#!/bin/sh # find rpm provides and requires for Haskell GHC libraries # To use add the following lines to spec file: # %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0 # %define __find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/ghc-deps.sh --requires %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir} # %define __find_provides /usr/lib/rpm/ghc-deps.sh --provides %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir} [ $# -ne 2 ] && echo "Usage: `basename $0` [--provides|--requires] %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}" && exit 1 MODE=$1 PKGBASEDIR=$2 PKGCONFDIR=$PKGBASEDIR/package.conf.d GHC_VER=$(basename $PKGBASEDIR | sed -e s/ghc-//) if [ ! -x "/usr/bin/ghc-pkg-${GHC_VER}" -a -x "$PKGBASEDIR/ghc-pkg" ]; then GHC_PKG="$PKGBASEDIR/ghc-pkg --global-conf=$PKGCONFDIR" else GHC_PKG="/usr/bin/ghc-pkg" fi case $MODE in --provides) FIELD=id ;; --requires) FIELD=depends ;; *) echo "`basename $0`: Need --provides or --requires" ; exit 1 esac if [ -d "$PKGBASEDIR" ]; then SHARED=$(find $PKGBASEDIR -type f -name '*.so') fi GHCVERSION=$(ghc --numeric-version) files=$(cat) #set -x for i in $files; do LIB_FILE=$(echo $i | grep /libHS | egrep -v "$PKGBASEDIR/libHS") if [ "$LIB_FILE" ]; then if [ -d "$PKGCONFDIR" ]; then META="" SELF="" case $LIB_FILE in *.so) META=ghc ;; *.a) META=ghc-devel if [ "$SHARED" ]; then SELF=ghc fi ;; esac if [ "$META" ]; then PKGVER=$(echo $LIB_FILE | sed -e "s%$PKGBASEDIR/\([^/]\+\)/libHS.*%\1%") HASHS=$(${GHC_PKG} -f $PKGCONFDIR field $PKGVER $FIELD | sed -e "s/^$FIELD: \+//") for i in $HASHS; do case $i in *-*) echo "$META($i)" ;; *) ;; esac done if [ "$MODE" = "--requires" -a "$SELF" ]; then HASHS=$(${GHC_PKG} -f $PKGCONFDIR field $PKGVER id | sed -e "s/^id: \+//") for i in $HASHS; do echo "$SELF($i)" done fi fi fi elif [ "$MODE" = "--requires" ]; then if file $i | grep -q 'executable, .* dynamically linked'; then BIN_DEPS=$(ldd $i | grep libHS | grep -v libHSrts | sed -e "s%^\\tlibHS\(.*\)-ghc${GHCVERSION}.so =.*%\1%") for p in ${BIN_DEPS}; do HASH=$(${GHC_PKG} --global --package-conf=$PKGCONFDIR field $p id | sed -e "s/^id: \+//") echo "ghc($HASH)" done fi fi done echo $files | tr [:blank:] '\n' | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps $MODE