- Removed some now unused methods from devices (#1085474) (amulhern) - Rename size() method to get_size() method. (amulhern) - Remove unused get_size method (#1085474) (amulhern) - Use raid.size method to get size of device (#1085474) (amulhern) - Add a size() method to the raid classes (#1085474) (amulhern) - Move line that might throw an MDRaid exception inside try block (#1085474) (amulhern) - Check whether type is mdbiosraidarray before checking smallest member (#1085474) (amulhern) - Log if there was a failure to calculate the size of the MDRaidArrayDevice (#1085474) (amulhern) - Rename get_raw_array_size to get_net_array_size (#1085474) (amulhern) - Rename _get_size to _trim, which describes its function better (#1085474) (amulhern) - Improve comments on a few methods (#1085474) (amulhern) - Make RAIDLevels iterable (#1085474) (amulhern) - Update makebumpver for python-bugzilla 1.0.0 (bcl) - Disable unused argument warning for 'key_file' in devicelibs.crypto methods (amulhern) - Disable unused argument warning for 'del_passphrase' in luks_remove_key (amulhern) - Disable unused argument warning for 'data' in doAutoPartition (amulhern) - Disable unused argument warning for 'info' in handleUdevLuksFormat (amulhern) - Disable unused argument warning for 'disks' in get_pv_space. (amulhern) - Remove pointless parameters from unittest methods. (amulhern) - Disable a no member warning for EddTestFS initializer. (amulhern) - Get rid of unused argument 'args' in MakeBumpVer constructors (amulhern) - Changes to _parseOneLine() and its single invocation. (amulhern) - Remove obsolete comment (amulhern) - Rename to avoid redefining parameter built-ins (amulhern) - Change name to avoid redefining built-in (amulhern) - Remove unused parameter in makeupdates. (amulhern) - Removed unused argument 'options' from testMount (amulhern) - Make signature of _setSize match that of the method it overrrides. (amulhern) - Actually use argv parameter (amulhern) - Pass fname as first argument to shutil.copy2 (amulhern) - Remove minimumSector method and _minimumSector attribute (amulhern) - Disable not-callable pylint warning. (amulhern) - Set child_factory_fstype to None in DeviceFactory (amulhern) - Suppress unpacking-non-sequence pylint warning (amulhern) - Prefix name with defining package (amulhern) - Update Platform instance from flags instead of replacing it. (#1090646) (dlehman) - Rename to avoid redefining built-ins where the redefinition is method local. (amulhern) - Set device.format in else block of try/except/else. (amulhern) - Do not run pylint on sphinx generated conf.py (amulhern) - Get rid of a redefined builtin while simplifying method. (amulhern) - Compress loop into generator list comprehension (amulhern) - Rewrite resize() method to depend on _resizable. (amulhern) - Remove definition of LVMThinLogicalVolumeDevice._resizable (amulhern) - Add an attribute docstring for _resizable. (amulhern) - Correct comment on resizable property (amulhern)
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