new version 0.37
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ publican-0.30.tgz
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
Name: publican
Summary: Common files and scripts for publishing Documentation
Version: 0.34
Summary: Common files and scripts for publishing with DocBook XML
Version: 0.37
Release: 0%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+ and GFDL
# The following directories are licensed under the GFDL:
@ -16,26 +16,27 @@ Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Buildarch: noarch
# need kdesdk for po2xml & xml2pot
Requires: gettext libxslt perl(XML::TreeBuilder) docbook-style-xsl elinks aspell
Requires: gettext libxslt perl(XML::TreeBuilder) docbook-dtds docbook-style-xsl elinks aspell
Requires: %{_bindir}/xml2pot %{_bindir}/po2xml
Requires: perl-ParseLex perl-HTML-Template make
Requires: fop batik saxon ImageMagick
#Requires: xslthl
Requires: xerces-j2 rpm-build
BuildRequires: gettext libxslt perl(XML::TreeBuilder) docbook-style-xsl aspell
BuildRequires: gettext libxslt perl(XML::TreeBuilder) docbook-dtds docbook-style-xsl aspell
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/xml2pot %{_bindir}/po2xml
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
# FOP is required to build the mont metrics.
BuildRequires: fop saxon
# FOP is required to build the font metrics.
BuildRequires: fop saxon ImageMagick
#BuildRequires: xslthl
# *&%^*&^ decided to rename font packages and change font paths.
# No actual real changes.
Requires: xslthl
Requires: fonts-bengali fonts-chinese fonts-chinese-zysong fonts-gujarati
Requires: fonts-hindi fonts-japanese fonts-kannada fonts-korean
Requires: fonts-malayalam fonts-oriya fonts-punjabi fonts-sinhala
Requires: fonts-tamil fonts-telugu liberation-fonts
BuildRequires: xslthl
BuildRequires: fonts-bengali fonts-chinese fonts-chinese-zysong fonts-gujarati
BuildRequires: fonts-hindi fonts-japanese fonts-kannada fonts-korean
BuildRequires: fonts-malayalam fonts-oriya fonts-punjabi fonts-sinhala
@ -44,14 +45,12 @@ BuildRequires: fonts-tamil fonts-telugu liberation-fonts
Requires: lohit-fonts-bengali cjkunifonts-uming lohit-fonts-gujarati
Requires: lohit-fonts-hindi sazanami-fonts-gothic sazanami-fonts-mincho lohit-fonts-kannada
Requires: lohit-fonts-malayalam lohit-fonts-oriya lohit-fonts-punjabi lklug-fonts
Requires: lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu liberation-fonts
# fonts-korean
Requires: lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu liberation-fonts baekmuk-ttf-fonts-batang
BuildRequires: lohit-fonts-bengali cjkunifonts-uming lohit-fonts-gujarati
BuildRequires: lohit-fonts-hindi sazanami-fonts-gothic sazanami-fonts-mincho lohit-fonts-kannada
BuildRequires: lohit-fonts-malayalam lohit-fonts-oriya lohit-fonts-punjabi lklug-fonts
BuildRequires: lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu liberation-fonts
# fonts-korean
BuildRequires: lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu liberation-fonts baekmuk-ttf-fonts-batang
@ -59,7 +58,9 @@ Obsoletes: documentation-devel < 0.26-3
Obsoletes: perl-SGML-Translate <= 0.37-3
Common files and scripts for publishing documentation.
Publican is a DocBook publication system, not just a DocBook processing tool.
As well as ensuring your DocBook XML is valid, publican works to ensure
your XML is up to publishable standard.
%package doc
Group: Documentation
@ -71,7 +72,10 @@ Requires: xdg-utils
%description doc
Documentation for the Publican publishing tool chain.
Publican is a tool for publishing material authored in DocBook XML.
This guide explains how to to create and build books and articles
using publican. It is not a DocBook XML tutorial and concentrates
solely on using the publican tools.
%setup -q
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ install -m 755 bin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
%{__perl} -p -i -e 's|^#CATALOGS_OVERRIDE$|CATALOGS\t= XML_CATALOG_FILES="%{_datadir}/%{name}/xsl/docbook/dtd-4.5/catalog.xml %{_datadir}/%{name}/xsl/docbook/1.72.0/catalog.xml"|g' make/Makefile.templates
for i in fop make xsl Common_Content templates; do
for i in fop make xsl Common_Content templates maven; do
cp -rf $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/$i
cp -rf Book_Template $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/Templates/common-Book_Template
@ -143,6 +147,44 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%doc fdl.txt
* Wed Sep 3 2008 Jeff Fearn <> 0.37
- Fix Bug in web rpm upgrade script.
- Fix Article not building rpms.
- Switch ja-JP font name in pdf from SazanamiMincho to SazanamiGothic
- Remove empty para tags to break en-US HTML build so writers stop breaking translations.
- Changed docs reference from --revision to --edition for create_book option
- Fixed Article layout not matching Book Layout. BZ #460969
- Fixed Part not ledded properly in TOC BZ #460976
- Fix duplicate IDs in XHTML output.
- Made background of remark a pretty yellow. BZ #459213
- Fix Accessibility typo. BZ #460856
- Fix spurious hyphenation in verbatim.
- Fix broken RPM packages when titles have been translated.
- Fix display bug in html-single. BZ #461375
- Added FAQ entry for Java weirdness. BZ #460738
- Add default encoding to XML files. BZ #461379
- Removed corpauthor from template. BZ #461222
- Fixed create_book help text. BZ #460736
- Added menuchoice tag. BZ #459671
* Mon Sep 1 2008 Jeff Fearn <> 0.35-0
- Add missing xerces-j2 Requires. BZ #457497
- Fixed css path for tranlation reports.
- Fixed font path for Fedora, ensured build fails if font metric creation fails. BZ #458003
- Set vertical-align:top for TD - BZ #457851
- Added WARNING for ENTITIES declared in XML files. BZ #456170
- Added check to ensure PRODUCT has a valid format.
- Only check xml files for revision history. BZ #458740
- Made VERSION and RELEASE over-rideable. BZ #458421
- Fixed display of OL nested in UL. BZ #457915
- Added "make pom" to output a basic maven pom file.
- Updated doco. BZ #458764
- Updated Conventions.xml. BZ #456026 #459216
- Made PDF and HTML display product version in similar style. BZ #456486
- Remove ID's from common files. BZ #460770
- Allowed footnote to keep ID. BZ #460790
- Fixed bogus verbatim layout. BZ #460771
* Fri Apr 11 2008 Jeff Fearn <> 0.34-0
- Fix PO file name missing from translation status report
- Modify xmlClean to output dummy content for empty files (beta)
Reference in New Issue
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