2005-11-17 03:33:28 +00:00

582 lines
15 KiB

diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow policycoreutils-1.27.28/audit2allow/audit2allow
--- nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow 2005-09-12 16:33:30.000000000 -0400
+++ policycoreutils-1.27.28/audit2allow/audit2allow 2005-11-16 21:48:07.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
-# Adapted from:
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# Audit2allow is a rewrite of prior perl script.
+# Based off original audit2allow perl script: which credits
# newrules.pl, Copyright (C) 2001 Justin R. Smith (jsmith@mcs.drexel.edu)
+# 2003 Oct 11: Add -l option by Yuichi Nakamura(ynakam@users.sourceforge.jp)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -17,148 +22,227 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
-# 2003 Oct 11: Add -l option by Yuichi Nakamura(ynakam@users.sourceforge.jp)
-while ($opt = shift @ARGV) {
- if ($opt eq "-d") { $read_dmesg++; }
- elsif ($opt eq "-v") { $verbose++; }
- elsif ($opt eq "-i") { $input = shift @ARGV; }
- elsif ($opt eq "-o") { $output= shift @ARGV; }
- elsif ($opt eq "-l") { $load_policy++; }
- elsif ($opt eq "--help") { &printUsage; }
- else { print "unknown option, '$opt'\n\n"; &printUsage; }
-if ($read_dmesg && $input) {
- print "Error, can't read from both dmesg and $input\n\n";
- &printUsage;
-if ($read_dmesg) { open (IN, "/bin/dmesg|"); }
-elsif ($input) { open (IN, "$input"); }
-else { open (IN, "-"); } # STDIN
-if ($output) { open (OUT, ">>$output"); }
-else { open (OUT, ">-"); } # STDOUT
-if($load_policy){ #store logs after last "load_policy" in @log_buf
- while ($line = <IN>) {
- if($line=~/$load_policy_pattern/) {
- #stored logs are unnecessary
- undef @log_buf;
- }
- else
- {
- push @log_buf,$line;
- }
- }
-while ($line=&readNewline) {
- next unless ($line =~ m/avc:\s*denied\s*\{((\w|\s)*)\}/);
- @types=split /\ /,$line;
- $info="";
- $group="";
- $command="";
- foreach $i(0..$#types){
- next if($types[$i]!~/[=\{]/);
- if($types[$i]=~/^\{/){
- $j=$i+1;
- while($types[$j]!~/\}/){
- $command.=" $types[$j]";
- $j++;
- }
- next;
- }
- my($a,$b) = split /=/,$types[$i];
- next if($a eq "pid");
- next if($a eq "dev");
- next if($a eq "ino");
+import commands, sys, os, pwd, string, getopt, re
+class allow:
+ def __init__(self, source, target, seclass):
+ self.source=source
+ self.target=target
+ self.seclass=seclass
+ self.avcinfo={}
+ def add(self, avc):
+ for a in avc[0]:
+ if a not in self.avcinfo.keys():
+ self.avcinfo[a]=[]
+ self.avcinfo[a].append(avc[1:])
+ def getAccess(self):
+ if len(self.avcinfo.keys()) == 1:
+ for i in self.avcinfo.keys():
+ return i
+ else:
+ keys=self.avcinfo.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ ret="{"
+ for i in keys:
+ ret=ret + " " + i
+ ret=ret+" }"
+ return ret
+ def out(self, verbose=0):
+ ret=""
+ ret=ret+"allow %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.source, self.gettarget(), self.seclass, self.getAccess())
+ if verbose:
+ keys=self.avcinfo.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for i in keys:
+ for x in self.avcinfo[i]:
+ ret=ret+"\n\t#TYPE=AVC MSG=%s " % x[0]
+ if len(x[1]):
+ ret=ret+"COMM=%s " % x[1]
+ if len(x[2]):
+ ret=ret+"NAME=%s " % x[2]
+ ret=ret + " : " + i
+ return ret
+ def gettarget(self):
+ if self.source == self.target:
+ return "self"
+ else:
+ return self.target
- if(($a eq "scontext")||($a eq "tcontext")||($a eq "tclass")){
- if($a ne "tclass"){
- my($c,$c,$c) = split /:/, $b;
- $b=$c;
- }
- $b=~s/\n//;
- $group.="|$b";
- next;
- }
- $b=~s/:\[\d+\]//;
- $a=uc $a;
- $info.="$a=$b ";
- }
- my($c,$c,$c,$c) = split /\|/, $group;
- $info=~s/\ $c=\S+\ //gi;
- # escape regexp patterns --<g>
- $info=~s/([^\w])/\\$1/g;
- @atypes=split /\ /,$command;
- foreach $i(0..$#atypes){
- $rules{$group}{$atypes[$i]}++;
- }
- $info.=" ";
- if($occur{$group}!~$info){
- $occur{$group}.="\t#$info: $command\n";
- }
- else{
- my ($a,$b) = split /$info:\ /, $occur{$group};
- my ($temp) = split /\n/, $b;
+class allowRecords:
+ def __init__(self, input, last_reload=0, verbose=0):
+ self.last_reload=last_reload
+ self.allowRules={}
+ line = input.readline()
+ avc=[]
+ found=0
+ self.seclasses={}
+ self.types=[]
+ self.roles=[]
+ while line:
+ rec=line.split()
+ for i in rec:
+ if i=="avc:" or i=="message=avc:":
+ found=1
+ else:
+ avc.append(i)
+ if found:
+ self.add(avc)
+ found=0
+ avc=[]
+ line = input.readline()
+ def add(self,avc):
+ scon=""
+ tcon=""
+ seclass=""
+ comm=""
+ name=""
+ msg=""
+ access=[]
+ if "security_compute_sid" in avc:
+ return
+ if "granted" in avc:
+ if "load_policy" in avc and self.last_reload:
+ self.allowRules={}
+ return
+ for i in range (0, len(avc)):
+ t=avc[i].split('=')
+ if t[0]=="scontext":
+ context=t[1].split(":")
+ scon=context[2]
+ srole=context[1]
+ continue
+ if t[0]=="tcontext":
+ context=t[1].split(":")
+ tcon=context[2]
+ trole=context[1]
+ continue
+ if t[0]=="tclass":
+ seclass=t[1]
+ continue
+ if t[0]=="comm":
+ comm=t[1]
+ continue
+ if t[0]=="name":
+ name=t[1]
+ continue
+ if t[0]=="msg":
+ msg=t[1]
+ continue
+ if avc[i]=="{":
+ i=i+1
+ while i<len(avc) and avc[i] != "}":
+ access.append(avc[i])
+ i=i+1
+ if scon=="" or tcon =="" or seclass=="":
+ return
+ self.add_seclass(seclass, access)
+ self.add_type(tcon)
+ self.add_type(scon)
+ self.add_role(srole)
+ self.add_role(trole)
+ if (scon, tcon, seclass) not in self.allowRules.keys():
+ self.allowRules[(scon, tcon, seclass)]=allow(scon, tcon, seclass)
+ self.allowRules[(scon, tcon, seclass)].add((access, msg, comm, name ))
+ def add_seclass(self,seclass, access):
+ if seclass not in self.seclasses.keys():
+ self.seclasses[seclass]=[]
+ for a in access:
+ if a not in self.seclasses[seclass]:
+ self.seclasses[seclass].append(a)
+ def add_role(self,role):
+ if role not in self.roles:
+ self.roles.append(role)
+ def add_type(self,type):
+ if type not in self.types:
+ self.types.append(type)
+ def module_out(self, module):
+ self.roles.sort()
+ self.types.sort()
+ keys=self.seclasses.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ rec="module %s 1.0;" % module
+ rec+="\n\nrequire {\n"
+ for i in self.roles:
+ rec += "\trole %s; \n" % i
+ rec += "\n\n"
+ for i in keys:
+ access=self.seclasses[i]
+ access.sort()
+ rec+="\tclass %s { " % i
+ for a in access:
+ rec+=" %s" % a
+ rec+=" }; \n"
+ rec += "\n\n"
+ for i in self.types:
+ rec += "\ttype %s; \n" % i
+ rec += " };\n\n\n"
+ return rec
- @com=split /\ /, $command;
- foreach $i(1..$#com){
- $b=" $com[$i]$b" if($temp!~$com[$i]);
- }
- $occur{$group}="$a$info: $b";
- }
-# done with the input file
-# now generate the rules
-foreach $k (sort keys %rules)
- my ($a,$scontext,$tcontext,$tclass) = split /\|/, $k;
- if ($scontext eq $tcontext) {
- $tcontext = 'self';
- }
- print OUT "allow $scontext $tcontext:$tclass";
- my $access_types = $rules{$k};
- $len=(keys %$access_types);
- if ($len gt 2 ) { print OUT " {"; }
- foreach $t (sort keys %$access_types) {
- if ($t ne "") {print OUT " $t";}
- }
- if ($len gt 2 ) { print OUT " }"; }
- print OUT ";\n";
- $occur{$k} =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; # de-escape string
- print OUT "$occur{$k}\n" if ($verbose);
-sub readNewline {
- if($load_policy){
- $newline=shift @log_buf;
- }else{
- $newline=<IN>;
- }
- return $newline;
-sub printUsage {
- print "audit2allow [-d] [-v] [-l] [-i <inputfile> ] [-o <outputfile>]
- -d read input from output of /bin/dmesg
- -v verbose output
- -l read input only after last \"load_policy\"
- -i read input from <inputfile>
- -o append output to <outputfile>\n";
- exit;
+ def out(self, module):
+ rec=""
+ if module!="":
+ rec+=self.module_out(module)
+ for i in self.allowRules.keys():
+ rec += self.allowRules[i].out(verbose)+"\n"
+ return rec
+def usage():
+ print 'audit2allow [-d] [-v] [-l] [-i <inputfile> ] [-o <outputfile>]\n\
+ -d read input from output of /bin/dmesg\n\
+ -v verbose output\n\
+ -l read input only after last \"load_policy\"\n\
+ -i read input from <inputfile>\n\
+ -m module output <modulename>\n\
+ -o append output to <outputfile>\n'
+ sys.exit(1)
+# This script will generate home dir file context
+# based off the homedir_template file, entries in the password file, and
+ last_reload=0
+ input=sys.stdin
+ output=sys.stdout
+ module=""
+ verbose=0
+ gopts, cmds = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vdo:hli:m:', ['help',
+ 'last_reload='])
+ for o,a in gopts:
+ if o == '--last_reload' or o == "-l":
+ last_reload=1
+ if o == "-v":
+ verbose=1
+ if o == "-i":
+ input=open(a, "r")
+ if o == "-m":
+ module=a
+ if o == '--help':
+ usage()
+ if o == "-d":
+ input=os.popen("/bin/dmesg", "r")
+ if o == "-o":
+ output=open(a, "a")
+ if len(cmds) != 0:
+ usage()
+ out=allowRecords(input, last_reload, verbose)
+ output.write(out.out(module))
+except getopt.error, error:
+ errorExit(string.join("Options Error ", error))
+except ValueError, error:
+ errorExit(string.join("ValueError ", error))
+except IndexError, error:
+ errorExit("IndexError")
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.perl policycoreutils-1.27.28/audit2allow/audit2allow.perl
--- nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.perl 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.27.28/audit2allow/audit2allow.perl 2005-11-16 21:45:38.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Adapted from:
+# newrules.pl, Copyright (C) 2001 Justin R. Smith (jsmith@mcs.drexel.edu)
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307 USA
+# 2003 Oct 11: Add -l option by Yuichi Nakamura(ynakam@users.sourceforge.jp)
+while ($opt = shift @ARGV) {
+ if ($opt eq "-d") { $read_dmesg++; }
+ elsif ($opt eq "-v") { $verbose++; }
+ elsif ($opt eq "-i") { $input = shift @ARGV; }
+ elsif ($opt eq "-o") { $output= shift @ARGV; }
+ elsif ($opt eq "-l") { $load_policy++; }
+ elsif ($opt eq "--help") { &printUsage; }
+ else { print "unknown option, '$opt'\n\n"; &printUsage; }
+if ($read_dmesg && $input) {
+ print "Error, can't read from both dmesg and $input\n\n";
+ &printUsage;
+if ($read_dmesg) { open (IN, "/bin/dmesg|"); }
+elsif ($input) { open (IN, "$input"); }
+else { open (IN, "-"); } # STDIN
+if ($output) { open (OUT, ">>$output"); }
+else { open (OUT, ">-"); } # STDOUT
+if($load_policy){ #store logs after last "load_policy" in @log_buf
+ while ($line = <IN>) {
+ if($line=~/$load_policy_pattern/) {
+ #stored logs are unnecessary
+ undef @log_buf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @log_buf,$line;
+ }
+ }
+while ($line=&readNewline) {
+ next unless ($line =~ m/avc:\s*denied\s*\{((\w|\s)*)\}/);
+ @types=split /\ /,$line;
+ $info="";
+ $group="";
+ $command="";
+ foreach $i(0..$#types){
+ next if($types[$i]!~/[=\{]/);
+ if($types[$i]=~/^\{/){
+ $j=$i+1;
+ while($types[$j]!~/\}/){
+ $command.=" $types[$j]";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my($a,$b) = split /=/,$types[$i];
+ next if($a eq "pid");
+ next if($a eq "dev");
+ next if($a eq "ino");
+ if(($a eq "scontext")||($a eq "tcontext")||($a eq "tclass")){
+ if($a ne "tclass"){
+ my($c,$c,$c) = split /:/, $b;
+ $b=$c;
+ }
+ $b=~s/\n//;
+ $group.="|$b";
+ next;
+ }
+ $b=~s/:\[\d+\]//;
+ $a=uc $a;
+ $info.="$a=$b ";
+ }
+ my($c,$c,$c,$c) = split /\|/, $group;
+ $info=~s/\ $c=\S+\ //gi;
+ # escape regexp patterns --<g>
+ $info=~s/([^\w])/\\$1/g;
+ @atypes=split /\ /,$command;
+ foreach $i(0..$#atypes){
+ $rules{$group}{$atypes[$i]}++;
+ }
+ $info.=" ";
+ if($occur{$group}!~$info){
+ $occur{$group}.="\t#$info: $command\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ my ($a,$b) = split /$info:\ /, $occur{$group};
+ my ($temp) = split /\n/, $b;
+ @com=split /\ /, $command;
+ foreach $i(1..$#com){
+ $b=" $com[$i]$b" if($temp!~$com[$i]);
+ }
+ $occur{$group}="$a$info: $b";
+ }
+# done with the input file
+# now generate the rules
+foreach $k (sort keys %rules)
+ my ($a,$scontext,$tcontext,$tclass) = split /\|/, $k;
+ if ($scontext eq $tcontext) {
+ $tcontext = 'self';
+ }
+ print OUT "allow $scontext $tcontext:$tclass";
+ my $access_types = $rules{$k};
+ $len=(keys %$access_types);
+ if ($len gt 2 ) { print OUT " {"; }
+ foreach $t (sort keys %$access_types) {
+ if ($t ne "") {print OUT " $t";}
+ }
+ if ($len gt 2 ) { print OUT " }"; }
+ print OUT ";\n";
+ $occur{$k} =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; # de-escape string
+ print OUT "$occur{$k}\n" if ($verbose);
+sub readNewline {
+ if($load_policy){
+ $newline=shift @log_buf;
+ }else{
+ $newline=<IN>;
+ }
+ return $newline;
+sub printUsage {
+ print "audit2allow [-d] [-v] [-l] [-i <inputfile> ] [-o <outputfile>]
+ -d read input from output of /bin/dmesg
+ -v verbose output
+ -l read input only after last \"load_policy\"
+ -i read input from <inputfile>
+ -o append output to <outputfile>\n";
+ exit;
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/scripts/genhomedircon policycoreutils-1.27.28/scripts/genhomedircon
--- nsapolicycoreutils/scripts/genhomedircon 2005-11-16 15:27:46.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.27.28/scripts/genhomedircon 2005-11-16 21:45:38.000000000 -0500
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
import commands, sys, os, pwd, string, getopt, re
from semanage import *;
-EXCLUDE_LOGINS=["/sbin/nologin", "/bin/false"]
+fd=open("/etc/shells", 'r')
def getStartingUID():
starting_uid = sys.maxint
@@ -272,7 +274,7 @@
ulist = pwd.getpwall()
for u in ulist:
if u[2] >= starting_uid and \
- not u[6] in EXCLUDE_LOGINS and \
+ u[6] in VALID_SHELLS and \
u[5] != "/" and \
string.count(u[5], "/") > 1:
homedir = u[5][:string.rfind(u[5], "/")]