Update to Node.js 16.15.0
Stop carrying full ICU sources now that the binary data is available Properly version the v8 virtual Provides Bundle nghttp2 Signed-off-by: Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
@ -122,16 +122,15 @@ tar -zxf node-v${version}.tar.gz
rm -rf node-v${version}/deps/openssl
tar -zcf node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz node-v${version}
# Download the matching version of ICU
rm -f icu4c*-src.tgz icu.md5
ICUMD5=$(cat node-v${version}/tools/icu/current_ver.dep |jq -r '.[0].md5')
wget $(cat node-v${version}/tools/icu/current_ver.dep |jq -r '.[0].url')
ICUTARBALL=$(ls -1 icu4c*-src.tgz)
echo "$ICUMD5 $ICUTARBALL" > icu.md5
md5sum -c icu.md5
rm -f icu.md5 SHASUMS256.txt
ICU_MAJOR=$(jq -r '.[0].url' node-v16.15.0/tools/icu/current_ver.dep | sed --expression='s/.*release-\([[:digit:]]\+\)-\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/g')
ICU_MINOR=$(jq -r '.[0].url' node-v16.15.0/tools/icu/current_ver.dep | sed --expression='s/.*release-\([[:digit:]]\+\)-\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\2/g')
fedpkg new-sources node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz icu4c*-src.tgz
# Download the ICU binary data files
rm -Rf icu4c-${ICU_MAJOR}_${ICU_MINOR}-data-bin-*.zip
wget $(grep Source3 nodejs.spec | sed --expression="s/.*http/http/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_major}\)/${ICU_MAJOR}/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_minor}\)/${ICU_MINOR}/g")
wget $(grep Source4 nodejs.spec | sed --expression="s/.*http/http/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_major}\)/${ICU_MAJOR}/g" --expression="s/\(\%{icu_minor}\)/${ICU_MINOR}/g")
fedpkg new-sources node-v${version}-stripped.tar.gz icu4c-${ICU_MAJOR}_${ICU_MINOR}-data-bin-*.zip
rm -f node-v${version}.tar.gz
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ grep "define NGHTTP2_VERSION " node-v${version}/deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp
echo "ICU"
echo "========================="
grep "url" node-v${version}/tools/icu/current_ver.dep
echo "${ICU_MAJOR}.${ICU_MINOR}"
echo "punycode"
echo "========================="
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
# This is used by both the nodejs package and the npm subpackage that
# has a separate version - the name is special so that rpmdev-bumpspec
# will bump this rather than adding .1 to the end.
%global baserelease 2
%global baserelease 1
%{?!_pkgdocdir:%global _pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}}
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
# than a Fedora release lifecycle.
%global nodejs_epoch 1
%global nodejs_major 16
%global nodejs_minor 14
%global nodejs_patch 1
%global nodejs_minor 15
%global nodejs_patch 0
%global nodejs_abi %{nodejs_major}.%{nodejs_minor}
# nodejs_soversion - from NODE_MODULE_VERSION in src/node_version.h
%global nodejs_soversion 93
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
%global libuv_version 1.43.0
# nghttp2 - from deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h
%global nghttp2_version 1.45.1
%global nghttp2_version 1.47.0
# ICU - from tools/icu/current_ver.dep
%global icu_major 70
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
# npm - from deps/npm/package.json
%global npm_epoch 1
%global npm_version 8.5.0
%global npm_version 8.5.5
# In order to avoid needing to keep incrementing the release version for the
# main package forever, we will just construct one for npm that is guaranteed
@ -139,8 +139,10 @@ ExclusiveArch: %{nodejs_arches}
Source0: node-v%{nodejs_version}-stripped.tar.gz
Source1: npmrc
Source2: btest402.js
Source3: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-%{icu_major}-%{icu_minor}/icu4c-%{icu_major}_%{icu_minor}-src.tgz
Source100: %{name}-tarball.sh
# The binary data that icu-small can use to get icu-full capability
Source3: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-%{icu_major}-%{icu_minor}/icu4c-%{icu_major}_%{icu_minor}-data-bin-b.zip
Source4: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-%{icu_major}-%{icu_minor}/icu4c-%{icu_major}_%{icu_minor}-data-bin-l.zip
Source100: nodejs-sources.sh
# The native module Requires generator remains in the nodejs SRPM, so it knows
# the nodejs and v8 versions. The remainder has migrated to the
@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ BuildRequires: nodejs-packaging
BuildRequires: chrpath
BuildRequires: libatomic
BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
BuildRequires: unzip
%if %{with bundled}
Provides: bundled(libuv) = %{libuv_version}
@ -190,14 +193,9 @@ BuildRequires: libuv-devel >= 1:%{libuv_version}
Requires: libuv >= 1:%{libuv_version}
%if %{with bundled} || !(0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 9)
%define nghttp2_configure %{nil}
Provides: bundled(nghttp2) = %{nghttp2_version}
%define nghttp2_configure --shared-nghttp2
BuildRequires: libnghttp2-devel >= %{nghttp2_version}
Requires: libnghttp2 >= %{nghttp2_version}
# Node.js frequently bumps this faster than Fedora can follow,
# so we will bundle it.
Provides: bundled(nghttp2) = %{nghttp2_version}
# Temporarily bundle llhttp because the upstream doesn't
# provide releases for it.
@ -314,14 +312,14 @@ Summary: Node.js and v8 libraries
# Compatibility for obsolete v8 package
%if 0%{?__isa_bits} == 64
Provides: libv8.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit)
Provides: libv8_libbase.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit)
Provides: libv8_libplatform.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit)
Provides: libv8.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit) = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
Provides: libv8_libbase.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit) = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
Provides: libv8_libplatform.so.%{v8_major}()(64bit) = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
# 32-bits
Provides: libv8.so.%{v8_major}
Provides: libv8_libbase.so.%{v8_major}
Provides: libv8_libplatform.so.%{v8_major}
Provides: libv8.so.%{v8_major} = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
Provides: libv8_libbase.so.%{v8_major} = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
Provides: libv8_libplatform.so.%{v8_major} = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}
Provides: v8 = %{v8_epoch}:%{v8_version}-%{nodejs_release}%{?dist}
@ -459,7 +457,6 @@ export LDFLAGS="%{build_ldflags}"
%{!?with_bundled_zlib:--shared-zlib} \
--shared-brotli \
%{!?with_bundled:--shared-libuv} \
%{!?with_bundled:%{nghttp2_configure}} \
%{?with_bundled:--without-dtrace}%{!?with_bundled:--with-dtrace} \
--with-intl=small-icu \
--with-icu-default-data-dir=%{icudatadir} \
@ -468,35 +465,6 @@ export LDFLAGS="%{build_ldflags}"
%make_build BUILDTYPE=Release
# Extract the ICU data and convert it to the appropriate endianness
pushd deps/
tar xfz %SOURCE3
pushd icu/source
mkdir -p converted
%if 0%{?little_endian}
# The little endian data file is included in the ICU sources
install -Dpm0644 data/in/icudt%{icu_major}l.dat converted/
# For the time being, we need to build ICU and use the included `icupkg` tool
# to convert the little endian data file into a big-endian one.
# At some point in the future, ICU releases will start including both data
# files and we should switch to those.
mkdir -p data/out/tmp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./bin/icupkg -tb data/in/icudt%{icu_major}l.dat \
popd # icu/source
popd # deps
rm -rf %{buildroot}
@ -588,7 +556,11 @@ ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/npmrc %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/etc/npmrc
# Install the full-icu data files
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{icudatadir}
install -Dpm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{icudatadir} deps/icu/source/converted/*
%if 0%{?little_endian}
unzip -d %{buildroot}%{icudatadir} %{SOURCE4} icudt%{icu_major}l.dat
unzip -d %{buildroot}%{icudatadir} %{SOURCE3} icudt%{icu_major}b.dat
@ -706,6 +678,12 @@ end
* Wed Apr 27 2022 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com> - 1:16.15.0-1
- Update to Node.js 16.15.0
- Stop carrying full ICU sources now that the binary data is available
- Properly version the v8 virtual Provides
- Bundle nghttp2
* Mon Apr 04 2022 Jan Staněk <jstanek@redhat.com> - 16.14.1-2
- Unify configure.py calls into single command
- Refactor bootstrap-related parts
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
SHA512 (node-v16.14.1-stripped.tar.gz) = df5fea1a3ba7a1d34884abd1642c8b9fb8716ba98798d87004afe3c713d0bee8e7127ab3f0699d4f936b974fd5312149e7a037f1a62328db6d4c0d381bac52b4
SHA512 (icu4c-70_1-src.tgz) = 0b26ae7207155cb65a8fdb25f7b2fa4431e74b12bccbed0884a17feaae3c96833d12451064dd152197fd6ea5fd3adfd95594284a463e66c82e0d860f645880c9
SHA512 (node-v16.15.0-stripped.tar.gz) = 0621c917d5144b6cfa845654019981c093b8f79e7695ee233474c37ab524bceaa50fb7e82afd8f6337db505a55e6ba407e2984a91e84ff42380366022e1f059c
SHA512 (icu4c-70_1-data-bin-b.zip) = eff9b41f1df4fe74e13bc216c62a8eab735622e3aa4e0b9c925b61f55294a002238a0022e1579197170d0345de6e877220b04b62d2010796f4ef1fbb2c17ea92
SHA512 (icu4c-70_1-data-bin-l.zip) = 041ff3480566330d043d9ddcd31e8851e875183d158ea3ce625583b4a9d96166497a9eedc0e72e2f7a3abc3a9110a0372546151b264ff4d1623215aab33552f5
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