# RPM Macros for packaging Haskell cabalized packages -*-rpm-spec-*- # see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/Haskell for more details # "cabal" %cabal [ -x Setup ] || ghc --make %{!?ghc_without_shared:%{!?ghc_without_dynamic:-dynamic}} Setup\ ./Setup # check ghc version was rebuilt against self %ghc_check_bootstrap\ if [ ! "$(ghc --info | grep \\"Booter\\ version\\",\\"%{ghc_version}\\")" ]; then\ echo "Warning: this ghc build is not self-bootstrapped."\ %if %{undefined ghc_bootstrapping}\ echo "The ghc package should be rebuilt against its current version before\ proceeding, to avoid dependency ABI breakage from a future ghc rebuild."\ echo "To override set ghc_bootstrapping."\ echo "Aborting."\ exit 1\ %endif\ fi # configure %cabal_configure\ %ghc_check_bootstrap\ %cabal configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} %{?pkg_name:--htmldir=%{ghclibdocdir}/%{pkg_name}-%{version}} --libsubdir='$compiler/$pkgid' --ghc %{!?ghc_without_shared:--enable-shared} %{?cabal_configure_options} # install %cabal_install %cabal copy --destdir=%{buildroot} -v # root dir for ghc docs %ghcdocbasedir %{_docdir}/ghc/html # libraries doc dir %ghclibdocdir %{ghcdocbasedir}/libraries # top library dir %ghclibdir %{_libdir}/ghc-%{ghc_version} # ghc_gen_filelists [name] [version] %ghc_gen_filelists()\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\ %define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\ %define pkgdir %{ghclibdir}/%{pkgnamever}\ %define docdir %{ghclibdocdir}/%{pkgnamever}\ rm -f %{basepkg}.files %{basepkg}-devel.files\ %if %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\ if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{pkgdir}" ]; then\ echo "%dir %{pkgdir}" >> %{basepkg}.files\ echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{pkgdir}/libHS%{pkgnamever}-ghc%{ghc_version}.so" >> %{basepkg}.files\ fi\ %endif\ %if 0%{!?1:1}\ if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}" ]; then\ echo "%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files\ fi\ %endif\ %if 0%{?1:1}\ if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/ghc-%{pkgnamever}" ]; then\ echo "%{_docdir}/ghc-%{pkgnamever}" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files\ fi\ %endif\ echo "%{ghclibdir}/package.conf.d/%{pkgnamever}*.conf" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\ if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{pkgdir}" ]; then\ find %{buildroot}%{pkgdir} -type d | sed "s/^/%dir /" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\ find %{buildroot}%{pkgdir} ! \\( -type d -o -name "libHS*.so" \\) >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\ fi\ if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{docdir}" ]; then\ echo "%{docdir}" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\ fi\ sed -i -e "s!%{buildroot}!!g" %{!?ghc_without_shared:%{basepkg}.files} %{basepkg}-devel.files\ %{nil} # compiler version %ghc_version %{!?ghc_version_override:%(ghc --numeric-version)}%{?ghc_version_override} # create and install package.conf file # cabal_pkg_conf [name] [version] %cabal_pkg_conf()\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\ %cabal register --gen-pkg-config\ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}/package.conf.d\ install --mode=0644 %{pkgnamever}.conf %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}/package.conf.d\ %{nil} # devel pkg basic requires %ghc_devel_requires Requires: ghc = %{ghc_version}\ Requires(post): ghc = %{ghc_version}\ Requires(postun): ghc = %{ghc_version}\ %if %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\ Requires: ghc-%{?pkg_name}%{!?pkg_name:%{pkgname}} = %{?pkgver}%{!?pkgver:%{version}}-%{release}\ %endif # ghc_lib_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] (-o deprecated no-op) %ghc_lib_package(c:h:o:)\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\ %define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\ %if %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\ %files -n %{basepkg} -f %{basepkg}.files\ %endif\ \ %ghc_package_devel\ %{nil} # ghc_binlib_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] (-o deprecated no-op) [-x] [name] [version] %ghc_binlib_package(c:h:l:o:x)\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\ %{!-x:%{?1:%global ghc_packages_list %{?ghc_packages_list} %{pkgnamever}}}\ %define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\ %package -n %{basepkg}\ Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library}\ Group: System Environment/Libraries\ %{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\ %{-l:License: %{-l*}}\ %{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1/g")}\ \ %description -n %{basepkg}\ %{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}\ %if %{defined ghc_version} && %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\ This package provides the shared library.\ %endif\ \ %ghc_lib_package\ %{nil} %ghc_pkg_recache %{_bindir}/ghc-pkg recache --no-user-package-conf || : # for docs post and postun %ghc_reindex_haddock ( cd %{ghcdocbasedir}/libraries && [ -x "./gen_contents_index" ] && ./gen_contents_index ) || : # ghc_package_devel [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] (-o deprecated no-op) [name] [version] %ghc_package_devel(c:h:l:o:)\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\ %define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\ %package -n %{basepkg}-devel\ Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library} development files\ Group: Development/Libraries\ %{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\ %{-l:License: %{-l*}}\ %{?ghc_devel_requires}\ %{-h:Requires: %{-h*}}\ %{?ghc_pkg_c_deps:Requires: %{ghc_pkg_c_deps}}\ %{-c:Requires: %{-c*}}\ %{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}}\ %{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1-doc/g")}\ Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-doc < %{version}-%{release}\ Provides: %{basepkg}-doc = %{version}-%{release}\ Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-prof < %{version}-%{release}\ Provides: %{basepkg}-prof = %{version}-%{release}\ \ %description -n %{basepkg}-devel\ %{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}\ \ This package contains the development files.\ \ %post -n %{basepkg}-devel\ %ghc_pkg_recache\ %ghc_reindex_haddock\ \ %postun -n %{basepkg}-devel\ %ghc_pkg_recache\ %ghc_reindex_haddock\ \ %files -n %{basepkg}-devel -f %{basepkg}-devel.files\ %{nil} # ghc_strip_dynlinked %ghc_strip_dynlinked\ %if %{undefined __debug_package}\ find %{buildroot} -type f -exec sh -c "file {} | grep -q 'dynamically linked'" \\; -exec strip "{}" \\;\ %endif # ghc_bin_build %ghc_bin_build\ %global debug_package %{nil}\ %cabal_configure %{!?ghc_without_dynamic:--ghc-option=-dynamic}\ %cabal build # ghc_lib_build [name] [version] %ghc_lib_build()\ %global debug_package %{nil}\ %{?1:cd %1-%2}\ %cabal_configure %{!?without_prof:-p} %{?1:--docdir=%{_docdir}/ghc-%1-%2 --htmldir=%{ghclibdocdir}/%1-%2}\ %cabal build\ %{!?without_haddock:%cabal haddock %{!?without_hscolour:--hyperlink-source}}\ %{?1:cd -}\ %{nil} # install bin package %ghc_bin_install\ %cabal_install\ %ghc_strip_dynlinked # ghc_lib_install [name] [version] %ghc_lib_install()\ %if %{undefined ghc_bootstrapping}\ %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0\ %global __find_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/ghc-deps.sh --requires %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}\ %endif\ %{?1:cd %1-%2}\ %cabal_install\ %cabal_pkg_conf\ %{?1:cd -}\ %ghc_gen_filelists\ %{!?1:%ghc_strip_dynlinked}\ %{nil} # skip shared and prof libs, documentation, and testsuite # - without_hscolour needs to be set locally in the spec file %ghc_bootstrap\ %global ghc_without_shared 1\ %global ghc_without_dynamic 1\ %global without_prof 1\ %global without_haddock 1\ %global without_manual 1 # skip prof libs, and documentation # - without_hscolour needs to be set locally in the spec file %ghc_test\ %global without_prof 1\ %global without_haddock 1\ %global without_manual 1