Rewrite langpack generation Lua

The existing shell-based approach required super-linear processing
time for the SUPPORTED file.
This commit is contained in:
Florian Weimer 2017-10-06 15:25:50 +02:00
parent 387c3212c7
commit 59c40130ab

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@ -579,36 +579,91 @@ The sources for all locales provided in the language packs.
If you are building custom locales you will most likely use
these sources as the basis for your new locale.
%define lang_package()\
%package langpack-%{1}\
Summary: Locale data for %{1}\
Provides: glibc-langpack = %{version}-%{release}\
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}\
Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}\
%define supplements_list %(cat %{SOURCE11} | grep ^%{1}_ | cut -d / -f 1 | cut -d @ -f 1 | cut -d . -f 1 | sort -u | tr "\\\\n" " " | sed 's/ $//' | sed 's/ / or langpacks-/g' | sed 's/^/ or langpacks-/')\
Supplements: (glibc = %{version}-%{release} and (langpacks-%{1}%{supplements_list}))\
Group: System Environment/Base\
%description langpack-%{1}\
The glibc-langpack-%{1} package includes the basic information required\
to support the %{1} language in your applications.\
%ifnarch %{auxarches}\
%files -f langpack-%{1}.filelist langpack-%{1}\
# language_list will contain a list of all supported language
# names in iso-639 format, i.e. something like "aa af ... yue zh zu"
# We add "eo" (Esperanto) manually because currently glibc has no
# Esperanto locale in SUPPORTED but translations for Esperanto exist.
# Therefore, we want a glibc-langpack-eo sub-package containing these
# translations.
%define language_list eo %(cat %{SOURCE11} | grep -E '^[a-z]+_' | cut -d _ -f 1 | sort -u | tr "\\\\n" " " | sed 's/ $//')
local languages = rpm.expand("%language_list")
string.gsub(languages, "(%a+)",
function(i) print(rpm.expand("%lang_package "..i.."")) end)
-- Array of languages (ISO-639 codes).
local languages = {}
-- Dictionary from language codes (as in the languages array) to arrays
-- of regions.
local supplements = {}
-- Parse the SUPPORTED file. Eliminate duplicates.
local lang_region_seen = {}
for line in io.lines(rpm.expand("%{SOURCE11}")) do
-- Match lines which contain a language (eo) or language/region
-- (en_US) strings.
local lang_region = string.match(line, "^([a-z][^/@.]+)")
if lang_region ~= nil then
if lang_region_seen[lang_region] == nil then
lang_region_seen[lang_region] = true
-- Split language/region pair.
local lang, region = string.match(lang_region, "^(.+)_(.+)")
if lang == nil then
-- Region is missing, use only the language.
lang = lang_region
local suppl = supplements[lang]
if suppl == nil then
suppl = {}
supplements[lang] = suppl
-- New language not seen before.
languages[#languages + 1] = lang
if region ~= nil then
-- New region because of the check against
-- lang_region_seen above.
suppl[#suppl + 1] = region
-- Sort for determinism.
for _, supples in pairs(supplements) do
-- Compute the Supplements: list for a language, based on the regions.
local function compute_supplements(lang)
result = "langpacks-" .. lang
regions = supplements[lang]
if regions ~= nil then
for i = 1, #regions do
result = result .. " or langpacks-" .. lang .. "_" .. regions[i]
return result
-- Emit the definition of a language pack package.
local function lang_package(lang)
local suppl = compute_supplements(lang)
%package langpack-]]..lang..[[
Summary: Locale data for ]]..lang..[[
Provides: glibc-langpack = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}
Supplements: (glibc = %{version}-%{release} and (]]..suppl..[[))
%description langpack-]]..lang..[[
The glibc-langpack-]]..lang..[[ package includes the basic information required
to support the ]]..lang..[[ language in your applications.
%ifnarch %{auxarches}
%files -f langpack-]]..lang..[[.filelist langpack-]]..lang..[[
for i = 1, #languages do
# The glibc-all-langpacks provides the virtual glibc-langpack,