David Abdurachmanov 366634ae28 Add --libdir=%{_lib} for riscv64
We need this because there is no riscv64 specific configuration which
would set multilib to 64. It should be easy to write one and send to
the upstream.

Signed-off-by: David Abdurachmanov <>
2018-05-09 12:18:40 +02:00

1966 lines
71 KiB

# For the curious:
# 0.9.5a soversion = 0
# 0.9.6 soversion = 1
# 0.9.6a soversion = 2
# 0.9.6c soversion = 3
# 0.9.7a soversion = 4
# 0.9.7ef soversion = 5
# 0.9.8ab soversion = 6
# 0.9.8g soversion = 7
# 0.9.8jk + EAP-FAST soversion = 8
# 1.0.0 soversion = 10
# 1.1.0 soversion = 1.1 (same as upstream although presence of some symbols
# depends on build configuration options)
%define soversion 1.1
# Arches on which we need to prevent arch conflicts on opensslconf.h, must
# also be handled in opensslconf-new.h.
%define multilib_arches %{ix86} ia64 %{mips} ppc %{power64} s390 s390x sparcv9 sparc64 x86_64
%global _performance_build 1
Summary: Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
Name: openssl
Version: 1.1.0h
Release: 3.0.riscv64%{?dist}
Epoch: 1
# We have to remove certain patented algorithms from the openssl source
# tarball with the hobble-openssl script which is included below.
# The original openssl upstream tarball cannot be shipped in the .src.rpm.
Source: openssl-%{version}-hobbled.tar.xz
Source1: hobble-openssl
Source2: Makefile.certificate
Source6: make-dummy-cert
Source7: renew-dummy-cert
Source9: opensslconf-new.h
Source10: opensslconf-new-warning.h
Source12: ec_curve.c
Source13: ectest.c
# Build changes
Patch1: openssl-1.1.0-build.patch
Patch2: openssl-1.1.0-defaults.patch
Patch3: openssl-1.1.0-no-html.patch
# Bug fixes
Patch21: openssl-1.1.0-issuer-hash.patch
Patch22: openssl-1.1.0-algo-doc.patch
Patch23: openssl-1.1.0-manfix.patch
# Functionality changes
Patch31: openssl-1.1.0-ca-dir.patch
Patch32: openssl-1.1.0-version-add-engines.patch
Patch33: openssl-1.1.0-apps-dgst.patch
Patch35: openssl-1.1.0-chil-fixes.patch
Patch36: openssl-1.1.0-secure-getenv.patch
Patch37: openssl-1.1.0-ec-curves.patch
Patch38: openssl-1.1.0-no-weak-verify.patch
Patch39: openssl-1.1.0-cc-reqs.patch
Patch40: openssl-1.1.0-disable-ssl3.patch
Patch41: openssl-1.1.0-system-cipherlist.patch
Patch42: openssl-1.1.0-fips.patch
Patch44: openssl-1.1.0-bio-fd-preserve-nl.patch
Patch45: openssl-1.1.0-weak-ciphers.patch
Patch46: openssl-1.1.0-silent-rnd-write.patch
# Backported fixes including security fixes
Patch70: openssl-1.1.0-missing-quotes.patch
License: OpenSSL
Group: System Environment/Libraries
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: coreutils, krb5-devel, perl-interpreter, sed, zlib-devel, /usr/bin/cmp
BuildRequires: lksctp-tools-devel
BuildRequires: /usr/bin/rename
BuildRequires: /usr/bin/pod2man
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Harness), perl(Test::More), perl(Math::BigInt)
BuildRequires: perl(Module::Load::Conditional), perl(File::Temp)
BuildRequires: perl(Time::HiRes)
Requires: coreutils
Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
The OpenSSL toolkit provides support for secure communications between
machines. OpenSSL includes a certificate management tool and shared
libraries which provide various cryptographic algorithms and
%package libs
Summary: A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
Group: System Environment/Libraries
Requires: ca-certificates >= 2008-5
Requires: crypto-policies
Recommends: openssl-pkcs11%{?_isa}
# Needed obsoletes due to the base/lib subpackage split
Obsoletes: openssl < 1:1.0.1-0.3.beta3
Obsoletes: openssl-fips < 1:1.0.1e-28
Provides: openssl-fips = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description libs
OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-libs
package contains the libraries that are used by various applications which
support cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
%package devel
Summary: Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: krb5-devel%{?_isa}, zlib-devel%{?_isa}
Requires: pkgconfig
%description devel
OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-devel
package contains include files needed to develop applications which
support various cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
%package static
Summary: Libraries for static linking of applications which will use OpenSSL
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description static
OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-static
package contains static libraries needed for static linking of
applications which support various cryptographic algorithms and
%package perl
Summary: Perl scripts provided with OpenSSL
Group: Applications/Internet
Requires: perl-interpreter
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description perl
OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-perl
package provides Perl scripts for converting certificates and keys
from other formats to the formats used by the OpenSSL toolkit.
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
# The hobble_openssl is called here redundantly, just to be sure.
# The tarball has already the sources removed.
%{SOURCE1} > /dev/null
cp %{SOURCE12} crypto/ec/
cp %{SOURCE13} test/
%patch1 -p1 -b .build %{?_rawbuild}
%patch2 -p1 -b .defaults
%patch3 -p1 -b .no-html %{?_rawbuild}
%patch21 -p1 -b .issuer-hash
%patch22 -p1 -b .algo-doc
%patch23 -p1 -b .manfix
%patch31 -p1 -b .ca-dir
%patch32 -p1 -b .version-add-engines
%patch33 -p1 -b .dgst
%patch35 -p1 -b .chil
%patch36 -p1 -b .secure-getenv
%patch37 -p1 -b .curves
%patch38 -p1 -b .no-weak-verify
%patch39 -p1 -b .cc-reqs
%patch40 -p1 -b .disable-ssl3
%patch41 -p1 -b .system-cipherlist
%patch42 -p1 -b .fips
%patch44 -p1 -b .preserve-nl
%patch45 -p1 -b .weak-ciphers
%patch46 -p1 -b .silent-rnd-write
%patch70 -p1 -b .missing-quotes
# Figure out which flags we want to use.
# default
%ifarch %ix86
if ! echo %{_target} | grep -q i686 ; then
sslflags="no-asm 386"
%ifarch x86_64
%ifarch sparcv9
%ifarch sparc64
%ifarch alpha alphaev56 alphaev6 alphaev67
%ifarch s390 sh3eb sh4eb
sslarch="linux-generic32 -DB_ENDIAN"
%ifarch s390x
%ifarch %{arm}
%ifarch aarch64
%ifarch sh3 sh4
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64p7
%ifarch ppc64le
%ifarch mips mipsel
sslarch="linux-mips32 -mips32r2"
%ifarch mips64 mips64el
sslarch="linux64-mips64 -mips64r2"
%ifarch mips64el
%ifarch riscv64
# Add -Wa,--noexecstack here so that libcrypto's assembler modules will be
# marked as not requiring an executable stack.
# Also add -DPURIFY to make using valgrind with openssl easier as we do not
# want to depend on the uninitialized memory as a source of entropy anyway.
export HASHBANGPERL=/usr/bin/perl
# ia64, x86_64, ppc are OK by default
# Configure the build tree. Override OpenSSL defaults with known-good defaults
# usable on all platforms. The Configure script already knows to use -fPIC and
# RPM_OPT_FLAGS, so we can skip specifiying them here.
./Configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} --openssldir=%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls ${sslflags} \
%ifarch risv64
--libdir=%{_lib} \
--system-ciphers-file=%{_sysconfdir}/crypto-policies/back-ends/openssl.config \
zlib enable-camellia enable-seed enable-rfc3779 enable-sctp \
enable-cms enable-md2 enable-rc5 enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method \
enable-weak-ssl-ciphers \
no-mdc2 no-ec2m \
shared ${sslarch} $RPM_OPT_FLAGS
# Do not run this in a production package the FIPS symbols must be patched-in
#util/ crypto update
make all
# Overwrite FIPS README
cp -f %{SOURCE11} .
# Clean up the .pc files
for i in libcrypto.pc libssl.pc openssl.pc ; do
sed -i '/^Libs.private:/{s/-L[^ ]* //;s/-Wl[^ ]* //}' $i
# Verify that what was compiled actually works.
# We must revert patch31 before tests otherwise they will fail
patch -p1 -R < %{PATCH31}
crypto/fips/fips_standalone_hmac{soversion} >{soversion}.hmac
ln -s{soversion}.hmac
crypto/fips/fips_standalone_hmac{soversion} >{soversion}.hmac
ln -s{soversion}.hmac
make test
# Add generation of HMAC checksum of the final stripped library
%define __spec_install_post \
%{?__debug_package:%{__debug_install_post}} \
%{__arch_install_post} \
%{__os_install_post} \
crypto/fips/fips_standalone_hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{version} >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{version}.hmac \
ln -sf{version}.hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{soversion}.hmac \
crypto/fips/fips_standalone_hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{version} >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{version}.hmac \
ln -sf{version}.hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/{soversion}.hmac \
%define __provides_exclude_from %{_libdir}/openssl
[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
# Install OpenSSL.
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_includedir},%{_libdir},%{_mandir},%{_libdir}/openssl,%{_pkgdocdir}}
rename so.%{soversion} so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.so.%{soversion}
for lib in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.so.%{version} ; do
chmod 755 ${lib}
ln -s -f `basename ${lib}` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/`basename ${lib} .%{version}`
ln -s -f `basename ${lib}` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/`basename ${lib} .%{version}`.%{soversion}
# Install a makefile for generating keys and self-signed certs, and a script
# for generating them on the fly.
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/certs
install -m644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/Makefile.certificate
install -m755 %{SOURCE6} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/make-dummy-cert
install -m755 %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/renew-dummy-cert
# Move runable perl scripts to bindir
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/misc/*.pl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/misc/tsget $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
# Make sure we actually include the headers we built against.
for header in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/openssl/* ; do
if [ -f ${header} -a -f include/openssl/$(basename ${header}) ] ; then
install -m644 include/openssl/`basename ${header}` ${header}
# Rename man pages so that they don't conflict with other system man pages.
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}
ln -s -f config.5 man5/openssl.cnf.5
for manpage in man*/* ; do
if [ -L ${manpage} ]; then
TARGET=`ls -l ${manpage} | awk '{ print $NF }'`
ln -snf ${TARGET}ssl ${manpage}ssl
rm -f ${manpage}
mv ${manpage} ${manpage}ssl
for conflict in passwd rand ; do
rename ${conflict} ssl${conflict} man*/${conflict}*
mkdir -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA
mkdir -m700 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/private
mkdir -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/certs
mkdir -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/crl
mkdir -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/newcerts
# Ensure the openssl.cnf timestamp is identical across builds to avoid
# mulitlib conflicts and unnecessary renames on upgrade
touch -r %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/openssl.cnf.dist
# Determine which arch opensslconf.h is going to try to #include.
%ifarch %{ix86}
%ifarch sparcv9
%ifarch sparc64
%ifarch %{multilib_arches}
# Do an opensslconf.h switcheroo to avoid file conflicts on systems where you
# can have both a 32- and 64-bit version of the library, and they each need
# their own correct-but-different versions of opensslconf.h to be usable.
install -m644 %{SOURCE10} \
cat $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/include/openssl/opensslconf.h >> \
install -m644 %{SOURCE9} \
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
%license LICENSE
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1*/*.pl*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1*/c_rehash*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1*/tsget*
%files libs
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
%license LICENSE
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/certs
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/misc
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/private
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/{version}
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/{soversion}
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/{version}
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/{soversion}
%attr(0644,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.hmac
%attr(0644,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.hmac
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/engines-%{soversion}
%files devel
%doc CHANGES doc/dir-locals.example.el doc/openssl-c-indent.el
%files static
%files perl
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/private
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/certs
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/crl
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/CA/newcerts
%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
* Wed May 9 2018 David Abdurachmanov <> 1.1.0h-3.0.riscv64
- Add --libdir=%{_lib} for riscv64 (uses linux-generic64)
* Tue Apr 3 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0h-3
- fix regression of c_rehash (#1562953)
* Thu Mar 29 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0h-2
- fix FIPS symbol versions
* Thu Mar 29 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0h-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0h
- add Recommends for openssl-pkcs11
* Fri Feb 23 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0g-6
- one more try to apply RPM_LD_FLAGS properly (#1541033)
- dropped unneeded starttls xmpp patch (#1417017)
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.1.0g-5
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Feb 1 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0g-4
- apply RPM_LD_FLAGS properly (#1541033)
* Thu Jan 11 2018 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0g-3
- silence the .rnd write failure as that is auxiliary functionality (#1524833)
* Thu Dec 14 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0g-2
- put the Makefile.certificate in pkgdocdir and drop the requirement on make
* Fri Nov 3 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0g-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0g
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.1.0f-9
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.1.0f-8
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jul 17 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1:1.1.0f-7
- make s_client and s_server work with -ssl3 option (#1471783)
* Thu Jul 13 2017 Petr Pisar <> - 1:1.1.0f-6
- perl dependency renamed to perl-interpreter
* Mon Jun 26 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0f-5
- disable verification of all insecure hashes
* Fri Jun 23 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0f-4
- make DTLS work (#1462541)
* Thu Jun 15 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0f-3
- enable 3DES SSL ciphersuites, RC4 is kept disabled (#1453066)
* Mon Jun 5 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0f-2
- only release thread-local key if we created it (from upstream) (#1458775)
* Fri Jun 2 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0f-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0f
- SRP and GOST is now allowed, note that GOST support requires
adding GOST engine which is not part of openssl anymore
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0e-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0e
- add documentation of the PROFILE=SYSTEM special cipher string (#1420232)
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.1.0d-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Feb 1 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0d-2
- applied upstream fixes (fix regression in X509_CRL_digest)
* Thu Jan 26 2017 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0d-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0d
* Thu Dec 22 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0c-5
- preserve new line in fd BIO BIO_gets() as other BIOs do
* Fri Dec 2 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0c-4
- FIPS mode fixes for TLS
* Wed Nov 30 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0c-3
- revert SSL_read() behavior change - patch from upstream (#1394677)
- fix behavior on client certificate request in renegotiation (#1393579)
* Tue Nov 22 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0c-2
- EC curve NIST P-224 is now allowed, still kept disabled in TLS due
to less than optimal security
* Fri Nov 11 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0c-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0c
* Fri Nov 4 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0b-4
- use a random seed if the supplied one did not generate valid
parameters in dsa_builtin_paramgen2()
* Wed Oct 12 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0b-3
- do not break contract on return value when using dsa_builtin_paramgen2()
* Wed Oct 12 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0b-2
- fix afalg failure on big endian
* Tue Oct 11 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.1.0b-1
- update to upstream version 1.1.0b
* Fri Oct 07 2016 Richard W.M. Jones <> - 1:1.0.2j-2
- Add flags for riscv64.
* Mon Sep 26 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2j-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2j fixing regression from previous release
* Sat Sep 24 2016 David Woodhouse <> 1.0.2i-2
- Fix enginesdir in libcrypto.c (#1375361)
* Thu Sep 22 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2i-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2i fixing security issues
- move man pages for perl based scripts to perl subpackage (#1377617)
* Wed Aug 10 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2h-3
- fix regression in Cisco AnyConnect VPN support (#1354588)
* Mon Jun 27 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2h-2
- require libcrypto in libssl.pc (#1301301)
* Tue May 3 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2h-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2h fixing security issues
* Tue Mar 29 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2g-4
- disable SSLv2 support altogether (without ABI break)
* Mon Mar 7 2016 Tom Callaway <> - 1.0.2g-3
- enable RC5
* Wed Mar 2 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2g-2
- reenable SSL2 in the build to avoid ABI break (it does not
make the openssl vulnerable to DROWN attack)
* Tue Mar 1 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2g-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2g fixing security issues
* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.0.2f-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jan 28 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2f-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2f fixing security issues
- add support for MIPS secondary architecture
* Fri Jan 15 2016 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2e-5
- document some options of openssl speed command
* Fri Dec 18 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2e-4
- enable sctp support in DTLS
* Tue Dec 8 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2e-3
- remove unimplemented EC method from header (#1289599)
* Mon Dec 7 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2e-2
- the fast nistp implementation works only on little endian architectures
* Fri Dec 4 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2e-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2e fixing moderate severity security issues
- enable fast assembler implementation for NIST P-256 and P-521
elliptic curves (#1164210)
- filter out unwanted link options from the .pc files (#1257836)
- do not set serial to 0 in Makefile.certificate (#1135719)
* Mon Nov 16 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2d-3
- fix sigill on some AMD CPUs (#1278194)
* Wed Aug 12 2015 Tom Callaway <> 1.0.2d-2
- re-enable secp256k1 (bz1021898)
* Thu Jul 9 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2d-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2d fixing a high severity security issue
* Tue Jul 7 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2c-3
- fix the aarch64 build
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.0.2c-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jun 15 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2c-1
- minor upstream release 1.0.2c fixing multiple security issues
* Thu May 7 2015 Peter Robinson <> 1.0.2a-4
- Add aarch64 sslarch details
* Thu May 7 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2a-3
- fix some 64 bit build targets
* Tue Apr 28 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2a-2
- add alternative certificate chain discovery support from upstream
* Thu Apr 23 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.2a-1
- rebase to 1.0.2 branch
* Thu Apr 9 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-7
- drop the AES-GCM restriction of 2^32 operations because the IV is
always 96 bits (32 bit fixed field + 64 bit invocation field)
* Thu Mar 19 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-6
- fix CVE-2015-0209 - potential use after free in d2i_ECPrivateKey()
- fix CVE-2015-0286 - improper handling of ASN.1 boolean comparison
- fix CVE-2015-0287 - ASN.1 structure reuse decoding memory corruption
- fix CVE-2015-0289 - NULL dereference decoding invalid PKCS#7 data
- fix CVE-2015-0293 - triggerable assert in SSLv2 server
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-5
- fix bug in the CRYPTO_128_unwrap()
* Fri Feb 27 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-4
- fix bug in the RFC 5649 support (#1185878)
* Sat Feb 21 2015 Till Maas <> - 1:1.0.1k-3
- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change
* Thu Jan 15 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-2
- test in the non-FIPS RSA keygen for minimal distance of p and q
similarly to the FIPS RSA keygen
* Fri Jan 9 2015 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1k-1
- new upstream release fixing multiple security issues
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1j-3
- disable SSLv3 by default again (mail servers and possibly
LDAP servers should probably allow it explicitly for legacy
* Tue Oct 21 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1j-2
- update the FIPS RSA keygen to be FIPS 186-4 compliant
* Thu Oct 16 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1j-1
- new upstream release fixing multiple security issues
* Fri Oct 10 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1i-5
- copy negotiated digests when switching certs by SNI (#1150032)
* Mon Sep 8 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1i-4
- add support for RFC 5649
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.0.1i-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Aug 13 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1i-2
- drop RSA X9.31 from RSA FIPS selftests
- add Power 8 optimalizations
* Thu Aug 7 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1i-1
- new upstream release fixing multiple moderate security issues
- for now disable only SSLv2 by default
* Fri Jul 18 2014 Tom Callaway <> 1.0.1h-6
- fix license handling
* Mon Jun 30 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1h-5
- disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols by default (can be enabled
via appropriate SSL_CTX_clear_options() call)
* Wed Jun 11 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1h-4
- use system profile for default cipher list
* Tue Jun 10 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1h-3
- make FIPS mode keygen bit length restriction enforced only when
- fix CVE-2014-0224 fix that broke EAP-FAST session resumption support
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.0.1h-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 5 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1h-1
- new upstream release 1.0.1h
* Sat May 31 2014 Peter Robinson <> 1.0.1g-2
- Drop obsolete and irrelevant docs
- Move devel docs to appropriate package
* Wed May 7 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1g-1
- new upstream release 1.0.1g
- do not include ECC ciphersuites in SSLv2 client hello (#1090952)
- fail on hmac integrity check if the .hmac file is empty
* Mon Apr 07 2014 Dennis Gilmore <> - 1.0.1e-44
- pull in upstream patch for CVE-2014-0160
- removed CHANGES file portion from patch for expediency
* Thu Apr 3 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-43
- add support for ppc64le architecture (#1072633)
* Mon Mar 17 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-42
- properly detect encryption failure in BIO
- use 2048 bit RSA key in FIPS selftests
* Fri Feb 14 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-41
- use the key length from configuration file if req -newkey rsa is invoked
* Thu Feb 13 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-40
- print ephemeral key size negotiated in TLS handshake (#1057715)
- add DH_compute_key_padded needed for FIPS CAVS testing
* Thu Feb 6 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-39
- make expiration and key length changeable by DAYS and KEYLEN
variables in the certificate Makefile (#1058108)
- change default hash to sha256 (#1062325)
* Wed Jan 22 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-38
- make 3des strength to be 128 bits instead of 168 (#1056616)
* Tue Jan 7 2014 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-37
- fix CVE-2013-4353 - Invalid TLS handshake crash
- fix CVE-2013-6450 - possible MiTM attack on DTLS1
* Fri Dec 20 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-36
- fix CVE-2013-6449 - crash when version in SSL structure is incorrect
- more FIPS validation requirement changes
* Wed Dec 18 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-35
- drop weak ciphers from the default TLS ciphersuite list
- add back some symbols that were dropped with update to 1.0.1 branch
- more FIPS validation requirement changes
* Tue Nov 19 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-34
- fix locking and reseeding problems with FIPS drbg
* Fri Nov 15 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-33
- additional changes required for FIPS validation
* Wed Nov 13 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-32
- disable verification of certificate, CRL, and OCSP signatures
using MD5 if OPENSSL_ENABLE_MD5_VERIFY environment variable
is not set
* Fri Nov 8 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-31
- add back support for secp521r1 EC curve
- add aarch64 to Configure (#969692)
* Tue Oct 29 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-30
- fix misdetection of RDRAND support on Cyrix CPUS (from upstream) (#1022346)
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-29
- do not advertise ECC curves we do not support (#1022493)
* Wed Oct 16 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-28
- only ECC NIST Suite B curves support
- drop -fips subpackage
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Tom Callaway <> - 1.0.1e-27
- resolve bugzilla 319901 (phew! only took 6 years & 9 days)
* Fri Sep 27 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-26
- make DTLS1 work in FIPS mode
- avoid RSA and DSA 512 bits and Whirlpool in 'openssl speed' in FIPS mode
* Mon Sep 23 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-25
- avoid dlopening from libcrypto (#1010357)
* Fri Sep 20 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-24
- fix small memory leak in FIPS aes selftest
* Thu Sep 19 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-23
- fix segfault in openssl speed hmac in the FIPS mode
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Tomáš Mráz <> 1.0.1e-22
- document the nextprotoneg option in manual pages
original patch by Hubert Kario
* Tue Sep 10 2013 Kyle McMartin <> 1.0.1e-21
- [arm] use elf auxv to figure out armcap.c instead of playing silly
games with SIGILL handlers. (#1006474)
* Wed Sep 4 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-20
- try to avoid some races when updating the -fips subpackage
* Mon Sep 2 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-19
- use version-release in .hmac suffix to avoid overwrite
during upgrade
* Thu Aug 29 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-18
- allow deinitialization of the FIPS mode
* Thu Aug 29 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-17
- always perform the FIPS selftests in library constructor
if FIPS module is installed
* Tue Aug 27 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-16
- add -fips subpackage that contains the FIPS module files
* Fri Aug 16 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-15
- fix use of rdrand if available
- more commits cherry picked from upstream
- documentation fixes
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 1:1.0.1e-14
- Perl 5.18 rebuild
* Fri Jul 26 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-13
- additional manual page fix
- use symbol versioning also for the textual version
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-12
- additional manual page fixes
* Fri Jul 19 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-11
- use _prefix macro
* Wed Jul 17 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 1:1.0.1e-10
- Perl 5.18 rebuild
* Thu Jul 11 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-9
- add openssl.cnf.5 manpage symlink to config.5
* Wed Jul 10 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-8
- add relro linking flag
* Wed Jul 10 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-7
- add support for the -trusted_first option for certificate chain verification
* Fri May 3 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-6
- fix build of manual pages with current pod2man (#959439)
* Sun Apr 21 2013 Peter Robinson <> 1.0.1e-5
- Enable ARM optimised build
* Mon Mar 18 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-4
- fix random bad record mac errors (#918981)
* Tue Feb 19 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-3
* Tue Feb 19 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-2
- disable ZLIB loading by default (due to CRIME attack)
* Tue Feb 19 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1e-1
- new upstream version
* Wed Jan 30 2013 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-12
- more fixes from upstream
- fix errors in manual causing build failure (#904777)
* Fri Dec 21 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-11
- add script for renewal of a self-signed cert by Philip Prindeville (#871566)
- allow X509_issuer_and_serial_hash() produce correct result in
the FIPS mode (#881336)
* Thu Dec 6 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-10
- do not load default verify paths if CApath or CAfile specified (#884305)
* Tue Nov 20 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-9
- more fixes from upstream CVS
- fix DSA key pairwise check (#878597)
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-8
- use 1024 bit DH parameters in s_server as 512 bit is not allowed
in FIPS mode and it is quite weak anyway
* Mon Sep 10 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-7
- add missing initialization of str in aes_ccm_init_key (#853963)
- add important patches from upstream CVS
- use the secure_getenv() with new glibc
* Fri Jul 20 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.0.1c-6
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 13 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-5
- use __getenv_secure() instead of __libc_enable_secure
* Fri Jul 13 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-4
- do not move libcrypto to /lib
- do not use environment variables if __libc_enable_secure is on
- fix strict aliasing problems in modes
* Thu Jul 12 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-3
- fix DSA key generation in FIPS mode (#833866)
- allow duplicate FIPS_mode_set(1)
- enable build on ppc64 subarch (#834652)
* Wed Jul 11 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-2
- fix s_server with new glibc when no global IPv6 address (#839031)
- make it build with new Perl
* Tue May 15 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1c-1
- new upstream version
* Thu Apr 26 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1b-1
- new upstream version
* Fri Apr 20 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1a-1
- new upstream version fixing CVE-2012-2110
* Wed Apr 11 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-3
- add Kerberos 5 libraries to pkgconfig for static linking (#807050)
* Thu Apr 5 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-2
- backports from upstream CVS
- fix segfault when /dev/urandom is not available (#809586)
* Wed Mar 14 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-1
- new upstream release
* Mon Mar 5 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-0.3.beta3
- add obsoletes to assist multilib updates (#799636)
* Wed Feb 29 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-0.2.beta3
- epoch bumped to 1 due to revert to 1.0.0g on Fedora 17
- new upstream release from the 1.0.1 branch
- fix s390x build (#798411)
- versioning for the SSLeay symbol (#794950)
- add -DPURIFY to build flags (#797323)
- filter engine provides
- split the libraries to a separate -libs package
- add make to requires on the base package (#783446)
* Tue Feb 7 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.1-0.1.beta2
- new upstream release from the 1.0.1 branch, ABI compatible
- add documentation for the -no_ign_eof option
* Thu Jan 19 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0g-1
- new upstream release fixing CVE-2012-0050 - DoS regression in
DTLS support introduced by the previous release (#782795)
* Thu Jan 5 2012 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0f-1
- new upstream release fixing multiple CVEs
* Tue Nov 22 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0e-4
- move the libraries needed for static linking to Libs.private
* Thu Nov 3 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0e-3
- do not use AVX instructions when osxsave bit not set
- add direct known answer tests for SHA2 algorithms
* Wed Sep 21 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0e-2
- fix missing initialization of variable in CHIL engine
* Wed Sep 7 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0e-1
- new upstream release fixing CVE-2011-3207 (#736088)
* Wed Aug 24 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-8
- drop the separate engine for Intel acceleration improvements
and merge in the AES-NI, SHA1, and RC4 optimizations
- add support for OPENSSL_DISABLE_AES_NI environment variable
that disables the AES-NI support
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-7
- correct openssl cms help output (#636266)
- more tolerant starttls detection in XMPP protocol (#608239)
* Wed Jul 20 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-6
- add support for newest Intel acceleration improvements backported
from upstream by Intel in form of a separate engine
* Thu Jun 9 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-5
- allow the AES-NI engine in the FIPS mode
* Tue May 24 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-4
- add API necessary for CAVS testing of the new DSA parameter generation
* Thu Apr 28 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-3
- add support for VIA Padlock on 64bit arch from upstream (#617539)
- do not return bogus values from load_certs (#652286)
* Tue Apr 5 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-2
- clarify apps help texts for available digest algorithms (#693858)
* Thu Feb 10 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0d-1
- new upstream release fixing CVE-2011-0014 (OCSP stapling vulnerability)
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0.0c-4
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Feb 4 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0c-3
- add -x931 parameter to openssl genrsa command to use the ANSI X9.31
key generation method
- use FIPS-186-3 method for DSA parameter generation
- add OPENSSL_FIPS_NON_APPROVED_MD5_ALLOW environment variable
to allow using MD5 when the system is in the maintenance state
even if the /proc fips flag is on
- make openssl pkcs12 command work by default in the FIPS mode
* Mon Jan 24 2011 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0c-2
- listen on ipv6 wildcard in s_server so we accept connections
from both ipv4 and ipv6 (#601612)
- fix openssl speed command so it can be used in the FIPS mode
with FIPS allowed ciphers
* Fri Dec 3 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0c-1
- new upstream version fixing CVE-2010-4180
* Tue Nov 23 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0b-3
- replace the revert for the s390x bignum asm routines with
fix from upstream
* Mon Nov 22 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0b-2
- revert upstream change in s390x bignum asm routines
* Tue Nov 16 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0b-1
- new upstream version fixing CVE-2010-3864 (#649304)
* Tue Sep 7 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0a-3
- make SHLIB_VERSION reflect the library suffix
* Wed Jun 30 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0a-2
- openssl man page fix (#609484)
* Fri Jun 4 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0a-1
- new upstream patch release, fixes CVE-2010-0742 (#598738)
and CVE-2010-1633 (#598732)
* Wed May 19 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-5
- pkgconfig files now contain the correct libdir (#593723)
* Tue May 18 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-4
- make CA dir readable - the private keys are in private subdir (#584810)
* Fri Apr 9 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-3
- a few fixes from upstream CVS
- move libcrypto to /lib (#559953)
* Tue Apr 6 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-2
- set UTC timezone on pod2man run (#578842)
- make X509_NAME_hash_old work in FIPS mode
* Tue Mar 30 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-1
- update to final 1.0.0 upstream release
* Tue Feb 16 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.22.beta5
- make TLS work in the FIPS mode
* Fri Feb 12 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.21.beta5
- gracefully handle zero length in assembler implementations of
OPENSSL_cleanse (#564029)
- do not fail in s_server if client hostname not resolvable (#561260)
* Wed Jan 20 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.20.beta5
- new upstream release
* Thu Jan 14 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.19.beta4
- fix CVE-2009-4355 - leak in applications incorrectly calling
CRYPTO_free_all_ex_data() before application exit (#546707)
- upstream fix for future TLS protocol version handling
* Wed Jan 13 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.18.beta4
- add support for Intel AES-NI
* Thu Jan 7 2010 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.17.beta4
- upstream fix compression handling on session resumption
- various null checks and other small fixes from upstream
- upstream changes for the renegotiation info according to the latest draft
* Mon Nov 23 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.16.beta4
- fix non-fips mingw build (patch by Kalev Lember)
- add IPV6 fix for DTLS
* Fri Nov 20 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.15.beta4
- add better error reporting for the unsafe renegotiation
* Fri Nov 20 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.14.beta4
- fix build on s390x
* Wed Nov 18 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.13.beta4
- disable enforcement of the renegotiation extension on the client (#537962)
- add fixes from the current upstream snapshot
* Fri Nov 13 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.12.beta4
- keep the beta status in version number at 3 so we do not have to rebuild
openssh and possibly other dependencies with too strict version check
* Thu Nov 12 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.11.beta4
- update to new upstream version, no soname bump needed
- fix CVE-2009-3555 - note that the fix is bypassed if SSL_OP_ALL is used
so the compatibility with unfixed clients is not broken. The
protocol extension is also not final.
* Fri Oct 16 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.10.beta3
- fix use of freed memory if SSL_CTX_free() is called before
SSL_free() (#521342)
* Thu Oct 8 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.9.beta3
- fix typo in DTLS1 code (#527015)
- fix leak in error handling of d2i_SSL_SESSION()
* Wed Sep 30 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.8.beta3
- fix RSA and DSA FIPS selftests
- reenable fixed x86_64 camellia assembler code (#521127)
* Fri Sep 4 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.7.beta3
- temporarily disable x86_64 camellia assembler code (#521127)
* Mon Aug 31 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.6.beta3
- fix openssl dgst -dss1 (#520152)
* Wed Aug 26 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.5.beta3
- drop the compat symlink hacks
* Sat Aug 22 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.4.beta3
- constify SSL_CIPHER_description()
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.3.beta3
- fix WWW:Curl:Easy reference in tsget
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.2.beta3
- enable MD-2
* Thu Aug 20 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 1.0.0-0.1.beta3
- update to new major upstream release
* Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.9.8k-7
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Bill Nottingham <>
- do not build special 'optimized' versions for i686, as that's the base
arch in Fedora now
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-6
- abort if selftests failed and random number generator is polled
- mention EVP_aes and EVP_sha2xx routines in the manpages
- make CA dir absolute path (#445344)
- change default length for RSA key generation to 2048 (#484101)
* Thu May 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-5
- fix CVE-2009-1377 CVE-2009-1378 CVE-2009-1379
(DTLS DoS problems) (#501253, #501254, #501572)
* Tue Apr 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-4
- support compatibility DTLS mode for CISCO AnyConnect (#464629)
* Fri Apr 17 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-3
- correct the SHLIB_VERSION define
* Wed Apr 15 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-2
- add support for multiple CRLs with same subject
- load only dynamic engine support in FIPS mode
* Wed Mar 25 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8k-1
- update to new upstream release (minor bug fixes, security
fixes and machine code optimizations only)
* Thu Mar 19 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-10
- move libraries to /usr/lib (#239375)
* Fri Mar 13 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-9
- add a static subpackage
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.9.8j-8
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Feb 2 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-7
- must also verify checksum of in the FIPS mode
- obtain the seed for FIPS rng directly from the kernel device
- drop the temporary symlinks
* Mon Jan 26 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-6
- drop the temporary triggerpostun and symlinking in post
- fix the pkgconfig files and drop the unnecessary buildrequires
on pkgconfig as it is a rpmbuild dependency (#481419)
* Sat Jan 17 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-5
- add temporary triggerpostun to reinstate the symlinks
* Sat Jan 17 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-4
- no pairwise key tests in non-fips mode (#479817)
* Fri Jan 16 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-3
- even more robust test for the temporary symlinks
* Fri Jan 16 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-2
- try to ensure the temporary symlinks exist
* Thu Jan 15 2009 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8j-1
- new upstream version with necessary soname bump (#455753)
- temporarily provide symlink to old soname to make it possible to rebuild
the dependent packages in rawhide
- add eap-fast support (#428181)
- add possibility to disable zlib by setting
- add fips mode support for testing purposes
- do not null dereference on some invalid smime files
- add buildrequires pkgconfig (#479493)
* Sun Aug 10 2008 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-11
- do not add tls extensions to server hello for SSLv3 either
* Mon Jun 2 2008 Joe Orton <> 0.9.8g-10
- move root CA bundle to ca-certificates package
* Wed May 28 2008 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-9
- fix CVE-2008-0891 - server name extension crash (#448492)
- fix CVE-2008-1672 - server key exchange message omit crash (#448495)
* Tue May 27 2008 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-8
- super-H arch support
- drop workaround for bug 199604 as it should be fixed in gcc-4.3
* Mon May 19 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <> 0.9.8g-7
- sparc handling
* Mon Mar 10 2008 Joe Orton <> 0.9.8g-6
- update to new root CA bundle from (r1.45)
* Wed Feb 20 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.9.8g-5
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Thu Jan 24 2008 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-4
- merge review fixes (#226220)
- adjust the SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER to reflect library name (#429846)
* Thu Dec 13 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-3
- set default paths when no explicit paths are set (#418771)
- do not add tls extensions to client hello for SSLv3 (#422081)
* Tue Dec 4 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-2
- enable some new crypto algorithms and features
- add some more important bug fixes from openssl CVS
* Mon Dec 3 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8g-1
- update to latest upstream release, SONAME bumped to 7
* Mon Oct 15 2007 Joe Orton <> 0.9.8b-17
- update to new CA bundle from
* Fri Oct 12 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-16
- fix CVE-2007-5135 - off-by-one in SSL_get_shared_ciphers (#309801)
- fix CVE-2007-4995 - out of order DTLS fragments buffer overflow (#321191)
- add alpha sub-archs (#296031)
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-15
- rebuild
* Fri Aug 3 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-14
- use localhost in testsuite, hopefully fixes slow build in koji
- CVE-2007-3108 - fix side channel attack on private keys (#250577)
- make ssl session cache id matching strict (#233599)
* Wed Jul 25 2007 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-13
- allow building on ARM architectures (#245417)
- use reference timestamps to prevent multilib conflicts (#218064)
- -devel package must require pkgconfig (#241031)
* Mon Dec 11 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-12
- detect duplicates in add_dir properly (#206346)
* Thu Nov 30 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-11
- the previous change still didn't make X509_NAME_cmp transitive
* Thu Nov 23 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-10
- make X509_NAME_cmp transitive otherwise certificate lookup
is broken (#216050)
* Thu Nov 2 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-9
- aliasing bug in engine loading, patch by IBM (#213216)
* Mon Oct 2 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-8
- CVE-2006-2940 fix was incorrect (#208744)
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-7
- fix CVE-2006-2937 - mishandled error on ASN.1 parsing (#207276)
- fix CVE-2006-2940 - parasitic public keys DoS (#207274)
- fix CVE-2006-3738 - buffer overflow in SSL_get_shared_ciphers (#206940)
- fix CVE-2006-4343 - sslv2 client DoS (#206940)
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8b-6
- fix CVE-2006-4339 - prevent attack on PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures (#205180)
* Wed Aug 2 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8b-5
- set buffering to none on stdio/stdout FILE when bufsize is set (#200580)
patch by IBM
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Alexandre Oliva <> - 0.9.8b-4.1
- rebuild with new binutils (#200330)
* Fri Jul 21 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8b-4
- add a temporary workaround for sha512 test failure on s390 (#199604)
* Thu Jul 20 2006 Tomas Mraz <>
- add ipv6 support to s_client and s_server (by Jan Pazdziora) (#198737)
- add patches for BN threadsafety, AES cache collision attack hazard fix and
pkcs7 code memleak fix from upstream CVS
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0.9.8b-3.1
- rebuild
* Wed Jun 21 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8b-3
- dropped libica and ica engine from build
* Wed Jun 21 2006 Joe Orton <>
- update to new CA bundle from; adds CA certificates
from and
* Mon Jun 5 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8b-2
- fixed a few rpmlint warnings
- better fix for #173399 from upstream
- upstream fix for pkcs12
* Thu May 11 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8b-1
- upgrade to new version, stays ABI compatible
- there is no more linux/config.h (it was empty anyway)
* Tue Apr 4 2006 Tomas Mraz <> - 0.9.8a-6
- fix stale open handles in libica (#177155)
- fix build if 'rand' or 'passwd' in buildroot path (#178782)
- initialize VIA Padlock engine (#186857)
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0.9.8a-5.2
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0.9.8a-5.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8a-5
in SSL_OP_ALL (#175779)
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <>
- rebuilt
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8a-4
- fix build (-lcrypto was erroneusly dropped) of the updated libica
- updated ICA engine to 1.3.6-rc3
* Tue Nov 22 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8a-3
- disable builtin compression methods for now until they work
properly (#173399)
* Wed Nov 16 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8a-2
- don't set -rpath for openssl binary
* Tue Nov 8 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.8a-1
- new upstream version
- patches partially renumbered
* Fri Oct 21 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-11
- updated IBM ICA engine library and patch to latest upstream version
* Wed Oct 12 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-10
- fix CAN-2005-2969 - remove SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING which
disables the countermeasure against man in the middle attack in SSLv2
- use sha1 as default for CA and cert requests - CAN-2005-2946 (#169803)
* Tue Aug 23 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-9
- add *.so.soversion as symlinks in /lib (#165264)
- remove unpackaged symlinks (#159595)
- fixes from upstream (constant time fixes for DSA,
bn assembler div on ppc arch, initialize memory on realloc)
* Thu Aug 11 2005 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7f-8
- Updated ICA engine IBM patch to latest upstream version.
* Thu May 19 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-7
- fix CAN-2005-0109 - use constant time/memory access mod_exp
so bits of private key aren't leaked by cache eviction (#157631)
- a few more fixes from upstream 0.9.7g
* Wed Apr 27 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-6
- use poll instead of select in rand (#128285)
- fix Makefile.certificate to point to /etc/pki/tls
- change the default string mask in ASN1 to PrintableString+UTF8String
* Mon Apr 25 2005 Joe Orton <> 0.9.7f-5
- update to revision 1.37 of Mozilla CA bundle
* Thu Apr 21 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-4
- move certificates to _sysconfdir/pki/tls (#143392)
- move CA directories to _sysconfdir/pki/CA
- patch the CA script and the default config so it points to the
CA directories
* Fri Apr 1 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-3
- uninitialized variable mustn't be used as input in inline
- reenable the x86_64 assembly again
* Thu Mar 31 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-2
- add back RC4_CHAR on ia64 and x86_64 so the ABI isn't broken
- disable broken bignum assembly on x86_64
* Wed Mar 30 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7f-1
- reenable optimizations on ppc64 and assembly code on ia64
- upgrade to new upstream version (no soname bump needed)
- disable thread test - it was testing the backport of the
RSA blinding - no longer needed
- added support for changing serial number to
Makefile.certificate (#151188)
- make ca-bundle.crt a config file (#118903)
* Tue Mar 1 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7e-3
- libcrypto shouldn't depend on libkrb5 (#135961)
* Mon Feb 28 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7e-2
- rebuild
* Mon Feb 28 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 0.9.7e-1
- new upstream source, updated patches
- added patch so we are hopefully ABI compatible with upcoming
* Thu Feb 10 2005 Tomas Mraz <>
- Support UTF-8 charset in the Makefile.certificate (#134944)
- Added cmp to BuildPrereq
* Thu Jan 27 2005 Joe Orton <> 0.9.7a-46
- generate new ca-bundle.crt from Mozilla certdata.txt (revision 1.32)
* Thu Dec 23 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-45
- Fixed and updated libica-1.3.4-urandom.patch patch (#122967)
* Fri Nov 19 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-44
- rebuild
* Fri Nov 19 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-43
- rebuild
* Fri Nov 19 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-42
- rebuild
* Fri Nov 19 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-41
- remove der_chop, as upstream cvs has done (CAN-2004-0975, #140040)
* Tue Oct 05 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-40
- Include latest libica version with important bugfixes
* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Mon Jun 14 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-38
- Updated ICA engine IBM patch to latest upstream version.
* Mon Jun 7 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-37
- build for linux-alpha-gcc instead of alpha-gcc on alpha (Jeff Garzik)
* Tue May 25 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-36
- handle %%{_arch}=i486/i586/i686/athlon cases in the intermediate
header (#124303)
* Thu Mar 25 2004 Joe Orton <> 0.9.7a-35
- add security fixes for CAN-2004-0079, CAN-2004-0112
* Tue Mar 16 2004 Phil Knirsch <>
- Fixed libica filespec.
* Thu Mar 11 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-34
- ppc/ppc64 define __powerpc__/__powerpc64__, not __ppc__/__ppc64__, fix
the intermediate header
* Wed Mar 10 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-33
- add an intermediate <openssl/opensslconf.h> which points to the right
arch-specific opensslconf.h on multilib arches
* Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Thu Feb 26 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-32
- Updated libica to latest upstream version 1.3.5.
* Tue Feb 17 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-31
- Update ICA crypto engine patch from IBM to latest version.
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-29
- rebuilt
* Wed Feb 11 2004 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-28
- Fixed libica build.
* Wed Feb 4 2004 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add "-ldl" to link flags added for Linux-on-ARM (#99313)
* Wed Feb 4 2004 Joe Orton <> 0.9.7a-27
- updated ca-bundle.crt: removed expired GeoTrust roots, added root, removed Class 0 root
* Sun Nov 30 2003 Tim Waugh <> 0.9.7a-26
- Fix link line for libssl (bug #111154).
* Fri Oct 24 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-25
- add dependency on zlib-devel for the -devel package, which depends on zlib
symbols because we enable zlib for libssl (#102962)
* Fri Oct 24 2003 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-24
- Use /dev/urandom instead of PRNG for libica.
- Apply libica-1.3.5 fix for /dev/urandom in icalinux.c
- Use latest ICA engine patch from IBM.
* Sat Oct 4 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-22.1
- rebuild
* Wed Oct 1 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-22
- rebuild (22 wasn't actually built, fun eh?)
* Tue Sep 30 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-23
- re-disable optimizations on ppc64
* Tue Sep 30 2003 Joe Orton <>
- add a_mbstr.c fix for 64-bit platforms from CVS
* Tue Sep 30 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-22
- add -Wa,--noexecstack to RPM_OPT_FLAGS so that assembled modules get tagged
as not needing executable stacks
* Mon Sep 29 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-21
- rebuild
* Thu Sep 25 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- re-enable optimizations on ppc64
* Thu Sep 25 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- remove exclusivearch
* Wed Sep 24 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-20
- only parse a client cert if one was requested
- temporarily exclusivearch for %%{ix86}
* Tue Sep 23 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add security fixes for protocol parsing bugs (CAN-2003-0543, CAN-2003-0544)
and heap corruption (CAN-2003-0545)
- update RHNS-CA-CERT files
- ease back on the number of threads used in the threading test
* Wed Sep 17 2003 Matt Wilson <> 0.9.7a-19
- rebuild to fix gzipped file md5sums (#91211)
* Mon Aug 25 2003 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-18
- Updated libica to version 1.3.4.
* Thu Jul 17 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-17
- rebuild
* Tue Jul 15 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-10.9
- free the kssl_ctx structure when we free an SSL structure (#99066)
* Fri Jul 11 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-16
- rebuild
* Thu Jul 10 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-15
- lower thread test count on s390x
* Tue Jul 8 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-14
- rebuild
* Thu Jun 26 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-13
- disable assembly on arches where it seems to conflict with threading
* Thu Jun 26 2003 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-12
- Updated libica to latest upstream version 1.3.0
* Wed Jun 11 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-9.9
- rebuild
* Wed Jun 11 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-11
- rebuild
* Tue Jun 10 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-10
- ubsec: don't stomp on output data which might also be input data
* Tue Jun 10 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-9
- temporarily disable optimizations on ppc64
* Mon Jun 9 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- backport fix for engine-used-for-everything from 0.9.7b
- backport fix for prng not being seeded causing problems, also from 0.9.7b
- add a check at build-time to ensure that RSA is thread-safe
- keep perlpath from stomping on the libica configure scripts
* Fri Jun 6 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- thread-safety fix for RSA blinding
* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <> 0.9.7a-8
- rebuilt
* Fri May 30 2003 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7a-7
- Added libica-1.2 to openssl (featurerequest).
* Wed Apr 16 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-6
- fix building with incorrect flags on ppc64
* Wed Mar 19 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-5
- add patch to harden against Klima-Pokorny-Rosa extension of Bleichenbacher's
attack (CAN-2003-0131)
* Mon Mar 17 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-4
- add patch to enable RSA blinding by default, closing a timing attack
* Wed Mar 5 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-3
- disable use of BN assembly module on x86_64, but continue to allow inline
assembly (#83403)
* Thu Feb 27 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-2
- disable EC algorithms
* Wed Feb 19 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7a-1
- update to 0.9.7a
* Wed Feb 19 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7-8
- add fix to guard against attempts to allocate negative amounts of memory
- add patch for CAN-2003-0078, fixing a timing attack
* Thu Feb 13 2003 Elliot Lee <> 0.9.7-7
- Add openssl-ppc64.patch
* Mon Feb 10 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7-6
- EVP_DecryptInit should call EVP_CipherInit() instead of EVP_CipherInit_ex(),
to get the right behavior when passed uninitialized context structures
- build with -mcpu=ev5 on alpha family (#83828)
* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <>
- rebuilt
* Fri Jan 17 2003 Phil Knirsch <> 0.9.7-4
- Added IBM hw crypto support patch.
* Wed Jan 15 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add missing builddep on sed
* Thu Jan 9 2003 Bill Nottingham <> 0.9.7-3
- debloat
- fix broken manpage symlinks
* Wed Jan 8 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7-2
- fix double-free in 'openssl ca'
* Fri Jan 3 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7-1
- update to 0.9.7 final
* Tue Dec 17 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.7-0
- update to 0.9.7 beta6 (DO NOT USE UNTIL UPDATED TO FINAL 0.9.7)
* Wed Dec 11 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- update to 0.9.7 beta5 (DO NOT USE UNTIL UPDATED TO FINAL 0.9.7)
* Tue Oct 22 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-30
- add configuration stanza for x86_64 and use it on x86_64
- build for linux-ppc on ppc
- start running the self-tests again
* Wed Oct 02 2002 Elliot Lee <> 0.9.6b-29hammer.3
- Merge fixes from previous hammer packages, including general x86-64 and
* Tue Aug 6 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-29
- rebuild
* Thu Aug 1 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-28
- update asn patch to fix accidental reversal of a logic check
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-27
- update asn patch to reduce chance that compiler optimization will remove
one of the added tests
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-26
- rebuild
* Mon Jul 29 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-25
- add patch to fix ASN.1 vulnerabilities
* Thu Jul 25 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-24
- add backport of Ben Laurie's patches for OpenSSL 0.9.6d
* Wed Jul 17 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-23
- own {_datadir}/ssl/misc
* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild
* Sun May 26 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild
* Fri May 17 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-20
- free ride through the build system (whee!)
* Thu May 16 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-19
- rebuild in new environment
* Thu Apr 4 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-17, 0.9.6b-18
- merge RHL-specific bits into stronghold package, rename
* Tue Apr 02 2002 Gary Benson <> stronghold-0.9.6c-2
- add support for Chrysalis Luna token
* Tue Mar 26 2002 Gary Benson <>
- disable AEP random number generation, other AEP fixes
* Fri Mar 15 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-15
- only build subpackages on primary arches
* Thu Mar 14 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-13
- on ia32, only disable use of assembler on i386
- enable assembly on ia64
* Mon Jan 7 2002 Florian La Roche <> 0.9.6b-11
- fix sparcv9 entry
* Mon Jan 7 2002 Gary Benson <> stronghold-0.9.6c-1
- upgrade to 0.9.6c
- bump BuildArch to i686 and enable assembler on all platforms
- synchronise with shrimpy and rawhide
- bump soversion to 3
* Wed Oct 10 2001 Florian La Roche <>
- delete BN_LLONG for s390x, patch from Oliver Paukstadt
* Mon Sep 17 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-9
- update AEP driver patch
* Mon Sep 10 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- adjust RNG disabling patch to match version of patch from Broadcom
* Fri Sep 7 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-8
- disable the RNG in the ubsec engine driver
* Tue Aug 28 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-7
- tweaks to the ubsec engine driver
* Fri Aug 24 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-6
- tweaks to the ubsec engine driver
* Thu Aug 23 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-5
- update ubsec engine driver from Broadcom
* Fri Aug 10 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-4
- move man pages back to %%{_mandir}/man?/foo.?ssl from
- add an [ engine ] section to the default configuration file
* Thu Aug 9 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add a patch for selecting a default engine in SSL_library_init()
* Mon Jul 23 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-3
- add patches for AEP hardware support
- add patch to keep trying when we fail to load a cert from a file and
there are more in the file
- add missing prototype for ENGINE_ubsec() in engine_int.h
* Wed Jul 18 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-2
- actually add hw_ubsec to the engine list
* Tue Jul 17 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add in the hw_ubsec driver from CVS
* Wed Jul 11 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 0.9.6b-1
- update to 0.9.6b
* Thu Jul 5 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- move .so symlinks back to %%{_libdir}
* Tue Jul 3 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- move shared libraries to /lib (#38410)
* Mon Jun 25 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- switch to engine code base
* Mon Jun 18 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add a script for creating dummy certificates
- move man pages from %%{_mandir}/man?/foo.?ssl to %%{_mandir}/man?ssl/foo.?
* Thu Jun 07 2001 Florian La Roche <>
- add s390x support
* Fri Jun 1 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- change two memcpy() calls to memmove()
- don't define L_ENDIAN on alpha
* Wed May 23 2001 Joe Orton <> stronghold-0.9.6a-1
- Add 'stronghold-' prefix to package names.
- Obsolete standard openssl packages.
* Wed May 16 2001 Joe Orton <>
- Add BuildArch: i586 as per Nalin's advice.
* Tue May 15 2001 Joe Orton <>
- Enable assembler on ix86 (using new .tar.bz2 which does
include the asm directories).
* Tue May 15 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- make subpackages depend on the main package
* Tue May 1 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- adjust the hobble script to not disturb symlinks in include/ (fix from
Joe Orton)
* Fri Apr 27 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- drop the m2crypo patch we weren't using
* Tue Apr 24 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- configure using "shared" as well
* Sun Apr 8 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- update to 0.9.6a
- use the build-shared target to build shared libraries
- bump the soversion to 2 because we're no longer compatible with
our 0.9.5a packages or our 0.9.6 packages
- drop the patch for making rsatest a no-op when rsa null support is used
- put all man pages into <section>ssl instead of <section>
- break the m2crypto modules into a separate package
* Tue Mar 13 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- use BN_LLONG on s390
* Mon Mar 12 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- fix the s390 changes for 0.9.6 (isn't supposed to be marked as 64-bit)
* Sat Mar 3 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- move c_rehash to the perl subpackage, because it's a perl script now
* Fri Mar 2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- update to 0.9.6
- enable MD2
- use the and targets to build shared libs with
- bump the soversion to 1 because we're no longer compatible with any of
the various 0.9.5a packages circulating around, which provide lib*.so.0
* Wed Feb 28 2001 Florian La Roche <>
- change hobble-openssl for disabling MD2 again
* Tue Feb 27 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- re-disable MD2 -- the EVP_MD_CTX structure would grow from 100 to 152
bytes or so, causing EVP_DigestInit() to zero out stack variables in
apps built against a version of the library without it
* Mon Feb 26 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- disable some inline assembly, which on x86 is Pentium-specific
- re-enable MD2 (see
* Thu Feb 08 2001 Florian La Roche <>
- fix s390 patch
* Fri Dec 8 2000 Than Ngo <>
- added support s390
* Mon Nov 20 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- remove -Wa,* and -m* compiler flags from the default Configure file (#20656)
- add the man page to the perl subpackage
* Thu Nov 2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- always build with -mcpu=ev5 on alpha
* Tue Oct 31 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add a symlink from cert.pem to ca-bundle.crt
* Wed Oct 25 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add a ca-bundle file for packages like Samba to reference for CA certificates
* Tue Oct 24 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- remove libcrypto's crypt(), which doesn't handle md5crypt (#19295)
* Mon Oct 2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add unzip as a buildprereq (#17662)
- update m2crypto to 0.05-snap4
* Tue Sep 26 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix some issues in building when it's not installed
* Wed Sep 6 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- make sure the headers we include are the ones we built with (aaaaarrgh!)
* Fri Sep 1 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- add Richard Henderson's patch for BN on ia64
- clean up the changelog
* Tue Aug 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- fix the building of python modules without openssl-devel already installed
* Wed Aug 23 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- byte-compile python extensions without the build-root
- adjust the makefile to not remove temporary files (like .key files when
building .csr files) by marking them as .PRECIOUS
* Sat Aug 19 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- break out python extensions into a subpackage
* Mon Jul 17 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- tweak the makefile some more
* Tue Jul 11 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- disable MD2 support
* Thu Jul 6 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- disable MDC2 support
* Sun Jul 2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- tweak the disabling of RC5, IDEA support
- tweak the makefile
* Thu Jun 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- strip binaries and libraries
- rework certificate makefile to have the right parts for Apache
* Wed Jun 28 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- use %%{_perl} instead of /usr/bin/perl
- disable alpha until it passes its own test suite
* Fri Jun 9 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- move the passwd.1 man page out of the passwd package's way
* Fri Jun 2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- update to 0.9.5a, modified for U.S.
- add perl as a build-time requirement
- move certificate makefile to another package
- disable RC5, IDEA, RSA support
- remove optimizations for now
* Wed Mar 1 2000 Florian La Roche <>
- Bero told me to move the Makefile into this package
* Wed Mar 1 2000 Florian La Roche <>
- add lib*.so symlinks to link dynamically against shared libs
* Tue Feb 29 2000 Florian La Roche <>
- update to 0.9.5
- run ldconfig directly in post/postun
- add FAQ
* Sat Dec 18 1999 Bernhard Rosenkrdnzer <>
- Fix build on non-x86 platforms
* Fri Nov 12 1999 Bernhard Rosenkrdnzer <>
- move /usr/share/ssl/* from -devel to main package
* Tue Oct 26 1999 Bernhard Rosenkrdnzer <>
- inital packaging
- changes from base:
- Move /usr/local/ssl to /usr/share/ssl for FHS compliance
- handle RPM_OPT_FLAGS