Karolina Surma 9ce6cb80da Add new options for %%py{3}_check_import: -f, -t, -e
-f: optionally read a file with module names to test
-t: bool flag - if set, filter only top-level modules
-e: optionally exclude module names matching the given glob (Unix
shell-style wildcards)
Importing all modules may cause bogus failures in some cases,
eg. when the imported code assumes there is an existing graphical window.
Such behaviour may be by design, hence for automatic processing it's
more convinient to - in some cases - check only for top-level modules
or filter out the troublemakers.
2021-10-27 16:01:42 +02:00

668 lines
26 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import platform
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import pytest
X_Y = f'{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}'
XY = f'{sys.version_info[0]}{sys.version_info[1]}'
# Handy environment variable you can use to run the tests
# with modified macros files. Multiple files should be
# separated by colon.
# You can use * if you escape it from your Shell:
# TESTED_FILES='macros.*' pytest -v
# Remember that some tests might need more macros files than just
# the local ones. You might need to use:
# TESTED_FILES='/usr/lib/rpm/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/platform/x86_64-linux/macros:macros.*'
TESTED_FILES = os.getenv("TESTED_FILES", None)
def rpm_eval(expression, fails=False, **kwargs):
cmd = ['rpmbuild']
cmd += ['--macros', TESTED_FILES]
for var, value in kwargs.items():
if value is None:
cmd += ['--undefine', var]
cmd += ['--define', f'{var} {value}']
cmd += ['--eval', expression]
cp =, text=True, env={**os.environ, 'LANG': 'C.utf-8'},
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if fails:
assert cp.returncode != 0, cp.stdout
elif fails is not None:
assert cp.returncode == 0, cp.stdout
return cp.stdout.strip().splitlines()
def lib():
lib_eval = rpm_eval("%_lib")[0]
if lib_eval == "%_lib" and TESTED_FILES:
raise ValueError(
"%_lib is not resolved to an actual value. "
"You may want to include /usr/lib/rpm/platform/x86_64-linux/macros to TESTED_FILES."
return lib_eval
def shell_stdout(script):
return subprocess.check_output(script,
env={**os.environ, 'LANG': 'C.utf-8'},
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argument, result', [
('a', 'a'),
('a-a', 'a-a'),
('a_a', 'a-a'),
('a.a', 'a-a'),
('a---a', 'a-a'),
('a-_-a', 'a-a'),
('a-_-a', 'a-a'),
('a[b]', 'a[b]'),
('Aha[Boom]', 'aha[boom]'),
('a.a[b.b]', 'a-a[b-b]'),
def test_pydist_name(argument, result):
assert rpm_eval(f'%py_dist_name {argument}') == [result]
def test_py2_dist():
assert rpm_eval(f'%py2_dist Aha[Boom] a') == ['python2dist(aha[boom]) python2dist(a)']
def test_py3_dist():
assert rpm_eval(f'%py3_dist Aha[Boom] a') == ['python3dist(aha[boom]) python3dist(a)']
def test_py3_dist_with_python3_pkgversion_redefined():
assert rpm_eval(f'%py3_dist Aha[Boom] a', python3_pkgversion="3.6") == ['python3.6dist(aha[boom]) python3.6dist(a)']
def test_python_provide_python():
assert rpm_eval('%python_provide python-foo') == []
def test_python_provide_python3():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_provide python3-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_python_provide_python3_epoched():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_provide python3-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_python_provide_python3X():
lines = rpm_eval(f'%python_provide python{X_Y}-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_python_provide_python3X_epoched():
lines = rpm_eval(f'%python_provide python{X_Y}-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_python_provide_doubleuse():
lines = rpm_eval('%{python_provide python3-foo}%{python_provide python3-foo}',
version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 6
assert len(set(lines)) == 3
def test_py_provides_python():
lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 1
def test_py_provides_whatever():
lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides whatever', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: whatever = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 1
def test_py_provides_python3():
lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_py_provides_python3_epoched():
lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_py_provides_python3X():
lines = rpm_eval(f'%py_provides python{X_Y}-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_py_provides_python3X_epoched():
lines = rpm_eval(f'%py_provides python{X_Y}-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_py_provides_doubleuse():
lines = rpm_eval('%{py_provides python3-foo}%{py_provides python3-foo}',
version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
assert len(lines) == 6
assert len(set(lines)) == 3
def test_py_provides_with_evr():
lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo 123',
version='6', release='1.fc66')
assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 123' in lines
assert 'Provides: python-foo = 123' in lines
assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 123' in lines
assert len(lines) == 3
def test_python_wheel_pkg_prefix():
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora='44', rhel=None, eln=None) == ['python']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora='44', rhel=None, eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.9') == ['python']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln='1') == ['python']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None) == ['python3']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.10') == ['python3.10']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_pkg_prefix', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.11') == ['python3.11']
def test_python_wheel_dir():
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora='44', rhel=None, eln=None) == ['/usr/share/python-wheels']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora='44', rhel=None, eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.9') == ['/usr/share/python-wheels']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln='1') == ['/usr/share/python-wheels']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None) == ['/usr/share/python3-wheels']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.10') == ['/usr/share/python3.10-wheels']
assert rpm_eval('%python_wheel_dir', fedora=None, rhel='1', eln=None, python3_pkgversion='3.11') == ['/usr/share/python3.11-wheels']
def test_pytest_passes_options_naturally():
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -k foo')
assert '/usr/bin/pytest -k foo' in lines[-1]
def test_pytest_different_command():
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest', __pytest='pytest-3')
assert 'pytest-3' in lines[-1]
def test_pytest_command_suffix():
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -v')
assert '/usr/bin/pytest -v' in lines[-1]
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -v', python3_pkgversion="3.6", python3_version="3.6")
assert '/usr/bin/pytest-3.6 -v' in lines[-1]
def test_pytest_undefined_addopts_are_not_set():
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest', __pytest_addopts=None)
assert 'PYTEST_ADDOPTS' not in '\n'.join(lines)
def test_pytest_defined_addopts_are_set():
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest', __pytest_addopts="--ignore=stuff")
assert 'PYTEST_ADDOPTS="${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:-} --ignore=stuff"' in '\n'.join(lines)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('__pytest_addopts', ['--macronized-option', 'x y z', None])
def test_pytest_addopts_preserves_envvar(__pytest_addopts):
# this is the line a packager might put in the spec file before running %pytest:
spec_line = 'export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--exported-option1 --exported-option2"'
# instead of actually running /usr/bin/pytest,
# we run a small shell script that echoes the tested value for inspection
lines = rpm_eval('%pytest', __pytest_addopts=__pytest_addopts,
__pytest="sh -c 'echo $PYTEST_ADDOPTS'")
echoed = shell_stdout('\n'.join([spec_line] + lines))
# assert all values were echoed
assert '--exported-option1' in echoed
assert '--exported-option2' in echoed
if __pytest_addopts is not None:
assert __pytest_addopts in echoed
# assert the options are separated
assert 'option--' not in echoed
assert 'z--' not in echoed
def test_pypi_source_default_name():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
name='foo', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_default_srcname():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
name='python-foo', srcname='foo', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_default_pypi_name():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_default_name_uppercase():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
name='Foo', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_provided_name():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo',
name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_provided_name_version():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6',
name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='3')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_provided_name_version_ext():
url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6 zip',
name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='3')
assert url == ['']
def test_pypi_source_prerelease():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6~b2')
assert urls == ['']
def test_pypi_source_explicit_tilde():
urls = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6~6',
name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6')
assert urls == ['']
def test_py3_shebang_fix():
cmd = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3')[-1].strip()
assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/python3 $shebang_flags arg1 arg2 arg3'
def test_py3_shebang_fix_default_shebang_flags():
lines = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2')
lines[-1] = 'echo $shebang_flags'
assert shell_stdout('\n'.join(lines)) == '-kas'
def test_py3_shebang_fix_custom_shebang_flags():
lines = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2', py3_shebang_flags='Es')
lines[-1] = 'echo $shebang_flags'
assert shell_stdout('\n'.join(lines)) == '-kaEs'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('flags', [None, '%{nil}'])
def test_py3_shebang_fix_no_shebang_flags(flags):
lines = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2', py3_shebang_flags=flags)
lines[-1] = 'echo $shebang_flags'
assert shell_stdout('\n'.join(lines)) == '-k'
def test_py_shebang_fix_custom_python():
cmd = rpm_eval('%py_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3', __python='/usr/bin/pypy')[-1].strip()
assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/pypy $shebang_flags arg1 arg2 arg3'
def test_pycached_in_sitelib():
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitelib}/foo*.py')
assert lines == [
def test_pycached_in_sitearch(lib):
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitearch}/foo*.py')
assert lines == [
def test_pycached_in_36():
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/foo*.py')
assert lines == [
def test_pycached_in_custom_dir():
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached /bar/foo*.py')
assert lines == [
def test_pycached_with_exclude():
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/foo*.py')
assert lines == [
f'%exclude /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/foo*.py',
f'%exclude /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/__pycache__/foo*.cpython-{XY}{{,.opt-?}}.pyc'
def test_pycached_fails_with_extension_glob():
lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitelib}/*', fails=True)
assert lines[0] == 'error: %pycached can only be used with paths explicitly ending with .py'
def test_python_extras_subpkg_i():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -i %{python3_sitelib}/*.egg-info toml yaml',
version='6', release='7')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%files -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
%ghost /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/*.egg-info
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%files -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
%ghost /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/*.egg-info
assert lines == expected
def test_python_extras_subpkg_f():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -f ghost_filelist toml yaml',
version='6', release='7')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%files -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml -f ghost_filelist
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%files -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml -f ghost_filelist
assert lines == expected
def test_python_extras_subpkg_F():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -F toml yaml',
version='6', release='7')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
%description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
assert lines == expected
def test_python_extras_subpkg_underscores():
lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-webscrapbook -F adhoc_ssl',
version='0.33.3', release='1.fc33')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
%package -n python3-webscrapbook+adhoc_ssl
Summary: Metapackage for python3-webscrapbook: adhoc_ssl extras
Requires: python3-webscrapbook = 0.33.3-1.fc33
%description -n python3-webscrapbook+adhoc_ssl
This is a metapackage bringing in adhoc_ssl extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
assert lines == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sep', [pytest.param(('', ' ', ' ', ''), id='spaces'),
pytest.param(('', ',', ',', ''), id='commas'),
pytest.param(('', ',', ',', ','), id='commas-trailing'),
pytest.param((',', ',', ',', ''), id='commas-leading'),
pytest.param((',', ',', ',', ','), id='commas-trailing-leading'),
pytest.param(('', ',', ' ', ''), id='mixture'),
pytest.param((' ', ' ', '\t\t, ', '\t'), id='chaotic-good'),
pytest.param(('', '\t ,, \t\r ', ',,\t , ', ',,'), id='chaotic-evil')])
def test_python_extras_subpkg_arg_separators(sep):
lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-hypothesis -F {}cli{}ghostwriter{}pytz{}'.format(*sep),
version='6.6.0', release='1.fc35')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
%package -n python3-hypothesis+cli
Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: cli extras
Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35
%description -n python3-hypothesis+cli
This is a metapackage bringing in cli extras requires for python3-hypothesis.
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%package -n python3-hypothesis+ghostwriter
Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: ghostwriter extras
Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35
%description -n python3-hypothesis+ghostwriter
This is a metapackage bringing in ghostwriter extras requires for
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
%package -n python3-hypothesis+pytz
Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: pytz extras
Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35
%description -n python3-hypothesis+pytz
This is a metapackage bringing in pytz extras requires for python3-hypothesis.
It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
assert lines == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('basename_len', [1, 10, 30, 45, 78])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('extra_len', [1, 13, 28, 52, 78])
def test_python_extras_subpkg_description_wrapping(basename_len, extra_len):
basename = 'x' * basename_len
extra = 'y' * extra_len
lines = rpm_eval(f'%python_extras_subpkg -n {basename} -F {extra}',
version='6', release='7')
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith('%description'):
start = idx + 1
lines = lines[start:]
assert all(len(l) < 80 for l in lines)
assert len(lines) < 6
if len(" ".join(lines[:-1])) < 80:
assert len(lines) == 2
expected_singleline = (f"This is a metapackage bringing in {extra} extras "
f"requires for {basename}. "
f"It makes sure the dependencies are installed.")
description_singleline = " ".join(lines)
assert description_singleline == expected_singleline
unversioned_macros = pytest.mark.parametrize('macro', [
def test_unversioned_python_errors(macro):
lines = rpm_eval(macro, fails=True)
assert lines == ['error: attempt to use unversioned python, '
'define %__python to /usr/bin/python2 or /usr/bin/python3 explicitly']
def test_unversioned_python_works_when_defined(macro):
macro3 = macro.replace('python', 'python3').replace('py_', 'py3_')
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='/usr/bin/python3') == rpm_eval(macro3)
# we could rework the test for multiple architectures, but the Fedora CI currently only runs on x86_64
x86_64_only = pytest.mark.skipif(platform.machine() != "x86_64", reason="works on x86_64 only")
def test_platform_triplet():
assert rpm_eval("%python3_platform_triplet") == ["x86_64-linux-gnu"]
def test_ext_suffix():
assert rpm_eval("%python3_ext_suffix") == [f".cpython-{XY}"]
def test_python_sitelib_value():
macro = '%python_sitelib'
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='/usr/bin/python3.6') == [f'/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages']
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='%__python3') == [f'/usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages']
def test_python3_sitelib_value():
macro = '%python3_sitelib'
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python3='/usr/bin/python3.6') == [f'/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages']
assert rpm_eval(macro) == [f'/usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages']
def test_python_sitearch_value(lib):
macro = '%python_sitearch'
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='/usr/bin/python3.6') == [f'/usr/{lib}/python3.6/site-packages']
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='%__python3') == [f'/usr/{lib}/python{X_Y}/site-packages']
def test_python3_sitearch_value(lib):
macro = '%python3_sitearch'
assert rpm_eval(macro, __python3='/usr/bin/python3.6') == [f'/usr/{lib}/python3.6/site-packages']
assert rpm_eval(macro) == [f'/usr/{lib}/python{X_Y}/site-packages']
'-f foo.txt',
'-t -f foo.txt six, seven',
'-e "foo*" -f foo.txt six, seven',
'six.quarter six.half,, SIX',
def test_py3_check_import(args, __python3, lib):
x_y = X_Y
macros = {
'buildroot': 'BUILDROOT',
'_rpmconfigdir': 'RPMCONFIGDIR',
if __python3 is not None:
macros['__python3'] = __python3
# If the __python3 command has version at the end, parse it and expect it.
# Note that the command is used to determine %python3_sitelib and %python3_sitearch,
# so we only test known CPython schemes here and not PyPy for simplicity.
# We also only test main Python + 3.6 because those are required by the CI config.
if (match := re.match(r'.+python(\d+\.\d+)$', __python3)):
x_y =
lines = rpm_eval(f'%py3_check_import {args}', **macros)
# An equality check is a bit inflexible here,
# every time we change the macro we need to change this test.
# However actually executing it and verifying the result is much harder :/
# At least, let's make the lines saner to check:
lines = [line.rstrip('\\').strip() for line in lines]
expected = textwrap.dedent(fr"""
{__python3 or '/usr/bin/python3'} -s RPMCONFIGDIR/redhat/ {args}
assert lines == expected.splitlines()