhat-lsb 4.1 test libpn12.so.0 failed on fedora 17 * Mon Mar 19 2012 xning - 4.1-1 - Update to 4.1 release - Added -core, -cxx, -desktop, -languages, -printing modules as subpackages - Added submod-security, -submod-multimedia subpackages - Implements http://refspecs.linux-foundation.org/LSB_4.1.0/ - Resolves:rh#800249: new package update review by Parag. * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0-11 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Nov 30 2011 Parag - 4.0-10 - Resolves:rh#758383:- redhat-lsb does not pull in required perl-Pod-Perldoc * Wed Nov 30 2011 Parag - 4.0-9 - Resolves:rh#738256:- redhat-lsb fails to build on ARM * Thu Oct 13 2011 Parag - 4.0-8 - Resolves:rh#745100: Add requires: perl-Digest-MD5 * Wed Oct 12 2011 Parag - 4.0-7 - Resolves:rh#654689,rh#736822 - Added dependencies for perl-Locale-Codes and perl-Class-ISA * Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 09 2010 Parag - 4.0-5 - Fix directory ownership issue for %%{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d - Fix duplicate files issue as reported in bodhi testing for 4.0-4 * Fri Jun 25 2010 Parag - 4.0-4 - Revert license back to GPLv2 * Thu Jun 24 2010 Parag - 4.0-3 - Resolves:rh#585858:-redhat-lsb-graphics broken * Fri Jan 15 2010 Lawrence Lim - 4.0-2 - update spec file to split package into core, desktop and printing (Curtis Doty, #472633) * Fri Jan 8 2010 Lawrence Lim - 4.0-1 - update to LSB4.0 * Tue Oct 27 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway - 3.2-7 - apply fix from bz514760 (thanks to Jakub Jelinek) * Wed Oct 21 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway - 3.2-6 - apply fix from bz485367 (thanks to Jon Thomas) * Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Apr 24 2009 Jens Petersen - improve url to LSB WG * Thu Apr 23 2009 Jens Petersen - 3.2-4 - use dist tag (Debarshi, #496553) - update to ix86 (caillon) * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Aug 28 2008 Hao Liu 3.2-2 - Modify "Requires: /usr/bin/mailx" to "Requires: mailx" (Bug #460249) * Wed Aug 20 2008 Hao Liu 3.2-1 - Port forward to LSB 3.2 - Remove symlink for mailx if user is upgrading from the redhat-lsb of older version - Since F10 put mailx under /usr/bin, change the corresponding requires * Tue Aug 5 2008 Hao Liu - 3.1-22 - Remove 2 requires which provided by redhat-lsb - Add comments explaining why hard-coded path is kept - Resolve some hard-coded path problems - Add comments explaining why importing '-static' option while compiling redhat_lsb_trigger - Replace %%{_libdir}/lsb with /usr/lib/lsb - Replace /%%{_lib}/* with /%%{_lib}/*so* - Replace /lib/lsb with /lib/lsb* * Thu Jul 31 2008 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-21 - remove symlink for mailx (Bug #457241) * Wed Apr 16 2008 Mats Wichmann 3.2-1 - port forward to LSB 3.2 * Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1-20 - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Wed Oct 3 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-19 - fix build issue on ppc - (.opd+0x10): multiple definition of `__libc_start_main' * Fri Sep 21 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-18 - fix build issue in minimal build root (Bug #265241) * Wed Aug 29 2007 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1-17 - Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue. * Mon Aug 20 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-16 - update spec file in accordance to feedback provided through merge review - merge-review.patch - #226363 * Wed Jul 18 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-15.f8 - Resolved: #239842 - /lib/lsb/init-functions shall use aliases but not functions - forward port the patch from 3.1-12.3.EL which fix #217566, #233530, #240916 * Wed Jul 4 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-14.fc7 - fixed Bug 232918 for new glibc version * Tue Jun 26 2007 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-12.3.EL - Resolves: #217566 - rewrite /lib/lsb/init-functions file needs to define the commands as true shell functions rather than aliases. - Resolves: #233530 - LSB pidofproc misspelled as pidofprof. - Resolves: #240916 - "log_warning_message" replaced with "log_warning_msg" per the LSB 3.1 spec * Wed Dec 6 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-12.2.EL - Resolves: bug 217566 - revise patch * Wed Nov 29 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-12 - replaced aliases with functions in /lib/lsb/init-functions; Bug 217566 * Sun Oct 01 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.1-11 - rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 * Thu Sep 21 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.3 - Fix upgrade issue; Bug 202548 * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.1-10.2.1 - rebuild * Thu Jul 6 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.2 - for some strange reason, ld-lsb-x86-64.so need to be ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3 (LSB3.0) rather than ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3.1 (LSB3.1) * Thu Jul 6 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.1 - generate spec file on RHEL5-Alpha system - fix vsw4 test suite setup by creating symlink for X11 SecurityPolicy and XFontPath * Thu Jun 22 2006 Lawrence Lim - 3.0-10 - Rewrite most part of the mkredhat-lsb to obtain information directly via specdb rather than sniffing through sgml - remove redundent script and bump up tarball version * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.0-9.2 - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.0-9.1 - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes * Fri Jan 13 2006 Leon Ho 3.0-9 - Migrated back to rawhide * Wed Aug 3 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-8.EL - Added libstdc++.so.6/libGL.so.1 requirement (RH#154605) * Wed Aug 3 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-7.EL - Fixed multilib problem on lsb_release not to read /etc/lsb-release and solely depends on /etc/lsb-release.d/ (Advised by LSB committee) - Removed /etc/lsb-release (Advised by LSB committee) * Mon Aug 1 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-6.EL - Made the /etc/lsb-release useful (RH#154605) - Added redhat_lsb_trigger to fix RH#160585 (Jakub Jelinek) - Fixed AMD64 base libraries requirement parsing (RH#154605) * Tue Jul 26 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-5.EL - Fixed redhat-lsb's mkredhat-lsb on fetching lib and cmd requirements * Mon Jul 18 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-4.EL - Rebuilt * Tue Jul 05 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-3.EL - Disabled support for LSB 1.3 and 2.0 * Mon Jun 20 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-2.EL - Upgraded to lsb-release 2.0 * Thu Jun 09 2005 Leon Ho 3.0-1.EL - Moved to LSB 3.0 * Wed Apr 13 2005 Leon Ho 1.3-10 - Fixed ix86 package with ia32 emul support * Tue Feb 01 2005 Leon Ho 1.3-9 - Sync what we have changed on the branches Wed Nov 24 2004 Harald Hoyer - added post section to recreate the softlink in emul mode (bug 140739) Mon Nov 15 2004 Phil Knirsch Tiny correction of bug in new triggers * Mon Jan 24 2005 Leon Ho 1.3-8 - Add support provide on lsb-core-* for each arch * Fri Jan 21 2005 Leon Ho 1.3-7 - Add to support multiple LSB test suite version - Add %%endif in trigger postun * Thu Nov 11 2004 Phil Knirsch 1.3-6 - Fixed invalid sln call for trigger in postun on ia64 (#137647) * Mon Aug 09 2004 Phil Knirsch 1.3-4 - Bump release and rebuilt for RHEL4. * Thu Jul 24 2003 Matt Wilson 1.3-3 - fix lsb ld.so name for ia64 (#100613) * Fri May 23 2003 Matt Wilson 1.3-2 - use /usr/lib/lsb for install_initd, remove_initd * Fri May 23 2003 Matt Wilson 1.3-2 - add ia64 x86_64 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x * Tue Feb 18 2003 Matt Wilson 1.3-1 - 1.3 * Wed Sep 4 2002 Matt Wilson - 1.2.0 * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Wed Mar 27 2002 Matt Wilson - addeed trigger on glibc to re-establish the ld-lsb.so.1 symlink in the forced downgrade case. * Tue Mar 12 2002 Bill Nottingham - add initscripts support * Thu Jan 24 2002 Matt Wilson - Initial build.