#!/bin/bash -x # this file contains defaults for currently generated source tarballs set -e # TAPSET export PROJECT_NAME="hg" export REPO_NAME="icedtea8" export VERSION="9d464368e06d" export COMPRESSION=xz export OPENJDK_URL=http://icedtea.classpath.org export FILE_NAME_ROOT=${PROJECT_NAME}-${REPO_NAME}-${VERSION} export TO_COMPRESS="*/tapset" # warning, filename and filenameroot creation is duplicated here from generate_source_tarball.sh CLONED_FILENAME=${FILE_NAME_ROOT}.tar.${COMPRESSION} TAPSET_VERSION=3.2 TAPSET=systemtap_"$TAPSET_VERSION"_tapsets_$CLONED_FILENAME if [ ! -f ${TAPSET} ] ; then if [ ! -f ${CLONED_FILENAME} ] ; then echo "Generating ${CLONED_FILENAME}" sh ./generate_source_tarball.sh else echo "exists exists exists exists exists exists exists " echo "reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing " echo ${CLONED_FILENAME} fi mv -v $CLONED_FILENAME $TAPSET else echo "exists exists exists exists exists exists exists " echo "reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing " echo ${TAPSET} fi # OpenJDK from Shenandoah project export PROJECT_NAME="shenandoah" export REPO_NAME="jdk11" # warning, clonning without shenadnaoh prefix, you will clone pure jdk - thus without shenandaoh GC export VERSION="shenandoah-jdk-11.0.3+7" export COMPRESSION=xz # unset tapsets overrides export OPENJDK_URL="" export TO_COMPRESS="" # warning, filename and filenameroot creation is duplicated here from generate_source_tarball.sh export FILE_NAME_ROOT=${PROJECT_NAME}-${REPO_NAME}-${VERSION} FILENAME=${FILE_NAME_ROOT}.tar.${COMPRESSION} if [ ! -f ${FILENAME} ] ; then echo "Generating ${FILENAME}" sh ./generate_source_tarball.sh else echo "exists exists exists exists exists exists exists " echo "reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing reusing " echo ${FILENAME} fi set +e major=`echo $REPO_NAME | sed 's/[a-zA-Z]*//g'` build=`echo $VERSION | sed 's/.*+//g'` name_helper=`echo $FILENAME | sed s/$major/'%{majorver}'/g ` name_helper=`echo $name_helper | sed s/$build/'%{buildver}'/g ` echo "align specfile acordingly:" echo " sed 's/^Source0:.*/Source0: $name_helper/' -i *.spec" echo " sed 's/^Source8:.*/Source8: $TAPSET/' -i *.spec" echo " sed 's/^%global buildver.*/%global buildver $build/' -i *.spec" echo " sed 's/Release:.*/Release: 1%{?dist}/' -i *.spec" echo "and maybe others...." echo "you should fedpkg/rhpkg new-sources $TAPSET $FILENAME" echo "you should fedpkg/rhpkg prep --arch XXXX on all architectures: x86_64 i386 i586 i686 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x aarch64 armv7hl"