#!/bin/bash # Autogeneries the quilt `series` from the patch order in the spec file. # We don't use `quilt setup` because it makes a huge mess and doesn't work. component="glibc" rm -f series.new extra_args="--fuzz=0" count=0 # Filter out the patches, and use `_` as our pseudo-IFS to prevent expansion. for i in `grep '^%patch' glibc.spec | sed -e 's,%patch,,g' -e 's, ,_,g'`; do # Split the patch into number and arguments. # 1 - Patch number. # 2-N - Patch arguments. # Get back our elements by undoing pseudo-IFS change. elements=(`echo $i | sed -e 's,_, ,g'`) num=${elements[0]} args=${elements[@]:1} # Find the next patch that applies in order and write it out. # This way we transform the patch # list into a patch file list in order. grep "Patch${num}: " glibc.spec \ | sed -e 's,Patch.*: ,,g' -e "s,\$, ${args[@]} ${extra_args},g" \ | sed -e "s,%{name},${component},g" \ >> series.new ((count++)) done # Double check we processed the correct number of patches. fcount=`wc -l series.new | sed -e 's, .*$,,g'` if [ $fcount -ne $count ]; then echo "Error! Processed patch count doesn't match spec file count ($fcount != $count)." exit 1 fi echo "Processed $count patches." mv series.new series exit 0