# Run tests using pytest, e.g. from the root directory # $ python3 -m pytest --ignore tests/testing/ -vvv # # If there are any breakags, the best way to see differences is using a diff: # $ diff tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/test-data.yaml <(python3 tests/test_scripts_pythondistdeps.py) # # - Test cases and expected results are saved in test-data.yaml inside # TEST_DATA_PATH (currently ./data/scripts_pythondistdeps/) # - To regenerate test-data.yaml file with the current results of # pythondistdeps.py for each test configuration, execute this test file # directly and results will be on stdout # $ python3 test_scripts_pythondistdeps.py # # To add new test-data, add them to the test-requires.yaml: they will be # downloaded automatically. And then add the resulting dist-info/egg-info paths # into test-data.yaml under whichever requires/provides configurations you want # to test # - To find all dist-info/egg-info directories in the test-data directory, # run inside test-data: # $ find . -type d -regex ".*\(dist-info\|egg-info\)" | sort # # Requirements for this script: # - Python >= 3.6 # - pip >= 20.0.1 # - setuptools # - pytest # - pyyaml # - wheel from pathlib import Path import pytest import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import yaml PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'pythondistdeps.py' TEST_DATA_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'data' / 'scripts_pythondistdeps' def run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expect_failure=False): """Runs pythondistdeps.py on `dits_egg_info_path` with given provides and requires parameters and returns a dict with generated provides and requires""" info_path = TEST_DATA_PATH / dist_egg_info_path files = '\n'.join(map(str, info_path.iterdir())) provides = subprocess.run((sys.executable, PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH, *shlex.split(provides_params)), input=files, capture_output=True, check=False, encoding="utf-8") requires = subprocess.run((sys.executable, PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH, *shlex.split(requires_params)), input=files, capture_output=True, check=False, encoding="utf-8") if expect_failure: if provides.returncode == 0 or requires.returncode == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"pythondistdeps.py did not exit with a non-zero code as expected.\n" f"Used parameters: ({provides_params}, {requires_params}, {dist_egg_info_path})") stdout = {"provides": provides.stdout.strip(), "requires": requires.stdout.strip()} stderr = {"provides": provides.stderr.strip(), "requires": requires.stderr.strip()} return {"stderr": stderr, "stdout": stdout} else: if provides.returncode != 0 or requires.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"pythondistdeps.py unexpectedly exited with a non-zero code.\n" f"Used parameters: ({provides_params}, {requires_params}, {dist_egg_info_path})") return {"provides": provides.stdout.strip(), "requires": requires.stdout.strip()} def load_test_data(): """Reads the test-data.yaml and loads the test data into a dict.""" with TEST_DATA_PATH.joinpath('test-data.yaml').open() as file: return yaml.safe_load(file) def generate_test_cases(test_data): """Goes through the test data dict and yields test cases. Test case is a tuple of 4 elements: - provides parameters - requires parameters - path to the dist-info/egg-info directory inside test-data - dict with expected results ("requires" and "provides")""" for requires_params in test_data: for provides_params in test_data[requires_params]: for dist_egg_info_path in test_data[requires_params][provides_params]: expected = test_data[requires_params][provides_params][dist_egg_info_path] yield (provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected) def check_and_install_test_data(): """Checks if the appropriate metadata are present in TEST_DATA_PATH, and if not, downloads them through pip from PyPI.""" with TEST_DATA_PATH.joinpath('test-requires.yaml').open() as file: test_requires = yaml.safe_load(file) downloaded_anything = False for package in test_requires: # To be as close to the real environment, we want some packages saved in /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib, # for these we explicitly set lib64 as a parameter, and by default we use /usr/lib. lib = test_requires[package].pop("lib", "lib") # type is either `wheel` or `sdist` for type in test_requires[package]: for pkg_version in test_requires[package][type]: for py_version in test_requires[package][type][pkg_version]: py_version_nodots = py_version.replace(".", "") package_underscores = package.replace("-", "_") suffix = ".egg-info" if type == "sdist" else ".dist-info" pre_suffix = f"-py{py_version}" if type == "sdist" else "" install_path = TEST_DATA_PATH / "usr" / lib / f"python{py_version}" \ / "site-packages" / f"{package_underscores}-{pkg_version}{pre_suffix}{suffix}" if install_path.exists(): continue # If this is the first package we're downloading, # display what's happening if not downloaded_anything: print("=====================") print("Downloading test data") print("=====================\n") downloaded_anything = True # We use a temporary directory to unpack/install the # package to, and then we move only the metadata to the # final location with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: import runpy backup_argv = sys.argv[:] if type == "wheel": from pkg_resources import parse_version abi = f"cp{py_version_nodots}" # The "m" was removed from the abi flag in Python version 3.8 if parse_version(py_version) < parse_version('3.8'): abi += "m" # Install = download and unpack wheel into our # temporary directory sys.argv[1:] = ["install", "--no-deps", "--only-binary", ":all:", "--platform", "manylinux1_x86_64", "--python-version", py_version, "--implementation", "cp", "--abi", abi, "--target", temp_dir, "--no-build-isolation", f"{package}=={pkg_version}"] else: # Download sdist that we'll unpack later sys.argv[1:] = ["download", "--no-deps", "--no-binary", ":all:", "--dest", temp_dir, "--no-build-isolation", f"{package}=={pkg_version}"] try: # run_module() alters sys.modules and sys.argv, but restores them at exit runpy.run_module("pip", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True) except SystemExit as exc: pass finally: sys.argv[:] = backup_argv temp_path = Path(temp_dir) if type == "sdist": # Wheel were already unpacked by pip, sdists we # have to unpack ourselves sdist_path = next(temp_path.glob(f"{package}-{pkg_version}.*")) if sdist_path.suffix == ".zip": import zipfile archive = zipfile.ZipFile(sdist_path) else: import tarfile archive = tarfile.open(sdist_path) archive.extractall(temp_path) try: info_path = next(temp_path.glob(f"**/*{suffix}")) # Let's check the wheel metadata has the # expected directory name. We don't check for # egg-info metadata, because we're pulling them # from sdists where they don't have the proper # directory name if type == "wheel": if info_path.name != install_path.name: print("\nWarning: wheel metadata have unexpected directory name.\n" f"Expected: {install_path.name}\n" f"Actual: {info_path.name}\n" f"Info: package '{package}', version '{pkg_version}'" f" for Python {py_version}\n" f"Possible resolution: Specify the package version with" f" trailing zeros in test-requires.yaml", file=sys.stderr) shutil.move(info_path, install_path) relative_path = install_path.relative_to(TEST_DATA_PATH) print(f"\nDownloaded metadata to '{relative_path}'" \ f" inside test-data directory.\n") except StopIteration: # temp_path.glob() did not find any file and # thus there's been some problem sys.exit(f"Problem occured while getting dist-info/egg-info" f" for package '{package}', version '{pkg_version}'" f" for Python {py_version}") if downloaded_anything: print("\n==============================") print("Finished downloading test data") print("==============================") @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def fixture_check_and_install_test_data(): """Wrapper fixture, because a fixture can't be called as a function.""" check_and_install_test_data() @pytest.mark.parametrize("provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected", generate_test_cases(load_test_data())) def test_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected): """Runs pythondistdeps with the given parameters and dist-info/egg-info path, compares the results with the expected results""" expect_failure = "stderr" in expected assert expected == run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expect_failure) if __name__ == "__main__": """If the script is called directly, we check and install test data if needed, we look up all the test configurations in test-data.yaml, run pythondistdeps for each, save the results and print the resulting YAML file with the updated results.""" check_and_install_test_data() # Set YAML dump style to block style def str_presenter(dumper, data): if len(data.splitlines()) > 1: # check for multiline string return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data) yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter) # Run pythondistdeps for each test configuration test_data = load_test_data() for provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected in generate_test_cases(test_data): # Print a dot to stderr for each test run to keep user informed about progress print(".", end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) expect_failure = "stderr" in test_data[requires_params][provides_params][dist_egg_info_path] test_data[requires_params][provides_params][dist_egg_info_path] = \ run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expect_failure) print(yaml.dump(test_data, indent=4))