This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
%define DATE 20090414
%define SVNREV 146037
%define gcc_version 4.4.0
%global DATE 20090514
%global SVNREV 147523
%global gcc_version 4.4.0
# Note, gcc_release must be integer, if you want to add suffixes to
# %{release}, append them after %{gcc_release} on Release: line.
%define gcc_release 0.34
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
%define multilib_64_archs sparc64 ppc64 s390x x86_64
%define include_gappletviewer 1
%global gcc_release 5
%global _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
%global multilib_64_archs sparc64 ppc64 s390x x86_64
%global include_gappletviewer 1
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ia64 ppc ppc64 alpha
%define build_ada 1
%global build_ada 1
%define build_ada 0
%global build_ada 0
%define build_java 1
%global build_java 1
%ifarch %{sparc}
%define build_cloog 0
%global build_cloog 0
%define build_cloog 1
%global build_cloog 1
%global build_libstdcxx_docs 1
# If you don't have already a usable gcc-java and libgcj for your arch,
# do on some arch which has it rpmbuild -bc --with java_tar gcc41.spec
# which creates libjava-classes-%{version}-%{release}.tar.bz2
# With this then on the new arch do rpmbuild -ba -v --with java_bootstrap gcc41.spec
%define bootstrap_java %{?_with_java_bootstrap:%{build_java}}%{!?_with_java_bootstrap:0}
%define build_java_tar %{?_with_java_tar:%{build_java}}%{!?_with_java_tar:0}
%global bootstrap_java %{?_with_java_bootstrap:%{build_java}}%{!?_with_java_bootstrap:0}
%global build_java_tar %{?_with_java_tar:%{build_java}}%{!?_with_java_tar:0}
%ifarch s390x
%define multilib_32_arch s390
%global multilib_32_arch s390
%ifarch sparc64
%define multilib_32_arch sparcv9
%global multilib_32_arch sparcv9
%ifarch ppc64
%define multilib_32_arch ppc
%global multilib_32_arch ppc
%ifarch x86_64
%define multilib_32_arch i586
%global multilib_32_arch i586
Summary: Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ...)
Name: gcc
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ Source0: gcc-%{version}-%{DATE}.tar.bz2
Source1: libgcc_post_upgrade.c
Source2: README.libgcjwebplugin.so
Source3: protoize.1
%define fastjar_ver 0.97
%global fastjar_ver 0.97
Source4: http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/fastjar/fastjar-%{fastjar_ver}.tar.gz
URL: http://gcc.gnu.org
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@ -99,6 +100,10 @@ BuildRequires: libunwind >= 0.98
%if %{build_cloog}
BuildRequires: ppl >= 0.10, ppl-devel >= 0.10, cloog-ppl >= 0.15, cloog-ppl-devel >= 0.15
%if %{build_libstdcxx_docs}
BuildRequires: doxygen
BuildRequires: graphviz
Requires: cpp = %{version}-%{release}
# Need .eh_frame ld optimizations
# Need proper visibility support
@ -127,7 +132,8 @@ Obsoletes: libgnat < %{version}-%{release}
%if %{build_cloog}
Requires: cloog-ppl >= 0.15
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
AutoReq: true
Patch0: gcc44-hack.patch
@ -147,26 +153,29 @@ Patch20: gcc44-libtool-no-rpath.patch
Patch21: gcc44-cloog-dl.patch
Patch22: gcc44-raw-string.patch
Patch24: gcc44-atom.patch
Patch26: gcc44-power7.patch
Patch25: gcc44-power7.patch
Patch26: gcc44-power7-2.patch
Patch27: gcc44-power7-3.patch
Patch28: gcc44-pr38757.patch
Patch30: gcc44-pr39543.patch
Patch31: gcc44-pr39763.patch
Patch29: gcc44-pr39856.patch
Patch30: gcc44-libstdc++-docs.patch
Patch31: gcc44-pr39942.patch
Patch1000: fastjar-0.97-segfault.patch
# On ARM EABI systems, we do want -gnueabi to be part of the
# target triple.
%ifnarch %{arm}
%define _gnu %{nil}
%global _gnu %{nil}
%ifarch sparcv9
%define gcc_target_platform sparc64-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}
%global gcc_target_platform sparc64-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}
%ifarch ppc
%define gcc_target_platform ppc64-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}
%global gcc_target_platform ppc64-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}
%ifnarch sparcv9 ppc
%define gcc_target_platform %{_target_platform}
%global gcc_target_platform %{_target_platform}
@ -215,6 +224,15 @@ This is the GNU implementation of the standard C++ libraries. This
package includes the header files and libraries needed for C++
development. This includes rewritten implementation of STL.
%package -n libstdc++-docs
Summary: Documentation for the GNU standard C++ library
Group: Development/Libraries
Autoreq: true
%description -n libstdc++-docs
Manual, doxygen generated API information and Frequently Asked Questions
for the GNU standard C++ library.
%package objc
Summary: Objective-C support for GCC
Group: Development/Languages
@ -251,7 +269,8 @@ Group: Development/Languages
Requires: gcc = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libgfortran = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires: gmp-devel >= 4.1.2-8, mpfr-devel >= 2.2.1
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
Autoreq: true
%description gfortran
@ -270,7 +289,8 @@ Fortran dynamically linked programs.
%package -n libgomp
Summary: GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library
Group: System Environment/Libraries
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
%description -n libgomp
This package contains GCC shared support library which is needed
@ -305,7 +325,8 @@ Requires: gcc = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libgcj = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libgcj-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: /usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
Autoreq: true
%description java
@ -315,7 +336,8 @@ bytecode into native code.
%package -n libgcj
Summary: Java runtime library for gcc
Group: System Environment/Libraries
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
Requires: zip >= 2.1
Requires: gtk2 >= 2.4.0
Requires: glib2 >= 2.4.0
@ -360,7 +382,8 @@ The Java(tm) runtime library sources for use in Eclipse.
%package -n cpp
Summary: The C Preprocessor
Group: Development/Languages
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
Autoreq: true
%description -n cpp
@ -390,7 +413,8 @@ Summary: Ada 95 support for GCC
Group: Development/Languages
Requires: gcc = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: libgnat = %{version}-%{release}, libgnat-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Prereq: /sbin/install-info
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
Autoreq: true
%description gnat
@ -436,10 +460,15 @@ which are required to compile with the GNAT.
%patch22 -p0 -b .raw-string~
%patch24 -p0 -b .atom~
%patch26 -p0 -b .power7~
%patch25 -p0 -b .power7~
%patch26 -p0 -b .power7-2~
%patch27 -p0 -b .power7-3~
%patch28 -p0 -b .pr38757~
#%patch30 -p0 -b .pr39543~
%patch31 -p0 -b .pr39763~
%patch29 -p0 -b .pr39856~
%if %{build_libstdcxx_docs}
%patch30 -p0 -b .libstdc++-docs~
%patch31 -p0 -b .pr39942~
# This testcase doesn't compile.
rm libjava/testsuite/libjava.lang/PR35020*
@ -493,7 +522,7 @@ fi
# fastjar, build it anyway.
mkdir fastjar-%{fastjar_ver}/obj-%{gcc_target_platform}
cd fastjar-%{fastjar_ver}/obj-%{gcc_target_platform}
../configure CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir}
../configure CFLAGS="%{optflags}" --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir}
make %{?_smp_mflags}
export PATH=`pwd`${PATH:+:$PATH}
cd ../../
@ -533,7 +562,7 @@ cd ..
OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/\(-Wp,\)\?-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=[12]//g'`
OPT_FLAGS=`echo %{optflags}|sed -e 's/\(-Wp,\)\?-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=[12]//g'`
OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-m64//g;s/-m32//g;s/-m31//g'`
%ifarch sparc
OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-mcpu=ultrasparc/-mtune=ultrasparc/g;s/-mcpu=v[78]//g'`
@ -632,19 +661,6 @@ CC="$CC" CFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" CXXFLAGS="`echo $OPT_FLAGS | sed 's/ -Wall / /g'`"
#GCJFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" make %{?_smp_mflags} BOOT_CFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" bootstrap
GCJFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" make %{?_smp_mflags} BOOT_CFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" profiledbootstrap
# run the tests.
make %{?_smp_mflags} -k check ALT_CC_UNDER_TEST=gcc ALT_CXX_UNDER_TEST=g++ RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=unix/'{,-fstack-protector}'" || :
echo ====================TESTING=========================
( ../contrib/test_summary || : ) 2>&1 | sed -n '/^cat.*EOF/,/^EOF/{/^cat.*EOF/d;/^EOF/d;/^LAST_UPDATED:/d;p;}'
echo ====================TESTING END=====================
mkdir testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}
for i in `find . -name \*.log | grep -F testsuite/ | grep -v 'config.log\|acats\|ada'`; do
ln $i testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}/ || :
tar cf - testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release} | bzip2 -9c \
| uuencode testlogs-%{_target_platform}.tar.bz2 || :
rm -rf testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}
# Make protoize
make -C gcc CC="./xgcc -B ./ -O2" proto
@ -656,6 +672,14 @@ done
make -C gcc generated-manpages
for i in ../gcc/doc/*.texi; do mv -f $i.orig $i; done
# Make generated doxygen pages.
%if %{build_libstdcxx_docs}
cd %{gcc_target_platform}/libstdc++-v3
make doc-html-doxygen
make doc-man-doxygen
cd ../..
# Copy various doc files here and there
cd ..
mkdir -p rpm.doc/gfortran rpm.doc/objc
@ -704,11 +728,7 @@ tar cf - -T libjava-classes.list | bzip2 -9 > $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/libjava-classes-%{
perl -pi -e \
's~href="l(ibstdc|atest)~href="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/l\1~' \
rm -fr %{buildroot}
cd obj-%{gcc_target_platform}
@ -724,31 +744,31 @@ TARGET_PLATFORM=%{gcc_target_platform}
# There are some MP bugs in libstdc++ Makefiles
make -C %{gcc_target_platform}/libstdc++-v3
make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} mandir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} \
infodir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir} install
make prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} mandir=%{buildroot}%{_mandir} \
infodir=%{buildroot}%{_infodir} install
%if %{build_java}
make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -C %{gcc_target_platform}/libjava install-src.zip
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C %{gcc_target_platform}/libjava install-src.zip
%if %{build_ada}
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/gnat*
chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/gnat*
# fix some things
ln -sf gcc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/cc
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib
ln -sf ..%{_prefix}/bin/cpp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/cpp
ln -sf gfortran $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/f95
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
gzip -9 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/*.info*
ln -sf gcc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/gnatgcc
ln -sf gcc %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/cc
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/lib
ln -sf ..%{_prefix}/bin/cpp %{buildroot}/lib/cpp
ln -sf gfortran %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/f95
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
gzip -9 %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/*.info*
ln -sf gcc %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/gnatgcc
cxxconfig="`find %{gcc_target_platform}/libstdc++-v3/include -name c++config.h`"
for i in `find %{gcc_target_platform}/[36]*/libstdc++-v3/include -name c++config.h 2>/dev/null`; do
if ! diff -up $cxxconfig $i; then
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/bits/c++config.h <<EOF
cat > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/bits/c++config.h <<EOF
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
@ -771,7 +791,7 @@ EOF
for f in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/ -name c++config.h`; do
for f in `find %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/ -name c++config.h`; do
for i in 1 2 4 8; do
sed -i -e 's/#define _GLIBCXX_ATOMIC_BUILTINS_'$i' 1/#ifdef __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_'$i'\
@ -788,15 +808,25 @@ done
# 4) it is huge
# People can always precompile on their own whatever they want, but
# shipping this for everybody is unnecessary.
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/bits/stdc++.h.gch
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}/%{gcc_target_platform}/bits/stdc++.h.gch
%if %{build_libstdcxx_docs}
mkdir -p ../rpm.doc/libstdc++-v3
cp -r -p ../libstdc++-v3/doc/html ../rpm.doc/libstdc++-v3/html
mv $libstdcxx_doc_builddir/html ../rpm.doc/libstdc++-v3/html/api
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
mv $libstdcxx_doc_builddir/man/man3 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man3/
find ../rpm.doc/libstdc++-v3 -name \*~ | xargs rm
%ifarch sparcv9 sparc64
ln -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/%{gcc_target_platform}-gcc \
ln -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/%{gcc_target_platform}-gcc \
%ifarch ppc ppc64
ln -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/%{gcc_target_platform}-gcc \
ln -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/%{gcc_target_platform}-gcc \
%ifarch sparcv9 ppc
@ -811,24 +841,24 @@ else
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name \*.la | xargs rm -f
find %{buildroot} -name \*.la | xargs rm -f
%if %{build_java}
# gcj -static doesn't work properly anyway, unless using --whole-archive
# and saving 35MB is not bad.
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name libgcj.a -o -name libgtkpeer.a \
find %{buildroot} -name libgcj.a -o -name libgtkpeer.a \
-o -name libgjsmalsa.a -o -name libgcj-tools.a -o -name libjvm.a \
-o -name libgij.a -o -name libgcj_bc.a -o -name libjavamath.a \
| xargs rm -f
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libgcj.spec $FULLPATH/
mv %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libgcj.spec $FULLPATH/
sed -i -e 's/lib: /&%%{static:%%eJava programs cannot be linked statically}/' \
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgcc_s.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1
ln -sf libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcc_s.so.1
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_lib}
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgcc_s.so.1 %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1
chmod 755 %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1
ln -sf libgcc_s-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.so.1 %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/libgcc_s.so.1
ln -sf /%{_lib}/libgcc_s.so.1 $FULLPATH/libgcc_s.so
%ifarch sparcv9 ppc
ln -sf /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 $FULLPATH/64/libgcc_s.so
@ -837,30 +867,30 @@ ln -sf /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 $FULLPATH/64/libgcc_s.so
ln -sf /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 $FULLPATH/32/libgcc_s.so
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.spec $FULLPATH/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.spec $FULLPATH/
%if %{build_ada}
mv -f $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnarl-*.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/
mv -f $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnat-*.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/
mv -f $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnarl-*.so %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/
mv -f $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnat-*.so %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/
rm -f $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnarl.so* $FULLPATH/adalib/libgnat.so*
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf
if gcc/xgcc -B gcc/ -E -dD -xc /dev/null | grep __LONG_MAX__.*2147483647; then
ln -sf POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf/default
ln -sf POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf/default
ln -sf POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf/default
ln -sf POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/libexec/getconf/default
%if %{build_java}
pushd ../fastjar-%{fastjar_ver}/obj-%{gcc_target_platform}
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
if [ "%{_lib}" != "lib" ]; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/pkgconfig
sed '/^libdir/s/lib$/%{_lib}/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/libgcj-*.pc \
> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/pkgconfig/`basename $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/libgcj-*.pc`
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/pkgconfig
sed '/^libdir/s/lib$/%{_lib}/' %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/libgcj-*.pc \
> %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/pkgconfig/`basename %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/libgcj-*.pc`
@ -891,14 +921,14 @@ ln -sf ../../../../%{_lib}/libgij.so.10.* libgij.so
%if %{build_java}
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgcj_bc.so $FULLLPATH/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgcj_bc.so $FULLLPATH/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libstdc++.*a $FULLLPATH/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libsupc++.*a .
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgfortran.*a .
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libobjc.*a .
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.*a .
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libmudflap{,th}.*a $FULLLPATH/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libstdc++.*a $FULLLPATH/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libsupc++.*a .
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgfortran.*a .
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libobjc.*a .
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.*a .
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libmudflap{,th}.*a $FULLLPATH/
%if %{build_ada}
%ifarch sparcv9 ppc
@ -956,10 +986,10 @@ ln -sf ../`echo ../../../../lib/libgij.so.10.* | sed s~/lib/~/lib64/~` 64/libgij
ln -sf lib32/libgcj_bc.so libgcj_bc.so
ln -sf ../lib64/libgcj_bc.so 64/libgcj_bc.so
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/libsupc++.*a 64/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/libgfortran.*a 64/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/libobjc.*a 64/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/libgomp.*a 64/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/libsupc++.*a 64/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/libgfortran.*a 64/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/libobjc.*a 64/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/libgomp.*a 64/
ln -sf lib32/libstdc++.a libstdc++.a
ln -sf ../lib64/libstdc++.a 64/libstdc++.a
ln -sf lib32/libmudflap.a libmudflap.a
@ -989,10 +1019,10 @@ ln -sf ../`echo ../../../../lib64/libgcj.so.10.* | sed s~/../lib64/~/~` 32/libgc
ln -sf ../`echo ../../../../lib64/libgcj-tools.so.10.* | sed s~/../lib64/~/~` 32/libgcj-tools.so
ln -sf ../`echo ../../../../lib64/libgij.so.10.* | sed s~/../lib64/~/~` 32/libgij.so
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libsupc++.*a 32/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libgfortran.*a 32/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libobjc.*a 32/
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libgomp.*a 32/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libsupc++.*a 32/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libgfortran.*a 32/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libobjc.*a 32/
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/libgomp.*a 32/
%ifarch sparc64 ppc64
ln -sf ../lib32/libstdc++.a 32/libstdc++.a
@ -1031,14 +1061,14 @@ strip -g `find . \( -name libgfortran.a -o -name libobjc.a -o -name libgomp.a \
-o -name libmudflap.a -o -name libmudflapth.a \
-o -name libgcc.a -o -name libgcov.a \) -a -type f`
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgfortran.so.3.*
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.so.1.*
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libmudflap{,th}.so.0.*
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libobjc.so.2.*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgfortran.so.3.*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgomp.so.1.*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libmudflap{,th}.so.0.*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libobjc.so.2.*
%if %{build_ada}
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgnarl*so*
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgnat*so*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgnarl*so*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libgnat*so*
mv $FULLPATH/include-fixed/syslimits.h $FULLPATH/include/syslimits.h
@ -1051,7 +1081,7 @@ for h in `find $FULLPATH/include -name \*.h`; do
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/c89 <<"EOF"
cat > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/c89 <<"EOF"
for opt; do
@ -1063,7 +1093,7 @@ for opt; do
exec gcc $fl ${1+"$@"}
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/c99 <<"EOF"
cat > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/c99 <<"EOF"
for opt; do
@ -1075,11 +1105,11 @@ for opt; do
exec gcc $fl ${1+"$@"}
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/c?9
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/c?9
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/sbin
gcc -static -Os %{SOURCE1} -o $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/sbin/libgcc_post_upgrade
strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/sbin/libgcc_post_upgrade
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin
gcc -static -Os %{SOURCE1} -o %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/libgcc_post_upgrade
strip %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/libgcc_post_upgrade
cd ..
%find_lang %{name}
@ -1087,38 +1117,54 @@ cd ..
# Remove binaries we will not be including, so that they don't end up in
# gcc-debuginfo
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/{libffi*,libiberty.a}
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/{libffi*,libiberty.a}
rm -f $FULLEPATH/install-tools/{mkheaders,fixincl}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/{32,64}/libiberty.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libssp*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/gnative2ascii
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/{32,64}/libiberty.a
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/libssp*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/gnative2ascii
%ifarch %{multilib_64_archs}
# Remove libraries for the other arch on multilib arches
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/lib*.so*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/lib*.a
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/lib*.so*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/lib*.a
%ifarch sparcv9 ppc
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/lib*.so*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/lib*.a
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/lib*.so*
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib64/lib*.a
%if %{build_java}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/java/gcj-endorsed \
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/java/gcj-endorsed \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/gcj-%{version} \
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/gcj-%{version}/classmap.db
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/java/gcj-endorsed \
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/java/gcj-endorsed \
%{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/gcj-%{version} \
touch %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/gcj-%{version}/classmap.db
install -m644 %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/protoize.1
echo '.so man1/protoize.1' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/unprotoize.1
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/unprotoize.1
install -m644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/protoize.1
echo '.so man1/protoize.1' > %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/unprotoize.1
chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/unprotoize.1
cd obj-%{gcc_target_platform}
# run the tests.
make %{?_smp_mflags} -k check ALT_CC_UNDER_TEST=gcc ALT_CXX_UNDER_TEST=g++ RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=unix/'{,-fstack-protector}'" || :
echo ====================TESTING=========================
( LC_ALL=C ../contrib/test_summary || : ) 2>&1 | sed -n '/^cat.*EOF/,/^EOF/{/^cat.*EOF/d;/^EOF/d;/^LAST_UPDATED:/d;p;}'
echo ====================TESTING END=====================
mkdir testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}
for i in `find . -name \*.log | grep -F testsuite/ | grep -v 'config.log\|acats\|ada'`; do
ln $i testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}/ || :
tar cf - testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release} | bzip2 -9c \
| uuencode testlogs-%{_target_platform}.tar.bz2 || :
rm -rf testlogs-%{_target_platform}-%{version}-%{release}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
/sbin/install-info \
@ -1164,7 +1210,7 @@ fi
/sbin/install-info \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_rm.info.gz || :
/sbin/install-info \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_ugn_unw.info.gz || :
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_ugn.info.gz || :
/sbin/install-info \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat-style.info.gz || :
@ -1173,7 +1219,7 @@ if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
/sbin/install-info --delete \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_rm.info.gz || :
/sbin/install-info --delete \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_ugn_unw.info.gz || :
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat_ugn.info.gz || :
/sbin/install-info --delete \
--info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gnat-style.info.gz || :
@ -1234,7 +1280,7 @@ fi
%postun -n libmudflap -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files -f %{name}.lang
@ -1357,7 +1403,7 @@ fi
%doc gcc/README* rpm.doc/changelogs/gcc/ChangeLog* gcc/COPYING*
%files -n cpp -f cpplib.lang
@ -1368,14 +1414,14 @@ fi
%files -n libgcc
%doc gcc/COPYING.LIB
%files c++
@ -1409,11 +1455,11 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/gcc/cp/ChangeLog*
%files -n libstdc++
%files -n libstdc++-devel
%dir %{_prefix}/include/c++
%dir %{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_version}
@ -1437,10 +1483,17 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog* libstdc++-v3/README* libstdc++-v3/doc/html/
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog* libstdc++-v3/README*
%if %{build_libstdcxx_docs}
%files -n libstdc++-docs
%doc rpm.doc/libstdc++-v3/html
%files objc
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version}
@ -1466,18 +1519,18 @@ fi
%doc libobjc/THREADS* rpm.doc/changelogs/libobjc/ChangeLog*
%files objc++
%dir %{_prefix}/libexec/gcc
%dir %{_prefix}/libexec/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}
%dir %{_prefix}/libexec/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version}
%files -n libobjc
%files gfortran
@ -1512,12 +1565,12 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/gfortran/*
%files -n libgfortran
%if %{build_java}
%files java
@ -1559,7 +1612,7 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/gcc/java/ChangeLog*
%files -n libgcj
@ -1620,7 +1673,7 @@ fi
%files -n libgcj-devel
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version}
@ -1653,7 +1706,7 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/libjava/*
%files -n libgcj-src
%dir %{_prefix}/share/java
@ -1661,7 +1714,7 @@ fi
%if %{build_ada}
%files gnat
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc
@ -1688,12 +1741,12 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/gcc/ada/ChangeLog*
%files -n libgnat
%files -n libgnat-devel
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version}
@ -1714,18 +1767,18 @@ fi
%files -n libgomp
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/libgomp/ChangeLog*
%files -n libmudflap
%files -n libmudflap-devel
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version}
@ -1750,6 +1803,68 @@ fi
%doc rpm.doc/changelogs/libmudflap/ChangeLog*
* Thu May 14 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-5
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- PRs c++/17395, c/39983, fortran/38863, fortran/38956, fortran/39879,
fortran/40018, libstdc++/39546, libstdc++/40038, middle-end/39986,
middle-end/40021, middle-end/40023, middle-end/40043,
middle-end/40057, middle-end/40080, target/37179,
tree-optimization/40062, tree-optimization/40074
- fix Fortran FMT= character array arguments (#492209, PR fortran/39865)
- allow putting breakpoints on Fortran END{SUBROUTINE,FUNCTION}
(PR fortran/34153)
- incorporate changes suggested in gcc44 package review (#498911)
* Wed May 6 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-4
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- PRs c++/40013, libgcj/39899, libstdc++/39868, libstdc++/39880,
libstdc++/39881, libstdc++/39882, libstdc++/39909, middle-end/39937,
rtl-optimization/39914, target/39565, testsuite/39769,
testsuite/39776, testsuite/39790, testsuite/39807,
- fix phiprop tuplification (#496400, PR tree-optimization/40022)
- don't add artificial default case label if switch labels already
cover the whole range (PR middle-end/39666)
- fix DSE with block reads (PR middle-end/40035)
- fix debuginfo for C++ typedef struct {...} T (PR debug/35463)
- remove some unnecessary padding on x86_64/i386 added for >= 4 control
flow insns in a 16-byte block (PR target/39942)
- don't create invalid DWARF location lists containing DW_OP_reg*
followed by DW_OP_deref*, instead use DW_OP_breg* 0 (#481675)
- add libstdc++-docs subpackage, move html manual to it, add doxygen
generated html and man pages
* Mon Apr 27 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-3
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- PR bootstrap/39739
- fix -Wunused-value (#497545, PR c/39889)
- backport further power7-meissner branch changes (#497816)
- fix reg-stack ICE on SPEC2k6 453.povray with -m32 -O3 -msse3
(PR target/39856)
- fix x86_64 ICE on passing structure with flexible array member
(PR target/39903)
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-2
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- PR c++/38228
- fix folding of cond expr with comparison to MAX/MIN (PR middle-end/39867)
- fix up gcc-gnat install-info arguments (#452783)
* Thu Apr 23 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-1
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- GCC 4.4.0 release
- PRs libstdc++/39802, c++/39639, c/39855, rtl-optimization/39762,
testsuite/39781, tree-optimization/39824
- fix up DSE (PR rtl-optimization/39794)
- debuginfo fixes for VLA and nested/contained functions (#459374)
- improve -ftree-switch-conversion optimization if the constant is the
same in all cases
* Mon Apr 20 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-0.35
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- PRs middle-end/39804, target/39678, target/39767, tree-optimization/39675,
* Tue Apr 14 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-0.34
- update from gcc-4_4-branch
- GCC 4.4.0-rc1
@ -1787,7 +1902,7 @@ fi
- emit debuginfo for block local externs in C (PR debug/39563)
- fix -maltivec conditional vector macro (PR target/39558)
- teach fwprop to handle asm (PR rtl-optimization/39543)
- teach fwprop to handle asm (PR inline-asm/39543)
* Tue Mar 24 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 4.4.0-0.29
- update from trunk
@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@
static enum stringop_alg stringop_alg = no_stringop;
@@ -1952,7 +2038,8 @@ static const struct ptt processor_target
@@ -1953,7 +2039,8 @@ static const struct ptt processor_target
{&core2_cost, 16, 10, 16, 10, 16},
{&generic32_cost, 16, 7, 16, 7, 16},
{&generic64_cost, 16, 10, 16, 10, 16},
@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@
static const char *const cpu_names[TARGET_CPU_DEFAULT_max] =
@@ -1970,6 +2057,7 @@ static const char *const cpu_names[TARGE
@@ -1971,6 +2058,7 @@ static const char *const cpu_names[TARGE
@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@
@@ -2528,6 +2616,9 @@ override_options (bool main_args_p)
@@ -2529,6 +2617,9 @@ override_options (bool main_args_p)
| PTA_SSSE3 | PTA_CX16},
@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@
@@ -12866,6 +12957,263 @@ ix86_expand_unary_operator (enum rtx_cod
@@ -12903,6 +12994,263 @@ ix86_expand_unary_operator (enum rtx_cod
emit_move_insn (operands[0], dst);
@ -2701,7 +2701,7 @@
/* Return TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the unary operator meets the
appropriate constraints. */
@@ -18985,6 +19333,7 @@ ix86_issue_rate (void)
@@ -19022,6 +19370,7 @@ ix86_issue_rate (void)
switch (ix86_tune)
@ -2709,7 +2709,7 @@
return 2;
@@ -19051,41 +19400,21 @@ ix86_flags_dependent (rtx insn, rtx dep_
@@ -19088,41 +19437,21 @@ ix86_flags_dependent (rtx insn, rtx dep_
return 1;
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@
static int
@@ -19113,8 +19442,19 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19150,8 +19479,19 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
/* Address Generation Interlock adds a cycle of latency. */
@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@
/* ??? Compares pair with jump/setcc. */
if (ix86_flags_dependent (insn, dep_insn, insn_type))
@@ -19123,7 +19463,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19160,7 +19500,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
/* Floating point stores require value to be ready one cycle earlier. */
if (insn_type == TYPE_FMOV
&& get_attr_memory (insn) == MEMORY_STORE
@ -2795,7 +2795,7 @@
cost += 1;
@@ -19146,7 +19486,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19183,7 +19523,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
in parallel with previous instruction in case
previous instruction is not needed to compute the address. */
if ((memory == MEMORY_LOAD || memory == MEMORY_BOTH)
@ -2804,7 +2804,7 @@
/* Claim moves to take one cycle, as core can issue one load
at time and the next load can start cycle later. */
@@ -19175,7 +19515,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19212,7 +19552,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
in parallel with previous instruction in case
previous instruction is not needed to compute the address. */
if ((memory == MEMORY_LOAD || memory == MEMORY_BOTH)
@ -2813,7 +2813,7 @@
/* Claim moves to take one cycle, as core can issue one load
at time and the next load can start cycle later. */
@@ -19192,6 +19532,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19229,6 +19569,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@
memory = get_attr_memory (insn);
@@ -19200,7 +19541,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
@@ -19237,7 +19578,7 @@ ix86_adjust_cost (rtx insn, rtx link, rt
in parallel with previous instruction in case
previous instruction is not needed to compute the address. */
if ((memory == MEMORY_LOAD || memory == MEMORY_BOTH)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
diff -up ./libjava/configure.ac.sav ./libjava/configure.ac
--- ./libjava/configure.ac.sav 2009-04-03 14:56:35.000000000 -0400
+++ ./libjava/configure.ac 2009-04-03 14:56:50.000000000 -0400
@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@ then
case ${host} in
*-mingw* | *-cygwin*)
- i486-* | i586-* | i686-*)
+ i386-* | i486-* | i586-* | i686-*)
diff -up ./libjava/configure.sav ./libjava/configure
--- ./libjava/configure.sav 2009-04-03 14:56:27.000000000 -0400
+++ ./libjava/configure 2009-04-03 15:02:55.000000000 -0400
@@ -28285,7 +28285,7 @@ echo "${ECHO_T}host is ${host}" >&6
case ${host} in
*-mingw* | *-cygwin*)
- i486-* | i586-* | i686-*)
+ i386-* | i486-* | i586-* | i686-*)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
--- libstdc++-v3/doc/html/index.html 2009-01-14 12:06:37.000000000 +0100
+++ libstdc++-v3/doc/html/index.html 2009-05-06 09:17:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
<h1>The GNU C++ Library Documentation</h1>
-<p>Copyright 2008 FSF</p>
+<p>Release 4.4.0</p>
+<p>Copyright 2008, 2009 FSF</p>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
--- libstdc++-v3/doc/html/api.html 2009-04-20 21:21:15.000000000 +0200
+++ libstdc++-v3/doc/html/api.html 2009-05-06 09:17:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -17,27 +17,12 @@ useful for examining the signatures of p
the library classes, finding out what is in a particular include
file, looking at inheritance diagrams, etc.
-The source-level documentation for the most recent releases can be
-viewed online:
-</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="libstdc++-html-USERS-3.4/index.html" target="_top">for the 3.4 release
+The source-level documentation can be viewed here:
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc">
+ <li><p>
+ <a class="ulink" href="api/index.html" target="_top">for the 4.4 release
- </p></li><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="libstdc++-html-USERS-4.1/index.html" target="_top">for the 4.1 release
- </a>
- </p></li><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="libstdc++-html-USERS-4.2/index.html" target="_top">for the 4.2 release
- </a>
- </p></li><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="libstdc++-html-USERS-4.3/index.html" target="_top">for the 4.3 release
- </a>
- </p></li><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="libstdc++-html-USERS-4.4/index.html" target="_top">for the 4.4 release
- </a>
- </p></li><li><p>
- <a class="ulink" href="latest-doxygen/index.html" target="_top">"the latest collection"
- </a>
- (For the main development tree; see the date on the first page.)
This generated HTML collection, as above, is also available for download in the libstdc++ snapshots directory at
<code class="literal"><URL:ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/libstdc++/doxygen/></code>.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
2009-04-14 Michael Meissner <meissner@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
* config/rs6000/rs6000.c (rs6000_secondary_reload_inner): Handle
more possible combinations of addresses.
* config/rs6000/vector.md (vec_reload_and_plus_<mptrsize>): Allow
register+small constant in addition to register+register, and
restrict the insn to only match during reload and afterwards.
(vec_reload_and_reg_<mptrsize>): Allow for and of register
indirect to not generate insn not found message.
--- gcc/config/rs6000/vector.md (revision 146069)
+++ gcc/config/rs6000/vector.md (revision 146118)
@@ -129,14 +129,15 @@ (define_expand "reload_<VEC_R:mode>_<P:m
;; Reload sometimes tries to move the address to a GPR, and can generate
-;; invalid RTL for addresses involving AND -16.
+;; invalid RTL for addresses involving AND -16. Allow addresses involving
+;; reg+reg, reg+small constant, or just reg, all wrapped in an AND -16.
(define_insn_and_split "*vec_reload_and_plus_<mptrsize>"
[(set (match_operand:P 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=b")
(and:P (plus:P (match_operand:P 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "r")
- (match_operand:P 2 "gpc_reg_operand" "r"))
+ (match_operand:P 2 "reg_or_cint_operand" "rI"))
(const_int -16)))]
+ "(TARGET_ALTIVEC || TARGET_VSX) && (reload_in_progress || reload_completed)"
"&& reload_completed"
[(set (match_dup 0)
@@ -146,6 +147,21 @@ (define_insn_and_split "*vec_reload_and_
(and:P (match_dup 0)
(const_int -16)))
(clobber:CC (scratch:CC))])])
+;; The normal ANDSI3/ANDDI3 won't match if reload decides to move an AND -16
+;; address to a register because there is no clobber of a (scratch), so we add
+;; it here.
+(define_insn_and_split "*vec_reload_and_reg_<mptrsize>"
+ [(set (match_operand:P 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=b")
+ (and:P (match_operand:P 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "r")
+ (const_int -16)))]
+ "(TARGET_ALTIVEC || TARGET_VSX) && (reload_in_progress || reload_completed)"
+ "#"
+ "&& reload_completed"
+ [(parallel [(set (match_dup 0)
+ (and:P (match_dup 1)
+ (const_int -16)))
+ (clobber:CC (scratch:CC))])])
;; Generic floating point vector arithmetic support
(define_expand "add<mode>3"
--- gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c (revision 146069)
+++ gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c (revision 146118)
@@ -12574,6 +12574,11 @@ rs6000_secondary_reload_inner (rtx reg,
enum reg_class rclass;
rtx addr;
rtx and_op2 = NULL_RTX;
+ rtx addr_op1;
+ rtx addr_op2;
+ rtx scratch_or_premodify = scratch;
+ rtx and_rtx;
+ rtx cc_clobber;
@@ -12595,7 +12600,8 @@ rs6000_secondary_reload_inner (rtx reg,
switch (rclass)
- /* Move reg+reg addresses into a scratch register for GPRs. */
+ /* GPRs can handle reg + small constant, all other addresses need to use
+ the scratch register. */
if (GET_CODE (addr) == AND)
@@ -12603,70 +12609,152 @@ rs6000_secondary_reload_inner (rtx reg,
and_op2 = XEXP (addr, 1);
addr = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ if (GET_CODE (addr) == PRE_MODIFY)
+ {
+ scratch_or_premodify = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ gcc_assert (REG_P (scratch_or_premodify));
+ gcc_assert (GET_CODE (XEXP (addr, 1)) == PLUS);
+ addr = XEXP (addr, 1);
+ }
if (GET_CODE (addr) == PLUS
&& (!rs6000_legitimate_offset_address_p (TImode, addr, true)
|| and_op2 != NULL_RTX))
- if (GET_CODE (addr) == SYMBOL_REF || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST
- || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST_INT)
- rs6000_emit_move (scratch, addr, GET_MODE (addr));
- else
- emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, scratch, addr));
- addr = scratch;
+ addr_op1 = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ addr_op2 = XEXP (addr, 1);
+ gcc_assert (legitimate_indirect_address_p (addr_op1, true));
+ if (!REG_P (addr_op2)
+ && (GET_CODE (addr_op2) != CONST_INT
+ || !satisfies_constraint_I (addr_op2)))
+ {
+ rs6000_emit_move (scratch, addr_op2, Pmode);
+ addr_op2 = scratch;
+ }
+ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode,
+ scratch_or_premodify,
+ gen_rtx_PLUS (Pmode,
+ addr_op1,
+ addr_op2)));
+ addr = scratch_or_premodify;
+ scratch_or_premodify = scratch;
- else if (GET_CODE (addr) == PRE_MODIFY
- && REG_P (XEXP (addr, 0))
- && GET_CODE (XEXP (addr, 1)) == PLUS)
+ else if (!legitimate_indirect_address_p (addr, true)
+ && !rs6000_legitimate_offset_address_p (TImode, addr, true))
- emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, XEXP (addr, 0), XEXP (addr, 1)));
- addr = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ rs6000_emit_move (scratch_or_premodify, addr, Pmode);
+ addr = scratch_or_premodify;
+ scratch_or_premodify = scratch;
+ /* Float/Altivec registers can only handle reg+reg addressing. Move
+ other addresses into a scratch register. */
+ case FLOAT_REGS:
+ case VSX_REGS:
/* With float regs, we need to handle the AND ourselves, since we can't
use the Altivec instruction with an implicit AND -16. Allow scalar
loads to float registers to use reg+offset even if VSX. */
- case FLOAT_REGS:
- case VSX_REGS:
- if (GET_CODE (addr) == AND)
+ if (GET_CODE (addr) == AND
+ && (rclass != ALTIVEC_REGS || GET_MODE_SIZE (mode) != 16))
and_op2 = XEXP (addr, 1);
addr = XEXP (addr, 0);
- /* fall through */
- /* Move reg+offset addresses into a scratch register. */
- if (!legitimate_indirect_address_p (addr, true)
- && !legitimate_indexed_address_p (addr, true)
- && (GET_CODE (addr) != PRE_MODIFY
- || !legitimate_indexed_address_p (XEXP (addr, 1), true))
- && (rclass != FLOAT_REGS
- || GET_MODE_SIZE (mode) != 8
+ /* If we aren't using a VSX load, save the PRE_MODIFY register and use it
+ as the address later. */
+ if (GET_CODE (addr) == PRE_MODIFY
+ && (!VECTOR_MEM_VSX_P (mode)
|| and_op2 != NULL_RTX
- || !rs6000_legitimate_offset_address_p (mode, addr, true)))
+ || !legitimate_indexed_address_p (XEXP (addr, 1), true)))
- if (GET_CODE (addr) == SYMBOL_REF || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST
- || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST_INT)
- rs6000_emit_move (scratch, addr, GET_MODE (addr));
- else
- emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, scratch, addr));
- addr = scratch;
+ scratch_or_premodify = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ gcc_assert (legitimate_indirect_address_p (scratch_or_premodify,
+ true));
+ gcc_assert (GET_CODE (XEXP (addr, 1)) == PLUS);
+ addr = XEXP (addr, 1);
+ }
+ if (legitimate_indirect_address_p (addr, true) /* reg */
+ || legitimate_indexed_address_p (addr, true) /* reg+reg */
+ || GET_CODE (addr) == PRE_MODIFY /* VSX pre-modify */
+ || GET_CODE (addr) == AND /* Altivec memory */
+ || (rclass == FLOAT_REGS /* legacy float mem */
+ && GET_MODE_SIZE (mode) == 8
+ && and_op2 == NULL_RTX
+ && scratch_or_premodify == scratch
+ && rs6000_legitimate_offset_address_p (mode, addr, true)))
+ ;
+ else if (GET_CODE (addr) == PLUS)
+ {
+ addr_op1 = XEXP (addr, 0);
+ addr_op2 = XEXP (addr, 1);
+ gcc_assert (REG_P (addr_op1));
+ rs6000_emit_move (scratch, addr_op2, Pmode);
+ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode,
+ scratch_or_premodify,
+ gen_rtx_PLUS (Pmode,
+ addr_op1,
+ scratch)));
+ addr = scratch_or_premodify;
+ scratch_or_premodify = scratch;
+ else if (GET_CODE (addr) == SYMBOL_REF || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST
+ || GET_CODE (addr) == CONST_INT)
+ {
+ rs6000_emit_move (scratch_or_premodify, addr, Pmode);
+ addr = scratch_or_premodify;
+ scratch_or_premodify = scratch;
+ }
+ else
+ gcc_unreachable ();
gcc_unreachable ();
- /* If the original address involved an AND -16 that is part of the Altivec
- addresses, recreate the and now. */
+ /* If the original address involved a pre-modify that we couldn't use the VSX
+ memory instruction with update, and we haven't taken care of already,
+ store the address in the pre-modify register and use that as the
+ address. */
+ if (scratch_or_premodify != scratch && scratch_or_premodify != addr)
+ {
+ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, scratch_or_premodify, addr));
+ addr = scratch_or_premodify;
+ }
+ /* If the original address involved an AND -16 and we couldn't use an ALTIVEC
+ memory instruction, recreate the AND now, including the clobber which is
+ generated by the general ANDSI3/ANDDI3 patterns for the
+ andi. instruction. */
if (and_op2 != NULL_RTX)
- rtx and_rtx = gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode,
- scratch,
- gen_rtx_AND (Pmode, addr, and_op2));
- rtx cc_clobber = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (CCmode, gen_rtx_SCRATCH (CCmode));
+ if (! legitimate_indirect_address_p (addr, true))
+ {
+ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, scratch, addr));
+ addr = scratch;
+ }
+ and_rtx = gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode,
+ scratch,
+ gen_rtx_AND (Pmode,
+ addr,
+ and_op2));
+ cc_clobber = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (CCmode, gen_rtx_SCRATCH (CCmode));
emit_insn (gen_rtx_PARALLEL (VOIDmode,
gen_rtvec (2, and_rtx, cc_clobber)));
addr = scratch;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
2009-04-10 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com>
PR rtl-optimization/39543
* fwprop.c (forward_propagate_asm): New function.
(forward_propagate_and_simplify): Propagate also into __asm, if it
doesn't increase the number of referenced registers.
* gcc.target/i386/pr39543-1.c: New test.
* gcc.target/i386/pr39543-2.c: New test.
* gcc.target/i386/pr39543-3.c: New test.
--- gcc/fwprop.c.jj 2009-03-30 12:45:45.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/fwprop.c 2009-04-10 16:19:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* RTL-based forward propagation pass for GNU compiler.
- Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Paolo Bonzini and Steven Bosscher.
This file is part of GCC.
@@ -852,6 +852,80 @@ forward_propagate_subreg (df_ref use, rt
return false;
+/* Try to replace USE with SRC (defined in DEF_INSN) in __asm. */
+static bool
+forward_propagate_asm (df_ref use, rtx def_insn, rtx def_set, rtx reg)
+ rtx use_insn = DF_REF_INSN (use), src, use_pat, asm_operands, new_rtx, *loc;
+ int speed_p, i;
+ df_ref *use_vec;
+ gcc_assert ((DF_REF_FLAGS (use) & DF_REF_IN_NOTE) == 0);
+ src = SET_SRC (def_set);
+ use_pat = PATTERN (use_insn);
+ /* In __asm don't replace if src might need more registers than
+ reg, as that could increase register pressure on the __asm. */
+ use_vec = DF_INSN_USES (def_insn);
+ if (use_vec[0] && use_vec[1])
+ return false;
+ speed_p = optimize_bb_for_speed_p (BLOCK_FOR_INSN (use_insn));
+ asm_operands = NULL_RTX;
+ switch (GET_CODE (use_pat))
+ {
+ asm_operands = use_pat;
+ break;
+ case SET:
+ if (MEM_P (SET_DEST (use_pat)))
+ {
+ loc = &SET_DEST (use_pat);
+ new_rtx = propagate_rtx (*loc, GET_MODE (*loc), reg, src, speed_p);
+ if (new_rtx)
+ validate_unshare_change (use_insn, loc, new_rtx, true);
+ }
+ asm_operands = SET_SRC (use_pat);
+ break;
+ case PARALLEL:
+ for (i = 0; i < XVECLEN (use_pat, 0); i++)
+ if (GET_CODE (XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i)) == SET)
+ {
+ if (MEM_P (SET_DEST (XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i))))
+ {
+ loc = &SET_DEST (XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i));
+ new_rtx = propagate_rtx (*loc, GET_MODE (*loc), reg,
+ src, speed_p);
+ if (new_rtx)
+ validate_unshare_change (use_insn, loc, new_rtx, true);
+ }
+ asm_operands = SET_SRC (XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i));
+ }
+ else if (GET_CODE (XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i)) == ASM_OPERANDS)
+ asm_operands = XVECEXP (use_pat, 0, i);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gcc_unreachable ();
+ }
+ gcc_assert (asm_operands && GET_CODE (asm_operands) == ASM_OPERANDS);
+ for (i = 0; i < ASM_OPERANDS_INPUT_LENGTH (asm_operands); i++)
+ {
+ loc = &ASM_OPERANDS_INPUT (asm_operands, i);
+ new_rtx = propagate_rtx (*loc, GET_MODE (*loc), reg, src, speed_p);
+ if (new_rtx)
+ validate_unshare_change (use_insn, loc, new_rtx, true);
+ }
+ if (num_changes_pending () == 0 || !apply_change_group ())
+ return false;
+ num_changes++;
+ return true;
/* Try to replace USE with SRC (defined in DEF_INSN) and simplify the
result. */
@@ -863,12 +937,16 @@ forward_propagate_and_simplify (df_ref u
rtx src, reg, new_rtx, *loc;
bool set_reg_equal;
enum machine_mode mode;
+ int asm_use = -1;
+ if (INSN_CODE (use_insn) < 0)
+ asm_use = asm_noperands (PATTERN (use_insn));
- if (!use_set)
+ if (!use_set && asm_use < 0)
return false;
/* Do not propagate into PC, CC0, etc. */
- if (GET_MODE (SET_DEST (use_set)) == VOIDmode)
+ if (use_set && GET_MODE (SET_DEST (use_set)) == VOIDmode)
return false;
/* If def and use are subreg, check if they match. */
@@ -900,7 +978,7 @@ forward_propagate_and_simplify (df_ref u
if (MEM_P (src) && MEM_READONLY_P (src))
rtx x = avoid_constant_pool_reference (src);
- if (x != src)
+ if (x != src && use_set)
rtx note = find_reg_note (use_insn, REG_EQUAL, NULL_RTX);
rtx old_rtx = note ? XEXP (note, 0) : SET_SRC (use_set);
@@ -911,6 +989,9 @@ forward_propagate_and_simplify (df_ref u
return false;
+ if (asm_use >= 0)
+ return forward_propagate_asm (use, def_insn, def_set, reg);
/* Else try simplifying. */
--- gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-1.c.jj 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-1.c 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* PR rtl-optimization/39543 */
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer" } */
+float __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) s0[128];
+const float s1 = 0.707;
+float s2[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s3[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s4[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s5[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+foo (int k, float *x, float *y, const float *d, const float *z)
+ float *a, *b, *c, *e;
+ a = x + 2 * k;
+ b = a + 2 * k;
+ c = b + 2 * k;
+ e = y + 2 * k;
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ : "=m" (x[0]), "=m" (b[0]), "=m" (a[0]), "=m" (c[0])
+ : "m" (y[0]), "m" (y[k * 2]), "m" (x[0]), "m" (a[0])
+ : "memory");
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ :
+ : "m" (y[2]), "m" (d[2]), "m" (e[2]), "m" (z[2])
+ : "memory");
+ if (!--k)
+ break;
+ }
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ : "=m" (x[2]), "=m" (x[10]), "=m" (x[6]), "=m" (x[14])
+ : "m" (y[2]), "m" (y[6]), "m" (x[2]), "m" (x[6]),
+ "m" (y[18]), "m" (s1)
+ : "memory");
+bar (float *a)
+ foo (4, a, a + 16, s2, s3);
+ foo (8, a, a + 32, s4, s5);
+baz (void)
+ bar (s0);
--- gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-2.c.jj 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-2.c 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* PR rtl-optimization/39543 */
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O3" } */
+float __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) s0[128];
+const float s1 = 0.707;
+float s2[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s3[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s4[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+float s5[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+foo (int k, float *x, float *y, const float *d, const float *z)
+ float *a, *b, *c, *e;
+ a = x + 2 * k;
+ b = a + 2 * k;
+ c = b + 2 * k;
+ e = y + 2 * k;
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ : "=m" (x[0]), "=m" (b[0]), "=m" (a[0]), "=m" (c[0])
+ : "m" (y[0]), "m" (y[k * 2]), "m" (x[0]), "m" (a[0])
+ : "memory");
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ :
+ : "m" (y[2]), "m" (d[2]), "m" (e[2]), "m" (z[2])
+ : "memory");
+ if (!--k)
+ break;
+ }
+ __asm__ volatile (""
+ : "=m" (x[2]), "=m" (x[10]), "=m" (x[6]), "=m" (x[14])
+ : "m" (y[2]), "m" (y[6]), "m" (x[2]), "m" (x[6]), "m" (s1)
+ : "memory");
+bar (float *a)
+ foo (4, a, a + 16, s2, s3);
+ foo (8, a, a + 32, s4, s5);
+baz (void)
+ bar (s0);
--- gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-3.c.jj 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr39543-3.c 2009-04-09 09:47:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* PR rtl-optimization/39543 */
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O2" } */
+int s[128];
+f1 (void)
+ int i;
+ asm volatile ("# %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %15 %16 %17"
+ : "=r" (i)
+ : "m" (s[0]), "m" (s[2]), "m" (s[4]), "m" (s[6]), "m" (s[8]),
+ "m" (s[10]), "m" (s[12]), "m" (s[14]), "m" (s[16]), "m" (s[18]),
+ "m" (s[20]), "m" (s[22]), "m" (s[24]), "m" (s[26]), "m" (s[28]),
+ "m" (s[30]), "m" (s[32]));
+ asm volatile ("# %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %15 %16 %17"
+ : "=r" (i)
+ : "m" (s[0]), "m" (s[2]), "m" (s[4]), "m" (s[6]), "m" (s[8]),
+ "m" (s[10]), "m" (s[12]), "m" (s[14]), "m" (s[16]), "m" (s[18]),
+ "m" (s[20]), "m" (s[22]), "m" (s[24]), "m" (s[26]), "m" (s[28]),
+ "m" (s[30]), "m" (s[32]));
+f2 (int *q)
+ int i;
+ int *p = q + 32;
+ asm volatile ("# %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %15 %16 %17"
+ : "=r" (i)
+ : "m" (p[0]), "m" (p[2]), "m" (p[4]), "m" (p[6]), "m" (p[8]),
+ "m" (p[10]), "m" (p[12]), "m" (p[14]), "m" (p[16]), "m" (p[18]),
+ "m" (p[20]), "m" (p[22]), "m" (p[24]), "m" (p[26]), "m" (p[28]),
+ "m" (p[30]), "m" (p[32]));
+ asm volatile ("# %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %15 %16 %17"
+ : "=r" (i)
+ : "m" (p[0]), "m" (p[2]), "m" (p[4]), "m" (p[6]), "m" (p[8]),
+ "m" (p[10]), "m" (p[12]), "m" (p[14]), "m" (p[16]), "m" (p[18]),
+ "m" (p[20]), "m" (p[22]), "m" (p[24]), "m" (p[26]), "m" (p[28]),
+ "m" (p[30]), "m" (p[32]));
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
2009-04-14 Jason Merrill <jason@redhat.com>
PR c++/39763
* name-lookup.c (pushdecl_maybe_friend): Avoid all warnings
about shadowing by tentative parms.
* g++.dg/warn/Wshadow-4.C: Extend.
--- gcc/cp/name-lookup.c (revision 146053)
+++ gcc/cp/name-lookup.c (revision 146054)
@@ -1002,13 +1002,18 @@ pushdecl_maybe_friend (tree x, bool is_f
TREE_PUBLIC (name) = 1;
+ /* Don't complain about the parms we push and then pop
+ while tentatively parsing a function declarator. */
+ /* Ignore. */;
/* Warn if shadowing an argument at the top level of the body. */
- if (oldlocal != NULL_TREE && !DECL_EXTERNAL (x)
- /* Inline decls shadow nothing. */
- && TREE_CODE (oldlocal) == PARM_DECL
- /* Don't check the `this' parameter. */
- && !DECL_ARTIFICIAL (oldlocal))
+ else if (oldlocal != NULL_TREE && !DECL_EXTERNAL (x)
+ /* Inline decls shadow nothing. */
+ && TREE_CODE (oldlocal) == PARM_DECL
+ /* Don't check the `this' parameter. */
+ && !DECL_ARTIFICIAL (oldlocal))
bool err = false;
@@ -1032,10 +1037,7 @@ pushdecl_maybe_friend (tree x, bool is_f
- if (warn_shadow && !err
- /* Don't complain about the parms we push and then pop
- while tentatively parsing a function declarator. */
+ if (warn_shadow && !err)
warning (OPT_Wshadow, "declaration of %q#D shadows a parameter", x);
warning (OPT_Wshadow, "%Jshadowed declaration is here", oldlocal);
--- gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Wshadow-4.C (revision 146053)
+++ gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Wshadow-4.C (revision 146054)
@@ -18,3 +18,15 @@ int foo(int infoo) // { dg-warning "sha
return outfoo;
+// PR c++/39763
+int foo2(void)
+ int infoo = 0; // { dg-warning "shadowed declaration" }
+ int outfoo( INetURLObject( infoo ).GetMainURL()); // { dg-bogus "shadows" }
+ struct A
+ {
+ void f(int infoo) { } // { dg-warning "shadows a previous local" }
+ };
+ return outfoo;
2009-04-13 Jason Merrill <jason@redhat.com>
PR c++/39480
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
2009-04-24 Vladimir Makarov <vmakarov@redhat.com>
PR target/39856
* reg-stack.c (subst_stack_regs_pat): Remove gcc_assert for note
for clobber.
--- gcc/reg-stack.c (revision 146648)
+++ gcc/reg-stack.c (working copy)
@@ -1371,21 +1371,23 @@ subst_stack_regs_pat (rtx insn, stack re
if (pat != PATTERN (insn))
- /* The fix_truncdi_1 pattern wants to be able to allocate
- its own scratch register. It does this by clobbering
- an fp reg so that it is assured of an empty reg-stack
- register. If the register is live, kill it now.
- Remove the DEAD/UNUSED note so we don't try to kill it
- later too. */
+ /* The fix_truncdi_1 pattern wants to be able to
+ allocate its own scratch register. It does this by
+ clobbering an fp reg so that it is assured of an
+ empty reg-stack register. If the register is live,
+ kill it now. Remove the DEAD/UNUSED note so we
+ don't try to kill it later too.
+ In reality the UNUSED note can be absent in some
+ complicated cases when the register is reused for
+ partially set variable. */
if (note)
emit_pop_insn (insn, regstack, *dest, EMIT_BEFORE);
- {
- note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, *dest);
- gcc_assert (note);
- }
- remove_note (insn, note);
+ note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, *dest);
+ if (note)
+ remove_note (insn, note);
replace_reg (dest, FIRST_STACK_REG + 1);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
2009-05-05 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com>
PR target/39942
* config/i386/x86-64.h (ASM_OUTPUT_MAX_SKIP_ALIGN): Don't emit second
.p2align 3 if MAX_SKIP is smaller than 7.
* config/i386/linux.h (ASM_OUTPUT_MAX_SKIP_ALIGN): Likewise.
--- gcc/config/i386/x86-64.h.jj 2009-05-05 08:33:20.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/config/i386/x86-64.h 2009-05-05 16:37:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTI
fprintf ((FILE), "\t.p2align %d,,%d\n", (LOG), (MAX_SKIP)); \
/* Make sure that we have at least 8 byte alignment if > 8 byte \
alignment is preferred. */ \
- if ((LOG) > 3 && (1 << (LOG)) > ((MAX_SKIP) + 1)) \
+ if ((LOG) > 3 \
+ && (1 << (LOG)) > ((MAX_SKIP) + 1) \
+ && (MAX_SKIP) >= 7) \
fprintf ((FILE), "\t.p2align 3\n"); \
} \
} \
--- gcc/config/i386/linux.h.jj 2009-05-05 08:33:20.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/config/i386/linux.h 2009-05-05 16:37:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -153,7 +153,9 @@ along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.
fprintf ((FILE), "\t.p2align %d,,%d\n", (LOG), (MAX_SKIP)); \
/* Make sure that we have at least 8 byte alignment if > 8 byte \
alignment is preferred. */ \
- if ((LOG) > 3 && (1 << (LOG)) > ((MAX_SKIP) + 1)) \
+ if ((LOG) > 3 \
+ && (1 << (LOG)) > ((MAX_SKIP) + 1) \
+ && (MAX_SKIP) >= 7) \
fprintf ((FILE), "\t.p2align 3\n"); \
} \
} \
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
* Makefile.am (libgcj_tools_la_LIBADD): Add.
* Makefile.in: Regenerated.
--- libjava/Makefile.am.jj 2007-03-17 09:20:30.000000000 +0100
+++ libjava/Makefile.am 2007-10-16 15:45:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@ EXTRA_libgcj_la_SOURCES = java/lang/Obje
libgcj_tools_la_SOURCES = classpath/tools/tools.zip
libgcj_tools_la_GCJFLAGS = $(AM_GCJFLAGS) -findirect-dispatch -fno-indirect-classes -fsource-filename=$(here)/classpath/tools/all-classes.lst
--- libjava/Makefile.am.jj 2009-05-06 08:14:50.000000000 +0200
+++ libjava/Makefile.am 2009-05-06 10:26:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -314,6 +314,8 @@ libgcj_tools_la_SOURCES = classpath/tool
libgcj_tools_la_GCJFLAGS = $(AM_GCJFLAGS) -findirect-dispatch \
-fno-bootstrap-classes -fno-indirect-classes \
+## See jv_convert_LDADD.
+libgcj_tools_la_LIBADD = -L$(here)/.libs libgcj.la
libgcj_tools_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath $(toolexeclibdir) \
-version-info `grep -v '^\#' $(srcdir)/libtool-version` \
--- libjava/Makefile.in.jj 2007-07-04 21:11:11.000000000 +0200
+++ libjava/Makefile.in 2007-10-16 15:56:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ am__objects_1 = gnu/gcj/xlib/lib_gnu_awt
--- libjava/Makefile.in.jj 2009-05-06 08:14:49.000000000 +0200
+++ libjava/Makefile.in 2009-05-06 10:27:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ am__objects_1 = gnu/gcj/xlib/lib_gnu_awt
am_lib_gnu_awt_xlib_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1)
lib_gnu_awt_xlib_la_OBJECTS = $(am_lib_gnu_awt_xlib_la_OBJECTS)
@XLIB_AWT_TRUE@am_lib_gnu_awt_xlib_la_rpath = -rpath $(toolexeclibdir)
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
am_libgcj_tools_la_OBJECTS = classpath/tools/libgcj_tools_la-tools.lo
libgcj_tools_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libgcj_tools_la_OBJECTS)
@INTERPRETER_TRUE@am__DEPENDENCIES_1 = gnu/classpath/jdwp.lo \
@@ -941,6 +940,7 @@ libgcj_la_LINK = $(LIBLINK)
EXTRA_libgcj_la_SOURCES = java/lang/Object.java
libgcj_tools_la_SOURCES = classpath/tools/tools.zip
libgcj_tools_la_GCJFLAGS = $(AM_GCJFLAGS) -findirect-dispatch -fno-indirect-classes -fsource-filename=$(here)/classpath/tools/all-classes.lst
@@ -1041,6 +1040,7 @@ libgcj_tools_la_GCJFLAGS = $(AM_GCJFLAGS
-fno-bootstrap-classes -fno-indirect-classes \
+libgcj_tools_la_LIBADD = -L$(here)/.libs libgcj.la
libgcj_tools_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath $(toolexeclibdir) \
-version-info `grep -v '^\#' $(srcdir)/libtool-version` \
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# generate-cacerts.pl generates a gkeytool keystore named 'cacerts'
# from OpenSSL's certificate bundle.
# First extract each of OpenSSL's bundled certificates into its own
# aliased filename.
$file = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem";
open(CERTS, $file);
@certs = <CERTS>;
$pem_file_number = 0;
$writing_cert = 0;
foreach $cert (@certs)
if ($cert eq "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
if ($writing_cert != 0)
die "$file is malformed.";
# Numbering each file guarantees that cert aliases will be
# unique.
$pem_file_name = "$pem_file_number$cert_alias.pem";
$writing_cert = 1;
open(PEM, ">$pem_file_name");
print PEM $cert;
elsif ($cert eq "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
$writing_cert = 0;
print PEM $cert;
elsif ($cert =~ /Issuer: /)
# Generate an alias using the OU and CN attributes of the
# Issuer field if both are present, otherwise use only the CN
# attribute. The Issuer field must have either the OU or the
# CN attribute.
$_ = $cert;
if ($cert =~ /OU=/)
# Remove other occurrences of OU=.
# Remove CN= if there were not other occurrences of OU=.
elsif ($cert =~ /CN=/)
$cert_alias = $_
if ($writing_cert == 1)
print PEM $cert;
# Check that the correct number of .pem files were produced.
@pem_files = <*.pem>;
if (@pem_files != $pem_file_number)
die "Number of .pem files produced does not match".
" number of certs read from $file.";
# Now store each cert in the 'cacerts' file using gkeytool.
$certs_written_count = 0;
foreach $pem_file (@pem_files)
system "yes | gkeytool -import -alias `basename $pem_file .pem`".
" -keystore cacerts -storepass '' -file $pem_file".
" 2>&1 >/dev/null";
# Check that the correct number of certs were added to the keystore.
if ($certs_written_count != $pem_file_number)
die "Number of certs added to keystore does not match".
" number of certs read from $file.";
@ -1 +1,2 @@
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