upstream fix for property lookup
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
From 901c1b6e3722a9cd999e4948297e2c460f101d20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Drake <>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2012 14:46:22 +0000
Subject: Fix property lookup in class hierarchy
Commit 4bfe7972546413f46f5c36737ff03bb5612c1921 introduced a bug where
a Python subclass of a gi-provided base class overrides a property from the
base class.
The new behaviour in the above commit causes pygobject to seek the property
in the base class and try to read it from there (resulting in confusion)
rather than noticing that the property is overridden and present in the
Python object instance.
To provide a nicer solution here, we can exploit the fact that
g_object_class_find_property() will traverse the hierarchy in order to
find the right GParamSpec, and the returned GParamSpec can tell us exactly
which GType introduces the property. The strategy is:
1. Find pspec with g_object_class_find_property()
2. Find the class that owns that property (pspec->owner_type)
3. See if girepository owns that class.
3a. If yes, get property from there.
3b. If not, get property "directly"
And the same for property setting.
Now that _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type is always passed the type that
implements the property, it no longer has to go recursing through parent
classes, which was the original cause of confusion.
diff --git a/gi/_gobject/pygobject.c b/gi/_gobject/pygobject.c
index 6dfffef..23a4284 100644
--- a/gi/_gobject/pygobject.c
+++ b/gi/_gobject/pygobject.c
@@ -51,6 +51,25 @@ GQuark pygobject_wrapper_key;
GQuark pygobject_has_updated_constructor_key;
GQuark pygobject_instance_data_key;
+/* Copied from glib. gobject uses hyphens in property names, but in Python
+ * we can only represent hyphens as underscores. Convert underscores to
+ * hyphens for glib compatibility. */
+static void
+canonicalize_key (gchar *key)
+ gchar *p;
+ for (p = key; *p != 0; p++)
+ {
+ gchar c = *p;
+ if (c != '-' &&
+ (c < '0' || c > '9') &&
+ (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') &&
+ (c < 'a' || c > 'z'))
+ *p = '-';
+ }
/* -------------- class <-> wrapper manipulation --------------- */
@@ -237,7 +256,7 @@ build_parameter_list(GObjectClass *class)
static PyObject*
PyGProps_getattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr)
- char *attr_name;
+ char *attr_name, *property_name;
GObjectClass *class;
GParamSpec *pspec;
GValue value = { 0, };
@@ -257,15 +276,13 @@ PyGProps_getattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr)
return ret;
- if (self->pygobject != NULL) {
- ret = pygi_get_property_value (self->pygobject, attr_name);
- if (ret != NULL) {
- g_type_class_unref(class);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- pspec = g_object_class_find_property(class, attr_name);
+ /* g_object_class_find_property recurses through the class hierarchy,
+ * so the resulting pspec tells us the owner_type that owns the property
+ * we're dealing with. */
+ property_name = g_strdup(attr_name);
+ canonicalize_key(property_name);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property(class, property_name);
+ g_free(property_name);
if (!pspec) {
@@ -278,14 +295,23 @@ PyGProps_getattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr)
return NULL;
- /* If we're doing it without an instance, return a GParamSpec */
if (!self->pygobject) {
+ /* If we're doing it without an instance, return a GParamSpec */
return pyg_param_spec_new(pspec);
+ /* See if the property's class is from the gi repository. If so,
+ * use gi to correctly read the property value. */
+ ret = pygi_get_property_value (self->pygobject, pspec);
+ if (ret != NULL) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* If we reach here, it must be a property defined outside of gi.
+ * Just do a straightforward read. */
g_value_init(&value, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE(pspec));
- g_object_get_property(self->pygobject->obj, attr_name, &value);
+ g_object_get_property(self->pygobject->obj, pspec->name, &value);
ret = pyg_param_gvalue_as_pyobject(&value, TRUE, pspec);
@@ -295,7 +321,6 @@ PyGProps_getattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr)
static gboolean
set_property_from_pspec(GObject *obj,
- char *attr_name,
GParamSpec *pspec,
PyObject *pvalue)
@@ -304,13 +329,13 @@ set_property_from_pspec(GObject *obj,
if (pspec->flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) {
"property '%s' can only be set in constructor",
- attr_name);
+ pspec->name);
return FALSE;
if (!(pspec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE)) {
- "property '%s' is not writable", attr_name);
+ "property '%s' is not writable", pspec->name);
return FALSE;
@@ -322,7 +347,7 @@ set_property_from_pspec(GObject *obj,
- g_object_set_property(obj, attr_name, &value);
+ g_object_set_property(obj, pspec->name, &value);
@@ -336,7 +361,7 @@ static int
PyGProps_setattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *pvalue)
GParamSpec *pspec;
- char *attr_name;
+ char *attr_name, *property_name;
GObject *obj;
int ret = -1;
@@ -358,20 +383,33 @@ PyGProps_setattro(PyGProps *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *pvalue)
return -1;
- ret = pygi_set_property_value (self->pygobject, attr_name, pvalue);
+ obj = self->pygobject->obj;
+ property_name = g_strdup(attr_name);
+ canonicalize_key(property_name);
+ /* g_object_class_find_property recurses through the class hierarchy,
+ * so the resulting pspec tells us the owner_type that owns the property
+ * we're dealing with. */
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(obj),
+ property_name);
+ g_free(property_name);
+ if (!pspec) {
+ return PyObject_GenericSetAttr((PyObject *)self, attr, pvalue);
+ }
+ /* See if the property's class is from the gi repository. If so,
+ * use gi to correctly read the property value. */
+ ret = pygi_set_property_value (self->pygobject, pspec, pvalue);
if (ret == 0)
return 0;
else if (ret == -1)
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return -1;
- obj = self->pygobject->obj;
- pspec = g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(obj), attr_name);
- if (!pspec) {
- return PyObject_GenericSetAttr((PyObject *)self, attr, pvalue);
- }
- if (!set_property_from_pspec(obj, attr_name, pspec, pvalue))
+ /* If we reach here, it must be a property defined outside of gi.
+ * Just do a straightforward set. */
+ if (!set_property_from_pspec(obj, pspec, pvalue))
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -1458,7 +1496,7 @@ pygobject_set_property(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
return NULL;
- if (!set_property_from_pspec(self->obj, param_name, pspec, pvalue))
+ if (!set_property_from_pspec(self->obj, pspec, pvalue))
return NULL;
@@ -1496,7 +1534,7 @@ pygobject_set_properties(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
goto exit;
- if (!set_property_from_pspec(G_OBJECT(self->obj), key_str, pspec, value))
+ if (!set_property_from_pspec(G_OBJECT(self->obj), pspec, value))
goto exit;
diff --git a/gi/pygi-property.c b/gi/pygi-property.c
index 14564d0..4f09e70 100644
--- a/gi/pygi-property.c
+++ b/gi/pygi-property.c
@@ -25,92 +25,95 @@
#include <girepository.h>
-/* Copied from glib */
-static void
-canonicalize_key (gchar *key)
+static GIPropertyInfo *
+lookup_property_from_object_info (GIObjectInfo *info, const gchar *attr_name)
- gchar *p;
+ gssize n_infos;
+ gssize i;
- for (p = key; *p != 0; p++)
- {
- gchar c = *p;
+ n_infos = g_object_info_get_n_properties (info);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_infos; i++) {
+ GIPropertyInfo *property_info;
- if (c != '-' &&
- (c < '0' || c > '9') &&
- (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') &&
- (c < 'a' || c > 'z'))
- *p = '-';
+ property_info = g_object_info_get_property (info, i);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ if (strcmp (attr_name, g_base_info_get_name (property_info)) == 0) {
+ return property_info;
+ }
+ g_base_info_unref (property_info);
+ return NULL;
static GIPropertyInfo *
-_pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (GType g_type, const gchar *attr_name)
+lookup_property_from_interface_info (GIInterfaceInfo *info,
+ const gchar *attr_name)
- GIRepository *repository;
- GIBaseInfo *info;
gssize n_infos;
gssize i;
- GType parent;
- repository = g_irepository_get_default();
- info = g_irepository_find_by_gtype (repository, g_type);
- if (info != NULL) {
+ n_infos = g_interface_info_get_n_properties (info);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_infos; i++) {
+ GIPropertyInfo *property_info;
- n_infos = g_object_info_get_n_properties ( (GIObjectInfo *) info);
- for (i = 0; i < n_infos; i++) {
- GIPropertyInfo *property_info;
+ property_info = g_interface_info_get_property (info, i);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
- property_info = g_object_info_get_property ( (GIObjectInfo *) info,
- i);
- g_assert (info != NULL);
- if (strcmp (attr_name, g_base_info_get_name (property_info)) == 0) {
- g_base_info_unref (info);
- return property_info;
- }
- g_base_info_unref (property_info);
+ if (strcmp (attr_name, g_base_info_get_name (property_info)) == 0) {
+ return property_info;
- g_base_info_unref (info);
+ g_base_info_unref (property_info);
- parent = g_type_parent (g_type);
- if (parent > 0)
- return _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (parent, attr_name);
return NULL;
+static GIPropertyInfo *
+_pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (GType g_type, const gchar *attr_name)
+ GIPropertyInfo *ret = NULL;
+ GIRepository *repository;
+ GIBaseInfo *info;
+ repository = g_irepository_get_default();
+ info = g_irepository_find_by_gtype (repository, g_type);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (GI_IS_OBJECT_INFO (info))
+ ret = lookup_property_from_object_info ((GIObjectInfo *) info,
+ attr_name);
+ else if (GI_IS_INTERFACE_INFO (info))
+ ret = lookup_property_from_interface_info ((GIInterfaceInfo *) info,
+ attr_name);
+ g_base_info_unref (info);
+ return ret;
PyObject *
-pygi_get_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name)
+pygi_get_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance, GParamSpec *pspec)
- GType g_type;
GIPropertyInfo *property_info = NULL;
- char *property_name = g_strdup (attr_name);
- GParamSpec *pspec = NULL;
GValue value = { 0, };
GIArgument arg = { 0, };
PyObject *py_value = NULL;
GITypeInfo *type_info = NULL;
GITransfer transfer;
- canonicalize_key (property_name);
- g_type = pyg_type_from_object ((PyObject *)instance);
- property_info = _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (g_type, property_name);
+ /* The owner_type of the pspec gives us the exact type that introduced the
+ * property, even if it is a parent class of the instance in question. */
+ property_info = _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (pspec->owner_type, pspec->name);
if (property_info == NULL)
goto out;
- pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (instance->obj),
- attr_name);
- if (pspec == NULL)
- goto out;
g_value_init (&value, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec));
- g_object_get_property (instance->obj, attr_name, &value);
+ g_object_get_property (instance->obj, pspec->name, &value);
type_info = g_property_info_get_type (property_info);
transfer = g_property_info_get_ownership_transfer (property_info);
@@ -243,7 +246,6 @@ pygi_get_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
py_value = _pygi_argument_to_object (&arg, type_info, transfer);
- g_free (property_name);
if (property_info != NULL)
g_base_info_unref (property_info);
if (type_info != NULL)
@@ -254,33 +256,24 @@ out:
pygi_set_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
PyObject *py_value)
- GType g_type;
GIPropertyInfo *property_info = NULL;
- char *property_name = g_strdup (attr_name);
GITypeInfo *type_info = NULL;
GITypeTag type_tag;
GITransfer transfer;
GValue value = { 0, };
GIArgument arg = { 0, };
- GParamSpec *pspec = NULL;
gint ret_value = -1;
- canonicalize_key (property_name);
- g_type = pyg_type_from_object ((PyObject *)instance);
- property_info = _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (g_type, property_name);
+ /* The owner_type of the pspec gives us the exact type that introduced the
+ * property, even if it is a parent class of the instance in question. */
+ property_info = _pygi_lookup_property_from_g_type (pspec->owner_type,
+ pspec->name);
if (property_info == NULL)
goto out;
- pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (instance->obj),
- attr_name);
- if (pspec == NULL)
- goto out;
if (! (pspec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE))
goto out;
@@ -413,12 +406,11 @@ pygi_set_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
goto out;
- g_object_set_property (instance->obj, attr_name, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (instance->obj, pspec->name, &value);
ret_value = 0;
- g_free (property_name);
if (property_info != NULL)
g_base_info_unref (property_info);
if (type_info != NULL)
diff --git a/gi/pygi-property.h b/gi/pygi-property.h
index 31d0e42..875d21e 100644
--- a/gi/pygi-property.h
+++ b/gi/pygi-property.h
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
#include "pygi.h"
PyObject *pygi_get_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name);
+ GParamSpec *pspec);
gint pygi_set_property_value_real (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
PyObject *py_value);
#endif /* __PYGI_PROPERTY_H__ */
diff --git a/gi/pygi.h b/gi/pygi.h
index 121eae5..86da07f 100644
--- a/gi/pygi.h
+++ b/gi/pygi.h
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ typedef PyObject * (*PyGIArgOverrideReleaseFunc) (GITypeInfo *type_info,
struct PyGI_API {
PyObject* (*type_import_by_g_type) (GType g_type);
PyObject* (*get_property_value) (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name);
+ GParamSpec *pspec);
gint (*set_property_value) (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
PyObject *value);
GClosure * (*signal_closure_new) (PyGObject *instance,
const gchar *sig_name,
@@ -124,23 +124,23 @@ pygi_type_import_by_g_type (GType g_type)
static inline PyObject *
pygi_get_property_value (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name)
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
if (_pygi_import() < 0) {
return NULL;
- return PyGI_API->get_property_value(instance, attr_name);
+ return PyGI_API->get_property_value(instance, pspec);
static inline gint
pygi_set_property_value (PyGObject *instance,
- const gchar *attr_name,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
PyObject *value)
if (_pygi_import() < 0) {
return -1;
- return PyGI_API->set_property_value(instance, attr_name, value);
+ return PyGI_API->set_property_value(instance, pspec, value);
static inline GClosure *
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
Name: pygobject3
Release: 1%{?dist}
Release: 2%{?dist}
License: LGPLv2+ and MIT
Group: Development/Languages
Summary: Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ Patch2: pygobject-3.3.4-known-failures.patch
# Not yet sent upstream:
Patch3: test-list-marshalling.patch
# upstream fix for property type lookup, needed for basic Sugar operation
Patch4: property-lookup.patch
### Build Dependencies ###
BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= %{glib2_version}
@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ for use in Python 3 programs.
%patch1 -p1 -b .ignore-more-pep8-errors
%patch2 -p1 -b .known-failures
%patch3 -p1 -b .test-list-marshalling
%patch4 -p1 -b .property-lookup
%if 0%{?with_python3}
rm -rf %{py3dir}
@ -238,6 +242,9 @@ xvfb-run make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT check %{verbosity}
%endif # with_python3
* Tue Nov 6 2012 Daniel Drake <> -
- Upstream fix for property lookup; needed for basic Sugar operation.
* Wed Oct 17 2012 Kalev Lember <> -
- Update to
Reference in New Issue
Block a user