undo armv7hl build workarounds, arm build seems to work again

This commit is contained in:
Caolán McNamara 2021-10-06 08:43:41 +01:00
parent 6f7a4c2716
commit e5d76cc527

@ -983,10 +983,8 @@ rm -rf git-hooks */git-hooks
# This is normally done by %%autosetup -S git_am,
# but that does not work with multiple -b options, so we use plain %%setup above
# global __scm git_am
# __scm_setup_git_am
%define _default_patch_flags --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1
%global __scm git_am
#Customize Palette to add Red Hat colours
(head -n -1 extras/source/palettes/standard.soc && \
@ -997,7 +995,7 @@ rm -rf git-hooks */git-hooks
<draw:color draw:name="Red Hat 5" draw:color="#4e376b"/>' && \
tail -n 1 extras/source/palettes/standard.soc) > redhat.soc
mv -f redhat.soc extras/source/palettes/standard.soc
# git commit -q -m 'add Red Hat colors to palette' extras/source/palettes/standard.soc
git commit -q -m 'add Red Hat colors to palette' extras/source/palettes/standard.soc
# apply patches
%autopatch -M 99
@ -1021,12 +1019,12 @@ sed -i -e /CppunitTest_vcl_svm_test/d vcl/Module_vcl.mk
sed -i -e /CustomTarget_uno_test/d testtools/Module_testtools.mk
# git commit -q -a -m 'temporarily disable failing tests'
git commit -q -a -m 'temporarily disable failing tests'
# Seeing .git dir makes some of the build tools change their behavior.
# We do not want that. Note: it is still possible to use
# git --git-dir=.git-rpm
# mv .git .git-rpm
mv .git .git-rpm
# path to external tarballs
@ -1074,10 +1072,6 @@ autoconf
%ifarch armv7hl
%if 0%{?flatpak}
%define flatpakoptions --with-beanshell-jar=/app/share/java/bsh.jar --with-boost-libdir=%{_libdir} --with-external-dict-dir=/app/share/myspell --with-external-hyph-dir=/app/share/hyphen --with-external-thes-dir=/app/share/mythes --with-flute-jar=/app/share/java/flute.jar --with-jdk-home=/app/lib/jvm/java --with-jfreereport-jar=/app/share/java/flow-engine.jar --with-libbase-jar=/app/share/java/libbase.jar --with-libfonts-jar=/app/share/java/libfonts.jar --with-libformula-jar=/app/share/java/libformula.jar --with-liblayout-jar=/app/share/java/liblayout.jar --with-libloader-jar=/app/share/java/libloader.jar --with-librepository-jar=/app/share/java/librepository.jar --with-libserializer-jar=/app/share/java/libserializer.jar --with-libxml-jar=/app/share/java/libxml.jar --with-sac-jar=/app/share/java/sac.jar FIREBIRDCONFIG=%{_libdir}/fb_config QT4INC=%{_includedir}