-- Convenience Lua functions that can be used within Python srpm/rpm macros -- Determine alternate names provided from the given name. -- Used in pythonname provides generator, python_provide and py_provides. -- There are 2 rules: -- python3-foo -> python-foo, python3X-foo -- python3X-foo -> python-foo, python3-foo -- There is no python-foo -> rule, python-foo packages are version agnostic. -- Returns a table/array with strings. Empty when no rule matched. local function python_altnames(name) local xy = rpm.expand('%{__default_python3_pkgversion}') local altnames = {} local replaced -- NB: dash needs to be escaped! if name:match('^python3%-') then for i, prefix in ipairs({'python-', 'python' .. xy .. '-'}) do replaced = name:gsub('^python3%-', prefix) table.insert(altnames, replaced) end elseif name:match('^python' .. xy .. '%-') then for i, prefix in ipairs({'python-', 'python3-'}) do replaced = name:gsub('^python' .. xy .. '%-', prefix) table.insert(altnames, replaced) end end return altnames end -- For any given name and epoch-version-release, return provides except self. -- Uses python_altnames under the hood -- Returns a table/array with strings. local function python_altprovides(name, evr) local altprovides = {} for i, altname in ipairs(python_altnames(name)) do table.insert(altprovides, altname .. ' = ' .. evr) end return altprovides end -- Like python_altprovides but only return something once. -- For each argument can only be used once, returns nil otherwise. local function python_altprovides_once(name, evr) -- global cache that tells what provides were already processed if __python_altnames_provides_beenthere == nil then __python_altnames_provides_beenthere = {} end if __python_altnames_provides_beenthere[name .. ' ' .. evr] == nil then __python_altnames_provides_beenthere[name .. ' ' .. evr] = true return python_altprovides(name, evr) else return nil end end return { python_altnames = python_altnames, python_altprovides = python_altprovides, python_altprovides_once = python_altprovides_once, }