Plugin jemalloc enabled 'force' option for 'rm' removed Enabled '--big-test' option for the testsuite Disabled '--skip-rpl' option for the testsuite = replication tests enabled Multilib manpage added RH unstable tests added to upstream file instead of our own Server dependency changed from 'sh-utils' to 'coreutils'
Removed strmov patch, it is no longer needed. The issue was fixed long ago in both MariaDB and MySQL
Removed strmov patch, it is no longer needed. The issue was fixed long ago in both MariaDB and MySQL
MySQL is distributed under GPL v2, but there are some licensing exceptions that allow the client libraries to be linked with a non-GPL application, so long as the application is under a license approved by Oracle. For details see http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception/ Some innobase code from Percona and Google is under BSD license. Some code related to test-suite is under LGPLv2.