Summary: FrameBuffer Imageviewer Name: fbida Version: 2.06 Release: 4%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ Group: Applications/Multimedia URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz Patch0: fbgs.1.diff Patch1: fbi.1.diff BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: libexif-devel fontconfig-devel libjpeg-devel BuildRequires: libpng-devel libtiff-devel pkgconfig BuildRequires: libungif-devel curl-devel BuildRequires: libXpm-devel Requires: ImageMagick bitstream-vera-fonts Obsoletes: fbida-ida < 2.06-1 %description fbi displays the specified file(s) on the linux console using the framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xwd, bmp and png are supported directly. For other formats fbi tries to use ImageMagick's convert. %package fbgs Group: Applications/Multimedia Summary: Framebuffer Postscript Viewer Requires: ghostscript fbida %description fbgs A wrapper script for viewing ps/pdf files on the framebuffer console using fbi %prep %setup -q %patch0 %patch1 %{__sed} -i -e "s,(INSTALL) -s,(INSTALL) ," mk/ %{__sed} -i -e "s,/X11R6,,g" GNUmakefile %{__sed} -i -e "s,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11,%{_datadir}/X11,g" mk/ %build LIB=%{_lib} prefix=%{_prefix} CFLAGS=$RPM_OPT_FLAGS %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} HAVE_MOTIF=no exiftran thumbnail.cgi fbi %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 > iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 > iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 > %{__mv} %{__mv} %{__mv} lib=%{_lib} prefix=%{_prefix} %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %doc Changes COPYING README TODO %doc %{_mandir}/man1/fbi* %doc %{_mandir}/man1/exiftran* %{_bindir}/fbi %{_bindir}/exiftran %files fbgs %defattr(-, root, root, -) %doc %{_mandir}/man1/fbgs* %{_bindir}/fbgs %changelog * Sat Aug 25 2007 Adrian Reber - 2.06-4 - rebuilt * Tue Oct 31 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.06-3 - rebuilt for new curl * Fri Sep 29 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.06-2 - obsoleted fbida-ida subpackage (#208457) * Wed Aug 30 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway - 2.06-1 - get rid of ida, we can't build a working version without openmotif * Fri Jul 28 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.05-1 - updated to 2.05 - dropped fbida.CVE-2006-1695.patch (now included) - dropped fix for #200321 (included in new release) - added two patches from debian to fix typos in manpages * Thu Jul 27 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-12 - security fix for #200321 * Mon Apr 24 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-11 - security fix for #189721 * Mon Feb 13 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-10 - rebuilt * Wed Jan 18 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-9 - this should finally work; also on x86_64 * Wed Jan 18 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-8 - rebuilt * Wed Jan 18 2006 Adrian Reber - 2.03-7 - moved file Ida to %%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults * Thu Nov 24 2005 Adrian Reber - 2.03-6 - updated for modular xorg-x11 * Tue May 10 2005 Adrian Reber - 2.03-5 - fix debuginfo subpackage creation * Mon Apr 04 2005 Adrian Reber - 2.03-4 - rebuild for new libexif * Mon Feb 21 2005 Thorsten Leemhuis - 2.03-3 - Fix typo; must be LIB=%%{_lib}; really fixes x86_64 * Sat Feb 12 2005 Thorsten Leemhuis - 2.03-2 - lib=%%{_lib} in make call; fixes x86_64 * Fri Feb 11 2005 Adrian Reber - 2.03-1 - updated to 2.03 - created subpackages for ida and fbgs * Sun Nov 28 2004 Adrian Reber - 2.02-1 - updated to 2.02 - converted manpages to UTF-8 * Sun Nov 28 2004 Adrian Reber - 2.01-1 - initial package