Add lua helper functions to make it possible to automatically generate Obsoletes tags

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Orsava 2021-11-26 12:10:52 +01:00 committed by Tomas Orsava
parent a8b26546eb
commit 5d7727c2aa
3 changed files with 74 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
%py_provides() %{lua:
local python = require 'fedora.srpm.python'
local rhel = rpm.expand('%{?rhel}')
local name = rpm.expand('%1')
if name == '%1' then
rpm.expand('%{error:%%py_provides requires at least 1 argument, the name to provide}')
@ -204,6 +205,16 @@
for i, provide in ipairs(provides) do
print('Provides: ' .. provide .. '\\n')
-- We only generate these Obsoletes on CentOS/RHEL to provide clean upgrade
-- path, e.g. python3-foo obsoletes python3.9-foo from previous RHEL.
-- In Fedora this is not needed as we don't ship ecosystem packages
-- for alternative Python interpreters.
if rhel ~= '' then
local obsoletes = python.python_altobsoletes(name, evr)
for i, obsolete in ipairs(obsoletes) do
print('Obsoletes: ' .. obsolete .. '\\n')
%python_extras_subpkg(n:i:f:F) %{expand:%{lua:

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ elseif posix.stat('macros.python-srpm') then
Version: %{__default_python3_version}
Release: 14%{?dist}
Release: 15%{?dist}
BuildArch: noarch
@ -145,6 +145,11 @@ install -m 755 brp-* %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/
* Tue Dec 21 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 3.10-15
- Add lua helper functions to make it possible to automatically generate
Obsoletes tags
- Modify the %%py_provides macro to also generate Obsoletes tags on CentOS/RHEL
* Wed Dec 08 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 3.10-14
- Set %%__python3 value according to %%python3_pkgversion
I.e. when %%python3_pkgversion is 3.12, %%__python3 is /usr/bin/python3.12

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@ -2,22 +2,25 @@
-- Determine alternate names provided from the given name.
-- Used in pythonname provides generator, python_provide and py_provides.
-- There are 2 rules:
-- If only_3_to_3_X is false/nil/unused there are 2 rules:
-- python3-foo -> python-foo, python3.X-foo
-- python3.X-foo -> python-foo, python3-foo
-- If only_3_to_3_X is true there is only 1 rule:
-- python3-foo -> python3.X-foo
-- There is no python-foo -> rule, python-foo packages are version agnostic.
-- Returns a table/array with strings. Empty when no rule matched.
local function python_altnames(name)
local function python_altnames(name, only_3_to_3_X)
local xy = rpm.expand('%{__default_python3_pkgversion}')
local altnames = {}
local replaced
-- NB: dash needs to be escaped!
if name:match('^python3%-') then
for i, prefix in ipairs({'python-', 'python' .. xy .. '-'}) do
local prefixes = only_3_to_3_X and {} or {'python-'}
for i, prefix in ipairs({'python' .. xy .. '-', table.unpack(prefixes)}) do
replaced = name:gsub('^python3%-', prefix)
table.insert(altnames, replaced)
elseif name:match('^python' .. xy .. '%-') then
elseif name:match('^python' .. xy .. '%-') and not only_3_to_3_X then
for i, prefix in ipairs({'python-', 'python3-'}) do
replaced = name:gsub('^python' .. xy .. '%-', prefix)
table.insert(altnames, replaced)
@ -27,42 +30,72 @@ local function python_altnames(name)
local function __python_alttags(name, evr, tag_type)
-- for the "provides" tag_type we want also unversioned provides
local only_3_to_3_X = tag_type ~= "provides"
local operator = tag_type == "provides" and ' = ' or ' < '
-- global cache that tells what package NEVRs were already processed for the
-- given tag type
if __python_alttags_beenthere == nil then
__python_alttags_beenthere = {}
if __python_alttags_beenthere[tag_type] == nil then
__python_alttags_beenthere[tag_type] = {}
__python_alttags_beenthere[tag_type][name .. ' ' .. evr] = true
local alttags = {}
for i, altname in ipairs(python_altnames(name, only_3_to_3_X)) do
table.insert(alttags, altname .. operator .. evr)
return alttags
-- For any given name and epoch-version-release, return provides except self.
-- Uses python_altnames under the hood
-- Returns a table/array with strings.
local function python_altprovides(name, evr)
-- global cache that tells what provides were already processed
if __python_altnames_provides_beenthere == nil then
__python_altnames_provides_beenthere = {}
__python_altnames_provides_beenthere[name .. ' ' .. evr] = true
local altprovides = {}
for i, altname in ipairs(python_altnames(name)) do
table.insert(altprovides, altname .. ' = ' .. evr)
return altprovides
return __python_alttags(name, evr, "provides")
-- For any given name and epoch-version-release, return versioned obsoletes except self.
-- Uses python_altnames under the hood
-- Returns a table/array with strings.
local function python_altobsoletes(name, evr)
return __python_alttags(name, evr, "obsoletes")
local function __python_alttags_once(name, evr, tag_type)
-- global cache that tells what provides were already processed
if __python_alttags_beenthere == nil
or __python_alttags_beenthere[tag_type] == nil
or __python_alttags_beenthere[tag_type][name .. ' ' .. evr] == nil then
return __python_alttags(name, evr, tag_type)
return nil
-- Like python_altprovides but only return something once.
-- For each argument can only be used once, returns nil otherwise.
-- Previous usage of python_altprovides counts as well.
local function python_altprovides_once(name, evr)
-- global cache that tells what provides were already processed
if __python_altnames_provides_beenthere == nil then
__python_altnames_provides_beenthere = {}
if __python_altnames_provides_beenthere[name .. ' ' .. evr] == nil then
__python_altnames_provides_beenthere[name .. ' ' .. evr] = true
return python_altprovides(name, evr)
return nil
return __python_alttags_once(name, evr, "provides")
-- Like python_altobsoletes but only return something once.
-- For each argument can only be used once, returns nil otherwise.
-- Previous usage of python_altobsoletes counts as well.
local function python_altobsoletes_once(name, evr)
return __python_alttags_once(name, evr, "obsoletes")
return {
python_altnames = python_altnames,
python_altprovides = python_altprovides,
python_altobsoletes = python_altobsoletes,
python_altprovides_once = python_altprovides_once,
python_altobsoletes_once = python_altobsoletes_once,