- New upstream release 2.140
- Added method for getting structured requirements
- Skips impossible tests on Perls earlier than 5.8.0 (before v-string magic)
- On Perls before 5.8.1, pad 1-part and 2-part literal v-strings to avoid old
version.pm bugs with v-strings less than 3 characters
- Protect internal _isa_version from non-refs that pass ->isa('version')
- Much better error messages, explaining what conflicted and how
- Repackage with fixed tests
- Expanded dist.ini from author bundle to individual plugins
- New upstream release 2.130
- from_string_hash can take optional constructor arguments
- bad_version_hook callback gets module name as well as version string
- undefined/empty versions given to from_string_hash or
add_string_requirement now carp and are coerced to "0" instead of being
fatal; this is more consistent with how the other requirement functions
- Provide six-digit version in a more robust way
- New upstream release 2.126
- Fixed compatibility with version.pm 0.77
- Minor documentation fixes
- Modernized distribution meta files
- Use %license
- New upstream release 2.125
- On Perls prior to v5.12, CPAN::Meta::Requirements will force UNINST=1 when
necessary to remove stale copies from ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Updated Makefile.PL logic to support PERL_NO_HIGHLANDER
- Classify buildreqs by usage
- Add note about logically-impossible constraints to %description