splitting up the commits doesn't help

This commit is contained in:
Caolán McNamara 2021-08-10 09:21:38 +01:00
parent 83acf4a028
commit ca174dbda1

View File

@ -997,13 +997,7 @@ rm -rf git-hooks */git-hooks
# This is normally done by %%autosetup -S git_am,
# but that does not work with multiple -b options, so we use plain %%setup above
%global __scm git_am
%{__git} init
%{__git} config user.name rpm-build
%{__git} config user.email '<rpm-build>'
%{__git} config gc.auto 0
%{__git} ls-files -z --others | xargs -0 -n 1000 %{__git} add --force
%{__git} ls-files -z | xargs -0 -n 1000 %{__git} commit --allow-empty --author "rpm-build <rpm-build>" -m "%{NAME}-%{VERSION} base"
#Customize Palette to add Red Hat colours
(head -n -1 extras/source/palettes/standard.soc && \