2024-07-13 16:31:28 +02:00
# Generate Requires: filesystem(unmerged-sbin-symlinks) if any
# of the filenames were known to reside in /usr/sbin.
# When the package with the files is being built, it's possible that
# %_sbindir==/usr/bin, so we cannot rely on the location to figure
# this out and we need a hardcoded list.
2024-09-15 16:57:47 +02:00
# Do nothing if the build system is not merged.
test -L /usr/sbin || exit 0
2024-07-13 16:31:28 +02:00
declare -A "filenames=($(sed 's/.*/["\0"]=1/' <"${sbin_filenames}"))"
while read -r path; do
filename="$(basename "$path")"
if [ -n "${filenames[$filename]}" ]; then
echo ";$path"
echo "filesystem(unmerged-sbin-symlinks)"