
193 lines
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From ed5045179836f32b60e5092c123e6f47da27beba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Kacur <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 12:11:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] rt-tests: Add a menu to get
user settings.
Incorporate the functionality of the script into so that can be removed.
Currently (part of queuelat) asks the user
to edit the PREAMBLE in the script to set the environment.
Get rid of this by creating a menu that allows the user the set these
variables from a menu when running the script.
Here is the output from running the script with the -h option
./src/queuelat/ -h
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-c cpulist
List of processors to run on. The default is processor 0
Numbers are separated by commas and may include ranges. Eg. 0,3,7-11
-m maxlat
maximum latency in nanoseconds. The default is 20000
if the maximum is exceeded, that run of queuelat quits
-n cycles
Estimated number of cycles it takes to process one packet
The default is 300
Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO.
This is the default if not specified
Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_RR.
-p priority
default priority = 1. Valid numbers are from 1 to 99
print this help message and exit
Signed-off-by: John Kacur <>
diff --git a/src/queuelat/ b/src/queuelat/
index f785147f1bbd..fdede472728c 100755
--- a/src/queuelat/
+++ b/src/queuelat/
@@ -6,12 +6,84 @@
# A script to determine the maximum mpps. Logic:
# Increase mpps in 0.5 units
-# NOTE: please set "PREAMBLE" to the command line you use for
-PREAMBLE="taskset -c 2 chrt -f 1"
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "$(basename $0) [OPTIONS]"
+ echo
+ echo "-c cpulist"
+ echo " List of processors to run on. The default is processor 0"
+ echo " Numbers are separated by commas and may include ranges. Eg. 0,3,7-11"
+ echo "-m maxlat"
+ echo " maximum latency in nanoseconds. The default is 20000"
+ echo " if the maximum is exceeded, that run of queuelat quits"
+ echo "-n cycles"
+ echo " Estimated number of cycles it takes to process one packet"
+ echo " The default is 300"
+ echo "-f"
+ echo " Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO."
+ echo " This is the default if not specified"
+ echo "-r"
+ echo " Set the scheduling policy to SCHED_RR".
+ echo "-p priority"
+ echo " default priority = 1. Valid numbers are from 1 to 99"
+ echo "-h"
+ echo " help"
+ echo " print this help message and exit"
+ exit
+ grep "cpu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -f 3 -d " " | sort -rn | head -n1
+# Check that the scheduling policy hasn't already been set
+# Exit with an error message if it has
+ if [ "${SCHED}" != "" ]; then
+ echo "Specify -f or -r, but not both"
+ usage
+ fi
+# Process command line options
+while getopts ":c:frp:m:n:h" opt; do
+ case ${opt} in
+ c ) CPULIST="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ m ) MAXLAT="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ f ) check_sched; SCHED="-f" ;;
+ r ) check_sched; SCHED="-r" ;;
+ p ) PRIO="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ h ) usage ;;
+ * ) echo "no such option"; usage ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND -1 ))
+# If the user hasn't specified a scheduling policy
+# then set it to the default SCHED_FIFO
+if [ "${SCHED}" == "" ]; then
+ SCHED="-f"
+# Error checking that the user entered a priority between 1 and 99
+if [[ "${PRIO}" -lt "1" ]] || [[ "${PRIO}" -gt "99" ]]; then
+ echo "PRIO must be a number between 1 and 99"
+ usage
+PREAMBLE="taskset -c ${CPULIST} chrt ${SCHED} ${PRIO}"
echo "Determining maximum mpps the machine can handle"
echo "Will take a few minutes to determine mpps value"
@@ -21,7 +93,7 @@ for mpps in $(seq 3 3 50); do
echo testing "$mpps" Mpps
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(sh" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ ! -z "$exceeded" ]; then
@@ -37,7 +109,7 @@ for mpps in $(seq $first_mpps -1 3); do
echo testing "$mpps" Mpps
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(sh" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ -z "$exceeded" ]; then
@@ -54,7 +126,7 @@ for mpps in $(seq "$second_mpps" 0.3 $first_mpps); do
echo testing "$mpps" Mpps
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(sh" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ ! -z "$exceeded" ]; then
@@ -71,7 +143,7 @@ for mpps in $(seq "$third_mpps" -0.1 3); do
echo testing "$mpps" Mpps
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(sh" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ -z "$exceeded" ]; then
@@ -90,7 +162,7 @@ while [ $queuelat_failure == 1 ]; do
echo "$mpps Mpps"
for i in $(seq 1 10); do
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 30 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ ! -z "$exceeded" ]; then
@@ -113,7 +185,7 @@ while [ $queuelat_failure == 1 ]; do
echo -n "Starting 10 minutes run with "
echo "$mpps Mpps"
- $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(" -p "$mpps" -t 600 > "$OUTFILE"
+ $PREAMBLE queuelat -m $MAXLAT -c $CYCLES_PER_PACKET -f "$(get_cpuinfo_mhz)" -p "$mpps" -t 600 > "$OUTFILE"
exceeded=$(grep exceeded "$OUTFILE")
if [ ! -z "$exceeded" ]; then