diff --git a/gimp-2.8.22-fix-screenshot-in-wayland.patch b/gimp-2.8.22-fix-screenshot-in-wayland.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f320d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gimp-2.8.22-fix-screenshot-in-wayland.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10202 @@
+diff -urNp old/configure.ac new/configure.ac
+--- old/configure.ac 2017-04-30 23:57:23.000000000 +0200
++++ new/configure.ac 2017-05-09 14:19:03.766596672 +0200
+@@ -1931,11 +1931,9 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SCRIPT_FU, test "x$
+ if test "x$os_win32" = xno; then
+ MAIL='mail$(EXEEXT)'
+- SCREENSHOT='screenshot$(EXEEXT)'
+ fi
+ ####################
+@@ -2352,6 +2350,7 @@ plug-ins/pagecurl/Makefile
+ plug-ins/print/Makefile
+ plug-ins/pygimp/Makefile
+ plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/Makefile
+ plug-ins/script-fu/Makefile
+ plug-ins/script-fu/ftx/Makefile
+ plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/Makefile
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/common/gimprc.common new/plug-ins/common/gimprc.common
+--- old/plug-ins/common/gimprc.common 2017-04-30 23:47:39.000000000 +0200
++++ new/plug-ins/common/gimprc.common 2017-05-09 14:21:00.342004074 +0200
+@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ red_eye_removal_RC = red-eye-removal.rc.
+ ripple_RC = ripple.rc.o
+ rotate_RC = rotate.rc.o
+ sample_colorize_RC = sample-colorize.rc.o
+-screenshot_RC = screenshot.rc.o
+ semi_flatten_RC = semi-flatten.rc.o
+ sharpen_RC = sharpen.rc.o
+ shift_RC = shift.rc.o
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/common/Makefile.am new/plug-ins/common/Makefile.am
+--- old/plug-ins/common/Makefile.am 2017-04-30 23:47:39.000000000 +0200
++++ new/plug-ins/common/Makefile.am 2017-05-09 14:20:48.022066743 +0200
+@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ libexec_PROGRAMS = \
+ ripple \
+ rotate \
+ sample-colorize \
+ semi-flatten \
+ sharpen \
+ shift \
+@@ -211,7 +210,6 @@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = \
+ file-xpm \
+ lcms \
+ mail \
+- screenshot \
+ web-page
+ install-%: %
+@@ -2233,26 +2231,6 @@ sample_colorize_LDADD = \
+ $(sample_colorize_RC)
+-screenshot_CFLAGS = $(XFIXES_CFLAGS)
+-screenshot_SOURCES = \
+- screenshot.c
+-screenshot_LDADD = \
+- $(libgimpui) \
+- $(libgimpwidgets) \
+- $(libgimpmodule) \
+- $(libgimp) \
+- $(libgimpmath) \
+- $(libgimpconfig) \
+- $(libgimpcolor) \
+- $(libgimpbase) \
+- $(GTK_LIBS) \
+- $(RT_LIBS) \
+- $(INTLLIBS) \
+- $(screenshot_RC)
+ semi_flatten_SOURCES = \
+ semi-flatten.c
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/common/plugin-defs.pl new/plug-ins/common/plugin-defs.pl
+--- old/plug-ins/common/plugin-defs.pl 2017-04-30 23:47:39.000000000 +0200
++++ new/plug-ins/common/plugin-defs.pl 2017-05-09 14:21:12.301943169 +0200
+@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@
+ 'ripple' => { ui => 1 },
+ 'rotate' => {},
+ 'sample-colorize' => { ui => 1 },
+- 'screenshot' => { ui => 1, optional => 1, libs => 'SCREENSHOT_LIBS', cflags => 'XFIXES_CFLAGS' },
+ 'semi-flatten' => {},
+ 'sharpen' => { ui => 1 },
+ 'shift' => { ui => 1 },
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/common/screenshot.c new/plug-ins/common/screenshot.c
+--- old/plug-ins/common/screenshot.c 2017-04-30 23:47:39.000000000 +0200
++++ new/plug-ins/common/screenshot.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,1437 +0,0 @@
+-/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
+- * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
+- *
+- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+- * along with this program. If not, see .
+- */
+- * Screenshot plug-in
+- * Copyright 1998-2007 Sven Neumann
+- * Copyright 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen
+- * Copyright 2012 Simone Karin Lehmann - OS X patches
+- *
+- * Any suggestions, bug-reports or patches are very welcome.
+- *
+- */
+-#include "config.h"
+-#include /* for system() on OSX */
+-#if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11)
+-#ifdef HAVE_XFIXES
+-#elif defined(GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32)
+-#include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h"
+-/* GdkPixbuf RGBA C-Source image dump 1-byte-run-length-encoded */
+-#ifdef __SUNPRO_C
+-#pragma align 4 (screenshot_icon)
+-#ifdef __GNUC__
+-static const guint8 screenshot_icon[] __attribute__ ((__aligned__ (4))) =
+-static const guint8 screenshot_icon[] =
+-{ ""
+- /* Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50) */
+- "GdkP"
+- /* length: header (24) + pixel_data (1582) */
+- "\0\0\6F"
+- /* pixdata_type (0x2010002) */
+- "\2\1\0\2"
+- /* rowstride (88) */
+- "\0\0\0X"
+- /* width (22) */
+- "\0\0\0\26"
+- /* height (22) */
+- "\0\0\0\26"
+- /* pixel_data: */
+- "\213\0\0\0\0\1\242\242\242\5\203\242\242\242\31\221\0\0\0\0\2\27\27\26"
+- "D\40\40\40\372\203)))\375\2\32\32\32\362\26\26\25""0\217\0\0\0\0\2\2"
+- "\2\2\322\307\310\307\377\203\377\377\377\377\2\263\263\262\363\0\0\0"
+- "\314\217\0\0\0\0\2\6\6\6\334\206\207\205\377\202\252\253\251\377\3\252"
+- "\252\251\377ghe\376\1\1\1\320\217\0\0\0\0\2\11\11\11\346./-\345\202G"
+- "HE\25\3JKH\32""01/\364\5\5\5\333\212\0\0\0\0\17\26\26\25\31\26\26\25"
+- "0\26\26\25g\0\0\0\314+,+\331LMK\375EFD\362ffe\347iig\346lmk\346RSQ\362"
+- "\13\13\13\360\0\0\0\314\2\2\2\321\26\26\25V\203\0\0\0\0#\26\26\25\31"
+- "\26\26\25""0\26\26\25n\3\3\3\331\2\2\2\332JJI\355\215\215\215\372\246"
+- "\246\246\347\267\270\266\362\177\202~\377BC\77\377TUR\377\\]Y\377gid"
+- "\377[]X\377\204\206\204\374wxw\276\224\225\224\314LLK\343\26\26\25D\0"
+- "\0\0\0\26\26\25D\3\3\3\341\17\17\17\373ghg\377\237\240\236\377\273\274"
+- "\272\377\302\303\300\377\272\273\270\377\200\201\177\377zzz\377tws\377"
+- "\220\223\217\377\221\225\221\377\224\227\223\377\202\226\232\226\377"
+- "K\177\202}\377xyu\377\217\221\215\377\226\227\226\365\0\0\0\371\0\0\0"
+- "\0\2\2\2\330\257\261\257\377\275\276\273\377\262\263\260\377UWT\377Q"
+- "SP\377suq\377]^[\377\304\304\304\377\303\303\303\377kmi\377MNJ\377WZ"
+- "X\377[`_\377aeb\377gid\377}\200{\377SUQ\377FGE\377\200\201\200\377\12"
+- "\12\12\357\0\0\0\0\4\4\4\345xyv\377\241\242\236\377\210\212\205\377v"
+- "xt\377\220\222\217\377GIF\377+,)\377```\377jji\377UXV\377y\204\210\377"
+- "\203\215\220\377~\204\207\377flo\377PW\\\377SWU\377JLI\377452\377tut"
+- "\377\12\12\12\357\0\0\0\0\4\4\4\344opm\377\221\223\217\377}\177{\377"
+- "\215\217\213\377`b_\377()'\377*+)\377785\377VXV\377u~\202\377nsu\377"
+- "VYZ\377OST\377OQS\377JOP\377^cd\377698\377!\"!\377llk\377\12\12\12\357"
+- "\0\0\0\0\3\3\3\345npl\377\220\221\216\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37"
+- "\377*+)\3779:7\377^ce\377NRT\377UXY\377(,.\377\22\24\25\377!$&\377IL"
+- "M\3778=\77\377RVX\377''&\377klk\377\12\12\12\357\0\0\0\1\3\3\3\345no"
+- "l\377\220\221\216\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\3778:8\377T"
+- "XY\377289\377\23\25\26\377\16\16\16\377\1\1\1\377\2\2\2\377\24\25\25"
+- "\377.34\377289\377011\377aa`\377\11\11\11\360\0\0\0\3\3\3\3\345nol\377"
+- "\204\205\202\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\377\77BA\37728:\377"
+- "\34\40!\377\31\32\32\377\377\377\377\377hhh\377\40\40\40\377\22\22\22"
+- "\377.00\377.46\377:>\77\377`a`\377\11\11\10\361\0\0\0\7\3\3\3\345mok"
+- "\377z{x\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\377HJI\377.46\377\25\27"
+- "\30\377\40\40\40\377hhh\377\232\232\232\377}}}\377'''\3779;;\377/57\377"
+- "599\377``_\377\11\11\10\362\0\0\0\15\3\3\3\345lnk\377rsp\377\202UWS\377"
+- "\24GIF\377\40!\37\377,-*\377>@>\377.46\377\35\37\40\377\1\1\1\377888"
+- "\377\214\214\214\377\213\213\213\377AAA\377JKK\377/57\3776:;\377WXV\377"
+- "\6\6\6\364\0\0\0\21\0\0\0\371\201\202\177\377mok\377\202UWS\377iGIF\377"
+- "MNM\377RRR\372ghg\364[`b\377+/0\377\17\17\17\377\"\"\"\377'''\377HHH"
+- "\377\263\263\263\377SUU\377W\\^\377CFF\374<<<\376\20\20\17\317\0\0\0"
+- "\20\24\24\23]\4\4\4\353\177\177~\375|}z\373}~|\374hih\3769:9\371\0\0"
+- "\0\347\0\0\0\351\7\7\7\367.46\377256\377\40\40\40\377(((\377:::\377`"
+- "ab\3779>\77\377\11\13\13\376\0\0\0\353\0\0\0\300\14\14\13H\0\0\0\15\0"
+- "\0\0\4\23\23\22L\0\0\0\332\0\0\0\341\0\0\0\346\0\0\0\341\14\14\13{\0"
+- "\0\0V\0\0\0a\0\0\0l\10\11\11\371\\^_\377LOP\377ILL\377LOQ\377QUV\377"
+- "\16\17\17\377\34\37\40\244\0\0\0`\0\0\0""4\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\1\0"
+- "\0\0\3\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\21\0\0\0\34\0\0\0'\0\0\0""0\0\0\0""6\0\0\0=\0\0"
+- "\0A\0\0\0F\4\5\5\355\12\13\13\371\17\20\20\376\15\16\16\375\10\10\11"
+- "\365\7\10\11j\0\0\0G\0\0\0-\0\0\0\30\0\0\0\13\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1"
+- "\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\16\0\0\0\23\0\0\0\31\0\0\0\35\0\0\0!"
+- "\0\0\0#\0\0\0$\0\0\0%\0\0\0$\0\0\0&\0\0\0%\0\0\0\36\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\20"
+- "\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\1\204\0\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0"
+- "\5\0\0\0\6\202\0\0\0\10\11\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\7"
+- "\0\0\0\6\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\1\202\0\0\0\0"
+-/* Defines */
+-#define PLUG_IN_PROC "plug-in-screenshot"
+-#define PLUG_IN_BINARY "screenshot"
+-#define PLUG_IN_ROLE "gimp-screenshot"
+-#ifdef __GNUC__
+-#warning window_id does not fit in PDB_INT32
+-typedef enum
+-} ShootType;
+-typedef struct
+- ShootType shoot_type;
+- gboolean decorate;
+- guint window_id;
+- guint select_delay;
+- gint x1;
+- gint y1;
+- gint x2;
+- gint y2;
+- gboolean show_cursor;
+-} ScreenshotValues;
+-static ScreenshotValues shootvals =
+- SHOOT_WINDOW, /* root window */
+- TRUE, /* include WM decorations */
+- 0, /* window ID */
+- 0, /* select delay */
+- 0, /* coords of region dragged out by pointer */
+- 0,
+- 0,
+- 0,
+-static void query (void);
+-static void run (const gchar *name,
+- gint nparams,
+- const GimpParam *param,
+- gint *nreturn_vals,
+- GimpParam **return_vals);
+-static guint32 select_window (GdkScreen *screen);
+-static gint32 create_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
+- cairo_region_t *shape,
+- const gchar *name);
+-static gint32 shoot (GdkScreen *screen);
+-static gint32 shoot_main (GdkScreen *screen);
+-static gint32 shoot_osx (GdkScreen *screen);
+-static gboolean shoot_dialog (GdkScreen **screen);
+-static void shoot_delay (gint32 delay);
+-static gboolean shoot_delay_callback (gpointer data);
+-static gboolean shoot_quit_timeout (gpointer data);
+-/* Global Variables */
+-const GimpPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO =
+- NULL, /* init_proc */
+- NULL, /* quit_proc */
+- query, /* query_proc */
+- run /* run_proc */
+-/* Functions */
+-MAIN ()
+-static void
+-query (void)
+- static const GimpParamDef args[] =
+- {
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "run-mode", "The run mode { RUN-INTERACTIVE (0), RUN-NONINTERACTIVE (1) }" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "root", "Root window { TRUE, FALSE }" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "window-id", "Window id" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "x1", "(optional) Region left x coord" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "y1", "(optional) Region top y coord" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "x2", "(optional) Region right x coord" },
+- { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "y2", "(optional) Region bottom y coord" }
+- };
+- static const GimpParamDef return_vals[] =
+- {
+- { GIMP_PDB_IMAGE, "image", "Output image" }
+- };
+- gimp_install_procedure (PLUG_IN_PROC,
+- N_("Create an image from an area of the screen"),
+- "The plug-in allows to take screenshots of an "
+- "interactively selected window or of the desktop, "
+- "either the whole desktop or an interactively "
+- "selected region. When called non-interactively, it "
+- "may grab the root window or use the window-id "
+- "passed as a parameter. The last four parameters "
+- "are optional and can be used to specify the corners "
+- "of the region to be grabbed."
+- "On Mac OS X, when called non-interactively, the plugin"
+- "only can take screenshots of the entire root window."
+- "Grabbing a window or a region is not supported"
+- "non-interactively. To grab a region or a paticular"
+- "window, you need to use the interactive mode."
+- ,
+- "Sven Neumann , "
+- "Henrik Brix Andersen ,"
+- "Simone Karin Lehmann",
+- "1998 - 2008",
+- "v1.1 (2008/04)",
+- N_("_Screenshot..."),
+- NULL,
+- G_N_ELEMENTS (args),
+- G_N_ELEMENTS (return_vals),
+- args, return_vals);
+- gimp_plugin_menu_register (PLUG_IN_PROC, "/File/Create/Acquire");
+- gimp_plugin_icon_register (PLUG_IN_PROC, GIMP_ICON_TYPE_INLINE_PIXBUF,
+- screenshot_icon);
+-static void
+-run (const gchar *name,
+- gint nparams,
+- const GimpParam *param,
+- gint *nreturn_vals,
+- GimpParam **return_vals)
+- GimpRunMode run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32;
+- GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS;
+- GdkScreen *screen = NULL;
+- gint32 image_ID;
+- static GimpParam values[2];
+- /* initialize the return of the status */
+- values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS;
+- values[0].data.d_status = status;
+- *nreturn_vals = 1;
+- *return_vals = values;
+- INIT_I18N ();
+- /* how are we running today? */
+- switch (run_mode)
+- {
+- /* Possibly retrieve data from a previous run */
+- gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals);
+- shootvals.window_id = 0;
+- /* Get information from the dialog */
+- if (! shoot_dialog (&screen))
+- status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL;
+- break;
+- if (nparams == 3)
+- {
+- gboolean do_root = param[1].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.shoot_type = do_root ? SHOOT_ROOT : SHOOT_WINDOW;
+- shootvals.window_id = param[2].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.select_delay = 0;
+- }
+- else if (nparams == 7)
+- {
+- shootvals.shoot_type = SHOOT_REGION;
+- shootvals.window_id = param[2].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.select_delay = 0;
+- shootvals.x1 = param[3].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.y1 = param[4].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.x2 = param[5].data.d_int32;
+- shootvals.y2 = param[6].data.d_int32;
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- }
+- if (! gdk_init_check (NULL, NULL))
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW ||
+- shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
+- break;
+- /* Possibly retrieve data from a previous run */
+- gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals);
+- break;
+- default:
+- break;
+- }
+-#ifndef PLATFORM_OSX
+- if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS)
+- {
+- if (shootvals.select_delay > 0)
+- shoot_delay (shootvals.select_delay);
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type != SHOOT_ROOT && ! shootvals.window_id)
+- {
+- shootvals.window_id = select_window (screen);
+- if (! shootvals.window_id)
+- status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL;
+- }
+- }
+- if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS)
+- {
+- image_ID = shoot (screen);
+- if (image_ID == -1)
+- }
+- if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS)
+- {
+- if (run_mode == GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE)
+- {
+- /* Store variable states for next run */
+- gimp_set_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals, sizeof (ScreenshotValues));
+- gimp_display_new (image_ID);
+- }
+- /* set return values */
+- *nreturn_vals = 2;
+- values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE;
+- values[1].data.d_image = image_ID;
+- }
+- values[0].data.d_status = status;
+-/* Allow the user to select a window or a region with the mouse */
+-#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
+-static guint32
+-select_window_x11 (GdkScreen *screen)
+- Display *x_dpy = GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen);
+- gint x_scr = GDK_SCREEN_XNUMBER (screen);
+- Window x_root = RootWindow (x_dpy, x_scr);
+- Window x_win = None;
+- GC x_gc = NULL;
+- Cursor x_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (x_dpy, GDK_CROSSHAIR);
+- GdkKeymap *keymap;
+- GdkKeymapKey *keys = NULL;
+- gint status;
+- gint i, num_keys;
+- gint buttons = 0;
+- gint mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
+- gboolean cancel = FALSE;
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
+- mask |= PointerMotionMask;
+- status = XGrabPointer (x_dpy, x_root, False,
+- mask, GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync,
+- x_root, x_cursor, CurrentTime);
+- if (status != GrabSuccess)
+- {
+- gint x, y;
+- guint xmask;
+- /* if we can't grab the pointer, return the window under the pointer */
+- XQueryPointer (x_dpy, x_root, &x_root, &x_win, &x, &y, &x, &y, &xmask);
+- if (x_win == None || x_win == x_root)
+- g_message (_("Error selecting the window"));
+- }
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
+- {
+- XGCValues gc_values;
+- gc_values.function = GXxor;
+- gc_values.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
+- gc_values.foreground = WhitePixel (x_dpy, x_scr);
+- gc_values.background = BlackPixel (x_dpy, x_scr);
+- gc_values.line_width = 0;
+- gc_values.line_style = LineSolid;
+- gc_values.fill_style = FillSolid;
+- gc_values.cap_style = CapButt;
+- gc_values.join_style = JoinMiter;
+- gc_values.graphics_exposures = FALSE;
+- gc_values.clip_x_origin = 0;
+- gc_values.clip_y_origin = 0;
+- gc_values.clip_mask = None;
+- gc_values.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
+- x_gc = XCreateGC (x_dpy, x_root,
+- GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCLineWidth |
+- GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle |
+- GCGraphicsExposures | GCBackground | GCFillStyle |
+- GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask |
+- GCSubwindowMode,
+- &gc_values);
+- }
+- keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gdk_screen_get_display (screen));
+- if (gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval (keymap, GDK_KEY_Escape,
+- &keys, &num_keys))
+- {
+- gdk_error_trap_push ();
+-#define X_GRAB_KEY(index, modifiers) \
+- XGrabKey (x_dpy, keys[index].keycode, modifiers, x_root, False, \
+- GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync)
+- for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++)
+- {
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, 0);
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask); /* CapsLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask); /* NumLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod5Mask); /* ScrollLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask); /* CapsLock + NumLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod5Mask); /* CapsLock + ScrollLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* NumLock + ScrollLock */
+- X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* all */
+- }
+-#undef X_GRAB_KEY
+- gdk_flush ();
+- if (gdk_error_trap_pop ())
+- {
+- /* ignore errors */
+- }
+- }
+- while (! cancel && ((x_win == None) || (buttons != 0)))
+- {
+- XEvent x_event;
+- gint x, y, w, h;
+- XAllowEvents (x_dpy, SyncPointer, CurrentTime);
+- XWindowEvent (x_dpy, x_root, mask | KeyPressMask, &x_event);
+- switch (x_event.type)
+- {
+- case ButtonPress:
+- if (x_win == None)
+- {
+- x_win = x_event.xbutton.subwindow;
+- if (x_win == None)
+- x_win = x_root;
+- else if (! shootvals.decorate)
+- x_win = XmuClientWindow (x_dpy, x_win);
+- shootvals.x2 = shootvals.x1 = x_event.xbutton.x_root;
+- shootvals.y2 = shootvals.y1 = x_event.xbutton.y_root;
+- }
+- buttons++;
+- break;
+- case ButtonRelease:
+- if (buttons > 0)
+- buttons--;
+- if (! buttons && shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
+- {
+- x = MIN (shootvals.x1, shootvals.x2);
+- y = MIN (shootvals.y1, shootvals.y2);
+- w = ABS (shootvals.x2 - shootvals.x1);
+- h = ABS (shootvals.y2 - shootvals.y1);
+- if (w > 0 && h > 0)
+- XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
+- shootvals.x2 = x_event.xbutton.x_root;
+- shootvals.y2 = x_event.xbutton.y_root;
+- }
+- break;
+- case MotionNotify:
+- if (buttons > 0)
+- {
+- x = MIN (shootvals.x1, shootvals.x2);
+- y = MIN (shootvals.y1, shootvals.y2);
+- w = ABS (shootvals.x2 - shootvals.x1);
+- h = ABS (shootvals.y2 - shootvals.y1);
+- if (w > 0 && h > 0)
+- XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
+- shootvals.x2 = x_event.xmotion.x_root;
+- shootvals.y2 = x_event.xmotion.y_root;
+- x = MIN (shootvals.x1, shootvals.x2);
+- y = MIN (shootvals.y1, shootvals.y2);
+- w = ABS (shootvals.x2 - shootvals.x1);
+- h = ABS (shootvals.y2 - shootvals.y1);
+- if (w > 0 && h > 0)
+- XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
+- }
+- break;
+- case KeyPress:
+- {
+- guint *keyvals;
+- gint n;
+- if (gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keycode (NULL, x_event.xkey.keycode,
+- NULL, &keyvals, &n))
+- {
+- gint i;
+- for (i = 0; i < n && ! cancel; i++)
+- if (keyvals[i] == GDK_KEY_Escape)
+- cancel = TRUE;
+- g_free (keyvals);
+- }
+- }
+- break;
+- default:
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- if (keys)
+- {
+-#define X_UNGRAB_KEY(index, modifiers) \
+- XUngrabKey (x_dpy, keys[index].keycode, modifiers, x_root)
+- for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++)
+- {
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, 0);
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask); /* CapsLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask); /* NumLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod5Mask); /* ScrollLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask); /* CapsLock + NumLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod5Mask); /* CapsLock + ScrollLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* NumLock + ScrollLock */
+- X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* all */
+- }
+-#undef X_UNGRAB_KEY
+- g_free (keys);
+- }
+- if (status == GrabSuccess)
+- XUngrabPointer (x_dpy, CurrentTime);
+- XFreeCursor (x_dpy, x_cursor);
+- if (x_gc != NULL)
+- XFreeGC (x_dpy, x_gc);
+- return x_win;
+-static guint32
+-select_window_win32 (GdkScreen *screen)
+- /* MS Windows specific code goes here (yet to be written) */
+- /* basically the code should grab the pointer using a crosshair
+- * cursor, allow the user to click on a window and return the
+- * obtained HWND (as a GdkNativeWindow) - for more details consult
+- * the X11 specific code above
+- */
+- /* note to self: take a look at the winsnap plug-in for example code */
+-#ifdef __GNUC__
+-#warning Win32 screenshot window chooser not implemented yet
+-#pragma message("Win32 screenshot window chooser not implemented yet")
+- return 0;
+-static guint32
+-select_window (GdkScreen *screen)
+-#if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11)
+- return select_window_x11 (screen);
+-#elif defined(GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32)
+- return select_window_win32 (screen);
+-#warning screenshot window chooser not implemented yet for this GDK backend
+- return 0;
+-static gchar *
+-window_get_utf8_property (GdkDisplay *display,
+- guint32 window,
+- const gchar *name)
+- gchar *retval = NULL;
+-#if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11)
+- Atom utf8_string;
+- Atom type = None;
+- guchar *val = NULL;
+- gulong nitems = 0;
+- gulong after = 0;
+- gint format = 0;
+- utf8_string = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "UTF8_STRING");
+- XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), window,
+- gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, name),
+- 0, G_MAXLONG, False, utf8_string,
+- &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &val);
+- if (type != utf8_string || format != 8 || nitems == 0)
+- {
+- if (val)
+- XFree (val);
+- return NULL;
+- }
+- if (g_utf8_validate ((const gchar *) val, nitems, NULL))
+- retval = g_strndup ((const gchar *) val, nitems);
+- XFree (val);
+- return retval;
+-static gchar *
+-window_get_title (GdkDisplay *display,
+- guint window)
+-#if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11)
+- window = XmuClientWindow (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), window);
+- return window_get_utf8_property (display, window, "_NET_WM_NAME");
+- return NULL;
+-static cairo_region_t *
+-window_get_shape (GdkScreen *screen,
+- guint32 window)
+- cairo_region_t *shape = NULL;
+-#if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11) && defined(HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_SHAPE_H)
+- XRectangle *rects;
+- gint rect_count;
+- gint rect_order;
+- rects = XShapeGetRectangles (GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen), window,
+- ShapeBounding,
+- &rect_count, &rect_order);
+- if (rects)
+- {
+- if (rect_count > 1)
+- {
+- gint i;
+- shape = cairo_region_create ();
+- for (i = 0; i < rect_count; i++)
+- {
+- cairo_rectangle_int_t rect = { rects[i].x,
+- rects[i].y,
+- rects[i].width,
+- rects[i].height };
+- cairo_region_union_rectangle (shape, &rect);
+- }
+- }
+- XFree (rects);
+- }
+- return shape;
+-static void
+-image_select_shape (gint32 image,
+- cairo_region_t *shape)
+- gint num_rects;
+- gint i;
+- gimp_selection_none (image);
+- num_rects = cairo_region_num_rectangles (shape);
+- for (i = 0; i < num_rects; i++)
+- {
+- cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
+- cairo_region_get_rectangle (shape, i, &rect);
+- gimp_image_select_rectangle (image, GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_ADD,
+- rect.x, rect.y,
+- rect.width, rect.height);
+- }
+- gimp_selection_invert (image);
+-/* Create a GimpImage from a GdkPixbuf */
+-static gint32
+-create_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
+- cairo_region_t *shape,
+- const gchar *name)
+- gint32 image;
+- gint32 layer;
+- gdouble xres, yres;
+- gchar *comment;
+- gint width, height;
+- gimp_progress_init (_("Importing screenshot"));
+- width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface);
+- height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
+- image = gimp_image_new (width, height, GIMP_RGB);
+- gimp_image_undo_disable (image);
+- gimp_get_monitor_resolution (&xres, &yres);
+- gimp_image_set_resolution (image, xres, yres);
+- comment = gimp_get_default_comment ();
+- if (comment)
+- {
+- GimpParasite *parasite;
+- parasite = gimp_parasite_new ("gimp-comment", GIMP_PARASITE_PERSISTENT,
+- strlen (comment) + 1, comment);
+- gimp_image_attach_parasite (image, parasite);
+- gimp_parasite_free (parasite);
+- g_free (comment);
+- }
+- layer = gimp_layer_new_from_surface (image,
+- name ? name : _("Screenshot"),
+- surface,
+- 0.0, 1.0);
+- gimp_image_insert_layer (image, layer, -1, 0);
+- if (shape && ! cairo_region_is_empty (shape))
+- {
+- image_select_shape (image, shape);
+- if (! gimp_selection_is_empty (image))
+- {
+- gimp_layer_add_alpha (layer);
+- gimp_edit_clear (layer);
+- gimp_selection_none (image);
+- }
+- }
+- gimp_image_undo_enable (image);
+- return image;
+-static void
+-add_cursor_image (gint32 image,
+- GdkDisplay *display)
+-#ifdef HAVE_XFIXES
+- XFixesCursorImage *cursor;
+- GimpDrawable *drawable;
+- GimpPixelRgn rgn;
+- gpointer pr;
+- gint32 layer;
+- gint32 active;
+- cursor = XFixesGetCursorImage (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display));
+- if (!cursor)
+- return;
+- active = gimp_image_get_active_layer (image);
+- layer = gimp_layer_new (image, _("Mouse Pointer"),
+- cursor->width, cursor->height,
+- drawable = gimp_drawable_get (layer);
+- gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&rgn, drawable,
+- 0, 0, drawable->width, drawable->height, TRUE, FALSE);
+- for (pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_register (1, &rgn);
+- pr != NULL;
+- pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_process (pr))
+- {
+- const gulong *src = cursor->pixels + rgn.y * cursor->width + rgn.x;
+- guchar *dest = rgn.data;
+- gint x, y;
+- for (y = 0; y < rgn.h; y++)
+- {
+- const gulong *s = src;
+- guchar *d = dest;
+- for (x = 0; x < rgn.w; x++)
+- {
+- /* the cursor pixels are pre-multiplied ARGB */
+- guint a = (*s >> 24) & 0xff;
+- guint r = (*s >> 16) & 0xff;
+- guint g = (*s >> 8) & 0xff;
+- guint b = (*s >> 0) & 0xff;
+- d[0] = a ? (r * 255) / a : r;
+- d[1] = a ? (g * 255) / a : g;
+- d[2] = a ? (b * 255) / a : b;
+- d[3] = a;
+- s++;
+- d += 4;
+- }
+- src += cursor->width;
+- dest += rgn.rowstride;
+- }
+- }
+- gimp_drawable_detach (drawable);
+- gimp_image_insert_layer (image, layer, -1, -1);
+- gimp_layer_set_offsets (layer,
+- cursor->x - cursor->xhot, cursor->y - cursor->yhot);
+- gimp_image_set_active_layer (image, active);
+-static GdkWindow *
+-get_foreign_window (GdkDisplay *display,
+- guint32 window)
+-#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
+- return gdk_x11_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, window);
+- return gdk_win32_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, window);
+- return NULL;
+-/* The main Screenshot function */
+-static gint32
+-shoot (GdkScreen *screen)
+- /* on Mac OS X, either with X11 (which is a rootless X server) or
+- * as a native quartz build, we have to implement it differently,
+- * without using X and just use the standard OS X screenshot
+- * utility.
+- */
+- return shoot_osx (screen);
+- return shoot_main (screen);
+-static gint32
+-shoot_main (GdkScreen *screen)
+- GdkDisplay *display;
+- GdkWindow *window;
+- cairo_surface_t *screenshot;
+- cairo_region_t *shape = NULL;
+- cairo_t *cr;
+- GdkRectangle rect;
+- GdkRectangle screen_rect;
+- gchar *name = NULL;
+- gint32 image;
+- gint screen_x;
+- gint screen_y;
+- gint x, y;
+- /* use default screen if we are running non-interactively */
+- if (screen == NULL)
+- screen = gdk_screen_get_default ();
+- display = gdk_screen_get_display (screen);
+- screen_rect.x = 0;
+- screen_rect.y = 0;
+- screen_rect.width = gdk_screen_get_width (screen);
+- screen_rect.height = gdk_screen_get_height (screen);
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
+- {
+- rect.x = MIN (shootvals.x1, shootvals.x2);
+- rect.y = MIN (shootvals.y1, shootvals.y2);
+- rect.width = ABS (shootvals.x2 - shootvals.x1);
+- rect.height = ABS (shootvals.y2 - shootvals.y1);
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT)
+- {
+- window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- window = get_foreign_window (display, shootvals.window_id);
+- }
+- if (! window)
+- {
+- g_message (_("Specified window not found"));
+- return -1;
+- }
+- rect.width = gdk_window_get_width (window);
+- rect.height = gdk_window_get_height (window);
+- gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x, &y);
+- rect.x = x;
+- rect.y = y;
+- }
+- if (! gdk_rectangle_intersect (&rect, &screen_rect, &rect))
+- return -1;
+- window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
+- gdk_window_get_origin (window, &screen_x, &screen_y);
+- screenshot = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
+- rect.width, rect.height);
+- cr = cairo_create (screenshot);
+- gdk_cairo_set_source_window (cr, window,
+- - (rect.x - screen_x),
+- - (rect.y - screen_y));
+- cairo_paint (cr);
+- cairo_destroy (cr);
+- gdk_display_beep (display);
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW)
+- {
+- name = window_get_title (display, shootvals.window_id);
+- shape = window_get_shape (screen, shootvals.window_id);
+- if (shape)
+- cairo_region_translate (shape, x - rect.x, y - rect.y);
+- }
+- image = create_image (screenshot, shape, name);
+- cairo_surface_destroy (screenshot);
+- if (shape)
+- cairo_region_destroy (shape);
+- g_free (name);
+- /* FIXME: Some time might have passed until we get here.
+- * The cursor image should be grabbed together with the screenshot.
+- */
+- if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT && shootvals.show_cursor)
+- add_cursor_image (image, display);
+- return image;
+- * Mac OS X uses a rootless X server. This won't let us use
+- * gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable() and similar function on the root
+- * window to get the entire screen contents. With a nytive OS X build
+- * we have to do this without X as well.
+- *
+- * Since Mac OS X 10.2 a system utility for screencapturing is
+- * included. We can safely use this, since it's available on every OS
+- * X version GIMP is running on.
+- *
+- * The main drawbacks are that it's not possible to shoot windows or
+- * regions in scripts in noninteractive mode, and that windows always
+- * include decorations, since decorations are different between X11
+- * windows and native OS X app windows. But we can use this switch
+- * to capture the shadow of a window, which is indeed very Mac-ish.
+- *
+- * This routines works well with X11 and as a navtive build
+- */
+-static gint32
+-shoot_osx (GdkScreen *screen)
+- gint32 image;
+- gchar *mode = " ";
+- gchar *delay = NULL;
+- gchar *cursor = " ";
+- gchar *command = NULL;
+- switch (shootvals.shoot_type)
+- {
+- mode = "-is";
+- break;
+- mode = "-iwo";
+- if (shootvals.decorate)
+- mode = "-iw";
+- break;
+- case SHOOT_ROOT:
+- mode = " ";
+- break;
+- default:
+- break;
+- }
+- delay = g_strdup_printf ("-T %i", shootvals.select_delay);
+- if (shootvals.show_cursor)
+- cursor = "-C";
+- command = g_strjoin (" ",
+- "/usr/sbin/screencapture",
+- mode,
+- cursor,
+- delay,
+- "/tmp/screenshot.png",
+- NULL);
+- system ((const char *) command);
+- g_free (command);
+- g_free (delay);
+- image = gimp_file_load (GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,
+- "/tmp/screenshot.png", "/tmp/screenshot.png");
+- gimp_image_set_filename (image, "screenshot.png");
+- return image;
+-#endif /* PLATFORM_OSX */
+-/* Screenshot dialog */
+-static void
+-shoot_dialog_add_hint (GtkNotebook *notebook,
+- ShootType type,
+- const gchar *hint)
+- GtkWidget *label;
+- label = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_LABEL,
+- "label", hint,
+- "wrap", TRUE,
+- "justify", GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT,
+- "xalign", 0.0,
+- "yalign", 0.0,
+- NULL);
+- gimp_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label),
+- -1);
+- gtk_notebook_insert_page (notebook, label, NULL, type);
+- gtk_widget_show (label);
+-static void
+-shoot_radio_button_toggled (GtkWidget *widget,
+- GtkWidget *notebook)
+- gimp_radio_button_update (widget, &shootvals.shoot_type);
+- gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), shootvals.shoot_type);
+-static gboolean
+-shoot_dialog (GdkScreen **screen)
+- GtkWidget *dialog;
+- GtkWidget *main_vbox;
+- GtkWidget *notebook;
+- GtkWidget *frame;
+- GtkWidget *vbox;
+- GtkWidget *hbox;
+- GtkWidget *label;
+- GtkWidget *button;
+-#if (defined (HAVE_XFIXES) || defined (HAVE_X11_XMU_WINUTIL_H) || defined (PLATFORM_OSX))
+- GtkWidget *toggle;
+- GtkWidget *spinner;
+- GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+- GSList *radio_group = NULL;
+- GtkObject *adj;
+- gboolean run;
+- gimp_ui_init (PLUG_IN_BINARY, FALSE);
+- dialog = gimp_dialog_new (_("Screenshot"), PLUG_IN_ROLE,
+- NULL, 0,
+- gimp_standard_help_func, PLUG_IN_PROC,
+- NULL);
+- button = gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
+- _("S_nap"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+- gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
+- -1);
+- pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, screenshot_icon, FALSE, NULL);
+- if (pixbuf)
+- {
+- gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (button),
+- gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (pixbuf));
+- g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+- }
+- main_vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12);
+- gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (main_vbox), 12);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))),
+- main_vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (main_vbox);
+- /* Hints */
+- notebook = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NOTEBOOK,
+- "show-border", FALSE,
+- "show-tabs", FALSE,
+- NULL);
+- gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), notebook, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (notebook);
+- shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_ROOT,
+- _("After the delay, the screenshot is taken."));
+- shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_REGION,
+- _("After the delay, drag your mouse to select "
+- "the region for the screenshot."));
+- shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_WINDOW,
+- _("At the end of the delay, click in a window "
+- "to snap it."));
+- gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), shootvals.shoot_type);
+- /* Area */
+- frame = gimp_frame_new (_("Area"));
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (frame);
+- vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
+- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox);
+- gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+- /* single window */
+- button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
+- _("Take a screenshot of "
+- "a single _window"));
+- radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (button);
+- g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
+- g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
+- G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
+- notebook);
+-#if (defined (HAVE_X11_XMU_WINUTIL_H) || defined (PLATFORM_OSX))
+- /* window decorations */
+- hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+- toggle = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Include window _decoration"));
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), shootvals.decorate);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 24);
+- gtk_widget_show (toggle);
+- g_signal_connect (toggle, "toggled",
+- G_CALLBACK (gimp_toggle_button_update),
+- &shootvals.decorate);
+- g_object_bind_property (button, "active",
+- toggle, "sensitive",
+-#endif /* HAVE_X11_XMU_WINUTIL_H */
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
+- shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW);
+- /* whole screen */
+- button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
+- _("Take a screenshot of "
+- "the entire _screen"));
+- radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (button);
+- g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
+- g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
+- G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
+- notebook);
+-#if (defined (HAVE_XFIXES) || defined (PLATFORM_OSX))
+- /* mouse pointer */
+- hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+- toggle = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Include _mouse pointer"));
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle),
+- shootvals.show_cursor);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 24);
+- gtk_widget_show (toggle);
+- g_signal_connect (toggle, "toggled",
+- G_CALLBACK (gimp_toggle_button_update),
+- &shootvals.show_cursor);
+- g_object_bind_property (button, "active",
+- toggle, "sensitive",
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
+- shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT);
+- /* dragged region */
+- button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
+- _("Select a _region to grab"));
+- radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
+- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
+- shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (button);
+- g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
+- g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
+- G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
+- notebook);
+- /* Delay */
+- frame = gimp_frame_new (_("Delay"));
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (frame);
+- vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
+- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox);
+- gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+- hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+- spinner = gimp_spin_button_new (&adj, shootvals.select_delay,
+- 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), spinner, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (spinner);
+- g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed",
+- G_CALLBACK (gimp_int_adjustment_update),
+- &shootvals.select_delay);
+- /* this is the unit label of a spinbutton */
+- label = gtk_label_new (_("seconds"));
+- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+- gtk_widget_show (label);
+- gtk_widget_show (dialog);
+- run = (gimp_dialog_run (GIMP_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+- if (run)
+- {
+- /* get the screen on which we are running */
+- *screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (dialog);
+- }
+- gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
+- if (run)
+- {
+- /* A short timeout to give the server a chance to
+- * redraw the area that was obscured by our dialog.
+- */
+- g_timeout_add (100, shoot_quit_timeout, NULL);
+- gtk_main ();
+- }
+- return run;
+-/* delay functions */
+-static void
+-shoot_delay (gint delay)
+- g_timeout_add (1000, shoot_delay_callback, &delay);
+- gtk_main ();
+-static gboolean
+-shoot_delay_callback (gpointer data)
+- gint *seconds_left = data;
+- (*seconds_left)--;
+- if (!*seconds_left)
+- gtk_main_quit ();
+- return *seconds_left;
+-static gboolean
+-shoot_quit_timeout (gpointer data)
+- gtk_main_quit ();
+- return FALSE;
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/Makefile.am new/plug-ins/Makefile.am
+--- old/plug-ins/Makefile.am 2017-04-30 23:47:39.000000000 +0200
++++ new/plug-ins/Makefile.am 2017-05-09 14:19:57.350324904 +0200
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ if HAVE_LIBCURL
+ file_uri = file-uri
+ endif
+ else
++screenshot = screenshot
+ file_uri = file-uri
+ endif
+@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
+ $(metadata) \
+ pagecurl \
+ $(print) \
++ $(screenshot) \
+ selection-to-path \
+ $(twain) \
+ ui \
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/Makefile.am new/plug-ins/screenshot/Makefile.am
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/Makefile.am 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/Makefile.am 2017-05-09 14:46:56.503492973 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
++libgimpui = $(top_builddir)/libgimp/libgimpui-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimpconfig = $(top_builddir)/libgimpconfig/libgimpconfig-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimpwidgets = $(top_builddir)/libgimpwidgets/libgimpwidgets-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimp = $(top_builddir)/libgimp/libgimp-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimpcolor = $(top_builddir)/libgimpcolor/libgimpcolor-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimpbase = $(top_builddir)/libgimpbase/libgimpbase-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++libgimpmath = $(top_builddir)/libgimpmath/libgimpmath-$(GIMP_API_VERSION).la
++if OS_WIN32
++mwindows = -mwindows
++include $(top_srcdir)/build/windows/gimprc-plug-ins.rule
++screenshot_RC = screenshot.rc.o
++AM_LDFLAGS = $(mwindows)
++ -I$(top_srcdir) \
++ $(GTK_CFLAGS) \
++ -I$(includedir)
++LDADD = \
++ $(libgimpui) \
++ $(libgimpwidgets) \
++ $(libgimpconfig) \
++ $(libgimp) \
++ $(libgimpcolor) \
++ $(libgimpmath) \
++ $(libgimpbase) \
++ $(GTK_LIBS) \
++ $(GEGL_LIBS) \
++ $(RT_LIBS) \
++ $(INTLLIBS) \
++ $(screenshot_RC)
++libexecdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins
++libexec_PROGRAMS = screenshot
++EXTRA_PROGRAMS = screenshot
++screenshot_SOURCES = \
++ screenshot.c \
++ screenshot.h \
++ screenshot-gnome-shell.c \
++ screenshot-gnome-shell.h \
++ screenshot-osx.c \
++ screenshot-osx.h \
++ screenshot-x11.c \
++ screenshot-x11.h
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c 2017-05-10 12:24:02.007212581 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * Screenshot plug-in
++ * Copyright 1998-2007 Sven Neumann
++ * Copyright 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen
++ * Copyright 2012 Simone Karin Lehmann - OS X patches
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include "screenshot.h"
++#include "screenshot-osx.h"
++#include "screenshot-gnome-shell.h"
++#include "screenshot-x11.h"
++#include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h"
++/* GdkPixbuf RGBA C-Source image dump 1-byte-run-length-encoded */
++#ifdef __SUNPRO_C
++#pragma align 4 (screenshot_icon)
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++static const guint8 screenshot_icon[] __attribute__ ((__aligned__ (4))) =
++static const guint8 screenshot_icon[] =
++{ ""
++ /* Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50) */
++ "GdkP"
++ /* length: header (24) + pixel_data (1582) */
++ "\0\0\6F"
++ /* pixdata_type (0x2010002) */
++ "\2\1\0\2"
++ /* rowstride (88) */
++ "\0\0\0X"
++ /* width (22) */
++ "\0\0\0\26"
++ /* height (22) */
++ "\0\0\0\26"
++ /* pixel_data: */
++ "\213\0\0\0\0\1\242\242\242\5\203\242\242\242\31\221\0\0\0\0\2\27\27\26"
++ "D\40\40\40\372\203)))\375\2\32\32\32\362\26\26\25""0\217\0\0\0\0\2\2"
++ "\2\2\322\307\310\307\377\203\377\377\377\377\2\263\263\262\363\0\0\0"
++ "\314\217\0\0\0\0\2\6\6\6\334\206\207\205\377\202\252\253\251\377\3\252"
++ "\252\251\377ghe\376\1\1\1\320\217\0\0\0\0\2\11\11\11\346./-\345\202G"
++ "HE\25\3JKH\32""01/\364\5\5\5\333\212\0\0\0\0\17\26\26\25\31\26\26\25"
++ "0\26\26\25g\0\0\0\314+,+\331LMK\375EFD\362ffe\347iig\346lmk\346RSQ\362"
++ "\13\13\13\360\0\0\0\314\2\2\2\321\26\26\25V\203\0\0\0\0#\26\26\25\31"
++ "\26\26\25""0\26\26\25n\3\3\3\331\2\2\2\332JJI\355\215\215\215\372\246"
++ "\246\246\347\267\270\266\362\177\202~\377BC\77\377TUR\377\\]Y\377gid"
++ "\377[]X\377\204\206\204\374wxw\276\224\225\224\314LLK\343\26\26\25D\0"
++ "\0\0\0\26\26\25D\3\3\3\341\17\17\17\373ghg\377\237\240\236\377\273\274"
++ "\272\377\302\303\300\377\272\273\270\377\200\201\177\377zzz\377tws\377"
++ "\220\223\217\377\221\225\221\377\224\227\223\377\202\226\232\226\377"
++ "K\177\202}\377xyu\377\217\221\215\377\226\227\226\365\0\0\0\371\0\0\0"
++ "\0\2\2\2\330\257\261\257\377\275\276\273\377\262\263\260\377UWT\377Q"
++ "SP\377suq\377]^[\377\304\304\304\377\303\303\303\377kmi\377MNJ\377WZ"
++ "X\377[`_\377aeb\377gid\377}\200{\377SUQ\377FGE\377\200\201\200\377\12"
++ "\12\12\357\0\0\0\0\4\4\4\345xyv\377\241\242\236\377\210\212\205\377v"
++ "xt\377\220\222\217\377GIF\377+,)\377```\377jji\377UXV\377y\204\210\377"
++ "\203\215\220\377~\204\207\377flo\377PW\\\377SWU\377JLI\377452\377tut"
++ "\377\12\12\12\357\0\0\0\0\4\4\4\344opm\377\221\223\217\377}\177{\377"
++ "\215\217\213\377`b_\377()'\377*+)\377785\377VXV\377u~\202\377nsu\377"
++ "VYZ\377OST\377OQS\377JOP\377^cd\377698\377!\"!\377llk\377\12\12\12\357"
++ "\0\0\0\0\3\3\3\345npl\377\220\221\216\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37"
++ "\377*+)\3779:7\377^ce\377NRT\377UXY\377(,.\377\22\24\25\377!$&\377IL"
++ "M\3778=\77\377RVX\377''&\377klk\377\12\12\12\357\0\0\0\1\3\3\3\345no"
++ "l\377\220\221\216\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\3778:8\377T"
++ "XY\377289\377\23\25\26\377\16\16\16\377\1\1\1\377\2\2\2\377\24\25\25"
++ "\377.34\377289\377011\377aa`\377\11\11\11\360\0\0\0\3\3\3\3\345nol\377"
++ "\204\205\202\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\377\77BA\37728:\377"
++ "\34\40!\377\31\32\32\377\377\377\377\377hhh\377\40\40\40\377\22\22\22"
++ "\377.00\377.46\377:>\77\377`a`\377\11\11\10\361\0\0\0\7\3\3\3\345mok"
++ "\377z{x\377\202UWS\377\24GIF\377\40!\37\377*+)\377HJI\377.46\377\25\27"
++ "\30\377\40\40\40\377hhh\377\232\232\232\377}}}\377'''\3779;;\377/57\377"
++ "599\377``_\377\11\11\10\362\0\0\0\15\3\3\3\345lnk\377rsp\377\202UWS\377"
++ "\24GIF\377\40!\37\377,-*\377>@>\377.46\377\35\37\40\377\1\1\1\377888"
++ "\377\214\214\214\377\213\213\213\377AAA\377JKK\377/57\3776:;\377WXV\377"
++ "\6\6\6\364\0\0\0\21\0\0\0\371\201\202\177\377mok\377\202UWS\377iGIF\377"
++ "MNM\377RRR\372ghg\364[`b\377+/0\377\17\17\17\377\"\"\"\377'''\377HHH"
++ "\377\263\263\263\377SUU\377W\\^\377CFF\374<<<\376\20\20\17\317\0\0\0"
++ "\20\24\24\23]\4\4\4\353\177\177~\375|}z\373}~|\374hih\3769:9\371\0\0"
++ "\0\347\0\0\0\351\7\7\7\367.46\377256\377\40\40\40\377(((\377:::\377`"
++ "ab\3779>\77\377\11\13\13\376\0\0\0\353\0\0\0\300\14\14\13H\0\0\0\15\0"
++ "\0\0\4\23\23\22L\0\0\0\332\0\0\0\341\0\0\0\346\0\0\0\341\14\14\13{\0"
++ "\0\0V\0\0\0a\0\0\0l\10\11\11\371\\^_\377LOP\377ILL\377LOQ\377QUV\377"
++ "\16\17\17\377\34\37\40\244\0\0\0`\0\0\0""4\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\1\0"
++ "\0\0\3\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\21\0\0\0\34\0\0\0'\0\0\0""0\0\0\0""6\0\0\0=\0\0"
++ "\0A\0\0\0F\4\5\5\355\12\13\13\371\17\20\20\376\15\16\16\375\10\10\11"
++ "\365\7\10\11j\0\0\0G\0\0\0-\0\0\0\30\0\0\0\13\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1"
++ "\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\16\0\0\0\23\0\0\0\31\0\0\0\35\0\0\0!"
++ "\0\0\0#\0\0\0$\0\0\0%\0\0\0$\0\0\0&\0\0\0%\0\0\0\36\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\20"
++ "\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\1\204\0\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\4\0\0\0"
++ "\5\0\0\0\6\202\0\0\0\10\11\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\7\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\7"
++ "\0\0\0\6\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\1\202\0\0\0\0"
++/* Defines */
++#define PLUG_IN_PROC "plug-in-screenshot"
++#define PLUG_IN_BINARY "screenshot"
++#define PLUG_IN_ROLE "gimp-screenshot"
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++#warning window_id does not fit in PDB_INT32
++static void query (void);
++static void run (const gchar *name,
++ gint nparams,
++ const GimpParam *param,
++ gint *nreturn_vals,
++ GimpParam **return_vals);
++static GimpPDBStatusType shoot (GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error);
++static gboolean shoot_dialog (GdkScreen **screen);
++static gboolean shoot_quit_timeout (gpointer data);
++static gboolean shoot_delay_timeout (gpointer data);
++/* Global Variables */
++static ScreenshotBackend backend = SCREENSHOT_BACKEND_NONE;
++static ScreenshotCapabilities capabilities = 0;
++static ScreenshotValues shootvals =
++ SHOOT_WINDOW, /* root window */
++ TRUE, /* include WM decorations */
++ 0, /* window ID */
++ 0, /* select delay */
++ 0, /* coords of region dragged out by pointer */
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ FALSE /* show cursor */
++const GimpPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO =
++ NULL, /* init_proc */
++ NULL, /* quit_proc */
++ query, /* query_proc */
++ run /* run_proc */
++/* Functions */
++MAIN ()
++static void
++query (void)
++ static const GimpParamDef args[] =
++ {
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "run-mode", "The run mode { RUN-INTERACTIVE (0), RUN-NONINTERACTIVE (1) }" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "root", "Root window { TRUE, FALSE }" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "window-id", "Window id" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "x1", "(optional) Region left x coord" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "y1", "(optional) Region top y coord" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "x2", "(optional) Region right x coord" },
++ { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "y2", "(optional) Region bottom y coord" }
++ };
++ static const GimpParamDef return_vals[] =
++ {
++ { GIMP_PDB_IMAGE, "image", "Output image" }
++ };
++ gimp_install_procedure (PLUG_IN_PROC,
++ N_("Create an image from an area of the screen"),
++ "The plug-in allows to take screenshots of an "
++ "interactively selected window or of the desktop, "
++ "either the whole desktop or an interactively "
++ "selected region. When called non-interactively, it "
++ "may grab the root window or use the window-id "
++ "passed as a parameter. The last four parameters "
++ "are optional and can be used to specify the corners "
++ "of the region to be grabbed."
++ "On Mac OS X or on gnome-shell, "
++ "when called non-interactively, the plugin"
++ "only can take screenshots of the entire root window."
++ "Grabbing a window or a region is not supported"
++ "non-interactively. To grab a region or a particular"
++ "window, you need to use the interactive mode."
++ ,
++ "Sven Neumann , "
++ "Henrik Brix Andersen ,"
++ "Simone Karin Lehmann",
++ "1998 - 2008",
++ "v1.1 (2008/04)",
++ N_("_Screenshot..."),
++ NULL,
++ G_N_ELEMENTS (args),
++ G_N_ELEMENTS (return_vals),
++ args, return_vals);
++ gimp_plugin_menu_register (PLUG_IN_PROC, "/File/Create/Acquire");
++ gimp_plugin_icon_register (PLUG_IN_PROC, GIMP_ICON_TYPE_INLINE_PIXBUF,
++ screenshot_icon);
++static void
++run (const gchar *name,
++ gint nparams,
++ const GimpParam *param,
++ gint *nreturn_vals,
++ GimpParam **return_vals)
++ static GimpParam values[2];
++ GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS;
++ GimpRunMode run_mode;
++ GdkScreen *screen = NULL;
++ gint32 image_ID;
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ INIT_I18N ();
++ gtk_init (NULL, NULL);
++ run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32;
++ *nreturn_vals = 1;
++ *return_vals = values;
++ values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS;
++ values[0].data.d_status = status;
++ if (! backend && screenshot_osx_available ())
++ {
++ capabilities = screenshot_osx_get_capabilities ();
++ }
++ if (! backend && screenshot_gnome_shell_available ())
++ {
++ capabilities = screenshot_gnome_shell_get_capabilities ();
++ }
++#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
++ if (! backend && screenshot_x11_available ())
++ {
++ backend = SCREENSHOT_BACKEND_X11;
++ capabilities = screenshot_x11_get_capabilities ();
++ }
++ /* how are we running today? */
++ switch (run_mode)
++ {
++ /* Possibly retrieve data from a previous run */
++ gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals);
++ shootvals.window_id = 0;
++ /* Get information from the dialog */
++ if (! shoot_dialog (&screen))
++ status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL;
++ break;
++ if (nparams == 3)
++ {
++ gboolean do_root = param[1].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.shoot_type = do_root ? SHOOT_ROOT : SHOOT_WINDOW;
++ shootvals.window_id = param[2].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.select_delay = 0;
++ }
++ else if (nparams == 7)
++ {
++ shootvals.shoot_type = SHOOT_REGION;
++ shootvals.window_id = param[2].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.select_delay = 0;
++ shootvals.x1 = param[3].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.y1 = param[4].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.x2 = param[5].data.d_int32;
++ shootvals.y2 = param[6].data.d_int32;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ }
++ if (! gdk_init_check (NULL, NULL))
++ {
++ if (shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW ||
++ shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
++ }
++ break;
++ /* Possibly retrieve data from a previous run */
++ gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS)
++ {
++ status = shoot (screen, &image_ID, &error);
++ }
++ if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS)
++ {
++ gchar *comment = gimp_get_default_comment ();
++ if (comment)
++ {
++ GimpParasite *parasite;
++ parasite = gimp_parasite_new ("gimp-comment",
++ strlen (comment) + 1, comment);
++ gimp_image_attach_parasite (image_ID, parasite);
++ gimp_parasite_free (parasite);
++ g_free (comment);
++ }
++ gimp_image_clean_all (image_ID);
++ if (run_mode == GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE)
++ {
++ /* Store variable states for next run */
++ gimp_set_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &shootvals, sizeof (ScreenshotValues));
++ gimp_display_new (image_ID);
++ /* Give some sort of feedback that the shot is done */
++ if (shootvals.select_delay > 0)
++ {
++ gdk_display_beep (gdk_screen_get_display (screen));
++ gdk_flush (); /* flush so the beep makes it to the server */
++ }
++ }
++ /* set return values */
++ *nreturn_vals = 2;
++ values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE;
++ values[1].data.d_image = image_ID;
++ }
++ if (status != GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS && error)
++ {
++ *nreturn_vals = 2;
++ values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_STRING;
++ values[1].data.d_string = error->message;
++ }
++ values[0].data.d_status = status;
++/* The main Screenshot function */
++static GimpPDBStatusType
++shoot (GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error)
++ if (backend == SCREENSHOT_BACKEND_OSX)
++ return screenshot_osx_shoot (&shootvals, screen, image_ID, error);
++ return screenshot_gnome_shell_shoot (&shootvals, screen, image_ID, error);
++#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
++ if (backend == SCREENSHOT_BACKEND_X11)
++ return screenshot_x11_shoot (&shootvals, screen, image_ID, error);
++ return GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; /* silence compiler */
++/* Screenshot dialog */
++static void
++shoot_dialog_add_hint (GtkNotebook *notebook,
++ ShootType type,
++ const gchar *hint)
++ GtkWidget *label;
++ label = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_LABEL,
++ "label", hint,
++ "wrap", TRUE,
++ "justify", GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT,
++ "xalign", 0.0,
++ "yalign", 0.0,
++ NULL);
++ gimp_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label),
++ -1);
++ gtk_notebook_insert_page (notebook, label, NULL, type);
++ gtk_widget_show (label);
++static void
++shoot_radio_button_toggled (GtkWidget *widget,
++ GtkWidget *notebook)
++ gimp_radio_button_update (widget, &shootvals.shoot_type);
++ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), shootvals.shoot_type);
++static gboolean
++shoot_dialog (GdkScreen **screen)
++ GtkWidget *dialog;
++ GtkWidget *main_vbox;
++ GtkWidget *notebook;
++ GtkWidget *frame;
++ GtkWidget *vbox;
++ GtkWidget *hbox;
++ GtkWidget *label;
++ GtkWidget *button;
++ GtkWidget *toggle;
++ GtkWidget *spinner;
++ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
++ GSList *radio_group = NULL;
++ GtkObject *adj;
++ gboolean run;
++ gimp_ui_init (PLUG_IN_BINARY, FALSE);
++ dialog = gimp_dialog_new (_("Screenshot"), PLUG_IN_ROLE,
++ NULL, 0,
++ gimp_standard_help_func, PLUG_IN_PROC,
++ NULL);
++ button = gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
++ _("S_nap"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
++ gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
++ -1);
++ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, screenshot_icon, FALSE, NULL);
++ if (pixbuf)
++ {
++ gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (button),
++ gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (pixbuf));
++ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
++ }
++ main_vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12);
++ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (main_vbox), 12);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))),
++ main_vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (main_vbox);
++ /* Hints */
++ notebook = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NOTEBOOK,
++ "show-border", FALSE,
++ "show-tabs", FALSE,
++ NULL);
++ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), notebook, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (notebook);
++ shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_ROOT,
++ _("After the delay, the screenshot is taken."));
++ shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_REGION,
++ _("After the delay, drag your mouse to select "
++ "the region for the screenshot."));
++ shoot_dialog_add_hint (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), SHOOT_WINDOW,
++ _("At the end of the delay, click in a window "
++ "to snap it."));
++ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), shootvals.shoot_type);
++ /* Area */
++ frame = gimp_frame_new (_("Area"));
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (frame);
++ vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
++ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox);
++ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
++ /* single window */
++ button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
++ _("Take a screenshot of "
++ "a single _window"));
++ radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (button);
++ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
++ g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
++ G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
++ notebook);
++ /* window decorations */
++ {
++ hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
++ toggle = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Include window _decoration"));
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle),
++ shootvals.decorate);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 24);
++ gtk_widget_show (toggle);
++ g_signal_connect (toggle, "toggled",
++ G_CALLBACK (gimp_toggle_button_update),
++ &shootvals.decorate);
++ g_object_bind_property (button, "active",
++ toggle, "sensitive",
++ }
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
++ shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW);
++ /* whole screen */
++ button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
++ _("Take a screenshot of "
++ "the entire _screen"));
++ radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (button);
++ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
++ g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
++ G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
++ notebook);
++ /* mouse pointer */
++ if (capabilities & SCREENSHOT_CAN_SHOOT_POINTER)
++ {
++ hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
++ toggle = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Include _mouse pointer"));
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle),
++ shootvals.show_cursor);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 24);
++ gtk_widget_show (toggle);
++ g_signal_connect (toggle, "toggled",
++ G_CALLBACK (gimp_toggle_button_update),
++ &shootvals.show_cursor);
++ g_object_bind_property (button, "active",
++ toggle, "sensitive",
++ }
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
++ shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT);
++ /* dragged region */
++ button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (radio_group,
++ _("Select a _region to grab"));
++ radio_group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
++ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button),
++ shootvals.shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (button);
++ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "gimp-item-data",
++ g_signal_connect (button, "toggled",
++ G_CALLBACK (shoot_radio_button_toggled),
++ notebook);
++ /* Delay */
++ frame = gimp_frame_new (_("Delay"));
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (frame);
++ vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
++ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox);
++ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
++ hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
++ spinner = gimp_spin_button_new (&adj, shootvals.select_delay,
++ 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), spinner, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (spinner);
++ g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed",
++ G_CALLBACK (gimp_int_adjustment_update),
++ &shootvals.select_delay);
++ /* this is the unit label of a spinbutton */
++ label = gtk_label_new (_("seconds"));
++ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
++ gtk_widget_show (label);
++ gtk_widget_show (dialog);
++ run = (gimp_dialog_run (GIMP_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
++ if (run)
++ {
++ /* get the screen on which we are running */
++ *screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (dialog);
++ }
++ gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
++ if (run)
++ {
++ /* A short timeout to give the server a chance to
++ * redraw the area that was obscured by our dialog.
++ */
++ g_timeout_add (100, shoot_quit_timeout, NULL);
++ gtk_main ();
++ }
++ return run;
++static gboolean
++shoot_quit_timeout (gpointer data)
++ gtk_main_quit ();
++ return FALSE;
++static gboolean
++shoot_delay_timeout (gpointer data)
++ gint *seconds_left = data;
++ (*seconds_left)--;
++ if (!*seconds_left)
++ gtk_main_quit ();
++ return *seconds_left;
++/* public functions */
++screenshot_delay (gint seconds)
++ g_timeout_add (1000, shoot_delay_timeout, &seconds);
++ gtk_main ();
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.c new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.c
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.c 2017-05-10 10:52:29.339205678 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * Screenshot plug-in
++ * Copyright 1998-2007 Sven Neumann
++ * Copyright 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen
++ * Copyright 2016 Michael Natterer
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include /* g_unlink() */
++#include "screenshot.h"
++#include "screenshot-gnome-shell.h"
++static GDBusProxy *proxy = NULL;
++screenshot_gnome_shell_available (void)
++ proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
++ NULL,
++ "org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot",
++ "/org/gnome/Shell/Screenshot",
++ "org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot",
++ if (proxy)
++ {
++ GError *error = NULL;
++ g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping",
++ NULL,
++ -1, NULL, &error);
++ if (! error)
++ return TRUE;
++ g_clear_error (&error);
++ g_object_unref (proxy);
++ proxy = NULL;
++ }
++ return FALSE;
++screenshot_gnome_shell_get_capabilities (void)
++screenshot_gnome_shell_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error)
++ gchar *filename;
++ const gchar *method = NULL;
++ GVariant *args = NULL;
++ GVariant *retval;
++ gboolean success;
++ if (shootvals->select_delay > 0)
++ screenshot_delay (shootvals->select_delay);
++ filename = gimp_temp_name ("png");
++ switch (shootvals->shoot_type)
++ {
++ case SHOOT_ROOT:
++ method = "Screenshot";
++ args = g_variant_new ("(bbs)",
++ shootvals->show_cursor,
++ TRUE, /* flash */
++ filename);
++ break;
++ retval = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "SelectArea", NULL,
++ -1, NULL, error);
++ if (! retval)
++ goto failure;
++ g_variant_get (retval, "(iiii)",
++ &shootvals->x1,
++ &shootvals->y1,
++ &shootvals->x2,
++ &shootvals->y2);
++ g_variant_unref (retval);
++ shootvals->x2 += shootvals->x1;
++ shootvals->y2 += shootvals->y1;
++ method = "ScreenshotArea";
++ args = g_variant_new ("(iiiibs)",
++ shootvals->x1,
++ shootvals->y1,
++ shootvals->x2 - shootvals->x1,
++ shootvals->y2 - shootvals->y1,
++ TRUE, /* flash */
++ filename);
++ break;
++ method = "ScreenshotWindow";
++ args = g_variant_new ("(bbbs)",
++ shootvals->decorate,
++ shootvals->show_cursor,
++ TRUE, /* flash */
++ filename);
++ break;
++ }
++ g_free (filename);
++ retval = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, method, args,
++ -1, NULL, error);
++ if (! retval)
++ goto failure;
++ g_variant_get (retval, "(bs)",
++ &success,
++ &filename);
++ g_variant_unref (retval);
++ if (success && filename)
++ {
++ *image_ID = gimp_file_load (GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,
++ filename, filename);
++ gimp_image_set_filename (*image_ID, "screenshot.png");
++ g_unlink (filename);
++ g_free (filename);
++ g_object_unref (proxy);
++ proxy = NULL;
++ }
++ failure:
++ g_free (filename);
++ g_object_unref (proxy);
++ proxy = NULL;
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.h new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.h
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-gnome-shell.h 2017-05-10 10:52:49.037080791 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++gboolean screenshot_gnome_shell_available (void);
++ScreenshotCapabilities screenshot_gnome_shell_get_capabilities (void);
++GimpPDBStatusType screenshot_gnome_shell_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error);
++#endif /* __SCREENSHOT_GNOME_SHELL_H__ */
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.h new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.h
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.h 2017-05-10 11:52:31.578317288 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#ifndef __SCREENSHOT_H__
++#define __SCREENSHOT_H__
++typedef enum
++} ScreenshotBackend;
++typedef enum
++} ScreenshotCapabilities;
++typedef enum
++} ShootType;
++typedef struct
++ ShootType shoot_type;
++ gboolean decorate;
++ guint window_id;
++ guint select_delay;
++ gint x1;
++ gint y1;
++ gint x2;
++ gint y2;
++ gboolean show_cursor;
++} ScreenshotValues;
++void screenshot_delay (gint seconds);
++#endif /* __SCREENSHOT_H__ */
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.c new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.c
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.c 2017-05-10 12:14:29.653276761 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * Screenshot plug-in
++ * Copyright 1998-2007 Sven Neumann
++ * Copyright 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen
++ * Copyright 2012 Simone Karin Lehmann - OS X patches
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include /* for system() on OSX */
++#include /* g_unlink() */
++#include "screenshot.h"
++#include "screenshot-osx.h"
++ * Mac OS X uses a rootless X server. This won't let us use
++ * gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable() and similar function on the root
++ * window to get the entire screen contents. With a nytive OS X build
++ * we have to do this without X as well.
++ *
++ * Since Mac OS X 10.2 a system utility for screencapturing is
++ * included. We can safely use this, since it's available on every OS
++ * X version GIMP is running on.
++ *
++ * The main drawbacks are that it's not possible to shoot windows or
++ * regions in scripts in noninteractive mode, and that windows always
++ * include decorations, since decorations are different between X11
++ * windows and native OS X app windows. But we can use this switch
++ * to capture the shadow of a window, which is indeed very Mac-ish.
++ *
++ * This routines works well with X11 and as a navtive build
++ */
++screenshot_osx_available (void)
++ return TRUE;
++screenshot_osx_get_capabilities (void)
++screenshot_osx_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error)
++ gchar *mode = " ";
++ gchar *delay = NULL;
++ gchar *cursor = " ";
++ gchar *command = NULL;
++ gchar *filename;
++ gchar *quoted;
++ switch (shootvals->shoot_type)
++ {
++ mode = "-is";
++ break;
++ mode = "-iw";
++ if (shootvals->decorate)
++ mode = "-iwo";
++ break;
++ case SHOOT_ROOT:
++ mode = " ";
++ if (shootvals->show_cursor)
++ cursor = "-C";
++ break;
++ default:
++ g_return_val_if_reached (GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR);
++ break;
++ }
++ delay = g_strdup_printf ("-T %i", shootvals->select_delay);
++ filename = gimp_temp_name ("png");
++ quoted = g_shell_quote (filename);
++ command = g_strjoin (" ",
++ "/usr/sbin/screencapture",
++ mode,
++ cursor,
++ delay,
++ quoted,
++ NULL);
++ g_free (quoted);
++ g_free (delay);
++ if (system ((const char *) command) == EXIT_SUCCESS)
++ {
++ *image_ID = gimp_file_load (GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,
++ filename, filename);
++ gimp_image_set_filename (*image_ID, "screenshot.png");
++ g_unlink (filename);
++ g_free (filename);
++ g_free (command);
++ }
++ g_free (command);
++ g_free (filename);
++#endif /* PLATFORM_OSX */
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.h new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.h
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-osx.h 2017-05-10 12:10:36.262694559 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#ifndef __SCREENSHOT_OSX_H__
++#define __SCREENSHOT_OSX_H__
++gboolean screenshot_osx_available (void);
++ScreenshotCapabilities screenshot_osx_get_capabilities (void);
++GimpPDBStatusType screenshot_osx_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error);
++#endif /* PLATFORM_OSX */
++#endif /* __SCREENSHOT_OSX_H__ */
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.c new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.c
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.c 2017-05-10 11:51:06.208275915 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++* Screenshot plug-in
++ * Copyright 1998-2007 Sven Neumann
++ * Copyright 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen
++ * Copyright 2012 Simone Karin Lehmann - OS X patches
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
++#ifdef HAVE_XFIXES
++#include "screenshot.h"
++#include "screenshot-x11.h"
++#include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h"
++static guint32 select_window (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen);
++static gint32 create_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
++ cairo_region_t *shape,
++ const gchar *name);
++/* Allow the user to select a window or a region with the mouse */
++static guint32
++select_window (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen)
++ Display *x_dpy = GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen);
++ gint x_scr = GDK_SCREEN_XNUMBER (screen);
++ Window x_root = RootWindow (x_dpy, x_scr);
++ Window x_win = None;
++ GC x_gc = NULL;
++ Cursor x_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (x_dpy, GDK_CROSSHAIR);
++ GdkKeymap *keymap;
++ GdkKeymapKey *keys = NULL;
++ gint status;
++ gint num_keys;
++ gint i;
++ gint buttons = 0;
++ gint mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
++ gboolean cancel = FALSE;
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
++ mask |= PointerMotionMask;
++ status = XGrabPointer (x_dpy, x_root, False,
++ mask, GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync,
++ x_root, x_cursor, CurrentTime);
++ if (status != GrabSuccess)
++ {
++ gint x, y;
++ guint xmask;
++ /* if we can't grab the pointer, return the window under the pointer */
++ XQueryPointer (x_dpy, x_root, &x_root, &x_win, &x, &y, &x, &y, &xmask);
++ if (x_win == None || x_win == x_root)
++ g_message (_("Error selecting the window"));
++ }
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
++ {
++ XGCValues gc_values;
++ gc_values.function = GXxor;
++ gc_values.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
++ gc_values.foreground = WhitePixel (x_dpy, x_scr);
++ gc_values.background = BlackPixel (x_dpy, x_scr);
++ gc_values.line_width = 0;
++ gc_values.line_style = LineSolid;
++ gc_values.fill_style = FillSolid;
++ gc_values.cap_style = CapButt;
++ gc_values.join_style = JoinMiter;
++ gc_values.graphics_exposures = FALSE;
++ gc_values.clip_x_origin = 0;
++ gc_values.clip_y_origin = 0;
++ gc_values.clip_mask = None;
++ gc_values.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
++ x_gc = XCreateGC (x_dpy, x_root,
++ GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCLineWidth |
++ GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle |
++ GCGraphicsExposures | GCBackground | GCFillStyle |
++ GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask |
++ GCSubwindowMode,
++ &gc_values);
++ }
++ keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gdk_screen_get_display (screen));
++ if (gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval (keymap, GDK_KEY_Escape,
++ &keys, &num_keys))
++ {
++ gdk_error_trap_push ();
++#define X_GRAB_KEY(index, modifiers) \
++ XGrabKey (x_dpy, keys[index].keycode, modifiers, x_root, False, \
++ GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync)
++ for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++)
++ {
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, 0);
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask); /* CapsLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask); /* NumLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod5Mask); /* ScrollLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask); /* CapsLock + NumLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod5Mask); /* CapsLock + ScrollLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* NumLock + ScrollLock */
++ X_GRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* all */
++ }
++#undef X_GRAB_KEY
++ gdk_flush ();
++ if (gdk_error_trap_pop ())
++ {
++ /* ignore errors */
++ }
++ }
++ while (! cancel && ((x_win == None) || (buttons != 0)))
++ {
++ XEvent x_event;
++ gint x, y, w, h;
++ XAllowEvents (x_dpy, SyncPointer, CurrentTime);
++ XWindowEvent (x_dpy, x_root, mask | KeyPressMask, &x_event);
++ switch (x_event.type)
++ {
++ case ButtonPress:
++ if (x_win == None)
++ {
++ x_win = x_event.xbutton.subwindow;
++ if (x_win == None)
++ x_win = x_root;
++ else if (! shootvals->decorate)
++ x_win = XmuClientWindow (x_dpy, x_win);
++ shootvals->x2 = shootvals->x1 = x_event.xbutton.x_root;
++ shootvals->y2 = shootvals->y1 = x_event.xbutton.y_root;
++ }
++ buttons++;
++ break;
++ case ButtonRelease:
++ if (buttons > 0)
++ buttons--;
++ if (! buttons && shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
++ {
++ x = MIN (shootvals->x1, shootvals->x2);
++ y = MIN (shootvals->y1, shootvals->y2);
++ w = ABS (shootvals->x2 - shootvals->x1);
++ h = ABS (shootvals->y2 - shootvals->y1);
++ if (w > 0 && h > 0)
++ XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
++ shootvals->x2 = x_event.xbutton.x_root;
++ shootvals->y2 = x_event.xbutton.y_root;
++ }
++ break;
++ case MotionNotify:
++ if (buttons > 0)
++ {
++ x = MIN (shootvals->x1, shootvals->x2);
++ y = MIN (shootvals->y1, shootvals->y2);
++ w = ABS (shootvals->x2 - shootvals->x1);
++ h = ABS (shootvals->y2 - shootvals->y1);
++ if (w > 0 && h > 0)
++ XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
++ shootvals->x2 = x_event.xmotion.x_root;
++ shootvals->y2 = x_event.xmotion.y_root;
++ x = MIN (shootvals->x1, shootvals->x2);
++ y = MIN (shootvals->y1, shootvals->y2);
++ w = ABS (shootvals->x2 - shootvals->x1);
++ h = ABS (shootvals->y2 - shootvals->y1);
++ if (w > 0 && h > 0)
++ XDrawRectangle (x_dpy, x_root, x_gc, x, y, w, h);
++ }
++ break;
++ case KeyPress:
++ {
++ guint *keyvals;
++ gint n;
++ if (gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keycode (NULL, x_event.xkey.keycode,
++ NULL, &keyvals, &n))
++ {
++ gint i;
++ for (i = 0; i < n && ! cancel; i++)
++ if (keyvals[i] == GDK_KEY_Escape)
++ cancel = TRUE;
++ g_free (keyvals);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (keys)
++ {
++#define X_UNGRAB_KEY(index, modifiers) \
++ XUngrabKey (x_dpy, keys[index].keycode, modifiers, x_root)
++ for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++)
++ {
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, 0);
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask); /* CapsLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask); /* NumLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod5Mask); /* ScrollLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask); /* CapsLock + NumLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod5Mask); /* CapsLock + ScrollLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* NumLock + ScrollLock */
++ X_UNGRAB_KEY (i, LockMask | Mod2Mask | Mod5Mask); /* all */
++ }
++#undef X_UNGRAB_KEY
++ g_free (keys);
++ }
++ if (status == GrabSuccess)
++ XUngrabPointer (x_dpy, CurrentTime);
++ XFreeCursor (x_dpy, x_cursor);
++ if (x_gc != NULL)
++ XFreeGC (x_dpy, x_gc);
++ return x_win;
++static gchar *
++window_get_utf8_property (GdkDisplay *display,
++ guint32 window,
++ const gchar *name)
++ gchar *retval = NULL;
++ Atom utf8_string;
++ Atom type = None;
++ guchar *val = NULL;
++ gulong nitems = 0;
++ gulong after = 0;
++ gint format = 0;
++ utf8_string = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "UTF8_STRING");
++ XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), window,
++ gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, name),
++ 0, G_MAXLONG, False, utf8_string,
++ &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &val);
++ if (type != utf8_string || format != 8 || nitems == 0)
++ {
++ if (val)
++ XFree (val);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (g_utf8_validate ((const gchar *) val, nitems, NULL))
++ retval = g_strndup ((const gchar *) val, nitems);
++ XFree (val);
++ return retval;
++static gchar *
++window_get_title (GdkDisplay *display,
++ guint window)
++ window = XmuClientWindow (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), window);
++ return window_get_utf8_property (display, window, "_NET_WM_NAME");
++static cairo_region_t *
++window_get_shape (GdkScreen *screen,
++ guint32 window)
++ cairo_region_t *shape = NULL;
++#if defined(HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_SHAPE_H)
++ XRectangle *rects;
++ gint rect_count;
++ gint rect_order;
++ rects = XShapeGetRectangles (GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen), window,
++ ShapeBounding,
++ &rect_count, &rect_order);
++ if (rects)
++ {
++ if (rect_count > 1)
++ {
++ gint i;
++ shape = cairo_region_create ();
++ for (i = 0; i < rect_count; i++)
++ {
++ cairo_rectangle_int_t rect = { rects[i].x,
++ rects[i].y,
++ rects[i].width,
++ rects[i].height };
++ cairo_region_union_rectangle (shape, &rect);
++ }
++ }
++ XFree (rects);
++ }
++ return shape;
++static void
++image_select_shape (gint32 image,
++ cairo_region_t *shape)
++ gint num_rects;
++ gint i;
++ gimp_selection_none (image);
++ num_rects = cairo_region_num_rectangles (shape);
++ for (i = 0; i < num_rects; i++)
++ {
++ cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
++ cairo_region_get_rectangle (shape, i, &rect);
++ gimp_image_select_rectangle (image, GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_ADD,
++ rect.x, rect.y,
++ rect.width, rect.height);
++ }
++ gimp_selection_invert (image);
++/* Create a GimpImage from a GdkPixbuf */
++static gint32
++create_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
++ cairo_region_t *shape,
++ const gchar *name)
++ gint32 image;
++ gint32 layer;
++ gdouble xres, yres;
++ gint width, height;
++ gimp_progress_init (_("Importing screenshot"));
++ width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface);
++ height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
++ image = gimp_image_new (width, height, GIMP_RGB);
++ gimp_image_undo_disable (image);
++ gimp_get_monitor_resolution (&xres, &yres);
++ gimp_image_set_resolution (image, xres, yres);
++ layer = gimp_layer_new_from_surface (image,
++ name ? name : _("Screenshot"),
++ surface,
++ 0.0, 1.0);
++ gimp_image_insert_layer (image, layer, -1, 0);
++ if (shape && ! cairo_region_is_empty (shape))
++ {
++ image_select_shape (image, shape);
++ if (! gimp_selection_is_empty (image))
++ {
++ gimp_layer_add_alpha (layer);
++ gimp_edit_clear (layer);
++ gimp_selection_none (image);
++ }
++ }
++ gimp_image_undo_enable (image);
++ return image;
++static void
++add_cursor_image (gint32 image,
++ GdkDisplay *display)
++#ifdef HAVE_XFIXES
++ XFixesCursorImage *cursor;
++ GimpDrawable *drawable;
++ GimpPixelRgn rgn;
++ gpointer pr;
++ gint32 layer;
++ gint32 active;
++ cursor = XFixesGetCursorImage (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display));
++ if (!cursor)
++ return;
++ active = gimp_image_get_active_layer (image);
++ layer = gimp_layer_new (image, _("Mouse Pointer"),
++ cursor->width, cursor->height,
++ drawable = gimp_drawable_get (layer);
++ gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&rgn, drawable,
++ 0, 0, drawable->width, drawable->height, TRUE, FALSE);
++ for (pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_register (1, &rgn);
++ pr != NULL;
++ pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_process (pr))
++ {
++ const gulong *src = cursor->pixels + rgn.y * cursor->width + rgn.x;
++ guchar *dest = rgn.data;
++ gint x, y;
++ for (y = 0; y < rgn.h; y++)
++ {
++ const gulong *s = src;
++ guchar *d = dest;
++ for (x = 0; x < rgn.w; x++)
++ {
++ /* the cursor pixels are pre-multiplied ARGB */
++ guint a = (*s >> 24) & 0xff;
++ guint r = (*s >> 16) & 0xff;
++ guint g = (*s >> 8) & 0xff;
++ guint b = (*s >> 0) & 0xff;
++ d[0] = a ? (r * 255) / a : r;
++ d[1] = a ? (g * 255) / a : g;
++ d[2] = a ? (b * 255) / a : b;
++ d[3] = a;
++ s++;
++ d += 4;
++ }
++ src += cursor->width;
++ dest += rgn.rowstride;
++ }
++ }
++ gimp_drawable_detach (drawable);
++ gimp_image_insert_layer (image, layer, -1, -1);
++ gimp_layer_set_offsets (layer,
++ cursor->x - cursor->xhot, cursor->y - cursor->yhot);
++ gimp_image_set_active_layer (image, active);
++/* The main Screenshot function */
++screenshot_x11_available (void)
++ return TRUE;
++screenshot_x11_get_capabilities (void)
++ ScreenshotCapabilities capabilities = SCREENSHOT_CAN_PICK_NONINTERACTIVELY;
++#ifdef HAVE_XFIXES
++ return capabilities;
++screenshot_x11_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error)
++ GdkDisplay *display;
++ GdkWindow *window;
++ cairo_surface_t *screenshot;
++ cairo_region_t *shape = NULL;
++ cairo_t *cr;
++ GdkRectangle rect;
++ GdkRectangle screen_rect;
++ gchar *name = NULL;
++ gint screen_x;
++ gint screen_y;
++ gint x, y;
++ /* use default screen if we are running non-interactively */
++ if (screen == NULL)
++ screen = gdk_screen_get_default ();
++ if (shootvals->select_delay > 0)
++ screenshot_delay (shootvals->select_delay);
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type != SHOOT_ROOT && ! shootvals->window_id)
++ {
++ shootvals->window_id = select_window (shootvals, screen);
++ if (! shootvals->window_id)
++ return GIMP_PDB_CANCEL;
++ }
++ display = gdk_screen_get_display (screen);
++ screen_rect.x = 0;
++ screen_rect.y = 0;
++ screen_rect.width = gdk_screen_get_width (screen);
++ screen_rect.height = gdk_screen_get_height (screen);
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_REGION)
++ {
++ rect.x = MIN (shootvals->x1, shootvals->x2);
++ rect.y = MIN (shootvals->y1, shootvals->y2);
++ rect.width = ABS (shootvals->x2 - shootvals->x1);
++ rect.height = ABS (shootvals->y2 - shootvals->y1);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT)
++ {
++ window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ window = gdk_x11_window_foreign_new_for_display (display,
++ shootvals->window_id);
++ }
++ if (! window)
++ {
++ g_set_error_literal (error, 0, 0, _("Specified window not found"));
++ }
++ rect.width = gdk_window_get_width (window);
++ rect.height = gdk_window_get_height (window);
++ gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x, &y);
++ rect.x = x;
++ rect.y = y;
++ }
++ if (! gdk_rectangle_intersect (&rect, &screen_rect, &rect))
++ window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
++ gdk_window_get_origin (window, &screen_x, &screen_y);
++ screenshot = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
++ rect.width, rect.height);
++ cr = cairo_create (screenshot);
++ gdk_cairo_set_source_window (cr, window,
++ - (rect.x - screen_x),
++ - (rect.y - screen_y));
++ cairo_paint (cr);
++ cairo_destroy (cr);
++ gdk_display_beep (display);
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_WINDOW)
++ {
++ name = window_get_title (display, shootvals->window_id);
++ shape = window_get_shape (screen, shootvals->window_id);
++ if (shape)
++ cairo_region_translate (shape, x - rect.x, y - rect.y);
++ }
++ *image_ID = create_image (screenshot, shape, name);
++ cairo_surface_destroy (screenshot);
++ if (shape)
++ cairo_region_destroy (shape);
++ g_free (name);
++ /* FIXME: Some time might have passed until we get here.
++ * The cursor image should be grabbed together with the screenshot.
++ */
++ if (shootvals->shoot_type == SHOOT_ROOT && shootvals->show_cursor)
++ add_cursor_image (*image_ID, display);
++#endif /* GDK_WINDOWING_X11 */
+diff -urNp old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.h new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.h
+--- old/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ new/plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot-x11.h 2017-05-10 10:53:43.460728805 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
++ * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
++ *
++ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program. If not, see .
++ */
++#ifndef __SCREENSHOT_X11_H__
++#define __SCREENSHOT_X11_H__
++#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
++gboolean screenshot_x11_available (void);
++ScreenshotCapabilities screenshot_x11_get_capabilities (void);
++GimpPDBStatusType screenshot_x11_shoot (ScreenshotValues *shootvals,
++ GdkScreen *screen,
++ gint32 *image_ID,
++ GError **error);
++#endif /* GDK_WINDOWING_X11 */
++#endif /* __SCREENSHOT_X11_H__ */
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/an.po new/po-plug-ins/an.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/an.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/an.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.330212160 +0200
+@@ -7099,85 +7099,85 @@ msgstr "Analís de muestra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Tornar a mapiar o colorizau"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Creyar una imachen d'un aria d'a pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Captura de pantalla..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Ha ocurriu una error en seleccionar a finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importar a captura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Puntero d'o churi"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobau a finestra especificada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "I_ntercambiar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "A captura de pantalla se prenerá dimpués d'a pausa."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Dimpués d'a pausa, arrociegue o churi ta seleccionar a rechión t'o "
+ "pantallazo."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "En rematar a pausa, prete sobre una finestra ta capturar-la."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Aria"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Prener una captura de pantalla d'una sola _finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Incluir a _decoración d'a finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Prener una captura d'a _pantalla completa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Incluir o puntero d'o _churi"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Seleccione una _rechión ta obtener-la"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Retardo"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundos"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ar.po new/po-plug-ins/ar.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ar.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ar.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.348212073 +0200
+@@ -6871,83 +6871,83 @@ msgstr "تحليل الأنموذج"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "إعادة التعيين ملونة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "أنشئ صورة من مساحة على الشاشة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "لقطة شا_شة..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "خطأ أثناء تحديد النافذة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "يستورد لقطة الشاشة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "لقطة شاشة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "مؤشر الفأرة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "النافذة المحددة غير موجودة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_لقطة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "بعد التأخير، ستلتقط الصورة."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "بعد التأخير، اسحب الفأرة لاختيار المنطقة التي تريد التقاط صورتها."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "في نهاية المدة، انقر على نافذة لالتقاط صورة لها."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "مساحة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "التق_ط صورة لنافذة مفردة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_ضمّن حدود النافذة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "التقط صورة ل_كامل الشاشة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "ضمّن _مؤشر الفأرة"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "اختر منطقة لالتقاط_ها"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "التأخير"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "ثانية"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/be.po new/po-plug-ins/be.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/be.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/be.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.366211987 +0200
+@@ -6924,83 +6924,83 @@ msgstr "Аналізаваць прык
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Расфарбоўваньне"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Стварыць відарыс з вобласьці экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Здымак экрана…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Памылка падчас выбару вакна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Імпартаваньне здымку экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Здымак экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Курсор мышы"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Пазначанае вакно не адшукана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Зьняць"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Здымак будзе зроблены пасьля затрымкі."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Пасьля затрымкі пацягні мыш, каб выбраць вобласьць для здымка."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "У канцы затрымкі пстрыкні па вакне, каб зьняць яго."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Вобласьць"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Зрабіць здымак аднаго _вакна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_Улучна з аздабленьнем вакна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Зрабіць здымак усяго _экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Улучна з _курсорам мышы"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "_Выбраць вобласьць для захопу"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Затрымка"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "сэкунды"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/bg.po new/po-plug-ins/bg.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/bg.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/bg.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.381211915 +0200
+@@ -7051,79 +7051,79 @@ msgstr "_Задържане:"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "_Тон:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:234
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Създаване на изображение от част от екрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:247
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:247
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Снимка на екрана..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:412
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:412
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Грешка при избиране на прозореца"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:770
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:770
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Вмъкване снимка на екрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:969
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:969
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Снимка на екрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:863
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:863
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Посоченият прозорец не е намерен"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:890
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:890
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Грешка при прихващането на екрана."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:978
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:978
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Лепнене"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1008
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1008
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "След закъснението се взема снимка."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1010
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1010
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "След забавянето, влачете мишката за избиране на регион за снимане."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1013
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1013
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "В края на закъснението, натиснете прозорец за да го снимате."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1019
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1019
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Област"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1030
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1030
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Вземане снимка на определен _прозорец"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1051
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1051
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_Включване украсата на прозореца"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1067
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1067
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Вземане снимка на целия екран"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1084
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1084
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Избиране на област за снемане"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Забавяне"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "секунди"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/br.po new/po-plug-ins/br.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/br.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/br.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.398211834 +0200
+@@ -7122,83 +7122,83 @@ msgstr "Dezrannadur ar standilhon"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Adglenn livet"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Krouiñ ur skeudenn diouzh ur maez eus ar skramm"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Pakad _skrammad..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Fazi e-pad ma oa o tiuzañ ar prenestr"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Oc'h enporzhiañ ar pakad skrammad"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Pakad skrammad"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Biz al logodenn"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Prenestr erspizet n'eo ket bet kavet"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "Desteu_dañ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Goude an dale e vo tapet ar pakad skrammad."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Goude an dale, riklañ ho ligodenn evit diuzañ ar maez evit ar pakañ skrammañ."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Ur wech tremenet an dale, klikañ war ar prenestr evit e zesteudañ."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Maez"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Tennañ ur pakad skrammad eus ur _prenestr en e unan"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Enlakaat kinkla_durioù ar prenestr"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Tennañ ur pakad skrammad eus ar _skrammad a-bezh"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Enlakaat biz al logode_nn"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Diuzañ u_r maez da dapout"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Dale"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "eilenn"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/bs.po new/po-plug-ins/bs.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/bs.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/bs.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.413211762 +0200
+@@ -6868,85 +6868,85 @@ msgstr "Analiza uzorka"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Remapiraj obojeno"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Kreiraj sliku od dijela ekrana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Slika ekrana..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:453
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:453
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Greška prilikom selekcije prozora"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:821
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:821
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Imoportovanje screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:847 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1215
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:847 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1215
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:888
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:888
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Kursor miša"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1025
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1025
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Navedeni prozor nije nađen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1224
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1224
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "P:rikači"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Poslije zastoja, screenshot je napravljen."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1256
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1256
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Nakon zastoja, povuci miš da odrediš dio ekrana iz kojeg će se napraviti "
+ "screenshot."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1259
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1259
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Na kraju zastoja, klikni prozor da ga prikačiš."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Područje"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1276
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1276
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Napravi screenshot jednog _prozora"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1295
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1295
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Uključi prozor _dekoraciju"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1315
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1315
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Napravi screenshot cijelog _ekrana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1334
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1334
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Uključi i pokazivač _miša"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1355
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1355
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Odaberi dio koji će se uzeti"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1370
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1370
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Zastoj"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1392
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1392
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekunde"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ca.po new/po-plug-ins/ca.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ca.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ca.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.429211686 +0200
+@@ -7090,85 +7090,85 @@ msgstr "Analitza la mostra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Aplica mapa de colors"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crea una imatge a partir d'una àrea de la pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Captura de _pantalla..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error quan es seleccionava la finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importa la captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Punter del ratolí"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobat la finestra especificada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Captura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Després del retard es farà la captura de la pantalla."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Després del retard arrossegueu el vostre ratolí per a seleccionar la regió "
+ "de la pantalla que voleu capturar."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Al final del retard feu clic a la finestra per a capturar-la."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Àrea"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Obtén una captura d'una única _finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_Decora la finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Obtén una captura de la pantalla _sencera"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inclou el punter del _ratolí"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Selecciona una _regió"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Retard"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segons"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ca@valencia.po new/po-plug-ins/ca@valencia.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ca@valencia.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ca@valencia.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.444211614 +0200
+@@ -6979,85 +6979,85 @@ msgstr "Analitza la mostra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Aplica mapa de colors"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crea una imatge a partir d'una àrea de la pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Captura de _pantalla..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error quan es seleccionava la finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importa la captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Punter del ratolí"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobat la finestra especificada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Captura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Després del retard es farà la captura de la pantalla."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Després del retard arrossegueu el vostre ratolí per a seleccionar la regió "
+ "de la pantalla que voleu capturar."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Al final del retard feu clic a la finestra per a capturar-la."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Àrea"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Obtén una captura d'una única _finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_Decora la finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Obtén una captura de la pantalla _sencera"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inclou el punter del _ratolí"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Selecciona una _regió"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Retard"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segons"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/cs.po new/po-plug-ins/cs.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/cs.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/cs.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.460211537 +0200
+@@ -6994,85 +6994,85 @@ msgstr "Analýza vzorků"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Přemapování vybarvení"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Vytvořit obrázek z oblasti obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Snímek obrazovky…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Chyba výběru okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importuje se snímek obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Snímek obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Ukazatel myši"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Určené okno nenalezeno"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "Vytvořit s_nímek"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Po prodlevě je vytvořen snímek obrazovky."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Po uplynutí časové prodlevy vyberte oblast snímku obrazovky táhnutím myší."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Po uplynutí časové prodlevy klikněte do okna, jehož snímek chcete vytvořit."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Oblast"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Pořídit snímek jednoho _okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Včetně _dekorace okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Pořídit snímek celé _obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Zahrnout ukazatel _myši"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Vyb_rat oblast k sejmutí"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Zpoždění"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekund"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/da.po new/po-plug-ins/da.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/da.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/da.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.476211460 +0200
+@@ -7070,84 +7070,84 @@ msgstr "Prøveanalyse"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Omgør farvelægning..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Opret et billede fra et område af skærmen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Skærmbillede..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Fejl ved valg af vinduet"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importerer skærmbillede"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Skærmbillede"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Musemarkør"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Angivet vindue ikke fundet"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Tag skærmbillede"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Skærmbilledet tages når ventetiden udløber."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Træk din mus efter ventetiden for at vælge skærmbilledets område."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Klik på et vindue efter ventetiden for at tage et skærmbillede af det."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Område"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Tag et skræmbillede af et enkelt _vindue"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "_Medtag vinduesdekoration"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Tag et skærmbillede af hele _skærmen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inkludér _musemarkør"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "_Vælg et område"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Ventetid"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekunder"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/de.po new/po-plug-ins/de.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/de.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/de.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.492211384 +0200
+@@ -7100,85 +7100,85 @@ msgstr "Analyse der Quellfarben"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Einfärben"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Ein Bild aus einem Bildschirmausschnitt erstellen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Bildschirmfoto …"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Erfassen des Fensters"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Bildschirmfoto wird importiert"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Bildschirmfoto"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Mauszeiger"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Das angegebene Fenster wurde nicht gefunden"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "A_uslösen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Nach der Verzögerung wird das Bildschirmfoto erstellt."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Wählen Sie nach der Verzögerung mit der Maus den zu fotografierenden Bereich "
+ "aus."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Klicken Sie am Ende der Verzögerung in das zu fotografierende Fenster."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Bereich"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Ein Bildschirmfoto eines einzelnen _Fensters machen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Fenster_rahmen einbeziehen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Ein Foto des gesamten _Bildschirms machen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "_Mauszeiger einbeziehen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Einen Bereich _auswählen"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Verzögerung"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "Sekunden"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/dz.po new/po-plug-ins/dz.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/dz.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/dz.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.507211312 +0200
+@@ -7176,79 +7176,79 @@ msgstr "འཛིན་བཞག (_H)"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "ཚོན་མདངས།(_u)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:233
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:233
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "མངའ་ཁོངས་ཀྱི་གསལ་གཞི་ནང་ལས་གཟུགས་བརྙན་གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:246
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:246
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "གསལ་གཞིའི་པར།(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:411
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:411
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "ཝིན་ཌོ་གསལ་འཐུ་འབད་བའི་བསྒང་འཛོལ་བ།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:715
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:715
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "གསལ་གཞིའི་པར་ནང་འདྲེན་འབད་དོ།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:739
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:907
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:739
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:907
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "གསལ་གཞིའི་པར།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:804
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:804
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "གསལ་བཀོད་འབད་བའི་ཝིན་ཌོ་འཚོལ་མ་འཐོབ།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:832
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:832
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "གསལ་གཞིའི་པར་འདི་འབག་པའི་བསྒང་འཛོལ་བ་འབྱུང་ཡོདཔ།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:916
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:916
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "པར་བཏབ(_n)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:945
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:945
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་འབད་བའི་ཤུལ་ལས་ གསལ་གཞི་ལེབ་གྲངས་འདི་འབག་ཡོདཔ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:947
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:947
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་འབད་བའི་ཤུལ་ལུ གསལ་གཞི་འདི་གི་དོན་ལུ་ལུང་ཕྱོགས་སེལ་འཐུ་འབད་ནིའི་ལུ་ ཁྱོད་རའི་མཱའུསི་འདྲུད།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:950
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:950
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་འབད་བའི་མཇུག་ལུ་ འདི་པར་བཏབ་ནིའི་ལུ་ཝིན་ཌོ་གཅིག་ནང་ཨེབ་གཏང་"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:956
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:956
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "མངའ་ཁོངས།"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:967
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:967
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "ཝིན་ཌོ་རྐྱང་པ་གི་གསལ་གཞིའི་པར་འབག ( _w)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:988
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:988
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "ཝིན་ཌོ་མཛེས་བཀོད་གྲངས་སུ་བཙུགས།(_d)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1004
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1004
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "གསལ་གཞི་ཧྲིལ་བུ་འདི་གི་གསལ་གཞིའི་པར་འབག ( _s)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1021
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1021
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "འཛིན་ནིའི་དོན་ལུ་ལུང་ཕྱོགས་སེལ་འཐུ་འབད།(_r)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1036
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1036
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "ཕྱིར་འགྱངས།"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1058
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1058
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "སྐར་ཆ་ཚུ།"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/el.po new/po-plug-ins/el.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/el.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/el.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.525211226 +0200
+@@ -7300,85 +7300,85 @@ msgstr "Ανάλυση δείγματο
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Χρωματιστή επαναπεικόνιση"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνας από μια περιοχή της οθόνης"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Στιγμιότυπο..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Σφάλμα επιλογής παραθύρου"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Εισαγωγή στιγμιότυπου"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Στιγμιότυπο"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Δείκτης ποντικιού"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Το καθορισμένο παράθυρο δεν βρέθηκε"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "Πρό_σδεση"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Μετά την καθυστέρηση, το στιγμιότυπο ελήφθη."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Μετά την καθυστέρηση, σύρσιμο του ποντικιού σας για επιλογή της περιοχής "
+ "στιγμιότυπου."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Στο τέλος της καθυστέρησης, κλικ σε παράθυρο για λήψη του."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Περιοχή"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Λή_ψη στιγμιότυπου ενός μονού παραθύρου"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Συμπερίληψη _διακόσμησης παραθύρου"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Λήψη _στιγμιότυπου της συνολικής οθόνης"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Συ_μπερίληψη δείκτη ποντικιού"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Επιλογή πε_ριοχή σύλληψης"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Καθυστέρηση"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "δευτερόλεπτα"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/en_CA.po new/po-plug-ins/en_CA.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/en_CA.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/en_CA.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.540211154 +0200
+@@ -7109,80 +7109,80 @@ msgstr "_Holdness:"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "H_ue:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:234
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:247
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:247
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Screenshot..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:412
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:412
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Error selecting the window"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:770
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:770
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importing screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:969
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:969
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:863
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:863
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Specified window not found"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:890
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:890
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:978
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:978
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "S_nap"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1008
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1008
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1010
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1010
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1013
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1013
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1019
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1019
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Area"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1030
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1030
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1051
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1051
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Include window _decoration"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1067
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1067
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1084
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1084
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Select a _region to grab"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Delay"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "seconds"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/en_GB.po new/po-plug-ins/en_GB.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/en_GB.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/en_GB.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.557211073 +0200
+@@ -6971,84 +6971,84 @@ msgstr "Sample analyse"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Remap colourised"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Screenshot..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Error selecting the window"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importing screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Screenshot"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Mouse Pointer"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Specified window not found"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "S_nap"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Area"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Include window _decoration"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Include _mouse pointer"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Select a _region to grab"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Delay"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "seconds"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/eo.po new/po-plug-ins/eo.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/eo.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/eo.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.574210991 +0200
+@@ -6793,83 +6793,83 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Ekrankopio..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ekrankopio"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Musmontrilo"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekundoj"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/es.po new/po-plug-ins/es.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/es.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/es.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.590210914 +0200
+@@ -7104,85 +7104,85 @@ msgstr "Análisis de muestra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Volver a mapear el colorizado"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crear una imagen de un área de la pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Captura de pantalla…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Ocurrió un error al seleccionar la ventana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importar captura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Puntero del ratón"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "No se ha encontrado la ventana especificada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "I_ntercambiar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "La captura de pantalla se tomará después de la pausa."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Después de la pausa, arrastre el ratón para seleccionar la región para el "
+ "pantallazo."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Al finalizar la pausa, pulse sobre una ventana para capturarla."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Área"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Tomar una capturar la pantalla de una sola _ventana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Incluir _decoración de la ventana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Tomar una capturar de la _pantalla completa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Incluir el puntero del _ratón"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Seleccione una _región para obtener"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Retardo"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundos"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/eu.po new/po-plug-ins/eu.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/eu.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/eu.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.617210785 +0200
+@@ -7040,84 +7040,84 @@ msgstr "Laginaren analisia"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Mapatu berriro koloreztatua"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Sortu irudia pantailako area batetik"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Pantaila-argazkia..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Errorea leihoa hautatzean"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Pantaila-argazkia inportatzen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Pantaila-argazkia"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Saguaren erakuslea"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Zehaztutako leihoa ez da aurkitu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Atxiki"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Atzerapenaren ondoren, pantailaren kaptura egingo da."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Atzerapenaren ondoren, sagua erabil dezakezu pantailaren eremua hautatzeko."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Atzerapenaren amaieran, egin klik leihoan atxikitzeko."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Area"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Egin _leiho bakarraren kaptura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Sartu leiho _apaingarria"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Egin pantaila _osoaren kaptura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Sartu _saguaren erakuslea"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Hautatu _eskualdea kapturatzeko"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Atzerapena"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundo"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/fa.po new/po-plug-ins/fa.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/fa.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/fa.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.633210709 +0200
+@@ -7175,88 +7175,88 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "ف_ام:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:233
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:233
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:246
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:246
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_عکس صفحه..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:411
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:411
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "خطا هنگام گرفتن نشانگر"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:715
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:715
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "خطا هنگام گرفتن عکس صفحه"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:739 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:907
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:739 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:907
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "عکس صفحه"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:804
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:804
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "پنجرهٔ مورد نظر پیدا نشد"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:832
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:832
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:916
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:916
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "تعویض _جا"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:946
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:946
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:948
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:948
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:951
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:951
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:957
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:957
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "ناحیه:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:968
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:968
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:989
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:989
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "گنجاندن تزئینات"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1005
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1005
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1022
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1022
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "انتخاب بردار قبلی"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1037
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1037
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "همپوشانی"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1059
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1059
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "میلیثانیه"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/fi.po new/po-plug-ins/fi.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/fi.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/fi.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.648210637 +0200
+@@ -7011,84 +7011,84 @@ msgstr "Näytteen analysointi"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Uudelleen kartoita väritetyt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Luo kuva haluamastasi näytön alueesta"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Kuvankaappaus..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Virhe valittaessa ikkunaa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Tuodaan kuvankaappausta"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Kuvankaappaus"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Hiiren kohdistin"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Annettua ikkunaa ei löytynyt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Ota kuva"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Näytönkaappaus otetaan viiveen jälkeen."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Siirrä hiiresi valittuun alueeseen kuvankaappausta varten viiveen jälkeen."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Napsauta ikkunaa pompauttaaksesi sen viiveen jälkeen."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Alue"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Ota kuvankaappaus _yhdestä ikkunasta"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Sisällytä ikkunan _reunat"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Ota kuvankaappaus _koko ruudusta"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Sisällytä hiiren kohdistin"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Valitse kaapattava _alue"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Viive"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekuntia"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/fr.po new/po-plug-ins/fr.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/fr.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/fr.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.665210555 +0200
+@@ -7090,84 +7090,84 @@ msgstr "Analyse de l'échantillon"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Appliquer à nouveau le colorié"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crée une image depuis une région de l'écran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Capture d'écran..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Erreur de sélection de la fenêtre"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importation de la capture d'écran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Capture d'écran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Pointeur de la souris"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Fenêtre indiquée non trouvée"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Capturer"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Après le délai, la capture est faite."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Après le délai, déplacez votre souris pour sélectionner la région à capturer."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "À la fin du délai, cliquez sur une fenêtre pour la capturer."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Région"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Prendre une capture d'écran d'une _fenêtre unique"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Inclure les _décorations de fenêtre"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Prendre une capture d'écran de l'é_cran entier"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inclure le _pointeur de la souris"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Sélectionner une _région à capturer"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Délai"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "secondes"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ga.po new/po-plug-ins/ga.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ga.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ga.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.679210488 +0200
+@@ -6327,53 +6327,53 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:395
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:395
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:471
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:471
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:638
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:638
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:586
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:586
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:609
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:609
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen Shot"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. single window
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:673
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:673
+ #: plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:866
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:680
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:680
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:698
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:698
+ msgid "S_elect Window After"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:755
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:755
+ msgid "Seconds Delay"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:719
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:719
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:740
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:740
+ msgid "Grab _After"
+ msgstr ""
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/gl.po new/po-plug-ins/gl.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/gl.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/gl.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.694210416 +0200
+@@ -6916,85 +6916,85 @@ msgstr "Análise da mostra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Mapear de novo a cor"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crear unha imaxe dunha área da pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Captura de pantalla..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao seleccionar a pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:787
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:787
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importar a captura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1086
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1086
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:854
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:854
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Punteiro do rato"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:973
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:973
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Non se achou a ventá especificada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1095
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1095
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Axustar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1125
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1125
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Despois do atraso, captúrase a pantalla."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1127
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1127
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Despois de agardar, arrastre o rato para seleccionar a área para a captura "
+ "de pantalla."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1130
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1130
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Despois do atraso, prema nunha ventá para capturar a súa imaxe."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1136
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1136
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Área"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1147
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1147
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Tirar unha captura de pantalla dunha _ventá soa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1166
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1166
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Incluír a _decoración da ventá"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1186
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1186
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Tirar a captura de pantalla da pantalla _completa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1205
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1205
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Incluír pun_teiro do rato"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1226
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1226
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Escolla unha _área para obter"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1241
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1241
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Atraso"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1263
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1263
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundos"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/gu.po new/po-plug-ins/gu.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/gu.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/gu.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.708210349 +0200
+@@ -6291,65 +6291,65 @@ msgstr "પકડ (_H):"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "વર્ણ (_u):"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:239
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:239
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "સ્ક્રીનશોટ (_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:423
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:423
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr "નિર્દેશક મેળવવામાં ભૂલ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:602
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:602
+ msgid "Loading Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "સ્ક્રીનશોટ લાવી રહ્યા છીએ..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:609 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:781
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:609 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:781
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "સ્ક્રીનશોટ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:717
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:717
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "સ્પષ્ટ થયેલ વિન્ડો મળેલી નથી"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:744
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:744
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "સ્ક્રીનશોટ લેવામાં ભૂલ હતી."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:790
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:790
+ msgid "_Grab"
+ msgstr "મેળવો (_G)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "એક વિન્ડોનો સ્ક્રીનશોટ લો (_w)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:833
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:833
+ msgid "Include window decoration"
+ msgstr "વિન્ડો શણગાર સમાવો"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:848
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:848
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of your _desktop"
+ msgstr "તમારા ડેસ્કટોપનો સ્ક્રીનશોટ લો (_d)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:869
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:869
+ msgid "Select a region"
+ msgstr "વિસ્તાર પસંદ કરો"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:874
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:874
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, you can use the mouse to select a rectangular region of the "
+ "screen."
+ msgstr "જો સક્રિય કરેલ હોય, તો તમે સ્ક્રીનનો લંબચોરસ વિસ્તાર પસંદ કરવા માટે માઉસ વાપરી શકો."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:889
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:889
+ msgid "W_ait"
+ msgstr "રાહ જુઓ (_a)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:904
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:904
+ msgid "seconds before grabbing"
+ msgstr "મેળવવા પહેલાની સેકન્ડો"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:908
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:908
+ msgid ""
+ "The number of seconds to wait after selecting the window or region and "
+ "actually taking the screenshot."
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/he.po new/po-plug-ins/he.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/he.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/he.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.724210273 +0200
+@@ -7009,90 +7009,90 @@ msgstr "Sample Colourise"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Remap Colourised..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:239
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:239
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:252
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:252
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Polarising..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:416
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:416
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:777
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:777
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1059
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1059
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:844
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:844
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:948
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:948
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:974
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:974
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1068
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1068
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1098
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1098
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1100
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1100
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1103
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1103
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1109
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1109
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Centreing"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1120
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1120
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1139
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1139
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1157
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1157
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1176
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1176
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1196
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1196
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1211
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Intersection Colour"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1233
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1233
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "Second Colour"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/hr.po new/po-plug-ins/hr.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/hr.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/hr.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.740210196 +0200
+@@ -6674,54 +6674,54 @@ msgstr "_Zasićenost:"
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr "_Vrijednost:"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr "Screen Shot"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:395
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:395
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr "Greška kod uzimanja pokazivača"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:471
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:471
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr "Učitavam snimku zaslona..."
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:638
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:638
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr "Screen Shot"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:586
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:586
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Navedeni prozor nije nađen"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:609
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:609
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen Shot"
+ msgstr "Greška pri dobijanju snimke zaslona"
+ #. single window
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:673
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:673
+ #: plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:866
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr "Uhvati"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:680
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:680
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr "Jedan prozor"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:698
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:698
+ msgid "S_elect Window After"
+ msgstr "Odaberi prozor _poslije"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:755
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:755
+ msgid "Seconds Delay"
+ msgstr "sekundi zakašnjenja"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:719
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:719
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr "cijeli zaslon"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:740
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:740
+ msgid "Grab _After"
+ msgstr "Uhvati kasnije"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/hu.po new/po-plug-ins/hu.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/hu.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/hu.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.756210120 +0200
+@@ -7047,85 +7047,85 @@ msgstr "Mintaelemzés"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Színezés átalakítása"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Kép készítése a képernyő bizonyos részéről"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Képernyőkép…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Hiba az ablak kijelölése közben"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Képernyőkép importálása"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Képernyőkép"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Egérmutató"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "A megadott ablak nem található"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Képkészítés"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "A késleltetés lejárta után elkészül a képernyőkép."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "A késleltetés lejárta után jelölje ki egérrel (húzással) a területet, "
+ "amelyről a képernyőkép készüljön."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "A késleltetés lejárta után kattintson egy ablakra a képkészítéshez."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Terület"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Képkészítés _egyetlen ablakról"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Ablak_díszítésekkel együtt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Képkészítés az egész képe_rnyőről"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Az e_gérmutató is legyen benne"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Lefotózandó terület ki_jelölése"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Késleltetés"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "másodperc"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/id.po new/po-plug-ins/id.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/id.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/id.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.772210043 +0200
+@@ -7447,94 +7447,94 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Cuplikan layar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Tentang Cuplikan Layar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Cuplikan layar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Sertakan Penunjuk"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Folder yang disebutkan tidak ditemukan"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Mengambil Cuplikan Layar Tertentu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Sertakan _bingkai jendela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Mengambil Cuplikan Seluruh Layar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Menyertakan penunjuk pada cuplikan layar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Pilih wil_ayah tertentu"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Tundaan cuplikan layar"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "detik"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/is.po new/po-plug-ins/is.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/is.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/is.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.789209962 +0200
+@@ -6894,85 +6894,85 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Búa til mynd eftir svæði á skjánum"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Skjámynd..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Villa við að velja glugga"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Flyt inn skjámynd"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Skjámynd"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Músarbendill"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Tiltekni glugginn fannst ekki"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Grip"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Eftir seinkunina er skjámyndin tekin"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Eftir seinkunina dragðu músarbendilinn til að velja svæðið sem skjámyndin "
+ "tekin eftir."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Við enda seinkunar, smelltu inn í glugga til að taka mynd af honum."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Svæði"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Taka skjámynd af einum glugga"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Hafa _gluggaskreytingar með"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Taka _skjámynd af öllum skjánum"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Taka _með músarbendil"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Veldu _svæði til að taka mynd af"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Seinkun"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekúndur"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/it.po new/po-plug-ins/it.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/it.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/it.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.809209866 +0200
+@@ -7061,84 +7061,84 @@ msgstr "Analisi campione"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Rimappa colorati"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crea un'immagine da un'area dello schermo"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Schermata..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Errore nella selezione della finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importazione schermata"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Schermata"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Puntatore del mouse"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "La finestra specificata non è stata trovata"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "Cat_tura"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Dopo il ritardo verrà catturata la schermata."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Dopo il ritardo, usare il mouse per selezionare la regione da catturare."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Alla fine del ritardo, fare clic in una finestra per catturarla."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Area"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Cattura l'immagine di una _finestra singola"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Includi _decorazioni della finestra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Cattura l'immagine di tutto lo _schermo"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Includi il puntatore del _mouse"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Seleziona la _regione da catturare"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Ritardo"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "secondi"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ja.po new/po-plug-ins/ja.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ja.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ja.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.832209756 +0200
+@@ -7062,83 +7062,83 @@ msgstr "サンプルを解析してい
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "色を置き換えています..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "スクリーンのすべて (または一部) で画像を生成します"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "スクリーンショット(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウ選択中にエラーが発生しました。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "スクリーンショットを取り込んでいます..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "スクリーンショット"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "マウスポインター"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウが指定されていません"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "スナップ(_N)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "指定した待ち時間の後にスクリーンショットが取り込まれます"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "待ち時間経過後に取り込みたい範囲をドラッグしてください"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "待ち時間経過後に取り込みたいウィンドウをクリックしてください"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "取り込む範囲"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "単一ウィンドウ(_W)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウのデコレーションも含める(_D)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "画面全体(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "マウスポインターを含める(_M)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "指定した範囲(_R)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "取り込むまでの待ち時間"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "秒後に取り込み"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/km.po new/po-plug-ins/km.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/km.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/km.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.847209684 +0200
+@@ -7032,78 +7032,78 @@ msgstr "ការកាន់"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "ភាពលាំៗនៃពណ៌ ៖"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:234
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "បង្កើតរូបភាពមួយពីផ្ទៃអេក្រង់"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:247
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:247
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "រូបថតអេក្រង់..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:412
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:412
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "កំហុសក្នុងជ្រើសបង្អួច"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:770
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:770
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "កំពុងនាំចូលរូបថតអេក្រង់"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:969
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:969
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "រូបថតអេក្រង់"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:863
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:863
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "បង្អួចដែលបានបញ្ជាក់រកមិនឃើញ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:890
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:890
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "មានកំហុសមួយនៅពេលកំពុងថតរូបអេក្រង់ ។"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:978
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:978
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "ផ្ទាត់"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1008
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1008
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "បន្ទាប់ពីការពន្យារ រូបថតអេក្រង់ត្រូវបានថត ។"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1010
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1010
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "បន្ទាប់ពីការពន្យារ អូសកណ្ដុររបស់អ្នកដើម្បីជ្រើសតំបន់សម្រាប់រូបថតអេក្រង់ ។"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1013
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1013
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "នៅចុងបញ្ចប់ការពន្យារ ចុចក្នុងបង្អួចដើម្បីខ្ទាស់វា ។"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1019
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1019
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "ផ្ទៃ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1030
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1030
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "ថតរូបអក្រង់នៃបង្អួចទោលមួយ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1051
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1051
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "រួមមានការតុបតែងបង្អួច"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1067
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1067
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "ថតរូបអេក្រង់ទាំងមូល"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1084
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1084
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "ជ្រើសដើម្បីចាប់យកតំបន់មួយ"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "ពន្យារពេល"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "វិនាទី"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/kn.po new/po-plug-ins/kn.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/kn.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/kn.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.861209617 +0200
+@@ -6452,86 +6452,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:417
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:417
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:778
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:778
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:804 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1060
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:804 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1060
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "ತೆರೆಚಿತ್ರ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:845
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:845
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "ಮೌಸ್ನ ಸೂಚಕ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:949
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:949
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:975
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:975
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1069
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1069
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1101
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1101
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1104
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1104
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1110
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1110
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "ಜಾಗ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1140
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1140
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1158
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1158
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1177
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1177
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1197
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1197
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1212
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1212
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "ವಿಳಂಬ"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1234
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ko.po new/po-plug-ins/ko.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ko.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ko.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.876209545 +0200
+@@ -6900,83 +6900,83 @@ msgstr "표본 분석"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "색상화 재매핑"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "화면의 영역으로 새 이미지 만들기"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "스크린샷(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "창 선택 오류"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "스크린샷 가져오기"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "스크린샷"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "마우스 포인터"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "창을 찾을 수 없습니다."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "잡아내기(_N)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "지정한 시간(초) 이후에 화면을 찍습니다."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "일정 시간 후에, 마우스로 선택한 영역의 화면을 잡아냅니다."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "일정 시간 후에, 클릭한 창의 화면을 잡아냅니다."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "그리기 영역"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "창 하나만 찍기(_W)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "창 테두리를 포함(_D)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "전체 화면의 스크린샷을 찍기(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "마우스 포인터 포함(_M)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "스크린샷을 찍을 영역을 선택(_R)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "지연 시간"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "초"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/lt.po new/po-plug-ins/lt.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/lt.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/lt.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.892209468 +0200
+@@ -7013,84 +7013,84 @@ msgstr "Pavyzdžių analizė"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Perpiešti spalvotai"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Sukurti paveikslėlį iš ekrano ploto"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Ekrano nuotrauką..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Klaida pasirenkant langą"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importuojama ekrano nuotrauka"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ekrano nuotrauka"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Pelės žymiklis"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Nurodytas langas nerastas"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Fotografuoti"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Po nurodyto laiko fotografuojama."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Pasibaigus delsos laikui, vilkdami pelę pasirinkite fotografuotiną sritį."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Pasibaigus delsos laikui spustelėkite pageidaujamą fotografuoti langą."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Sritis"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Padaryti _vieno lango nuotrauką"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Įtraukti ir lango _dekoraciją"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Padaryti _viso ekrano nuotrauką"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Įtraukti _pelės žymiklį"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Pasirinkti fotografuotiną _regioną"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Delsa"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sek."
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/lv.po new/po-plug-ins/lv.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/lv.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/lv.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.908209392 +0200
+@@ -7013,83 +7013,83 @@ msgstr "Parauga analīze"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Pārkartēt tonējumu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Izveidot attēlu no ekrāna apgabala"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Ekrānuzņēmum_s..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Kļūda, izvēloties logu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importē ekrānuzņēmumu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ekrānuzņēmums"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Peles rādītājs"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Norādītais logs nav atrasts"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Uzņemt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Pēc aiztures, tiek uzņemts ekrānuzņēmums"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Pēc aiztures, velciet peli, lai izvēlētos apgabalu ekrānuzņēmumam."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Pēc aiztures, klikšķiniet uz logu, lai to uzņemtu."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Laukums:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Uzņemt _viena loga ekrānuzņēmumu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Iekļaut loga ap_dari"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Uzņemt vi_sa ekrāna ekrānuzņēmumu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Iekļaut peles _rādītāju"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Izvēlieties _apgabalu, ko uzņemt"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Aizture"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekundes"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/mk.po new/po-plug-ins/mk.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/mk.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/mk.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.924209315 +0200
+@@ -6969,93 +6969,93 @@ msgstr "Пример на анализа
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Ремапирање на обоеното"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Создади слика од областа на екранот"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Слика на _екранот..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:417
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:417
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Грешка при избирањето прозорец"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:778
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:778
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ја увезувам сликата на екранот"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:804 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1060
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:804 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1060
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Слика на екранот"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:845
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:845
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Покажувач на глушец"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:949
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:949
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Наведениот прозорец не е пронајден"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:975
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:975
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Имаше грешка во создавањето на слика од екранот."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1069
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1069
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Фати"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "По одложувањето, сликата од екранот е направена."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1101
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1101
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "По одложувањето, завлечи го глушецот за да го избереш регионот на сликата од "
+ "екран."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1104
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1104
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "На крајот од одложувањето, стисни во прозор за да го фати."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1110
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1110
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Област"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Земи слика на екранот од еден про_зорец"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1140
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1140
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Вклучи декорации на про_зорецот"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1158
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1158
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Земи слика на екранот од _целиот екран"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1177
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1177
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Вклучи _покажувач на глушец"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1197
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1197
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Избери подрачје за грабање"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1212
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1212
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Одложи"
+ #
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1234
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "секунди"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ms.po new/po-plug-ins/ms.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ms.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ms.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.940209238 +0200
+@@ -6744,55 +6744,55 @@ msgstr "_Ketepuan:"
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr "_Nilai:"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr "Cekupan Skrin"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:395
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:395
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr "Ralat mencapai penuding"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:471
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:471
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr "Memuatkan Cekupan Skrin..."
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:638
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:638
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr "Cekupan Skrin"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:586
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:586
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Tetingkap yang dinyatakan tidak dijumpai"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:609
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:609
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen Shot"
+ msgstr "Memperolehi Ralat Cekupan Skrin"
+ #. single window
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:673
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:673
+ #: plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:866
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr "Capai"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:680
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:680
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr "Tetingkap _Tunggal"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:698
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:698
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "S_elect Window After"
+ msgstr "P_emilih"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:755
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:755
+ msgid "Seconds Delay"
+ msgstr "Lengah Saat"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:719
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:719
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr "_Semua Skrin"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:740
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:740
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Grab _After"
+ msgstr "selepas"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/my.po new/po-plug-ins/my.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/my.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/my.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.955209167 +0200
+@@ -6802,88 +6802,88 @@ msgstr "နမူနာ သုံးသ
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "အရောင်ဆိုးချက်ကို ပုံပြန်ဖေါ်ပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:239
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:239
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင်ရဲ့ နယ်ပယ်တခုမှ ရုပ်ပုံတခုကို ဖန်တီးပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:252
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:252
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက်..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:416
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:416
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "၀င်းဒိုး ရွေးချယ်မှု အမှားအယွင်း"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:777
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:777
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက် တင်သွင်းခြင်း"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1059
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1059
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက်"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:844
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:844
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "ကြွက်ခလုတ် ညွှန်တံ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:948
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:948
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "သတ်မှတ်ထားတဲ့ ၀င်းဒိုး မတွေ့ရဘူး"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:974
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:974
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက်ကို ဖမ်းယူနေတဲ့ အမှားအယွင်း တခု ရှိနေတယ်။"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1068
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1068
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "ရယူပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1098
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1098
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "နှောင့်နှေးမှုပြီးနောက်၊ မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက်ကို ရယူထားတယ်။"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1100
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1100
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "နှောင့်နှေးမှုပြီးနောက်၊ မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက် အတွက နယ်ပယ်ကို ရွေးဖို့ သင့်ရဲ့ ကြွက်ကို "
+ "ဒရွတ်ဆွဲပါ။"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1103
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1103
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "နှောင့်နှေးမှုပြီးနောက်၊ ၀င်းဒိုးတခုကို ရယူဖို့ ၄င်းကို နှိုပ်ပါ။"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1109
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1109
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "နယ်ပယ်"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1120
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1120
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "၀င်းဒိုးတခုရဲ့ မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက်ကို ရယူပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1139
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1139
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "၀င်းဒိုး အလှပြင်ဆင်မှုကို ထည့်သွင်းပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1157
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1157
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "မျက်နှာပြင် တခုလုံးရဲ့ မျက်နှာပြင်ရိုက်ချက် တခုကို ရယူပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1176
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1176
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "ကြွက်ခလုတ် ညွှန်တံကို ထည့်သွင်းပါ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1196
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1196
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "နယ်ပယ်တခုကို ဖမ်းဆုပ်ဖို့ ရွေးပါ"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1211
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1211
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "နှောင့်နှေးစေပါ"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1233
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1233
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "စက္ကန့်များ"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/nb.po new/po-plug-ins/nb.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/nb.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/nb.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.970209095 +0200
+@@ -7138,97 +7138,97 @@ msgstr "Colorize eksempel"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Colorize eksempel"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:239
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:239
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:252
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:252
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Skjermbilde..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:416
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:416
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Feil under lesing av fil"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:777
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:777
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Feil ved taking av skjermbilde"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1059
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:803 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1059
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Skjermbilde"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:844
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:844
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Sett inn punkt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:948
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:948
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:974
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:974
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1068
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1068
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "B_ytt"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1098
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1098
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1100
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1100
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1103
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1103
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1109
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1109
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Område:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1120
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1120
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1139
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1139
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Ta med dekorasjoner"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1157
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1157
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1176
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1176
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1196
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Velg forrige vektor"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1211
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Overlegg"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1233
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1233
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "millisekunder"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ne.po new/po-plug-ins/ne.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ne.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ne.po 2017-05-10 12:55:11.984209028 +0200
+@@ -7002,78 +7002,78 @@ msgstr "समाई:"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "ह्यु:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:234
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "स्क्रिनको एउटा क्षेत्रबाट एउटा छवि सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:247
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:247
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "स्क्रिनसट..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:412
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:412
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "सञ्झ्याल चयन गर्दा त्रुटि"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:770
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:770
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "स्क्रिनसट आयात गर्दै"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:969
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:969
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "स्क्रिनसट"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:863
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:863
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "निर्दिष्ट गरिएको सञ्झ्याल फेला परेन"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:890
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:890
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "स्क्रिनसट लिदा त्यहाँ एउटा त्रुटि थियो"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:978
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:978
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "साटासाट गर्नुहोस्"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1008
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1008
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "विलम्ब पछि, स्क्रिनसट लिइनेछ ।"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1010
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1010
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "विलम्ब पछि, स्क्रिनसटका लागि क्षेत्र चयन गर्न तपाईँको माउस तान्नुहोस् ।"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1013
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1013
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "विलम्बको अन्त्यमा, यसलाई स्न्याप गर्न सञ्झ्यालमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1019
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1019
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "क्षेत्र"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1030
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1030
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "एउटा एकल सञ्झ्यालको एउटा स्क्रिनसट लिनुहोस्"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1051
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1051
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "सञ्झ्याल सजावटसँग"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1067
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1067
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "पूरा स्क्रिनको एउटा स्क्रिनसट लिनुहोस्"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1084
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1084
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "खोस्न एउटा क्षेत्र चयन गर्नुहोस्"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "ढिलाई"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "सेकेन्ड"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/nl.po new/po-plug-ins/nl.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/nl.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/nl.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.002208942 +0200
+@@ -7239,87 +7239,87 @@ msgstr "Monsteranalyse"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Inkleuren met monsters wordt uitgevoerd…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Een afbeelding aanmaken van een deel van het scherm"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Schermafdruk…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Fout bij selecteren van het venster"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Schermafdruk importeren"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Schermafdruk"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Muisaanwijzer"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Opgegeven venster niet gevonden"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Maken"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Na de wachttijd wordt de schermafdruk gemaakt."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Na de wachttijd sleept u de muis om het gebied te selecteren waarvan u de "
+ "schermafdruk wilt maken."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Na de wachttijd klikt u in het venster waarvan u de schermafdruk wilt maken."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Gebied"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Een schermafdruk van een enkel _venster maken"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Inclusief venster_randen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Een schermafdruk van het hele _scherm maken"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "_Inclusief muisaanwijzer"
+ # gedeelte/regio/gebied
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Een _gebied selecteren voor de schermafdruk"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Wachttijd"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "seconden"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/nn.po new/po-plug-ins/nn.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/nn.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/nn.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.017208870 +0200
+@@ -7088,83 +7088,83 @@ msgstr "Samlingsanalyse"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Fargelegg"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Opprett eit nytt bilete frå eit ormråde av skjermen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Skjermenbilete …"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Feil ved markeringa av vindauget"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importerer eit bilete av skjermen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Skjermbilete"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Musepeikar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Fann ikkje det oppgitte vindauget"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Grip"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Biletet av skjermen blir knipsa etter pausen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Etter pausen kan du markere området med musepeikaren"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Klikk i eit vindauge etter pausen for å lage bilete av det."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Område"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Knips eit bilete av eit enkelt _vindauge"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Inkluder vindaugedekorasjonar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "_skjermbilete"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inkluder _musepeikaren"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Vel område som det skal hentast inn"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Vent i"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekund"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/oc.po new/po-plug-ins/oc.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/oc.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/oc.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.033208793 +0200
+@@ -7055,85 +7055,85 @@ msgstr "Analisar de l'escapolon"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Aplicar a novèl lo coloriat"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Crèa un imatge dempuèi una region de l'ecran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Captura d'ecran..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Error de seleccion de la fenèstra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importacion de la captura d'ecran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura d'ecran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Puntador de la mirga"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Fenèstra indicada non trobada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Capturar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Aprèp lo relambi, la captura es faita."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aprèp lo relambi, desplaçatz vòstra mirga per seleccionar la region de "
+ "capturar."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "A la fin del relambi, clicatz sus una fenèstra per la capturar."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Region"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Prene una captura d'ecran d'una _fenèstra unica"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Inclure las _decoracions de fenèstra"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Prene una captura d'ecran de l'e_cran entièr"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inclure lo _puntador de la mirga"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Seleccionar una _region de capturar"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Relambi"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segondas"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/pa.po new/po-plug-ins/pa.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/pa.po 2017-04-30 23:44:08.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/pa.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.047208726 +0200
+@@ -7077,78 +7077,78 @@ msgstr "ਹੋਲਡਨੈੱਸ(_H):"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "ਆਭਾ(_u):"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:234
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:234
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "ਸਕਰੀਨ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਖੇਤਰ ਤੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਬਣਾਓ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:247
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:247
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਟ(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:412
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:412
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਚੁਣਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:770
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:770
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਟ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:969
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:795 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:969
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਟ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:863
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:863
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "ਦਿੱਤੀ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੀ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:890
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:890
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਂਟ ਲੈਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਇੱਕ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:978
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:978
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "ਸਨੈਪ(_n)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1008
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1008
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "ਡੀਲੇਅ ਬਾਅਦ ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ੀਟ ਲਿਆ।"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1010
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1010
+ msgid "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "ਡੀਲੇਅ ਬਾਅਦ, ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਟ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਮਾਊਂਸ ਖੇਤਰ ਚੁਣਨ ਲਈ ਡਰੈਗ ਕਰੋ।"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1013
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1013
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "ਡੀਲੇਅ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ, ਇੱਕ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਦੀ ਸਨੈਪ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ।"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1019
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1019
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "ਖੇਤਰ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1030
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1030
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਇੱਕਲੀ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਦਾ ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਂਟ ਲਵੋ(_w)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1051
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1051
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਡੈਕੋਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ(_d)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1067
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1067
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "ਪੂਰੀ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਦਾ ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸ਼ਾਂਟ ਲਵੋ(_s)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1084
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1084
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਖੇਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ(_r)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1099
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1099
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "ਡੀਲੇਅ"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1121
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1121
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "ਸਕਿੰਟ"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/pl.po new/po-plug-ins/pl.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/pl.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/pl.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.063208650 +0200
+@@ -7039,84 +7039,84 @@ msgstr "Analizowanie próbek"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Odwzorowanie barwienia"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Tworzy obraz z obszaru ekranu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Zrzut ekranu…"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas wybierania okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importowanie zrzutu ekranu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Zrzut ekranu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Kursor myszy"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono podanego okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Przechwyć"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Po podanym czasie zostanie wykonany zrzut ekranu."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Po podanym czasie należy przesunąć mysz, aby wybrać obszar dla zrzutu ekranu."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Po podanym czasie należy kliknąć okno, aby je przechwycić."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Obszar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Wykonanie zrzutu ekranu pojedynczego _okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Wraz z _dekoracją okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Wykonanie zrzutu całego _ekranu"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Wraz z kursorem _myszy"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Wybór _obszaru do przechwycenia"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Opóźnienie"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekund"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.in new/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.in
+--- old/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.in 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.in 2017-05-10 13:05:05.981668293 +0200
+@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ plug-ins/common/red-eye-removal.c
+ plug-ins/common/ripple.c
+ plug-ins/common/rotate.c
+ plug-ins/common/sample-colorize.c
+ plug-ins/common/semi-flatten.c
+ plug-ins/common/sharpen.c
+ plug-ins/common/shift.c
+@@ -277,6 +276,7 @@ plug-ins/pagecurl/pagecurl.c
+ plug-ins/print/print-draw-page.c
+ plug-ins/print/print-page-layout.c
+ plug-ins/print/print.c
+ plug-ins/selection-to-path/pxl-outline.c
+ plug-ins/selection-to-path/selection-to-path.c
+ plug-ins/twain/twain.c
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.skip new/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.skip
+--- old/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.skip 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/POTFILES.skip 2017-05-10 13:05:26.918597848 +0200
+@@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ plug-ins/imagemap/y.tab.c
+ plug-ins/metadata/interface.c
+ plug-ins/pygimp
+ plug-ins/script-fu
+ tools
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/pt_BR.po new/po-plug-ins/pt_BR.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/pt_BR.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/pt_BR.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.079208573 +0200
+@@ -7067,84 +7067,84 @@ msgstr "Analisando amostra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Colorizando por remapeamento"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Cria uma imagem a partir do que é exibido na tela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Captura de _tela..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Erro ao selecionar a janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importando imagem"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de tela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Ponteiro do mouse"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Janela especificada não encontrada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "Ca_pturar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Após o atraso, a tela é capturada."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Após o atraso, clique e arraste para selecionar a região a ser capturada."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Ao final do atraso, clique em uma janela para capturá-la."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Área"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Capt_urar uma única janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Incluir _decorações da janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Capturar a tela _inteira"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Incluir ponteiro do _mouse"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Selecionar uma _região da tela"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Atraso"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundos"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/pt.po new/po-plug-ins/pt.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/pt.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/pt.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.094208501 +0200
+@@ -7055,85 +7055,85 @@ msgstr "Análise da amostra"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Remapear colorido"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Criar uma nova imagem com a \"fotografia\" de uma área do ecrã"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Capturar de ecrã..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Erro ao selecionar a janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "A importar a captura de ecrã"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captura de ecrã"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Ponteiro do rato"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "A janela especificada não foi encontrada"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Capturar"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Depois do atraso, é tirada uma fotografia ao ecrã."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Depois do atraso, arraste o rato para selecionar a região a incluir na "
+ "captura de ecrã."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "No fim do atraso, clique na janela para a capturar."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Área"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Capturar o ecrã de uma única _janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Incluir as _decorações da janela"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Capturar numa imagem todo o _ecrã"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Incluir o _ponteiro do rato"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Selecionar uma _região a capturar"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Atraso"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "segundos"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ro.po new/po-plug-ins/ro.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ro.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ro.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.110208424 +0200
+@@ -7069,84 +7069,84 @@ msgstr "Analiză de eșantion"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Remapare colorizări"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Creează o imagine dintr-o zonă a ecranului"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Captură de ecran..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Eroare la selecția ferestrei"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Import de captură de ecran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Captură de ecran"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Indicator de maus"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Fereastra specificată nu a fost găsită"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Capturează"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "După întârziere, captura de ecran este preluată automat."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "După întârziere, deplasați mausul pentru a selecta zona de capturat."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr ""
+ "La sfârșitul întârzierii, dați clic într‑o fereastră pentru a o captura."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Zonă"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Capturează o singură _fereastră"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Include _decorațiunile ferestrei"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Capturează întreg _ecranul"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Include indicatorul de _maus"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Selectează o _zonă de capturat"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Întârziere"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "secunde"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/ru.po new/po-plug-ins/ru.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/ru.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/ru.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.127208343 +0200
+@@ -7031,83 +7031,83 @@ msgstr "Анализ образца"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Окрашивание по образцу"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Создать изображение из указанной части рабочего стола"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "С_нимок экрана..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Ошибка при выборе окна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Импорт снимка экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Снимок экрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Указатель мыши"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Указанное окно не найдено"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "З_ахватить"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "После задержки делается снимок"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "После задержки, переместите мышь для выделения области для снимка."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "После задержки щёлкните по окну для получения его снимка"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Область"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Снять только активное _окно"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Включая о_брамление окна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Снять _весь экран"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Включить указатель _мыши"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Выделить _область"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Задержка"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "секунд"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/rw.po new/po-plug-ins/rw.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/rw.po 2017-04-30 23:44:09.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/rw.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.143208266 +0200
+@@ -7544,63 +7544,63 @@ msgstr "Ubwuzurane"
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr "Agaciro:"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:236 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:994
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:236 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:994
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:417
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:417
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr "i Mweretsi"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:556
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:556
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:563 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:729
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:563 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:729
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:671
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:671
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Idirishya OYA Byabonetse"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:698
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:698
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen shot"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. single window
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:738 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:764
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:738 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:764
+ #: plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:865
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:771
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:771
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr "a"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:791
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:791
+ msgid "Include decoration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:804
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:804
+ msgid "Selected Region"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:821
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr "i"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:844
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:844
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay for"
+ msgstr "kugirango"
+ # offmgr/source\offapp\dialog\optgdlg.src:OFA_TP_MISC.FT_HELPAGENT_TIME_UNIT.text
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:859
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:859
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "amasogonda"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/sk.po new/po-plug-ins/sk.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/sk.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/sk.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.156208204 +0200
+@@ -6254,55 +6254,55 @@ msgstr "_Zadržanie:"
+ msgid "H_ue:"
+ msgstr "O_dtieň:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Snímka obrazovky..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:424
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:424
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr "Chyba pri zachytávaní ukazovateľa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:603
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:603
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Načítavanie snímky obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:610 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:777
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:610 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:777
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Snímka obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:718
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:718
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Určené okno nebolo nájdené"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:745
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:745
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Nastala chyba pri získavaní snímky obrazovky."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "_Grab"
+ msgstr "_Zosnímať"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:807
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:807
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Oblasť"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:818
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:818
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Získať snímku obrazovky jedného _okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Zahrnúť _dekoráciu okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:855
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:855
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Získať snímku celej _obrazovky"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:873
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:873
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Vybrať _oblasť na zosnímanie"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, you can use the mouse to select a rectangular region of the "
+ "screen."
+@@ -6310,21 +6310,21 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ak je povolené, môžete použiť myš na výber obdĺžnikovej oblasti obrazovky."
+ #. grab delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:893
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:893
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Oneskorenie"
+ #. this string is part of "Wait [spinbutton] seconds before grabbing"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:906
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:906
+ msgid "W_ait"
+ msgstr "Č_akať"
+ #. this string is part of "Wait [spinbutton] seconds before grabbing"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:922
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:922
+ msgid "seconds before grabbing"
+ msgstr "sekúnd pred zosnímaním"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:926
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:926
+ msgid ""
+ "The number of seconds to wait after selecting the window or region and "
+ "actually taking the screenshot."
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/sl.po new/po-plug-ins/sl.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/sl.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/sl.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.172208128 +0200
+@@ -7025,83 +7025,83 @@ msgstr "Analiziraj vzorec ..."
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Ponovno poslikaj prebarvano ..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Ustvari sliko iz področja zaslona"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Posnetek namizja ..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Napaka pri izbiranju okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Uvoz zaslonske slike ..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Posnetek namizja"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Miškin kazalec"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Navedenega okna ni mogoče najti"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Pripni"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Posnetek namizja nastane po zakasnitvi."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Po zamiku povlecite miško, da izberete področje posnetka namizja."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Po koncu zamika kliknite v okno, da ga poslikate."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Področje"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Naredi posnetek posameznega _okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Vključi _okrasitev okna"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Naredi posnetek _celega zaslona"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Vključi kazalec _miške"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Izberi _področje za zajem"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Zakasni"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekund"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/sr@latin.po new/po-plug-ins/sr@latin.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/sr@latin.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/sr@latin.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.188208051 +0200
+@@ -7444,87 +7444,87 @@ msgstr "Uzorak analize"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Ponovo mapiraj obojeno"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Napravite sliku iz oblasti ekrana računara"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Snimi ekran..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Greška izbora prozora"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Uvozim snimak ekrana"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Snimak ekrana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Kurzor miša"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Nisam našao navedeni prozor"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Uhvati"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Nakon zastoja, pravi se snimak ekrana."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Nakon zastoja, prevucite mišem da izaberete površ za snimak ekrana."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Nakon zastoja, pritisnite na prozor da napravite snimak."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Prostor"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Napravite snimak jednog _prozora"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Uključi _ukras prozora"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Napravite snimak _celog ekrana"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Uključi pokazivač _miša"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "_Izaberi prostor za snimak"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Zastoj"
+ #
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekunde"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/sr.po new/po-plug-ins/sr.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/sr.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/sr.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.204207974 +0200
+@@ -7444,87 +7444,87 @@ msgstr "Узорак анализе"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Поново мапирај обојено"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Направите слику из области екрана рачунара"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Сними екран..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Грешка избора прозора"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Увозим снимак екрана"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Снимак екрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Курзор миша"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Нисам нашао наведени прозор"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Ухвати"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Након застоја, прави се снимак екрана."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Након застоја, превуците мишем да изаберете површ за снимак екрана."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Након застоја, притисните на прозор да направите снимак."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Простор"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Направите снимак једног _прозора"
+ #
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Укључи _украс прозора"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Направите снимак _целог екрана"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Укључи показивач _миша"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "_Изабери простор за снимак"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Застој"
+ #
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "секунде"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/sv.po new/po-plug-ins/sv.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/sv.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/sv.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.220207898 +0200
+@@ -7031,84 +7031,84 @@ msgstr "Sampelanalys"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Mappa om färgsättning"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Skapa en bild från ett område på skärmen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Skärmbild..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Fel vid markering av fönstret"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Importerar skärmbild"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Skärmbild"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Muspekare"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Angett fönster kan inte hittas"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Ta bild"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Skärmbilden tas efter fördröjningen."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Dra musen, efter fördröjningen, för att markera regionen för skärmbilden."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Vid slutet av fördröjningen, klicka i ett fönster för att fästa det."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Område"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Ta en skärmbild av ett enstaka _fönster"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Inkludera fönster_dekoration"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Ta en skärmbild av hela _skärmen"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Inkludera _muspekare"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Välj en _region att fånga"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Fördröjning"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "sekunder"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/tr.po new/po-plug-ins/tr.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/tr.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/tr.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.235207826 +0200
+@@ -7022,86 +7022,86 @@ msgstr "Basit çözümleme"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Renklendirilen yeniden eşleme"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Ekran alanında görüntü oluşutur"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Ekran Görüntüsü..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Pencere seçme hatası"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ekran görüntüsü içe aktarılıyor"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Ekran Görüntüsü"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Fare İmleci"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Belirtilen pencere bulunamadı"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "En_stantane fotoğraf"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Gecikmenin ardından ekran görüntüsü alınır."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Gecikmeden sonra, ekran görüntüsü alınacak bölgeyi seçmek için farenizi "
+ "sürükleyin."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Gecikme süresinin sonunda, görüntü almak için pencerenin içine tıkla."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Alan"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "T_ek bir pencerenin ekran görüntüsünü al"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Pencere _süslemesini kapsa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "_Tüm ekranın ekran görüntüsünü al"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "_Fare imlecini kapsa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Yakanacak _bölge seç"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Gecikme"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "saniye"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/uk.po new/po-plug-ins/uk.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/uk.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/uk.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.250207754 +0200
+@@ -6953,83 +6953,83 @@ msgstr "Аналіз зразка"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Фарбування за зразком"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Створити зображення з вказаної частини робочого столу"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "_Знімок екрану..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Помилка при виборі вікна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Імпорт знімку екрану"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Знімок екрану"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Вказівник миші"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Вказане вікно не знайдене"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "За_хопити"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Після затримки робиться знімок"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Після затримки, пересуньте мишу на область для знімку."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Після затримки клацніть на вікні для отримання його знімку"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Область"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Зняти лише активне _вікно"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Включаючи _рамку вікна"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Зняти _весь екран"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Включити вказівник _миші"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Виділіть _область"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Затримка"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "секунд"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/vi.po new/po-plug-ins/vi.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/vi.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/vi.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.266207677 +0200
+@@ -6940,84 +6940,84 @@ msgstr "Phân tích mẫu"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr "Áp dụng lại sự màu hóa"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "Tạo ảnh từ một vùng của màn hình"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "Chụp _màn hình..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "Lỗi lựa chọn cửa sổ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "Đang nhập ảnh chụp màn hình..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "Chụp màn hình"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "Con trỏ chuột"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "Không tìm thấy cửa sổ đã xác định"
+ # Button in screenshot dialog
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "_Chụp"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "Sau khi hết giờ hẹn sẽ chụp ảnh màn hình"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "Sau khi hết giờ hẹn, nhấn và rê chuột để chọn vùng chụp."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "Khi hết hẹn giờ, nhấn chuột vào cửa sổ để chụp."
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "Vùng"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "Chụp hình một _cửa sổ riêng lẻ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "Gồm t_rang trí cửa sổ"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "Chụp t_oàn màn hình"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "Bao gồm _con trỏ chuột"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "Chọn _vùng cần bắt"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "Trễ"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "giây"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/xh.po new/po-plug-ins/xh.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/xh.po 2017-04-30 23:44:09.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/xh.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.281207606 +0200
+@@ -6398,62 +6398,62 @@ msgstr "Ukugcwala:"
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr "_Ixabiso"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:236 ../plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:994
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:236 ../plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:994
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:557
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:557
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:564 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:730
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:564 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:730
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr "Isikrini"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:672
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:672
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:699
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:699
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen shot"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. single window
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:739 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:765
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:739 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:765
+ #: ../plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:865
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr "i-_Gray:"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:772
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:772
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:792
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:792
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Include decoration"
+ msgstr "Ukunqamleza"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:805
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Selected Region"
+ msgstr "uKhetho"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:822
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:822
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:845
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:845
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Delay for"
+ msgstr "Umsebenzi we-Delta"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:860
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:860
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "ii-milliseconds"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/yi.po new/po-plug-ins/yi.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/yi.po 2017-04-30 23:44:09.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/yi.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.295207539 +0200
+@@ -6282,53 +6282,53 @@ msgstr "דורכװײק"
+ msgid "_Value:"
+ msgstr "באַטרעף"
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:257 plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:990
+ msgid "_Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:395
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:395
+ msgid "Error grabbing the pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:471
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:471
+ msgid "Loading Screen Shot..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:638
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:478 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:638
+ msgid "Screen Shot"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:586
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:586
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:609
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:609
+ msgid "Error obtaining Screen Shot"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. single window
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:673
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:643 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:673
+ #: plug-ins/winsnap/winsnap.c:866
+ msgid "Grab"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:680
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:680
+ msgid "a _Single Window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:698
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:698
+ msgid "S_elect Window After"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:755
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:713 plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:755
+ msgid "Seconds Delay"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:719
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:719
+ msgid "the _Whole Screen"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:740
++#: plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:740
+ msgid "Grab _After"
+ msgstr ""
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/zh_CN.po new/po-plug-ins/zh_CN.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/zh_CN.po 2017-04-30 23:44:09.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/zh_CN.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.309207471 +0200
+@@ -6772,87 +6772,87 @@ msgstr "样品分析"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "从一个屏幕区域创建图像"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "屏幕截图(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:417
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:417
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "选择窗口出错"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:779
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:779
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "导入屏幕截图"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:805 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1076
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:805 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1076
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "屏幕截图"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:846
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:846
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "鼠标指针"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:964
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:964
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "没有找到指定的窗口"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:991
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:991
+ msgid "There was an error taking the screenshot."
+ msgstr "对屏幕截图时出错。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "捕捉(_N)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1115
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1115
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "在延迟之后,得到屏幕截图。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1117
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1117
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "在延迟之后,拖动您的鼠标以选择屏幕截图范围。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1120
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1120
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "延迟结束时,在一个窗口中点击以捕捉它。"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "区域"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1137
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1137
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "对单个窗口截图(_W)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1156
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1156
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "包含窗口装饰(_D)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1174
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1174
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "对整个屏幕截图(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1193
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1193
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "包括鼠标指针(_M)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "选择要截取的区域(_R)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1228
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1228
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "延迟"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1250
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "秒"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/zh_HK.po new/po-plug-ins/zh_HK.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/zh_HK.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/zh_HK.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.325207395 +0200
+@@ -7085,83 +7085,83 @@ msgstr "樣本分析"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:240
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "從螢幕的一個區域建立圖片"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:253
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:253
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "從螢幕畫面擷取(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:418
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:418
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "選取視窗出現錯誤"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:786
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:786
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "匯入螢幕快照"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1085
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:812 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1085
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "螢幕畫面擷取"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:853
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:853
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "鼠標"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:972
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:972
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "找不到指定的視窗"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1094
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1094
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "拍照(_N)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1124
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1124
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "在延遲的時間後,拍下螢幕的快照。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1126
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1126
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "在延遲的時間之後,拖曳滑鼠以選取螢幕拍攝的區域。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1129
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1129
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "在延遲時間到時,點擊一個視窗以拍攝它。"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1135
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1135
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "擷取範圍"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1146
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1146
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "拍下單一視窗的螢幕快照(_W)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1165
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1165
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "包含視窗邊框(_D)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1185
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1185
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "拍下全螢幕的快照(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "包含鼠標(_M)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1225
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1225
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "選擇一區域擷取(_R)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1240
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1240
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "延遲"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1262
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1262
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "秒"
+diff -urNp old/po-plug-ins/zh_TW.po new/po-plug-ins/zh_TW.po
+--- old/po-plug-ins/zh_TW.po 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-plug-ins/zh_TW.po 2017-05-10 12:55:12.341207318 +0200
+@@ -7144,83 +7144,83 @@ msgstr "樣本分析"
+ msgid "Remap colorized"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:250
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:250
+ msgid "Create an image from an area of the screen"
+ msgstr "從螢幕的一個區域建立圖片"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:272
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:272
+ msgid "_Screenshot..."
+ msgstr "從螢幕畫面擷取(_S)..."
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:445
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:445
+ msgid "Error selecting the window"
+ msgstr "選取視窗出現錯誤"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:813
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:813
+ msgid "Importing screenshot"
+ msgstr "匯入螢幕快照"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1204
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:839 ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1204
+ msgid "Screenshot"
+ msgstr "螢幕畫面擷取"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:880
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:880
+ msgid "Mouse Pointer"
+ msgstr "滑鼠指標"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1014
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1014
+ msgid "Specified window not found"
+ msgstr "找不到指定的視窗"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1213
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1213
+ msgid "S_nap"
+ msgstr "拍照(_N)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1243
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1243
+ msgid "After the delay, the screenshot is taken."
+ msgstr "在延遲的時間後,拍下螢幕的快照。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1245
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1245
+ msgid ""
+ "After the delay, drag your mouse to select the region for the screenshot."
+ msgstr "在延遲的時間之後,拖曳滑鼠以選取螢幕拍攝的區域。"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1248
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1248
+ msgid "At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it."
+ msgstr "在延遲時間到時,點擊一個視窗以拍攝它。"
+ #. Area
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1254
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1254
+ msgid "Area"
+ msgstr "擷取範圍"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1265
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1265
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of a single _window"
+ msgstr "拍下單一視窗的螢幕快照(_W)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1284
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1284
+ msgid "Include window _decoration"
+ msgstr "包含視窗邊框(_D)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1304
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1304
+ msgid "Take a screenshot of the entire _screen"
+ msgstr "拍下全螢幕的快照(_S)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1323
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1323
+ msgid "Include _mouse pointer"
+ msgstr "包含滑鼠指標(_M)"
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1344
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1344
+ msgid "Select a _region to grab"
+ msgstr "選擇一區域擷取(_R)"
+ #. Delay
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1359
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1359
+ msgid "Delay"
+ msgstr "延遲"
+ #. this is the unit label of a spinbutton
+-#: ../plug-ins/common/screenshot.c:1381
++#: ../plug-ins/screenshot/screenshot.c:1381
+ msgid "seconds"
+ msgstr "秒"
+diff -urNp old/po-python/POTFILES.skip new/po-python/POTFILES.skip
+--- old/po-python/POTFILES.skip 2017-04-30 23:47:40.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-python/POTFILES.skip 2017-05-10 13:14:49.412076966 +0200
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ plug-ins/metadata
+ plug-ins/pagecurl
+ plug-ins/print
+ plug-ins/script-fu
+ plug-ins/selection-to-path
+ plug-ins/twain
+ plug-ins/ui
+diff -urNp old/po-script-fu/POTFILES.skip new/po-script-fu/POTFILES.skip
+--- old/po-script-fu/POTFILES.skip 2017-04-30 23:47:41.000000000 +0200
++++ new/po-script-fu/POTFILES.skip 2017-05-10 13:24:08.256973626 +0200
+@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ plug-ins/pagecurl
+ plug-ins/print
+ plug-ins/pygimp
+ plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/contactsheet.scm
+ plug-ins/selection-to-path
+ plug-ins/twain
+ plug-ins/ui
diff --git a/gimp.spec b/gimp.spec
index f6b819e..a1a56a2 100644
--- a/gimp.spec
+++ b/gimp.spec
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Summary: GNU Image Manipulation Program
Name: gimp
Epoch: 2
Version: 2.8.22
-Release: %{?prerelprefix}1%{dotprerel}%{dotgitrev}%{?dist}
+Release: %{?prerelprefix}2%{dotprerel}%{dotgitrev}%{?dist}
# Compute some version related macros.
# Ugly, need to get quoting percent signs straight.
@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ Patch0: gimp-%{version}%{dashprerel}-git%{gitrev}.patch.bz2
# Fedora specific.
Patch1: gimp-2.8.2-cm-system-monitor-profile-by-default.patch
+#Fix screenshot feature in wayland
+Patch2: gimp-2.8.22-fix-screenshot-in-wayland.patch
# use external help browser directly if help browser plug-in is not built
Patch100: gimp-2.8.6-external-help-browser.patch
@@ -289,6 +292,7 @@ EOF
%patch1 -p1 -b .cm-system-monitor-profile-by-default
+%patch2 -p1 -b .fix-screenshot-in-wayland
%if ! %{with helpbrowser}
%patch100 -p1 -b .external-help-browser
@@ -641,6 +645,9 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+* Wed May 10 2017 Josef Ridky - 2:2.8.22-2
+- fix screenshot function under Wayland session (#1398556)
* Wed May 10 2017 Nils Philippsen - 2:2.8.22-1
- version 2.8.22