- Fix adding partition after ActionDestroyDevice canceling (vtrefny) - Avoid exception when aligned start and end are crossed over (exclusion) - Substitute simple value for single element array. (amulhern) - Change _matchNames so that it is less restrictive (amulhern) - Change MDRaidArrayDevice to MDBiosRaidArrayDevice. (amulhern) - Factor out MDRaidArrayDevice w/ type in ("mdcontainer", "mdbiosraidarray") (amulhern) - Make it possible for NTFS to recognize the label it reads. (amulhern) - Make unnecessarily verbose properties into simple class attributes. (amulhern) - Change the generic badly formatted label to one that's bad for all. (amulhern) - Don't make overridden values actual properties. (amulhern) - Check the status of the format being mounted. (amulhern)
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e3d4b22fcc4cbe066ce2b56080899ba5 blivet-0.73.tar.gz