Severin Gehwolf 7bd142a91b Don't produce unnecessary things for the debug variant
This speeds up the build as no bootcycle image build is
being performed for the slowdebug variant. Also don't
produce a javadoc or javadoc-zip package for the slowdebug
variant as that is pointless.
2019-05-02 19:40:30 +02:00

2140 lines
78 KiB

# RPM conditionals so as to be able to dynamically produce
# slowdebug/release builds. See:
# Examples:
# Produce release *and* slowdebug builds on x86_64 (default):
# $ rpmbuild -ba java-1.8.0-openjdk.spec
# Produce only release builds (no slowdebug builds) on x86_64:
# $ rpmbuild -ba java-1.8.0-openjdk.spec --without slowdebug
# Only produce a release build on x86_64:
# $ fedpkg mockbuild --without slowdebug
# Only produce a debug build on x86_64:
# $ fedpkg local --without release
# Enable slowdebug builds by default on relevant arches.
%bcond_without slowdebug
# Enable release builds by default on relevant arches.
%bcond_without release
# The -g flag says to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs or EXEs.
# This fixes detailed NMT and other tools which need minimal debug info.
# See:
%global _find_debuginfo_opts -g
# note: parametrized macros are order-sensitive (unlike not-parametrized) even with normal macros
# also necessary when passing it as parameter to other macros. If not macro, then it is considered a switch
# see the difference between global and define:
# See to comments at "pmatilai commented on Aug 18, 2017"
# (initiated in
%global debug_suffix_unquoted -slowdebug
# quoted one for shell operations
%global debug_suffix "%{debug_suffix_unquoted}"
%global normal_suffix ""
# if you want only debug build but providing java build only normal build but set normalbuild_parameter
%global debug_warning This package has full debug on. Install only in need and remove asap.
%global debug_on with full debug on
%global for_debug for packages with debug on
%if %{with release}
%global include_normal_build 1
%global include_normal_build 0
%if %{include_normal_build}
%global build_loop1 %{normal_suffix}
%global build_loop1 %{nil}
# We have hardcoded list of files, which is appearing in alternatives, and in files
# in alternatives those are slaves and master, very often triplicated by man pages
# in files all masters and slaves are ghosted
# the ghosts are here to allow installation via query like `dnf install /usr/bin/java`
# you can list those files, with appropriate sections: cat *.spec | grep -e --install -e --slave -e post_
# TODO - fix those hardcoded lists via single list
# those files ,must *NOT* be ghosted for *slowdebug* packages
# FIXME - if you are moving jshell or jlink or simialr, always modify all three sections
# you can check via headless and devels:
# rpm -ql --noghost java-11-openjdk-headless- | grep bin
# == rpm -ql java-11-openjdk-headless-slowdebug- | grep bin
# != rpm -ql java-11-openjdk-headless- | grep bin
# similarly for other %%{_jvmdir}/{jre,java} and %%{_javadocdir}/{java,java-zip}
%define is_release_build() %( if [ "%{?1}" == "%{debug_suffix_unquoted}" ]; then echo "0" ; else echo "1"; fi )
# while JDK is a techpreview(is_system_jdk=0), some provides are turned off. Once jdk stops to be an techpreview, move it to 1
# as sytem JDK, we mean any JDK which can run whole system java stack without issues (like bytecode issues, module issues, dependencies...)
%global is_system_jdk 0
%global aarch64 aarch64 arm64 armv8
# we need to distinguish between big and little endian PPC64
%global ppc64le ppc64le
%global ppc64be ppc64 ppc64p7
%global multilib_arches %{power64} sparc64 x86_64
%global jit_arches %{ix86} x86_64 sparcv9 sparc64 %{aarch64} %{power64} %{arm} s390x
%global aot_arches x86_64 %{aarch64}
# By default, we build a debug build during main build on JIT architectures
%if %{with slowdebug}
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%ifnarch %{arm}
%global include_debug_build 1
%global include_debug_build 0
%global include_debug_build 0
%global include_debug_build 0
# On x86_64 and AArch64, we use the Shenandoah HotSpot
%ifarch x86_64 %{aarch64}
%global use_shenandoah_hotspot 1
%global use_shenandoah_hotspot 0
%if %{include_debug_build}
%global build_loop2 %{debug_suffix}
%global build_loop2 %{nil}
# if you disable both builds, then the build fails
%global build_loop %{build_loop1} %{build_loop2}
# note: that order: normal_suffix debug_suffix, in case of both enabled
# is expected in one single case at the end of the build
%global rev_build_loop %{build_loop2} %{build_loop1}
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%global bootstrap_build 1
%global bootstrap_build 1
%if %{bootstrap_build}
%global release_targets bootcycle-images docs-zip
%global release_targets images docs-zip
# No docs nor bootcycle for debug builds
%global debug_targets images
# Filter out flags from the optflags macro that cause problems with the OpenJDK build
# We filter out -O flags so that the optimization of HotSpot is not lowered from O3 to O2
# We filter out -Wall which will otherwise cause HotSpot to produce hundreds of thousands of warnings (100+mb logs)
# We replace it with -Wformat (required by -Werror=format-security) and -Wno-cpp to avoid FORTIFY_SOURCE warnings
# We filter out -fexceptions as the HotSpot build explicitly does -fno-exceptions and it's otherwise the default for C++
%global ourflags %(echo %optflags | sed -e 's|-Wall|-Wformat -Wno-cpp|' | sed -r -e 's|-O[0-9]*||')
%global ourcppflags %(echo %ourflags | sed -e 's|-fexceptions||')
%global ourldflags %{__global_ldflags}
# With disabled nss is NSS deactivated, so NSS_LIBDIR can contain the wrong path
# the initialization must be here. Later the pkg-config have buggy behavior
# looks like openjdk RPM specific bug
# Always set this so the nss.cfg file is not broken
%global NSS_LIBDIR %(pkg-config --variable=libdir nss)
%global NSS_LIBS %(pkg-config --libs nss)
%global NSS_CFLAGS %(pkg-config --cflags nss-softokn)
# see
%global NSSSOFTOKN_BUILDTIME_NUMBER %(pkg-config --modversion nss-softokn || : )
%global NSS_BUILDTIME_NUMBER %(pkg-config --modversion nss || : )
# this is workaround for processing of requires during srpm creation
%global NSSSOFTOKN_BUILDTIME_VERSION %(if [ "x%{NSSSOFTOKN_BUILDTIME_NUMBER}" == "x" ] ; then echo "" ;else echo ">= %{NSSSOFTOKN_BUILDTIME_NUMBER}" ;fi)
%global NSS_BUILDTIME_VERSION %(if [ "x%{NSS_BUILDTIME_NUMBER}" == "x" ] ; then echo "" ;else echo ">= %{NSS_BUILDTIME_NUMBER}" ;fi)
# In some cases, the arch used by the JDK does
# not match _arch.
# Also, in some cases, the machine name used by SystemTap
# does not match that given by _build_cpu
%ifarch x86_64
%global archinstall amd64
%ifarch ppc
%global archinstall ppc
%ifarch %{ppc64be}
%global archinstall ppc64
%ifarch %{ppc64le}
%global archinstall ppc64le
%ifarch %{ix86}
%global archinstall i686
%ifarch ia64
%global archinstall ia64
%ifarch s390
%global archinstall s390
%ifarch s390x
%global archinstall s390x
%ifarch %{arm}
%global archinstall arm
%ifarch %{aarch64}
%global archinstall aarch64
# 32 bit sparc, optimized for v9
%ifarch sparcv9
%global archinstall sparc
# 64 bit sparc
%ifarch sparc64
%global archinstall sparcv9
%ifnarch %{jit_arches}
%global archinstall %{_arch}
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%global with_systemtap 1
%global with_systemtap 0
# New Version-String scheme-style defines
%global majorver 11
%global securityver 3
# buildjdkver is usually same as %%{majorver},
# but in time of bootstrap of next jdk, it is majorver-1,
# and this it is better to change it here, on single place
%global buildjdkver %{majorver}
# Used via new version scheme. JDK 11 was
# GA'ed in September 2018 => 18.9
%global vendor_version_string 18.9
# Add LTS designator for RHEL builds
%if 0%{?rhel}
%global lts_designator "LTS"
%global lts_designator_zip -%{lts_designator}
%global lts_designator ""
%global lts_designator_zip ""
# Standard JPackage naming and versioning defines
%global origin openjdk
%global origin_nice OpenJDK
%global top_level_dir_name %{origin}
%global minorver 0
%global buildver 7
#%%global tagsuffix ""
# priority must be 8 digits in total; untill openjdk 1.8 we were using 18..... so when moving to 11 we had to add another digit
%if %is_system_jdk
%global priority %( printf '%02d%02d%02d%02d' %{majorver} %{minorver} %{securityver} %{buildver} )
# for techpreview, using 1, so slowdebugs can have 0
%global priority %( printf '%08d' 1 )
%global newjavaver %{majorver}.%{minorver}.%{securityver}
%global javaver %{majorver}
# parametrized macros are order-sensitive
%global compatiblename java-%{majorver}-%{origin}
%global fullversion %{compatiblename}-%{version}-%{release}
# images stub
%global jdkimage jdk
# output dir stub
%define buildoutputdir() %{expand:openjdk/build%{?1}}
# we can copy the javadoc to not arched dir, or make it not noarch
%define uniquejavadocdir() %{expand:%{fullversion}.%{_arch}%{?1}}
# main id and dir of this jdk
%define uniquesuffix() %{expand:%{fullversion}.%{_arch}%{?1}}
# fix for
%global _privatelibs libsplashscreen[.]so.*|libawt_xawt[.]so.*|libjli[.]so.*|libattach[.]so.*|libawt[.]so.*|libextnet[.]so.*|libawt_headless[.]so.*|libdt_socket[.]so.*|libfontmanager[.]so.*|libinstrument[.]so.*|libj2gss[.]so.*|libj2pcsc[.]so.*|libj2pkcs11[.]so.*|libjaas[.]so.*|libjavajpeg[.]so.*|libjdwp[.]so.*|libjimage[.]so.*|libjsound[.]so.*|liblcms[.]so.*|libmanagement[.]so.*|libmanagement_agent[.]so.*|libmanagement_ext[.]so.*|libmlib_image[.]so.*|libnet[.]so.*|libnio[.]so.*|libprefs[.]so.*|librmi[.]so.*|libsaproc[.]so.*|libsctp[.]so.*|libsunec[.]so.*|libunpack[.]so.*|libzip[.]so.*
%global _publiclibs libjawt[.]so.*|libjava[.]so.*|libjvm[.]so.*|libverify[.]so.*|libjsig[.]so.*
%if %is_system_jdk
%global __provides_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs})$
%global __requires_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs})$
# Never generate lib-style provides/requires for slowdebug packages
%global __provides_exclude_from ^.*/%{uniquesuffix -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}/.*$
%global __requires_exclude_from ^.*/%{uniquesuffix -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}/.*$
# Don't generate provides/requires for JDK provided shared libraries at all.
%global __provides_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs}|%{_publiclibs})$
%global __requires_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs}|%{_publiclibs})$
%global etcjavasubdir %{_sysconfdir}/java/java-%{javaver}-%{origin}
%define etcjavadir() %{expand:%{etcjavasubdir}/%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}}
# Standard JPackage directories and symbolic links.
%define sdkdir() %{expand:%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}}
%define jrelnk() %{expand:jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}-%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}%{?1}}
%define sdkbindir() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin}
%define jrebindir() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin}
%global rpm_state_dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/
%if %{with_systemtap}
# Where to install systemtap tapset (links)
# We would like these to be in a package specific sub-dir,
# but currently systemtap doesn't support that, so we have to
# use the root tapset dir for now. To distinguish between 64
# and 32 bit architectures we place the tapsets under the arch
# specific dir (note that systemtap will only pickup the tapset
# for the primary arch for now). Systemtap uses the machine name
# aka build_cpu as architecture specific directory name.
%global tapsetroot /usr/share/systemtap
%global tapsetdirttapset %{tapsetroot}/tapset/
%global tapsetdir %{tapsetdirttapset}/%{_build_cpu}
# not-duplicated scriptlets for normal/debug packages
%global update_desktop_icons /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
%define post_script() %{expand:
update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
exit 0
%define post_headless() %{expand:
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
# MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods not implemented for PPC JIT
%ifnarch %{ppc64le}
# see
%{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/java -Xshare:dump >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ "%{?1}" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then
alternatives \\
--install %{_bindir}/java java %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/java $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch} \\
--slave %{_jvmdir}/jre jre %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}} \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jjs jjs %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/jjs \\
--slave %{_bindir}/keytool keytool %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/keytool \\
--slave %{_bindir}/pack200 pack200 %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/pack200 \\
--slave %{_bindir}/rmid rmid %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/rmid \\
--slave %{_bindir}/rmiregistry rmiregistry %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/rmiregistry \\
--slave %{_bindir}/unpack200 unpack200 %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/unpack200 \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/java.1$ext java.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/java-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jjs.1$ext jjs.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jjs-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/keytool.1$ext keytool.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/keytool-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/pack200.1$ext pack200.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/pack200-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmid.1$ext rmid.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/rmid-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry.1$ext rmiregistry.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/unpack200.1$ext unpack200.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/unpack200-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext
for X in %{origin} %{javaver} ; do
alternatives --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-"$X" jre_"$X" %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}} $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch}
update-alternatives --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin} jre_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk -- %{?1}} $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch}
update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
# see pretrans where this file is declared
# also see that pretrans is only for non-debug
if [ ! "%{?1}" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then
if [ -f %{_libexecdir}/ ] ; then
sh %{_libexecdir}/ %{rpm_state_dir}/%{name}.%{_arch} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
exit 0
%define postun_script() %{expand:
update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
exit 0
%define postun_headless() %{expand:
alternatives --remove java %{jrebindir -- %{?1}}/java
alternatives --remove jre_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
alternatives --remove jre_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
alternatives --remove jre_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk -- %{?1}}
%define posttrans_script() %{expand:
%define post_devel() %{expand:
if [ "%{?1}" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then
alternatives \\
--install %{_bindir}/javac javac %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/javac $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch} \\
--slave %{_jvmdir}/java java_sdk %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}} \\
%ifarch %{aot_arches}
--slave %{_bindir}/jaotc jaotc %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jaotc \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jlink jlink %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jlink \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jmod jmod %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jmod \\
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%ifnarch s390x
--slave %{_bindir}/jhsdb jhsdb %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jhsdb \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jar jar %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jar \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jarsigner jarsigner %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jarsigner \\
--slave %{_bindir}/javadoc javadoc %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/javadoc \\
--slave %{_bindir}/javap javap %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/javap \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jcmd jcmd %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jcmd \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jconsole jconsole %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jconsole \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jdb jdb %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jdb \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jdeps jdeps %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jdeps \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jdeprscan jdeprscan %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jdeprscan \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jimage jimage %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jimage \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jinfo jinfo %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jinfo \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jmap jmap %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jmap \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jps jps %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jps \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jrunscript jrunscript %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jrunscript \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jshell jshell %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jshell \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jstack jstack %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jstack \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jstat jstat %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jstat \\
--slave %{_bindir}/jstatd jstatd %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/jstatd \\
--slave %{_bindir}/rmic rmic %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/rmic \\
--slave %{_bindir}/serialver serialver %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/serialver \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jar.1$ext jar.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jar-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner.1$ext jarsigner.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/javac.1$ext javac.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/javac-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/javadoc.1$ext javadoc.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/javadoc-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/javap.1$ext javap.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/javap-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jcmd.1$ext jcmd.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jcmd-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jconsole.1$ext jconsole.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jconsole-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jdb.1$ext jdb.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jdb-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jdeps.1$ext jdeps.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jdeps-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jinfo.1$ext jinfo.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jinfo-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jmap.1$ext jmap.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jmap-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jps.1$ext jps.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jps-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript.1$ext jrunscript.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstack.1$ext jstack.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jstack-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstat.1$ext jstat.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jstat-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstatd.1$ext jstatd.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/jstatd-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmic.1$ext rmic.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/rmic-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
--slave %{_mandir}/man1/serialver.1$ext serialver.1$ext \\
%{_mandir}/man1/serialver-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1$ext \\
for X in %{origin} %{javaver} ; do
alternatives \\
--install %{_jvmdir}/java-"$X" java_sdk_"$X" %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}} $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch}
update-alternatives --install %{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin} java_sdk_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}} $PRIORITY --family %{name}.%{_arch}
update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
exit 0
%define postun_devel() %{expand:
alternatives --remove javac %{sdkbindir -- %{?1}}/javac
alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
exit 0
%define posttrans_devel() %{expand:
%define post_javadoc() %{expand:
if [ "%{?1}" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then
alternatives \\
--install %{_javadocdir}/java javadocdir %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}/api \\
$PRIORITY --family %{name}
exit 0
%define postun_javadoc() %{expand:
alternatives --remove javadocdir %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}/api
exit 0
%define post_javadoc_zip() %{expand:
if [ "%{?1}" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then
alternatives \\
--install %{_javadocdir}/java-zip javadoczip %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}.zip \\
$PRIORITY --family %{name}
exit 0
%define postun_javadoc_zip() %{expand:
alternatives --remove javadoczip %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}.zip
exit 0
%define files_jre() %{expand:
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%define files_jre_headless() %{expand:
%license %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/legal
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/.java/.systemPrefs
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/.java
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/release
%{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk -- %{?1}}
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/java
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jjs
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/keytool
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/pack200
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/rmid
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/rmiregistry
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/unpack200
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/classlist
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jexec
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jrt-fs.jar
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/modules
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/tzdb.dat
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jli
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jli/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jvm.cfg
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
# Zero and S390x don't have SA
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%ifnarch s390x
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jfr
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jfr/default.jfc
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/jfr/profile.jfc
%{_mandir}/man1/java-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jjs-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/keytool-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/pack200-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/rmid-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/unpack200-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/server/
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%ifnarch %{power64}
%attr(444, root, root) %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/server/classes.jsa
%dir %{etcjavasubdir}
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib/security
%{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib/security/cacerts
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/management
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/limited
%dir %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/unlimited
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib/security/default.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib/security/blacklisted.certs
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/limited/exempt_local.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/limited/default_local.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/limited/default_US_export.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/unlimited/default_local.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/unlimited/default_US_export.policy
%{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/policy/README.txt
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/java.policy
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/security/nss.cfg
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/management/jmxremote.access
# this is conifg template, thus not config-noreplace
%config %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/management/jmxremote.password.template
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/management/
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/
%config(noreplace) %{etcjavadir -- %{?1}}/conf/
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/conf
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/security
%if %is_system_jdk
%if %{is_release_build -- %{?1}}
%ghost %{_bindir}/java
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/jre
%ghost %{_bindir}/jjs
%ghost %{_bindir}/keytool
%ghost %{_bindir}/pack200
%ghost %{_bindir}/rmid
%ghost %{_bindir}/rmiregistry
%ghost %{_bindir}/unpack200
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{origin}
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver}
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}
%define files_devel() %{expand:
%dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jar
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jarsigner
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/javac
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/javadoc
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/javap
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jconsole
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jcmd
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jdb
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jdeps
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jdeprscan
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jimage
# Zero and S390x don't have SA
%ifarch %{jit_arches}
%ifnarch s390x
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jhsdb
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jinfo
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jlink
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jmap
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jmod
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jps
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jrunscript
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jshell
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jstack
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jstat
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jstatd
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/rmic
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/serialver
%ifarch %{aot_arches}
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/bin/jaotc
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/include
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/ct.sym
%if %{with_systemtap}
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/tapset
%{_mandir}/man1/jar-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/javac-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/javadoc-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/javap-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jconsole-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jcmd-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jdb-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jdeps-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jinfo-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jmap-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jps-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jstack-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jstat-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/jstatd-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/rmic-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%{_mandir}/man1/serialver-%{uniquesuffix -- %{?1}}.1*
%if %{with_systemtap}
%dir %{tapsetroot}
%dir %{tapsetdirttapset}
%dir %{tapsetdir}
%if %is_system_jdk
%if %{is_release_build -- %{?1}}
%ghost %{_bindir}/javac
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/java
%ghost %{_bindir}/jaotc
%ghost %{_bindir}/jlink
%ghost %{_bindir}/jmod
%ghost %{_bindir}/jhsdb
%ghost %{_bindir}/jar
%ghost %{_bindir}/jarsigner
%ghost %{_bindir}/javadoc
%ghost %{_bindir}/javap
%ghost %{_bindir}/jcmd
%ghost %{_bindir}/jconsole
%ghost %{_bindir}/jdb
%ghost %{_bindir}/jdeps
%ghost %{_bindir}/jdeprscan
%ghost %{_bindir}/jimage
%ghost %{_bindir}/jinfo
%ghost %{_bindir}/jmap
%ghost %{_bindir}/jps
%ghost %{_bindir}/jrunscript
%ghost %{_bindir}/jshell
%ghost %{_bindir}/jstack
%ghost %{_bindir}/jstat
%ghost %{_bindir}/jstatd
%ghost %{_bindir}/rmic
%ghost %{_bindir}/serialver
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/java-%{origin}
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver}
%ghost %{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin}
%define files_jmods() %{expand:
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/jmods
%define files_demo() %{expand:
%license %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/legal
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/demo
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/sample
%define files_src() %{expand:
%license %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/legal
%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- %{?1}}/lib/
%define files_javadoc() %{expand:
%doc %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}
%license %{buildoutputdir -- %{?1}}/images/%{jdkimage}/legal
%if %is_system_jdk
%if %{is_release_build -- %{?1}}
%ghost %{_javadocdir}/java
%define files_javadoc_zip() %{expand:
%doc %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- %{?1}}.zip
%license %{buildoutputdir -- %{?1}}/images/%{jdkimage}/legal
%if %is_system_jdk
%if %{is_release_build -- %{?1}}
%ghost %{_javadocdir}/java-zip
# not-duplicated requires/provides/obsoletes for normal/debug packages
%define java_rpo() %{expand:
Requires: fontconfig%{?_isa}
Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
# Require libXcomposite explicitly since it's only dynamically loaded
# at runtime. Fixes screenshot issues. See JDK-8150954.
Requires: libXcomposite%{?_isa}
# Requires rest of java
Requires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
OrderWithRequires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# for java-X-openjdk package's desktop binding
Recommends: gtk3%{?_isa}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# Standard JPackage base provides
Provides: jre-%{javaver}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_headless_rpo() %{expand:
# Require /etc/pki/java/cacerts
Requires: ca-certificates
# Require javapackages-filesystem for ownership of /usr/lib/jvm/ and macros
Requires: javapackages-filesystem
# Require zone-info data provided by tzdata-java sub-package
Requires: tzdata-java >= 2015d
# is being `dlopen`ed on demand
Requires: lksctp-tools%{?_isa}
# there is a need to depend on the exact version of NSS
Requires: nss%{?_isa} %{NSS_BUILDTIME_VERSION}
Requires: nss-softokn%{?_isa} %{NSSSOFTOKN_BUILDTIME_VERSION}
# tool to copy jdk's configs - should be Recommends only, but then only dnf/yum enforce it,
# not rpm transaction and so no configs are persisted when pure rpm -u is run. It may be
# considered as regression
Requires: copy-jdk-configs >= 3.3
OrderWithRequires: copy-jdk-configs
# for printing support
Requires: cups-libs
# Post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# Postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives
Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# for optional support of kernel stream control, card reader and printing bindings
Suggests: lksctp-tools%{?_isa}, pcsc-lite-devel%{?_isa}
# Standard JPackage base provides
Provides: jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre-%{javaver}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-%{origin}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre-%{origin}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: jre-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_devel_rpo() %{expand:
# Requires base package
Requires: %{name}%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
OrderWithRequires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# Post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# Postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives
Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# Standard JPackage devel provides
Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver}-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-devel%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-devel%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-devel-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-sdk-%{origin}%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-devel%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-sdk%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_jmods_rpo() %{expand:
# Requires devel package
# as jmods are bytecode, they should be OK without any _isa
Requires: %{name}-devel%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
OrderWithRequires: %{name}-headless%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-jmods%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-jmods%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-jmods%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_demo_rpo() %{expand:
Requires: %{name}%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
OrderWithRequires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-demo%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-demo%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-demo%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_javadoc_rpo() %{expand:
OrderWithRequires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# Post requires alternatives to install javadoc alternative
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# Postun requires alternatives to uninstall javadoc alternative
Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives
# Standard JPackage javadoc provides
Provides: java-%{javaver}-javadoc%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-javadoc%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-javadoc%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%define java_src_rpo() %{expand:
Requires: %{name}-headless%{?1}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# Standard JPackage sources provides
Provides: java-%{javaver}-src%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Provides: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}-src%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%if %is_system_jdk
Provides: java-src%{?1} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
# Prevent brp-java-repack-jars from being run
%global __jar_repack 0
Name: java-%{javaver}-%{origin}
Version: %{newjavaver}.%{buildver}
Release: 3%{?dist}
# java-1.5.0-ibm from set Epoch to 1 for unknown reasons
# and this change was brought into RHEL-4. java-1.5.0-ibm packages
# also included the epoch in their virtual provides. This created a
# situation where in-the-wild java-1.5.0-ibm packages provided "java =
# 1:1.5.0". In RPM terms, "1.6.0 < 1:1.5.0" since 1.6.0 is
# interpreted as 0:1.6.0. So the "java >= 1.6.0" requirement would be
# satisfied by the 1:1.5.0 packages. Thus we need to set the epoch in
# JDK package >= 1.6.0 to 1, and packages referring to JDK virtual
# provides >= 1.6.0 must specify the epoch, "java >= 1:1.6.0".
Epoch: 1
Summary: %{origin_nice} Runtime Environment %{majorver}
# HotSpot code is licensed under GPLv2
# JDK library code is licensed under GPLv2 with the Classpath exception
# The Apache license is used in code taken from Apache projects (primarily xalan & xerces)
# DOM levels 2 & 3 and the XML digital signature schemas are licensed under the W3C Software License
# The JSR166 concurrency code is in the public domain
# The BSD and MIT licenses are used for a number of third-party libraries (see ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO)
# The OpenJDK source tree includes:
# - JPEG library (IJG), zlib & libpng (zlib), giflib (MIT), harfbuzz (ISC),
# - freetype (FTL), jline (BSD) and LCMS (MIT)
# - jquery (MIT), jdk.crypto.cryptoki PKCS 11 wrapper (RSA)
# - public_suffix_list.dat from (MPLv2.0)
# The test code includes copies of NSS under the Mozilla Public License v2.0
# The PCSClite headers are under a BSD with advertising license
# The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) source code is licensed under the LGPLv2.1 or any later version
License: ASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and BSD and BSD with advertising and GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2 with exceptions and IJG and LGPLv2+ and MIT and MPLv2.0 and Public Domain and W3C and zlib and ISC and FTL and RSA
# to regenerate source0 (jdk) and source8 (jdk's taspets) run
# contains hard-coded repos, revisions, tags, and projects to regenerate the source archives
Source0: shenandoah-jdk%{majorver}-shenandoah-jdk-%{newjavaver}+%{buildver}%{?tagsuffix:-%{tagsuffix}}.tar.xz
Source8: systemtap_3.2_tapsets_hg-icedtea8-9d464368e06d.tar.xz
# Desktop files. Adapted from IcedTea
# nss configuration file
# Removed libraries that we link instead
# Ensure we aren't using the limited crypto policy
# Ensure ECDSA is working
# Verify system crypto (policy) can be disabled via a property
# RPM/distribution specific patches
# NSS via SunPKCS11 Provider (disabled comment
# due to memory leak).
Patch1000: rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch
# Ignore AWTError when assistive technologies are loaded
Patch1: rh1648242-accessible_toolkit_crash_do_not_break_jvm.patch
# Restrict access to java-atk-wrapper classes
Patch2: rh1648644-java_access_bridge_privileged_security.patch
# PR1834, RH1022017: Reduce curves reported by SSL to those in NSS
# Not currently suitable to go upstream as it disables curves
# for all providers unconditionally
Patch525: rh1022017-reduce_ssl_curves.patch
# Shenandoah specific patches
# Currently empty
# OpenJDK specific patches
Patch3: rh649512-remove_uses_of_far_in_jpeg_libjpeg_turbo_1_4_compat_for_jdk10_and_up.patch
# PR3694, RH1340845: Add security.useSystemPropertiesFile option to to use system crypto policy
Patch4: pr3694-rh1340845-support_fedora_rhel_system_crypto_policy.patch
# System NSS via SunEC Provider
Patch5: pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch
# RH1566890: CVE-2018-3639
Patch6: rh1566890-CVE_2018_3639-speculative_store_bypass.patch
# PR3695: Allow use of system crypto policy to be disabled by the user
Patch7: pr3695-toggle_system_crypto_policy.patch
# S390 ambiguous log2_intptr call
Patch8: s390-8214206_fix.patch
# JDK 9+ only patches
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: automake
BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
BuildRequires: binutils
BuildRequires: cups-devel
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
# elfutils only are OK for build without AOT
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
BuildRequires: fontconfig
BuildRequires: freetype-devel
BuildRequires: giflib-devel
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: gdb
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
BuildRequires: lcms2-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
BuildRequires: libxslt
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libXi-devel
BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel
BuildRequires: libXt-devel
BuildRequires: libXtst-devel
# Requirements for setting up the nss.cfg
BuildRequires: nss-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel
BuildRequires: zip
BuildRequires: unzip
BuildRequires: javapackages-filesystem
BuildRequires: java-%{buildjdkver}-openjdk-devel
# Zero-assembler build requirement
%ifnarch %{jit_arches}
BuildRequires: libffi-devel
BuildRequires: tzdata-java >= 2015d
# Earlier versions have a bug in tree vectorization on PPC
BuildRequires: gcc >= 4.8.3-8
# Build requirements for SunEC system NSS support
BuildRequires: nss-softokn-freebl-devel >= 3.16.1
%if %{with_systemtap}
BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
# this is always built, also during debug-only build
# when it is built in debug-only this package is just placeholder
%{java_rpo %{nil}}
The %{origin_nice} runtime environment.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package slowdebug
Summary: %{origin_nice} Runtime Environment %{majorver} %{debug_on}
%{java_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description slowdebug
The %{origin_nice} runtime environment.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package headless
Summary: %{origin_nice} Headless Runtime Environment %{majorver}
%{java_headless_rpo %{nil}}
%description headless
The %{origin_nice} runtime environment %{majorver} without audio and video support.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package headless-slowdebug
Summary: %{origin_nice} Runtime Environment %{debug_on}
%{java_headless_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description headless-slowdebug
The %{origin_nice} runtime environment %{majorver} without audio and video support.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package devel
Summary: %{origin_nice} Development Environment %{majorver}
%{java_devel_rpo %{nil}}
%description devel
The %{origin_nice} development tools %{majorver}.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package devel-slowdebug
Summary: %{origin_nice} Development Environment %{majorver} %{debug_on}
%{java_devel_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description devel-slowdebug
The %{origin_nice} development tools %{majorver}.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package jmods
Summary: JMods for %{origin_nice} %{majorver}
%{java_jmods_rpo %{nil}}
%description jmods
The JMods for %{origin_nice}.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package jmods-slowdebug
Summary: JMods for %{origin_nice} %{majorver} %{debug_on}
%{java_jmods_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description jmods-slowdebug
The JMods for %{origin_nice} %{majorver}.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package demo
Summary: %{origin_nice} Demos %{majorver}
%{java_demo_rpo %{nil}}
%description demo
The %{origin_nice} demos %{majorver}.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package demo-slowdebug
Summary: %{origin_nice} Demos %{majorver} %{debug_on}
%{java_demo_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description demo-slowdebug
The %{origin_nice} demos %{majorver}.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package src
Summary: %{origin_nice} Source Bundle %{majorver}
%{java_src_rpo %{nil}}
%description src
The java-%{origin}-src sub-package contains the complete %{origin_nice} %{majorver}
class library source code for use by IDE indexers and debuggers.
%if %{include_debug_build}
%package src-slowdebug
Summary: %{origin_nice} Source Bundle %{majorver} %{for_debug}
%{java_src_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%description src-slowdebug
The java-%{origin}-src-slowdebug sub-package contains the complete %{origin_nice} %{majorver}
class library source code for use by IDE indexers and debuggers. Debugging %{for_debug}.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package javadoc
Summary: %{origin_nice} %{majorver} API documentation
Requires: javapackages-filesystem
%{java_javadoc_rpo %{nil}}
%description javadoc
The %{origin_nice} %{majorver} API documentation.
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package javadoc-zip
Summary: %{origin_nice} %{majorver} API documentation compressed in single archive
Requires: javapackages-filesystem
%{java_javadoc_rpo %{nil}}
%description javadoc-zip
The %{origin_nice} %{majorver} API documentation compressed in single archive.
if [ %{include_normal_build} -eq 0 -o %{include_normal_build} -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "include_normal_build is %{include_normal_build}"
echo "include_normal_build is %{include_normal_build}, thats invalid. Use 1 for yes or 0 for no"
exit 11
if [ %{include_debug_build} -eq 0 -o %{include_debug_build} -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "include_debug_build is %{include_debug_build}"
echo "include_debug_build is %{include_debug_build}, thats invalid. Use 1 for yes or 0 for no"
exit 12
if [ %{include_debug_build} -eq 0 -a %{include_normal_build} -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "You have disabled both include_debug_build and include_normal_build. That is a no go."
exit 13
%setup -q -c -n %{uniquesuffix ""} -T -a 0
prioritylength=`expr length %{priority}`
if [ $prioritylength -ne 8 ] ; then
echo "priority must be 8 digits in total, violated"
exit 14
# OpenJDK patches
# Remove libraries that are linked
sh %{SOURCE12}
pushd %{top_level_dir_name}
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch525 -p1
popd # openjdk
# Extract systemtap tapsets
%if %{with_systemtap}
tar --strip-components=1 -x -I xz -f %{SOURCE8}
%if %{include_debug_build}
cp -r tapset tapset%{debug_suffix}
for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do
for file in "tapset"$suffix/*.in; do
OUTPUT_FILE=`echo $file | sed -e "s:\.stp\.in$:%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}.stp:g"`
sed -e "s:@ABS_SERVER_LIBJVM_SO@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/server/" $file > $file.1
# TODO find out which architectures other than i686 have a client vm
%ifarch %{ix86}
sed -e "s:@ABS_CLIENT_LIBJVM_SO@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/client/" $file.1 > $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -e "/@ABS_CLIENT_LIBJVM_SO@/d" $file.1 > $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@ABS_JAVA_HOME_DIR@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@INSTALL_ARCH_DIR@:%{archinstall}:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@prefix@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
# systemtap tapsets ends
# Prepare desktop files
for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do
for file in %{SOURCE9}; do
FILE=`basename $file | sed -e s:\.in$::g`
sed -e "s:@JAVA_HOME@:%{sdkbindir -- $suffix}:g" $file > $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@JRE_HOME@:%{jrebindir -- $suffix}:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@ARCH@:%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}$suffix:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION@:%{majorver}:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -i -e "s:@JAVA_VENDOR@:%{origin}:g" $OUTPUT_FILE
# Setup nss.cfg
sed -e "s:@NSS_LIBDIR@:%{NSS_LIBDIR}:g" %{SOURCE11} > nss.cfg
# How many CPU's do we have?
export NUM_PROC=%(/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2> /dev/null || :)
export NUM_PROC=${NUM_PROC:-1}
%if 0%{?_smp_ncpus_max}
# Honor %%_smp_ncpus_max
[ ${NUM_PROC} -gt %{?_smp_ncpus_max} ] && export NUM_PROC=%{?_smp_ncpus_max}
%ifarch s390x sparc64 alpha %{power64} %{aarch64}
%ifarch alpha
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mieee"
# We use ourcppflags because the OpenJDK build seems to
# pass EXTRA_CFLAGS to the HotSpot C++ compiler...
# Explicitly set the C++ standard as the default has changed on GCC >= 6
EXTRA_CFLAGS="%ourcppflags -std=gnu++98 -Wno-error -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse"
EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS="%ourcppflags -std=gnu++98 -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse"
%ifarch %{power64} ppc
# fix rpmlint warnings
EXTRA_CFLAGS="$EXTRA_CFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
# Fixes annocheck warnings in assembler files due to missing build notes
EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS="$EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes"
EXTRA_CFLAGS="$EXTRA_CFLAGS -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes"
for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do
if [ "x$suffix" = "x" ] ; then
# change --something to something
debugbuild=`echo $suffix | sed "s/-//g"`
# Variable used in hs_err hook on build failures
mkdir -p %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}
pushd %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}
bash ../configure \
%ifnarch %{jit_arches}
--with-jvm-variants=zero \
%ifarch %{ppc64le}
--with-jobs=1 \
--with-version-build=%{buildver} \
--with-version-pre="" \
--with-version-opt=%{lts_designator} \
--with-vendor-version-string="%{vendor_version_string}" \
--with-boot-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-%{buildjdkver}-openjdk \
--with-debug-level=$debugbuild \
--with-native-debug-symbols=internal \
--enable-unlimited-crypto \
--enable-system-nss \
--with-zlib=system \
--with-libjpeg=system \
--with-giflib=system \
--with-libpng=system \
--with-lcms=system \
--with-stdc++lib=dynamic \
--with-extra-cxxflags="$EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS" \
--with-extra-cflags="$EXTRA_CFLAGS" \
--with-extra-ldflags="%{ourldflags}" \
--with-num-cores="$NUM_PROC" \
--disable-javac-server \
%ifarch x86_64
--with-jvm-features=zgc \
# Debug builds don't need same targets as release for
# build speed-up
if echo $debugbuild | grep -q "debug" ; then
make \
LOG=trace \
$maketargets || ( pwd; find $top_dir_abs_path -name "hs_err_pid*.log" | xargs cat && false )
# the build (erroneously) removes read permissions from some jars
# this is a regression in OpenJDK 7 (our compiler):
find images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.jar' -exec chmod ugo+r {} \;
# Build screws up permissions on binaries
find images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.so' -exec chmod +x {} \;
find images/%{jdkimage}/bin/ -exec chmod +x {} \;
popd >& /dev/null
# Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above
export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
# Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above
install -m 644 nss.cfg $JAVA_HOME/conf/security/
# Use system-wide tzdata
rm $JAVA_HOME/lib/tzdb.dat
ln -s %{_datadir}/javazi-1.8/tzdb.dat $JAVA_HOME/lib/tzdb.dat
# build cycles
# We test debug first as it will give better diagnostics on a crash
for suffix in %{rev_build_loop} ; do
export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
#check sheandoah is enabled
%if %{use_shenandoah_hotspot}
$JAVA_HOME//bin/java -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -version
# Check unlimited policy has been used
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE13}
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java --add-opens java.base/javax.crypto=ALL-UNNAMED TestCryptoLevel
# Check ECC is working
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE14}
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE14})|sed "s|\.java||")
# Check system crypto (policy) can be disabled
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE15}
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE15})|sed "s|\.java||")
# Check debug symbols are present and can identify code
find "$JAVA_HOME" -iname '*.so' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' lib
if [ -f "$lib" ] ; then
echo "Testing $lib for debug symbols"
# All these tests rely on RPM failing the build if the exit code of any set
# of piped commands is non-zero.
# Test for .debug_* sections in the shared object. This is the main test
# Stripped objects will not contain these
eu-readelf -S "$lib" | grep "] .debug_"
test $(eu-readelf -S "$lib" | grep -E "\]\ .debug_(info|abbrev)" | wc --lines) == 2
# Test FILE symbols. These will most likely be removed by anything that
# manipulates symbol tables because it's generally useless. So a nice test
# that nothing has messed with symbols
for line in $(eu-readelf -s "$lib" | grep "00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT")
# We expect to see .cpp files, except for architectures like aarch64 and
# s390 where we expect .o and .oS files
echo "$line" | grep -E "ABS ((.*/)?[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+\.(c|cc|cpp|cxx|o|oS))?$"
# If this is the JVM, look for javaCalls.(cpp|o) in FILEs, for extra sanity checking
if [ "`basename $lib`" = "" ]; then
eu-readelf -s "$lib" | \
grep -E "00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS javaCalls.(cpp|o)$"
# Test that there are no .gnu_debuglink sections pointing to another
# debuginfo file. There shouldn't be any debuginfo files, so the link makes
# no sense either
eu-readelf -S "$lib" | grep 'gnu'
if eu-readelf -S "$lib" | grep '] .gnu_debuglink' | grep PROGBITS; then
echo "bad .gnu_debuglink section."
eu-readelf -x .gnu_debuglink "$lib"
# Make sure gdb can do a backtrace based on line numbers on
# javaCalls.cpp:58 should map to:
# Using line number 1 might cause build problems. See:
gdb -q "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" <<EOF | tee gdb.out
handle SIGSEGV pass nostop noprint
handle SIGILL pass nostop noprint
set breakpoint pending on
break javaCalls.cpp:1
commands 1
run -version
grep 'JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper' gdb.out
# Check has all sources. See RHBZ#1130490
jar -tf $JAVA_HOME/lib/ | grep 'sun.misc.Unsafe'
# Check class files include useful debugging information
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep "Compiled from"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep LineNumberTable
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep LocalVariableTable
# Check generated class files include useful debugging information
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep "Compiled from"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep LineNumberTable
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep LocalVariableTable
# build cycles check
for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do
# Install the jdk
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage} \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}
pushd %{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
%if %{with_systemtap}
# Install systemtap support files
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/tapset
# note, that uniquesuffix is in BUILD dir in this case
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{uniquesuffix ""}/tapset$suffix/*.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/tapset/
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/tapset/
tapsetFiles=`ls *.stp`
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{tapsetdir}
for name in $tapsetFiles ; do
targetName=`echo $name | sed "s/.stp/$suffix.stp/"`
ln -sf %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/tapset/$name $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{tapsetdir}/$targetName
# Remove empty cacerts database
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/security/cacerts
# Install cacerts symlink needed by some apps which hard-code the path
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/security
ln -sf /etc/pki/java/cacerts .
# Install version-ed symlinks
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}
ln -sf %{sdkdir -- $suffix} %{jrelnk -- $suffix}
# Install man pages
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
for manpage in man/man1/*
# Convert man pages to UTF8 encoding
iconv -f ISO_8859-1 -t UTF8 $manpage -o $manpage.tmp
mv -f $manpage.tmp $manpage
install -m 644 -p $manpage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/$(basename \
$manpage .1)-%{uniquesuffix -- $suffix}.1
# Remove man pages from jdk image
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/man
if ! echo $suffix | grep -q "debug" ; then
# Install Javadoc documentation
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/docs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- $suffix}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/bundles/jdk-%{newjavaver}+%{buildver}%{lts_designator_zip} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- $suffix}.zip
# Install icons and menu entries
for s in 16 24 32 48 ; do
install -D -p -m 644 \
%{top_level_dir_name}/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/java-icon${s}.png \
# Install desktop files
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/{applications,pixmaps}
for e in jconsole$suffix ; do
desktop-file-install --vendor=%{uniquesuffix -- $suffix} --mode=644 \
--dir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications $e.desktop
# Install /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/ directory
# See
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/.java/.systemPrefs
# copy samples next to demos; samples are mostly js files
cp -r %{top_level_dir_name}/src/sample $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/
# moving config files to /etc
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{etcjavadir -- $suffix}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{etcjavadir -- $suffix}/lib
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/conf/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{etcjavadir -- $suffix}
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/security $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{etcjavadir -- $suffix}/lib
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}
ln -s %{etcjavadir -- $suffix}/conf ./conf
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib
ln -s %{etcjavadir -- $suffix}/lib/security ./security
# end moving files to /etc
# stabilize permissions
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/ -name "*.so" -exec chmod 755 {} \; ;
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; ;
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/legal -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; ;
# end, dual install
%if %{include_normal_build}
# intentionally only for non-debug
%pretrans headless -p <lua>
-- see for whole issue
-- see for pretrans over pre
-- if copy-jdk-configs is in transaction, it installs in pretrans to temp
-- if copy_jdk_configs is in temp, then it means that copy-jdk-configs is in transaction and so is
-- preferred over one in %%{_libexecdir}. If it is not in transaction, then depends
-- whether copy-jdk-configs is installed or not. If so, then configs are copied
-- (copy_jdk_configs from %%{_libexecdir} used) or not copied at all
local posix = require "posix"
local debug = false
SOURCE1 = "%{rpm_state_dir}/copy_jdk_configs.lua"
SOURCE2 = "%{_libexecdir}/copy_jdk_configs.lua"
local stat1 = posix.stat(SOURCE1, "type");
local stat2 = posix.stat(SOURCE2, "type");
if (stat1 ~= nil) then
if (debug) then
print(SOURCE1 .." exists - copy-jdk-configs in transaction, using this one.")
package.path = package.path .. ";" .. SOURCE1
if (stat2 ~= nil) then
if (debug) then
print(SOURCE2 .." exists - copy-jdk-configs already installed and NOT in transaction. Using.")
package.path = package.path .. ";" .. SOURCE2
if (debug) then
print(SOURCE1 .." does NOT exists")
print(SOURCE2 .." does NOT exists")
print("No config files will be copied")
-- run content of included file with fake args
arg = {"--currentjvm", "%{uniquesuffix %{nil}}", "--jvmdir", "%{_jvmdir %{nil}}", "--origname", "%{name}", "--origjavaver", "%{javaver}", "--arch", "%{_arch}", "--temp", "%{rpm_state_dir}/%{name}.%{_arch}"}
require "copy_jdk_configs.lua"
%{post_script %{nil}}
%post headless
%{post_headless %{nil}}
%{postun_script %{nil}}
%postun headless
%{postun_headless %{nil}}
%{posttrans_script %{nil}}
%post devel
%{post_devel %{nil}}
%postun devel
%{postun_devel %{nil}}
%posttrans devel
%{posttrans_devel %{nil}}
%post javadoc
%{post_javadoc %{nil}}
%postun javadoc
%{postun_javadoc %{nil}}
%post javadoc-zip
%{post_javadoc_zip %{nil}}
%postun javadoc-zip
%{postun_javadoc_zip %{nil}}
%if %{include_debug_build}
%post slowdebug
%{post_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%post headless-slowdebug
%{post_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%postun slowdebug
%{postun_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%postun headless-slowdebug
%{postun_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%posttrans slowdebug
%{posttrans_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%post devel-slowdebug
%{post_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%postun devel-slowdebug
%{postun_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%posttrans devel-slowdebug
%{posttrans_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%if %{include_normal_build}
# main package builds always
%{files_jre %{nil}}
# placeholder
%if %{include_normal_build}
%files headless
# important note, see for whole issue
# all config/noreplace files (and more) have to be declared in pretrans. See pretrans
%{files_jre_headless %{nil}}
%files devel
%{files_devel %{nil}}
%files jmods
%{files_jmods %{nil}}
%files demo
%{files_demo %{nil}}
%files src
%{files_src %{nil}}
%files javadoc
%{files_javadoc %{nil}}
# this puts huge file to /usr/share
# unluckily ti is really a documentation file
# and unluckily it really is architecture-dependent, as eg. aot and grail are now x86_64 only
# same for debug variant
%files javadoc-zip
%{files_javadoc_zip %{nil}}
%if %{include_debug_build}
%files slowdebug
%{files_jre -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files headless-slowdebug
%{files_jre_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files devel-slowdebug
%{files_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files jmods-slowdebug
%{files_jmods -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files demo-slowdebug
%{files_demo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files src-slowdebug
%{files_src -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
* Thu Apr 25 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Don't produce javadoc/javadoc-zip sub packages for the
debug variant build.
- Don't perform a bootcycle build for the debug variant build.
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Don't generate lib-style requires for -slowdebug subpackages.
- Resolves: RHBZ#1702379
* Tue Apr 23 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Fix requires/provides for the non-system JDK case. JDK 11
isn't a system JDK at this point.
- Resolves: RHBZ#1702324
* Sun Apr 07 2019 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Update to shenandoah-jdk-11.0.3+7 (April 2019 GA)
* Sat Apr 06 2019 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Update to shenandoah-jdk-11.0.3+6 (April 2019 EA)
- Drop JDK-8210416/RH1632174 applied upstream.
- Drop JDK-8210425/RH1632174 applied upstream.
- Drop JDK-8210647/RH1632174 applied upstream.
- Drop JDK-8210761/RH1632174 applied upstream.
- Drop JDK-8210703/RH1632174 applied upstream.
- Add cast to resolve s390 ambiguity in call to log2_intptr
* Thu Mar 21 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Add patch for RH1566890
* Wed Mar 20 2019 Peter Robinson <> 1:
- Drop chkconfig dep, 1.7 shipped in f24
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Add -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes C flags. So as to
fix annocheck warnings for assembler source files.
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Don't package lib/client and lib/client/classes.jsa
which don't exist.
- Resolves: RHBZ#1643469
* Tue Feb 19 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Add explicit requirement for libXcomposite which is used when performing
screenshots from Java.
- Add explicit BR unzip required for building OpenJDK.
* Thu Feb 14 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Add a test verifying system crypto policies can be disabled
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Don't build the test images needlessly.
* Thu Feb 07 2019 Andrew John Hughes <> - 1:
- Add PR3695 to allow the system crypto policy to be turned off.
- Correct original system crypto policy patch to refer to OpenJDK 11 bug (PR3694)
* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 15 2019 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Update to shenandoah-jdk-11.0.2+7 (January 2019 CPU)
- Drop JDK-8211105/RH1628612/RH1630996 applied upstream.
- Drop JDK-8209639/RH1640127 applied upstream.
- Re-generate JDK-8210416/RH1632174 following JDK-8209786
* Fri Jan 11 2019 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Update to shenandoah-jdk-11.0.1+13-20190101
- Update tarball generation script in preparation for PR3681/RH1656677 SunEC changes.
- Use to remove the remaining SunEC code for now.
- Fix PR1983 SunEC patch so that ecc_impl.h is patched rather than added
- Add missing RH1022017 patch to reduce curves reported by SSL to those we support.
- Remove RH1648995; fixed upstream.
* Wed Dec 5 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- for non debug supackages, ghosted all masters and slaves (rhbz1649776)
- for tech-preview packages, if-outed versionless provides. Aligned versions to be %%{epoch}:%%{version}-%%{release} instead of chaotic
- Removed all slowdebug provides (rhbz1655938); for tech-preview packages also removed all internal provides
* Wed Nov 28 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Added %%global _find_debuginfo_opts -g
- Resolves: RHBZ#1520879 (Detailed NMT issue)
* Mon Nov 12 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- fixed tck failures of arraycopy and process exec with shenandoah on
- added patch585 rh1648995-shenandoah_array_copy_broken_by_not_always_copy_forward_for_disjoint_arrays.patch
* Wed Nov 07 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- headless' suggests of cups, replaced by Requires of cups-libs
* Thu Nov 01 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- added Patch584 jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch
* Mon Oct 29 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Use upstream's version of Aarch64 intrinsics disable patch:
- Removed:
- Superceded by:
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Use LTS designator in version output for RHEL.
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Update to October 2018 CPU release, 11.0.1+13.
* Wed Oct 17 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Use --with-vendor-version-string=18.9 so as to show original
GA date for the JDK.
* Fri Sep 28 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Identify as GA version and no longer as early access (EA).
- JDK 11 has been released for GA on 2018-09-25.
* Fri Sep 28 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-9
- Rework changes from 1:11.0.ea.22-6. RHBZ#1632174 supercedes
- Add patch, jdk8210416-rh1632174-compile_fdlibm_with_o2_ffp_contract_off_on_gcc_clang_arches.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of fdlibm library.
- Add patch, jdk8210425-rh1632174-sharedRuntimeTrig_sharedRuntimeTrans_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so
as to optimize compilation of sharedRuntime{Trig,Trans}.cpp
- Add patch, jdk8210647-rh1632174-libsaproc_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of libsaproc (extra c flags won't override
- Add patch, jdk8210761-rh1632174-libjsig_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of libjsig.
- Add patch, jdk8210703-rh1632174-vmStructs_cpp_no_longer_compiled_with_o0, so as to
optimize compilation of vmStructs.cpp (part of
- Reinstate filtering of opt flags coming from redhat-rpm-config.
* Thu Sep 27 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-8
- removed version less provides
- javadocdir moved to arched dir as it is no longer noarch
* Thu Sep 20 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-6
- Add patch, RHBZ-1630996-JDK-8210858-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic-log.patch,
so as to disable log math intrinsic on aarch64. Work-around for
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-5
- Add patch, RHBZ-1628612-JDK-8210461-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic.patch,
so as to disable dsin/dcos math intrinsics on aarch64. Work-around for
* Wed Sep 12 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-6
- Add patch, JDK-8210416-RHBZ-1624122-fdlibm-opt-fix.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of fdlibm library.
- Add patch, JDK-8210425-RHBZ-1624122-sharedRuntimeTrig-opt-fix.patch, so
as to optimize compilation of sharedRuntime{Trig,Trans}.cpp
- Add patch, JDK-8210647-RHBZ-1624122-libsaproc-opt-fix.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of libsaproc (extra c flags won't override
- Add patch, JDK-8210703-RHBZ-1624122-vmStructs-opt-fix.patch, so as to
optimize compilation of vmStructs.cpp (part of
- No longer filter -O flags from C flags coming from
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-4
- link to jhsdb followed its file to ifarch jit_arches ifnarch s390x
* Fri Sep 7 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-3
- Enable ZGC on x86_64.
* Tue Sep 4 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-2
- jfr/*jfc files listed for all arches
- lib/classlist do not exists s390, ifarch-ed via jit_arches out
* Fri Aug 31 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.28-1
- Update to latest upstream build jdk11+28, the first release
* Wed Aug 29 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-8
- Adjust system NSS patch, pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch, so
as to filter -Wl,--as-needed from linker flags. Fixes FTBFS issue.
* Thu Aug 23 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-6
- dissabled accessibility, fixed provides for main package's debug variant
* Mon Jul 30 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-5
- now buildrequires javapackages-filesystem as the issue with macros should be fixed
* Wed Jul 18 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-2
- changed to build by itself instead of by jdk10
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.22-1
- added Recommends gtk3 for main package
- changed BuildRequires from gtk2-devel to gtk3-devel (it can be more likely dropped)
- added Suggests lksctp-tools, pcsc-lite-devel, cups for headless package
- see RHBZ1598152
- added trick to catch hs_err files (sgehwolf)
- updated to shenandaoh-jdk-11+22
* Sat Jul 07 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.20-1
- removed patch6 JDK-8205616-systemLcmsAndJpgFixFor-rev_f0aeede1b855.patch
- improved a bit to serve also for systemtap
- thus deleted
- simplified and cleared
- moved to single source jdk - from shenandoah/jdk11
- bumped to latest jdk11+20
- adapted PR2126 to jdk11+20
- adapted handling of systemtap sources to new style
- (no (misleading) version inside (full version is in name), thus different sed on tapsets and different directory)
- shortened summaries and descriptions to around 80 chars
- Hunspell spell checked
- license fixed to correct jdk11 (sgehwolf)
- more correct handling of internal libraries (sgehwolf)
- added lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat as +20 have added it (JDK-8201815)
- added test for shenandaoh GC presence where expected
- Removed workaround for broken aarch64 slowdebug build
- Removed all defattrs
- Removed no longer necessary cleanup of diz and debuginfo files
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:11.0.ea.19-1
- updated sources to jdk-11+19
- added patch6 systemLcmsAndJpgFixFor-f0aeede1b855.patch to fix regression of system libraries after f0aeede1b855 commit
- adapted pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch to accommodate changes after f0aeede1b855 commit
* Thu Jun 14 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.16-5
- Revert rename: java-11-openjdk => java-openjdk.
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.16-4
- Add aarch64 to aot_arches.
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.16-3
- Rename to package java-11-openjdk.
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.16-2
- Disable Aarch64 slowdebug build (see JDK-8204331).
- s390x doesn't have the SA even though it's a JIT arch.
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:11.0.ea.16-1
- Initial version of JDK 11 ea based on tag jdk-11+16.
- Removed patches no longer needed or upstream:
sorted-diff.patch (see JDK-8198844)
JDK-8201509-s390-atomic_store.patch (never was an issue on 11)
- Updated and renamed patches:
java-openjdk-s390-size_t.patch => JDK-8203030-s390-size_t.patch
- Updated patches for JDK 11:
* Tue Jun 12 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Use proper private_libs expression for filtering requires/provides.
* Fri Jun 08 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Bump release and rebuild for fixed gdb. See RHBZ#1589118.
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- quoted sed expressions, changed possibly confusing # by @
- added vendor(origin) into icons
- removed last trace of relative symlinks
- added BuildRequires of javapackages-tools to fix build failure after Requires change to javapackages-filesystem
* Thu May 17 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Move to javapackages-filesystem for directory ownership.
Resolves RHBZ#1500288
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Add JDK-8193802-npe-jar-getVersionMap.patch so as to fix
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Inject build flags properly. See RHBZ#1571359
- Added patch
since doesn't get linker flags injected properly.
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Removed unneeded patches:
- Added patches for s390 Zero builds:
- Renamed patches for clarity:
aarch64BuildFailure.patch => JDK-8200556-aarch64-slowdebug-crash.patch
systemCryptoPolicyPR3183.patch => pr3183-rh1340845-support_fedora_rhel_system_crypto_policy.patch
bootcycle_jobs.patch => JDK-8201788-bootcycle-images-jobs.patch
system-nss-ec-rh1565658.patch => pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- updated to security update 1
- jexec unlinked from path
- used java-openjdk as boot jdk
- aligned provides/requires
- renamed zip javadoc
* Tue Apr 10 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Enable basic EC ciphers test in %check.
* Tue Apr 10 2018 Severin Gehwolf <> - 1:
- Port Martin Balao's JDK 9 patch for system NSS support to JDK 10.
- Resolves RHBZ#1565658
* Mon Apr 09 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- jexec linked to path
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- subpackage(s) replaced by sub-package(s) and other cosmetic changes
* Tue Apr 03 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- removed accessibility sub-packages
- kept applied patch and properties files
- debug sub-packages renamed to slowdebug
* Fri Feb 23 2018 Jiri Vanek <> - 1:
- initial load