.TH "compute_ext_rays_polar" "1" "Feb 2013" "TPLib 1.3" "User Commands" .SH "NAME" compute_ext_rays_polar \- compute extreme rays of the polar of a tropical cone .SH "DESCRIPTION" Computes the extreme rays of the polar of a tropical cone given by a generating set. .SH "ARGUMENTS" .TP \fB\-numerical\-data\fP Set the type of numerical data used by the algorithm, one of: ocaml_int, ocaml_float, ocaml_big_int, ocaml_big_rat, zarith_int, and zarith_rat. .TP \fB\-min\-plus\fP Use the min\-plus semiring instead of the default max\-plus semiring. .TP \fB\-no\-ordering\fP The constraints are not dynamically ordered during the execution. .TP \fB\-help\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP Display this list of options. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBcompute_ext_rays\fP(1), \fBcompute_halfspaces\fP(1), \fBcompute_minimal_external_representations\fP(1), \fBcompute_tangent_hypergraph\fP(1), \fBcompute_tropical_complex\fP(1)