The previous behaviour assumed that in a bundled package path, there is always `node_modules` directory on each other spot – i.e.: npm/node_modules/<dep1>/node_modules/<subdep> ^ ^ With namespaced bundled packages, this is no longer necessary the truth: npm/node_modules/@nmcli/<dep1>/node_modules/… ^ ! – expected node_modules --- The previous implementation considered any directory not named `node_modules` as a package directory, and tried to process it as such. Among other things, it pruned the list of subdirectories to be processed to just another `node_modules` subdir, if that existed. With namespaced packages, this pruning in essence happened too soon, and so they were skipped altogether. With this patch applied, only directories that directly contain the `package.json` file are processed as package directories, meaning that the walk should correctly descend into namespaces (even nested ones, if they appear). Resolves: rhbz#2029904
19 lines
899 B
Executable File
19 lines
899 B
Executable File
ln -sf nodejs.req
"$(command -v python2 || echo :)" -m doctest || exit 1
"$(command -v python3 || echo :)" -m doctest || exit 1
for test in unbundled bundled bundled_namespace
sed -e "s|//.*$||" < test/$test/ > test/$test/package.json
echo test/$test/package.json | ./nodejs.prov test/$test/package.json > test/$test/nodejs.prov.out 2> test/$test/nodejs.prov.err
diff -uw test/$test/nodejs.prov.err.exp test/$test/nodejs.prov.err || exit 1
diff -uw test/$test/nodejs.prov.out.exp test/$test/nodejs.prov.out || exit 1
echo test/$test/package.json | ./nodejs.req test/$test/package.json > test/$test/nodejs.req.out 2> test/$test/nodejs.req.err
diff -uw test/$test/nodejs.req.err.exp test/$test/nodejs.req.err || exit 1
diff -uw test/$test/nodejs.req.out.exp test/$test/nodejs.req.out || exit 1