- New upstream release 1.116: - BuiltInFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr does not report violations if the document contains an explicit 'use n.nnn;' where the version is before 5.005 (CPAN RT#59112) - Documentation::RequirePodSections no longer blows up on code having POD but no =head1 (CPAN RT#67231) - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture should more reliably find things like s/(a)/${1}2/ (CPAN RT#67273) - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers and Module::RequireVersionVar now treat versions passed as the second argument of a 'package' statement the same as versions declared as 'our $VERSION ...' (CPAN RT#67159) - Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators does not report violations if the document contains an explicit 'use n.nnn;' where the version is before 5.004 (CPAN RT#67760)
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