update to 3.13.0

refresh to cabal-rpm-2.1.0 with SPDX migration
This commit is contained in:
Jens Petersen 2023-01-23 01:34:50 +08:00
parent 0a619d9af6
commit a5b5b32caf
4 changed files with 169 additions and 7 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# generated by cabal-rpm-2.0.9
# generated by cabal-rpm-2.1.0
# https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Haskell/
%global pkg_name req
@ -8,19 +8,45 @@
%bcond_with tests
Name: ghc-%{pkg_name}
Version: 3.9.0
Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: Easy-to-use, type-safe, expandable, high-level HTTP client library
Version: 3.13.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: HTTP client library
License: BSD
License: BSD-3-Clause
Url: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
# Begin cabal-rpm sources:
Source0: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkgver}.tar.gz
Source1: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkg_name}.cabal#/%{pkgver}.cabal
# End cabal-rpm sources
# Begin cabal-rpm deps:
BuildRequires: dos2unix
BuildRequires: ghc-Cabal-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-rpm-macros
BuildRequires: ghc-aeson-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-authenticate-oauth-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-base-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-blaze-builder-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-case-insensitive-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-connection-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-containers-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-exceptions-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-http-api-data-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-http-client-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-http-client-tls-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-http-types-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-modern-uri-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-monad-control-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-mtl-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-retry-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-template-haskell-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-text-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-time-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-transformers-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-transformers-base-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-unliftio-core-devel
%if %{with ghc_prof}
BuildRequires: ghc-aeson-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-authenticate-oauth-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-base-prof
@ -28,6 +54,7 @@ BuildRequires: ghc-blaze-builder-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-case-insensitive-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-connection-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-containers-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-exceptions-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-http-api-data-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-http-client-prof
@ -43,12 +70,12 @@ BuildRequires: ghc-time-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-transformers-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-transformers-base-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-unliftio-core-prof
%if %{with tests}
BuildRequires: ghc-QuickCheck-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-hspec-core-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-hspec-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-hspec-discover-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-unordered-containers-devel
# End cabal-rpm deps
@ -95,6 +122,7 @@ This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} profiling library.
# Begin cabal-rpm setup:
%setup -q -n %{pkgver}
dos2unix -k -n %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal
# End cabal-rpm setup
@ -139,6 +167,10 @@ This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} profiling library.
* Sun Jan 22 2023 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 3.13.0-1
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/req-3.13.0/changelog
- refresh to cabal-rpm-2.1.0 with SPDX migration
* Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.9.0-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild

req-3.13.0.cabal Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: req
version: 3.13.0
x-revision: 1
license: BSD-3-Clause
license-file: LICENSE.md
maintainer: Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
author: Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
tested-with: ghc ==8.10.7 ghc ==9.0.2 ghc ==9.2.1
homepage: https://github.com/mrkkrp/req
bug-reports: https://github.com/mrkkrp/req/issues
synopsis: HTTP client library
description: HTTP client library.
category: Network, Web
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
location: https://github.com/mrkkrp/req.git
flag dev
description: Turn on development settings.
default: False
manual: True
exposed-modules: Network.HTTP.Req
default-language: Haskell2010
aeson >=0.9 && <3,
authenticate-oauth >=1.5 && <1.8,
base >=4.13 && <5.0,
blaze-builder >=0.3 && <0.5,
bytestring >=0.10.8 && <0.12,
case-insensitive >=0.2 && <1.3,
connection >=0.2.2 && <0.4,
containers >=0.5 && <0.7,
exceptions >=0.6 && <0.11,
http-api-data >=0.2 && <0.6,
http-client >= && <0.8,
http-client-tls >=0.3.2 && <0.4,
http-types >=0.8 && <10.0,
modern-uri >=0.3 && <0.4,
monad-control >=1.0 && <1.1,
mtl >=2.0 && <3.0,
retry >=0.8 && <0.10,
template-haskell >=2.14 && <2.20,
text >=0.2 && <2.1,
time >=1.2 && <1.13,
transformers >= && <0.7,
unliftio-core >=0.1.1 && <0.3
if flag(dev)
ghc-options: -O0 -Wall -Werror
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
if flag(dev)
-Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
test-suite pure-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover >=2.0 && <3.0
hs-source-dirs: pure-tests
other-modules: Network.HTTP.ReqSpec
default-language: Haskell2010
QuickCheck >=2.7 && <3.0,
aeson >=0.9 && <3,
base >=4.13 && <5.0,
blaze-builder >=0.3 && <0.5,
bytestring >=0.10.8 && <0.12,
case-insensitive >=0.2 && <1.3,
hspec >=2.0 && <3.0,
hspec-core >=2.0 && <3.0,
http-api-data >=0.2 && <0.6,
http-client >=0.7 && <0.8,
http-types >=0.8 && <10.0,
modern-uri >=0.3 && <0.4,
mtl >=2.0 && <3.0,
retry >=0.8 && <0.10,
template-haskell >=2.14 && <2.20,
text >=0.2 && <2.1,
time >=1.2 && <1.13
if flag(dev)
ghc-options: -O0 -Wall -Werror
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
test-suite httpbin-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover >=2.0 && <3.0
hs-source-dirs: httpbin-tests
other-modules: Network.HTTP.ReqSpec
default-language: Haskell2010
QuickCheck >=2.7 && <3.0,
aeson >=2 && <3,
base >=4.13 && <5.0,
bytestring >=0.10.8 && <0.12,
hspec >=2.0 && <3.0,
http-client >=0.7 && <0.8,
http-types >=0.8 && <10.0,
monad-control >=1.0 && <1.1,
mtl >=2.0 && <3.0,
text >=0.2 && <2.1
if flag(dev)
ghc-options: -O0 -Wall -Werror
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
SHA512 (req-3.9.0.tar.gz) = 758930cc26a51251854903f74d4bf9ce1c745b8ec0698c66674805ae862ebf0f4e3144a79d08fe2d6ebc083e393971cfc6500ad2021d2570782328f1cb8c567b
SHA512 (req-3.13.0.tar.gz) = 01600cee2ffb2db91a46ede812b29a94e2671dc92765b40ffcd5caa53dbaf27d97abd6f6ca18a0cd9cec0be41ea65daccecbd03e96e2a4c08dde8ee96b12adae