* Wed Sep 27 2023 Fedora Kernel Team <kernel-team@fedoraproject.org> [6.6.0-0.rc3.0e945134b680.28] - kernel.spec: adjust build option comment (Michael Hofmann) - kernel.spec: allow to enable arm64_16k variant (Michael Hofmann) - gitlab-ci: enable build-only pipelines for Rawhide/16k/aarch64 (Michael Hofmann) - kernel.spec.template: Fix --without bpftool (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: NXP BBNSM Power Key Driver (Steve Best) - redhat/self-test: Update data for cross compile fields (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.cross: Add message for disabled subpackages (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.cross: Update cross targets with disabled subpackages (Prarit Bhargava) - Linux v6.6.0-0.rc3.0e945134b680 Resolves: Signed-off-by: Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
=================== The Kernel dist-git =================== The kernel is maintained in a `source tree`_ rather than directly in dist-git. The specfile is maintained as a `template`_ in the source tree along with a set of build scripts to generate configurations, (S)RPMs, and to populate the dist-git repository. The `documentation`_ for the source tree covers how to contribute and maintain the tree. If you're looking for the downstream patch set it's available in the source tree with "git log master..ark-patches" or `online`_. Each release in dist-git is tagged in the source repository so you can easily check out the source tree for a build. The tags are in the format name-version-release, but note release doesn't contain the dist tag since the source can be built in different build roots (Fedora, CentOS, etc.) .. _source tree: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-ark.git .. _template: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-ark/-/blob/os-build/redhat/kernel.spec.template .. _documentation: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-ark/-/wikis/home .. _online: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-ark/-/commits/ark-patches