spec: Manually specify every --enable-XXX flag we use
This moves the %build section to be closer to RHEL qemu-kvm content. It's a bit tedious but it ensures we enable every feature we actually think we are enabling :) Add some macros to facilitate sharing this layout with the RHEL spec The only functional change is now we use gcrypt instead of nettle. I'm not sure if that was intentional before, but gcrypt is requested on RHEL so I'm guessing that's what we want for Fedora too Signed-off-by: Cole Robinson <crobinso@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
%global have_fdt 1
%global have_opengl 1
%global have_usbredir 1
%global enable_werror 0
# Matches edk2.spec ExclusiveArch
@ -139,11 +140,24 @@
%define have_block_nfs 1
%define have_capstone 0
%if 0%{?fedora}
%define have_capstone 1
%define have_librdma 1
%ifarch %{arm}
%define have_librdma 0
# Disable LTO since it caused lots of strange assert failures.
%global _lto_cflags %{nil}
# OOM killer breaks builds with parallel make on s390(x)
%ifarch s390x
%global _smp_mflags %{nil}
%define evr %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
@ -366,7 +380,7 @@ BuildRequires: SDL2-devel
BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
# alsa audio output
BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
%if 0%{?fedora}
%if %{have_block_nfs}
# NFS drive support
BuildRequires: libnfs-devel
@ -404,7 +418,7 @@ BuildRequires: libcacard-devel
# virgl 3d support
BuildRequires: virglrenderer-devel
%if 0%{?fedora}
%if %{have_capstone}
# preferred disassembler for TCG
BuildRequires: capstone-devel
@ -1106,6 +1120,11 @@ This package provides the QEMU system emulator for Xtensa boards.
%setup -q -n qemu-%{version}%{?rcstr}
%autopatch -p1
%global qemu_kvm_build qemu_kvm_build
mkdir -p %{qemu_kvm_build}
%global static_builddir static_builddir
mkdir -p %{static_builddir}
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Make_ambiguous_python_shebangs_error
# Fix all Python shebangs recursively in .
# -p preserves timestamps
@ -1118,77 +1137,313 @@ pathfix.py -pni "%{__python3} %{py3_shbang_opts}" scripts/qemu-trace-stap
# Disable LTO since it caused lots of strange assert failures.
%define _lto_cflags %{nil}
# OOM killer breaks builds with parallel make on s390(x)
%ifarch s390x
%global _smp_mflags %{nil}
# --build-id option is used for giving info to the debug packages.
# As of qemu 2.1, --enable-trace-backends supports multiple backends,
# but there's a performance impact for non-dtrace so we don't use them
%if %{have_spice}
%global spiceflag --enable-spice
%global spiceflag --disable-spice
%define disable_everything \\\
--audio-drv-list= \\\
--disable-attr \\\
--disable-auth-pam \\\
--disable-avx2 \\\
--disable-avx512f \\\
--disable-bochs \\\
--disable-brlapi \\\
--disable-bsd-user \\\
--disable-bzip2 \\\
--disable-cap-ng \\\
--disable-capstone \\\
--disable-cfi \\\
--disable-cfi-debug \\\
--disable-cloop \\\
--disable-cocoa \\\
--disable-coroutine-pool \\\
--disable-crypto-afalg \\\
--disable-curl \\\
--disable-curses \\\
--disable-debug-info \\\
--disable-debug-mutex \\\
--disable-debug-tcg \\\
--disable-dmg \\\
--disable-docs \\\
--disable-fdt \\\
--disable-fuse \\\
--disable-fuse-lseek \\\
--disable-gcrypt \\\
--disable-gio \\\
--disable-glusterfs \\\
--disable-gnutls \\\
--disable-gtk \\\
--disable-guest-agent \\\
--disable-guest-agent-msi \\\
--disable-hax \\\
--disable-hvf \\\
--disable-iconv \\\
--disable-jemalloc \\\
--disable-kvm \\\
--disable-libdaxctl \\\
--disable-libiscsi \\\
--disable-libnfs \\\
--disable-libpmem \\\
--disable-libssh \\\
--disable-libudev \\\
--disable-libusb \\\
--disable-libxml2 \\\
--disable-linux-aio \\\
--disable-linux-io-uring \\\
--disable-linux-user \\\
--disable-live-block-migration \\\
--disable-lto \\\
--disable-lzfse \\\
--disable-lzo \\\
--disable-malloc-trim \\\
--disable-membarrier \\\
--disable-modules \\\
--disable-module-upgrades \\\
--disable-mpath \\\
--disable-multiprocess \\\
--disable-netmap \\\
--disable-nettle \\\
--disable-numa \\\
--disable-opengl \\\
--disable-parallels \\\
--disable-pie \\\
--disable-pvrdma \\\
--disable-qcow1 \\\
--disable-qed \\\
--disable-qom-cast-debug \\\
--disable-rbd \\\
--disable-rdma \\\
--disable-replication \\\
--disable-rng-none \\\
--disable-safe-stack \\\
--disable-sanitizers \\\
--disable-sdl \\\
--disable-sdl-image \\\
--disable-seccomp \\\
--disable-sheepdog \\\
--disable-slirp \\\
--disable-smartcard \\\
--disable-snappy \\\
--disable-sparse \\\
--disable-spice \\\
--disable-strip \\\
--disable-system \\\
--disable-tcg \\\
--disable-tcmalloc \\\
--disable-tools \\\
--disable-tpm \\\
--disable-u2f \\\
--disable-usb-redir \\\
--disable-user \\\
--disable-vde \\\
--disable-vdi \\\
--disable-vhost-crypto \\\
--disable-vhost-kernel \\\
--disable-vhost-net \\\
--disable-vhost-scsi \\\
--disable-vhost-user \\\
--disable-vhost-user-blk-server \\\
--disable-vhost-vdpa \\\
--disable-vhost-vsock \\\
--disable-virglrenderer \\\
--disable-virtfs \\\
--disable-virtiofsd \\\
--disable-vnc \\\
--disable-vnc-jpeg \\\
--disable-vnc-png \\\
--disable-vnc-sasl \\\
--disable-vte \\\
--disable-vvfat \\\
--disable-werror \\\
--disable-whpx \\\
--disable-xen \\\
--disable-xen-pci-passthrough \\\
--disable-xfsctl \\\
--disable-xkbcommon \\\
--disable-zstd \\\
--with-git-submodules=ignore \\\
run_configure() {
# Base configure call with standard shared options
CC=%{__cc} CXX=%{__cxx} ../configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
--libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
--interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%%M \
--with-pkgversion=%{name}-%{version}-%{release} \
--extra-ldflags="$extraldflags -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now" \
--prefix="%{_prefix}" \
--libdir="%{_libdir}" \
--datadir="%{_datadir}" \
--sysconfdir="%{_sysconfdir}" \
--interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%M \
--localstatedir="%{_localstatedir}" \
--docdir="%{_docdir}" \
--libexecdir="%{_libexecdir}" \
--extra-ldflags="-Wl,--build-id -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now" \
--extra-cflags="%{optflags}" \
--disable-strip \
--disable-werror \
--with-pkgversion="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}" \
--with-suffix="%{name}" \
--firmwarepath=%{_prefix}/share/qemu-firmware \
--meson="%{__meson}" \
--enable-trace-backend=dtrace \
--with-coroutine=ucontext \
--with-git=git \
--tls-priority=@QEMU,SYSTEM \
--enable-trace-backend=$tracebackends \
"$@" || cat config.log
run_configure_disable_everything() {
# Disable every qemu feature. Callers can --enable-X the bits they need
run_configure \
--audio-drv-list= \
--without-default-features \
--without-default-devices \
--disable-system \
--disable-tcg \
--disable-user \
--disable-blobs \
--disable-capstone \
--disable-fdt \
--disable-vnc \
--disable-vnc-jpeg \
--disable-vnc-png \
--disable-vhost-kernel \
--disable-vhost-vdpa \
%{disable_everything} \
echo "config-host.mak contents:"
echo "==="
cat config-host.mak
echo "==="
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
run_configure \
%if %{defined target_list}
--target-list="%{target_list}" \
%if %{defined block_drivers_rw_list}
--block-drv-rw-whitelist=%{block_drivers_rw_list} \
%if %{defined block_drivers_ro_list}
--block-drv-ro-whitelist=%{block_drivers_ro_list} \
--enable-attr \
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
--enable-avx2 \
--enable-cap-ng \
%if %{have_capstone}
--enable-capstone \
--enable-coroutine-pool \
--enable-curl \
--enable-debug-info \
--enable-docs \
%if %{have_fdt}
--enable-fdt \
--enable-gcrypt \
--enable-gnutls \
--enable-guest-agent \
--enable-iconv \
--enable-kvm \
--enable-libiscsi \
%if %{have_pmem}
--enable-libpmem \
--enable-libssh \
--enable-libusb \
--enable-libudev \
--enable-linux-aio \
--enable-lzo \
--enable-malloc-trim \
--enable-modules \
--enable-mpath \
%if %{have_numactl}
--enable-numa \
%if %{have_opengl}
--enable-opengl \
--enable-pie \
%if %{have_block_rbd}
--enable-rbd \
%if %{have_librdma}
--enable-rdma \
--enable-seccomp \
--enable-slirp=system \
--enable-snappy \
--enable-system \
--enable-tcg \
--enable-tools \
--enable-tpm \
%if %{have_usbredir}
--enable-usb-redir \
--enable-virtiofsd \
--enable-vhost-kernel \
--enable-vhost-net \
--enable-vhost-user \
--enable-vhost-user-blk-server \
--enable-vhost-vdpa \
--enable-vhost-vsock \
--enable-vnc \
--enable-vnc-png \
--enable-vnc-sasl \
%if %{enable_werror}
--enable-werror \
--enable-xkbcommon \
%dnl Fedora specific flags
--audio-drv-list=pa,sdl,alsa,try-jack,oss \
--target-list-exclude=moxie-softmmu \
--with-default-devices \
--enable-auth-pam \
--enable-bochs \
--enable-brlapi \
--enable-bzip2 \
--enable-cloop \
--enable-curses \
--enable-dmg \
--enable-gio \
--enable-glusterfs \
--enable-gtk \
--enable-libdaxctl \
%if %{have_block_nfs}
--enable-libnfs \
--enable-libudev \
--enable-libxml2 \
%if %{have_liburing}
--enable-linux-io-uring \
--enable-linux-user \
--enable-live-block-migration \
--enable-multiprocess \
--enable-vnc-jpeg \
--enable-parallels \
%if %{have_librdma}
--enable-pvrdma \
--enable-qcow1 \
--enable-qed \
--enable-qom-cast-debug \
--enable-replication \
--enable-sdl \
--enable-smartcard \
%if %{have_spice}
--enable-spice \
--enable-usb-redir \
--enable-vdi \
--enable-vhost-crypto \
--enable-vhost-scsi \
%if %{have_virgl}
--enable-virglrenderer \
--enable-virtfs \
--enable-vnc-jpeg \
--enable-vte \
--enable-vvfat \
%if %{have_xen}
--enable-xen \
--enable-xen-pci-passthrough \
--enable-zstd \
# Build for qemu-user-static
make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} $buildldflags
# Fedora build for qemu-user-static
%if %{user_static}
mkdir build-static
pushd build-static
pushd %{static_builddir}
run_configure_disable_everything \
--disable-pie \
run_configure \
--enable-attr \
--enable-linux-user \
--enable-tcg \
@ -1201,35 +1456,6 @@ popd
# Build for non-static qemu-*
mkdir build-dynamic
pushd build-dynamic
run_configure \
--audio-drv-list=pa,sdl,alsa,try-jack,oss \
--enable-kvm \
--enable-system \
--target-list-exclude=moxie-softmmu \
--enable-tcg \
--enable-linux-user \
--enable-pie \
--enable-modules \
--enable-mpath \
%{spiceflag} \
echo "config-host.mak contents:"
echo "==="
cat config-host.mak
echo "==="
make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} $buildldflags
%global _udevdir /lib/udev/rules.d
@ -1269,7 +1495,7 @@ install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/95-kvm-ppc64-memlock.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdi
# Install qemu-user-static tree
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
%if %{user_static}
pushd build-static
pushd %{static_builddir}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
# Rename all QEMU user emulators to have a -static suffix
@ -1291,7 +1517,7 @@ popd
# Install main qemu-system-* tree
pushd build-dynamic
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%find_lang %{name}
@ -1417,7 +1643,7 @@ chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/qemu/*.so
perl -i -p -e 's/^(127|267)/# $1/' tests/qemu-iotests/group
pushd build-dynamic
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
# 2021-06: s390x tests randomly failing with 'Broken pipe' errors
# dhorak couldn't reproduce locally on an s390x machine so guessed
Reference in New Issue
Block a user