- Update to newer SVN
- Drop upstreamed patched - Enable WordPerfect Graphics support - Enable embedded Perl scripting - Enable Imagemagick support - Disable OpenSSL due to licensing issues
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
Name: inkscape
Version: 0.47
Release: 0.2.20080814svn%{?dist}
Release: 0.2.20090105svn%{?dist}
Summary: Vector-based drawing program using SVG
Group: Applications/Productivity
License: GPLv2+
URL: http://inkscape.sourceforge.net/
#Source0: http://download.sourceforge.net/inkscape/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source0: %{name}-0.46+devel.tar.gz
Patch0: inkscape-0.46-cxxinclude.patch
Patch1: inkscape-0.46+devel-desktop.patch
Patch2: inkscape-0.46+devel-icons.patch
Patch5: inkscape-0.46-gtk2.13.3.patch
Patch7: inkscape-0.46+devel-uniconv.patch
Source0: %{name}.tar.gz
Patch0: inkscape-0.46+devel-uniconv.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@ -31,27 +27,30 @@ BuildRequires: pango-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: lcms-devel >= 1.13
BuildRequires: cairo-devel
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
BuildRequires: dos2unix
BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
BuildRequires: python-devel
BuildRequires: poppler-devel
BuildRequires: loudmouth-devel
BuildRequires: boost-devel
BuildRequires: gsl-devel
# Use popt-devel if Fedora 8, RHEL 6, newer or unknown,
# rely on popt otherwise
%if %{!?fedora:8}%{?fedora} < 8 || %{!?rhel:6}%{?rhel} < 6
BuildRequires: popt
BuildRequires: libwpg-devel
BuildRequires: popt-devel
BuildRequires: ImageMagick-c++-devel
BuildRequires: perl(XML::Parser)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::Embed)
# Incompatible license
BuildConflicts: openssl-devel
Requires: dia
Requires: pstoedit
Requires: ghostscript
Requires: perl(Image::Magick)
Requires: tex(latex)
Requires: tex(dvips)
Requires: transfig
Requires: gimp
Requires: numpy
Requires: PyXML
Requires: python-lxml
Requires: uniconvertor
@ -59,43 +58,43 @@ Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils
Inkscape is a vector-based drawing program, like CorelDraw® or Adobe
Illustrator® from the proprietary software world, and Sketch or Karbon14 from
the free software world. It is free software, distributed under the terms of
the Gnu General Public License, Version 2.
Inkscape is a vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to
Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) file format. It is therefore a very useful tool for web
designers and as an interchange format for desktop publishing.
Inkscape uses W3C SVG as its native file format. It is therefore a very useful
tool for web designers and as an interchange format for desktop publishing.
It has a relatively modern display engine, giving you finely antialiased
display, alpha transparencies, vector fonts and so on. Inkscape is written in
C and C++, using the Gtk+ toolkit and optionally some Gnome libraries.
Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha
blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined
interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations,
trace bitmaps and much more.
%setup -q -n %{name}-0.46+devel
%patch0 -p1 -b .cxxinclude
%patch1 -p1 -b .desktop
%patch2 -p1 -b .icons
%patch5 -p1 -b .gtk2.13.3
%patch7 -p1 -b .uniconv
find -type f -regex '.*\.\(cpp\|h\)' -perm +111 -exec chmod -x {} ';'
find share/extensions/ -type f -regex '.*\.py' -perm +111 -exec chmod -x {} ';'
%setup -q -n %{name}
%patch0 -p1 -b .uniconv
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/314381
# A couple of files have executable bits set,
# despite not being executable
(find . \( -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' \) -perm +111
find share/extensions -name '*.py' -perm +111
) |xargs chmod -x
# Fix end of line encodings
dos2unix -k -q share/extensions/*.py
%configure \
--disable-dependency-tracking \
--with-xinerama \
--enable-static=no \
--with-python \
--with-perl \
--with-gnome-vfs \
--with-inkjar \
--enable-inkboard \
--enable-lcms \
%configure \
--with-python \
--with-perl \
--with-gnome-vfs \
--with-xft \
--enable-inkboard \
--enable-lcms \
--enable-poppler-cairo \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
@ -103,15 +102,16 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags}
%find_lang %{name}
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} ';'
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/extensions/outline2svg.*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/extensions/txt2svg.*
desktop-file-install --vendor fedora --delete-original \
--dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
desktop-file-install --vendor fedora --delete-original \
--dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
# No skencil yet
%find_lang %{name}
@ -131,13 +131,21 @@ update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/*
* Tue Jan 06 2009 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 0.47-0.3.20090105svn
- Update to newer SVN
- Drop upstreamed patched
- Enable WordPerfect Graphics support
- Enable embedded Perl scripting
- Enable Imagemagick support
- Disable OpenSSL due to licensing issues
* Thu Aug 14 2008 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 0.47-0.3.20080814svn
- Update to today's SVN snapshot
- Drop the upstreamed poppler patch
Reference in New Issue
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